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Sliding Mode Control of Vehicle Suspension System under Different Road Conditions

Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 72 - 77, 30.06.2017


development in the automotive sector caused to comfort and security problems
that was an important topic for engineering studies. Many vibrations sourced
from external factors that occur, these vibrations adversely affect the
vehicle's internal dynamics, comfort and safety. To better damp these
vibrations, controllers are required for suspensions. In this study, the
mathematical model of the quarter vehicle suspension system is modeled by
SIMULINK toolbox of MATLAB. Then, the system has been combined with
proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID) and sliding mode control
(SMC). After applying roads disturbance as inputs to the controllers, the
performance of system is compared with uncontrolled system. 


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  • [12] Weichao Sun, Huijun Gao, Okyay Kaynak, Adaptive Backstepping Control for Active Suspension Systems with Hard Constraints, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 18(3), 2013, 1072-1079.
  • [13] Jagat Jyoti Rath, Michael Defoort, Hamid Reza Karimi, Kalyana Chakravarthy Veluvolu, Output Feedback Active Suspension Control with Higher Order Terminal Sliding Mode, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(2), 2017, 1392-1403.
  • [14] Shida Nie, Ye Zhuang, Weiping Liu, Fan Chen, A Semi-Active Suspension Control Algorithm for Vehicle Comprehensive Vertical Dynamics Performance, International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility, 55(8), 2017, 1099-1122.
  • [15] Ruey-Jing Lian, Enhanced Adaptive Self-Organizing Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Controller for Active Suspension Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60(3), 2013, 958-968.
  • [16] Christoph Gohrie, Andreas Schindler, Andreas Wagner, Oliver Sawodny, Design and Vehicle Implementation of Preview Active Suspension Controllers, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22(3), 2014, 1135-1142.
  • [17] Shiping Wen, Michael Z.Q. Chen, Zhigang Zeng, Xinghuo Yu, Tingwen Huang, Fuzzy Control for Uncertain Vehicle Active Suspension Systems via Dynamic Sliding-Mode Approach, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 47(1), 2014, 24-32.
  • [18] A. Shehata, H.Metered, Walid A. H. Oraby, Vibration Control of Active Vehicle Suspension System using Fuzzy Logic Controller, Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, 23, 2014, 389-399.
  • [19] Jagat. J. Rath, KalyanaC. Veluvolu, Michael Defoort, Active Control of Nonlinear Suspension System using Modified Adaptive Supertwisting Controller, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015, ID:408623, 1-10.
  • [20] J. Goldberg, Adjusting automobile suspension system,United States patent, US4191274, Mar.4, 1980.
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Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 72 - 77, 30.06.2017



  • [1] Bilgiç, B., Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Taşit Süspansiyon Sistemlerinin Mr Sönümleyici Kullanarak Kontrolü, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007.
  • [2] A.Florin,M.R.I.Cozmin,P.Liliana, Pasıve suspensıon modelıng usıng matlab, quarter car model, ımput sıgnal step type, New technologies and products in machine manufacturing technologies (2013) 258-263.
  • [3] Darus, R., Inzai, N. I., “Modeling and Control Active Suspension System for a Quarter Car Model”, In International Conference on Science and Social Research (CSSR 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,December 5 7, 2010, pp. 1203-1206.
  • [4] D. Fischer, R. Isermann, Mechatronics semi-active and active vehicle suspensions, Control Engineering Practice.12 (2004) 1353-1367.
  • [5] I. Eski, S. Yildirim, Vibration control of vehicle active suspension system using a new robust neural network control system, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory. 17 (2007) 778-793.
  • [6] G. Priyandoko, M.Mailah, H.Jamaluddin, Vehicle active suspension system using skyhook adaptive neuro active force control, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 23(2009)855-868.
  • [7] E. A. Sanchez, A quarter-car suspension system: car body mass estimator and sliding mode control, Procedia Technology. 7 (2013) 208-214.
  • [8] M. S. Kumar, Development of active suspension system for automobiles using PID controller, Proceedings of the World Congress onEngineering. 2(2008).
  • [9] P.E. Uys, P.S. Els, M. Thoresson, Suspension settings for optimal ride comfort of off-road vehicles travelling on roads with different roughness and speeds,Journal of Terramechanics. 44(2007) 163–175.
  • [10] D. A. Mantaras, P. Luque, C. Vera, Development and validation of a three-dimensional kinematic model for the McPherson steering and suspension mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory. 39(2004) 603–619.
  • [11] Hongyi Li, Jinjong Yu, Chris Hilton, Honghai Liu, Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control for Nonlinear Active Suspension Vehicle Systems Using T–S Fuzzy Approach, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60(8), 2013, 3328-3338.
  • [12] Weichao Sun, Huijun Gao, Okyay Kaynak, Adaptive Backstepping Control for Active Suspension Systems with Hard Constraints, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 18(3), 2013, 1072-1079.
  • [13] Jagat Jyoti Rath, Michael Defoort, Hamid Reza Karimi, Kalyana Chakravarthy Veluvolu, Output Feedback Active Suspension Control with Higher Order Terminal Sliding Mode, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(2), 2017, 1392-1403.
  • [14] Shida Nie, Ye Zhuang, Weiping Liu, Fan Chen, A Semi-Active Suspension Control Algorithm for Vehicle Comprehensive Vertical Dynamics Performance, International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility, 55(8), 2017, 1099-1122.
  • [15] Ruey-Jing Lian, Enhanced Adaptive Self-Organizing Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Controller for Active Suspension Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60(3), 2013, 958-968.
  • [16] Christoph Gohrie, Andreas Schindler, Andreas Wagner, Oliver Sawodny, Design and Vehicle Implementation of Preview Active Suspension Controllers, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22(3), 2014, 1135-1142.
  • [17] Shiping Wen, Michael Z.Q. Chen, Zhigang Zeng, Xinghuo Yu, Tingwen Huang, Fuzzy Control for Uncertain Vehicle Active Suspension Systems via Dynamic Sliding-Mode Approach, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 47(1), 2014, 24-32.
  • [18] A. Shehata, H.Metered, Walid A. H. Oraby, Vibration Control of Active Vehicle Suspension System using Fuzzy Logic Controller, Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, 23, 2014, 389-399.
  • [19] Jagat. J. Rath, KalyanaC. Veluvolu, Michael Defoort, Active Control of Nonlinear Suspension System using Modified Adaptive Supertwisting Controller, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015, ID:408623, 1-10.
  • [20] J. Goldberg, Adjusting automobile suspension system,United States patent, US4191274, Mar.4, 1980.
  • [21] Wu, M. -., & Shih, M. -. (2003). Simulated and experimental study of hydraulic anti-lock braking system using sliding-mode PWM control. Mechatronics, 13(4), 331-351.
There are 21 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Korhan Kayisli

Vedat Karaman This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


IEEE K. Kayisli and V. Karaman, “Sliding Mode Control of Vehicle Suspension System under Different Road Conditions”, IJESA, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 72–77, 2017.

ISSN 2548-1185
e-ISSN 2587-2176
Period: Quarterly
Founded: 2016