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Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 123 - 129, 28.09.2019



  • [1] Ho KH, Newman ST. 2003. State of the art electrical discharge machining (EDM). International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 43: 1287-1300.
  • [2] Afiq RM, Rahman M, Senthil KA. 2016. A study on compound micromachining using laser and Electric Discharge Machining (EDM). Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies. 2: 258-265.
  • [3] Rajurkar KP, Sundaram MM, Malshe AP. 2013. Review of electrochemical and electrodischarge machining. Procedia Cirp. 6:13-26.
  • [4] Abbas NM, Solomon DG, Bahari MF. 2007. A review on current research trends in electrical discharge machining (EDM). International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47: 1214-1228.
  • [5] Pandey A, Singh S. 2010. Current research trends in variants of Electrical Discharge Machining: A review. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2: 2172-2191.
  • [6] Grzesik W. 2008. Advanced machining processes of metallic materials: theory, modelling and applications. Elsevier.
  • [7] Schrader GF, Elshennawy AK, Doyle LE. 2000. Manufacturing processes materials, Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
  • [8] Choi ACK, Kaebernick H, Lai WH. 1997. Manufacturing processes modelling for environmental impact assessment. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 70: 231-238.[9] Groover MP. 2007. Fundamentals of modern manufacturing: materials processes, and systems. John Wiley & Sons.
  • [10] Muttamara A. 2015. Comparison performances of EDM on Ti6Al4V with two graphite grades. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications. 6: 250.
  • [11] Paramashivan SS, Mathew J, Mahadevan S. 2012. Mathematical modeling of aerosol emission from die sinking electrical discharge machining process. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 36: 1493-1503.
  • [12] Abrol A, Singla VK. 2013. Study on Optimization and Machining Characteristics of Electric Discharge Machining Using Powder Suspension Dielectric Fluids. Thapar University.
  • [13] Abukhshim NA, Mativenga PT, Sheikh MA. 2006. Heat generation and temperature prediction in metal cutting: A review and implications for high speed machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture: 46: 782-800.
  • [14] Shivakoti I, Kibria G, Diyaley S, Pradhan BB. 2013. Multi-objective optimization and analysis of electrical discharge machining process during micro-hole machining of D3 die steel employing salt mixed de-ionized water dielectric. Journal of Computational & Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering. 3: 27-39.
  • [15] Jose M, Sivapirakasam SP, Surianarayanan M. 2010. Analysis of aerosol emission and hazard evaluation of electrical discharge machining (EDM) process. Industrial Health: 48: 478-486.
  • [16] Tönshoff HK. Egger R, Klocke F. 1996. Environmental and safety aspects of electrophysical and electrochemical processes. CIRP Annals. 45: 553-568.
  • [17] Singh J, Sharma RK. 2016. Green EDM strategies to minimize environmental impact and improve process efficiency. Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production. 16: 273-290.
  • [18] Yeo SH, Tan HC, New AK. 1998. Assessment of waste streams in electric-discharge machining for environmental impact analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 212: 393-401.
  • [19] Kellens K, Dewulf W, Lauwers B, Kruth JP, Duflou JR. 2013. Environmental impact reduction in discrete manufacturing: examples for non-conventional processes. Procedia CIRP. 6: 27-34.
  • [20] Valaki JB, Rathod PP, Sankhavara CD. 2016. Investigations on technical feasibility of Jatropha curcas oil based bio dielectric fluid for sustainable electric discharge machining (EDM). Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 22: 151-160.
  • [21] Abbas NM, Yusoff N, Mahmod R. 2012. Electrical discharge machining (EDM): practices in Malaysian industries and possible change towards green manufacturing. Procedia Engineering. 41: 1684-1688.
  • [22] Singh H, Chatha SS, Singh H. 2013. Role of Dielectric and Tool Material on EDM Performance: A REVIEW. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development. 7:67–72
  • [23] Singh NK, Singh KK. 2015. Review on recent development in environmental-friendly EDM techniques. Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology. 39:17-37.
  • [24] Chen R, Shi X, Bai R, Rang W, Huo L, Zhao L, Chen C. 2015. Airborne nanoparticle pollution in a wire electrical discharge machining workshop and potential health risks. Aerosol Air Qual Res, 15: 284–294.
  • [25] Sapkale SC, Dabade UA. 2017. Effect of Dielectric Fluid in EDM: A Review. Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal. 13:390-394.
  • [26] Valaki JB, Rathod PP, Khatri BC. 2015. Environmental impact, personnel health and operational safety aspects of electric discharge machining: A review. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 229:1481-1491.
  • [27] Satyarthi MK, Bharti PS. 2016. A Review on Impacts of EDM on Environment, Health and Safety. 13: 390–394.
  • [28] Valaki JB, Rathod PP. 2016. Assessment of operational feasibility of waste vegetable oil based bio-dielectric fluid for sustainable electric discharge machining (EDM). The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87:1509-1518.
  • [29] Amanullah M, Islam SM, Chami S, Ienco G. 2005. Analyses of electro-chemical characteristics of vegetable oils as an alternative source to mineral oil-based dielectric fluid. In IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids.
  • [30] Goh CL, Ho SF. 1993. Contact dermatitis from dielectric fluids in electrodischarge machining. Contact Dermatitis. 28: 134-138.
  • [31] Sivapirakasam SP. Mathew J, Surianarayanan M. 2011. Constituent analysis of aerosol generated from die sinking electrical discharge machining process. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 89: 141-150.
  • [32] Singh J, Sharma RK. 2016. Assessing the effects of different dielectrics on environmentally conscious powder-mixed EDM of difficult-to-machine material (WC-Co). Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 11: 374-387.
  • [33] Thiyagarajan S, Sivapirakasam SP, Mathew J, Surianarayanan M, Sundareswaran K. 2014. Influence of workpiece materials on aerosol emission from die sinking electrical discharge machining process. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 92: 739-749.
  • [34] Singh P, Chaudhary AK, Singh T, Rana AK. 2015. Comparison of outputs for dry EDM and EDM with oil: a review. International Journal for Research in Emerging Science and Technology. 2: 45-49.
  • [35] Yu Z, Jun T, Masanori K. 2004. Dry electrical discharge machining of cemented carbide. Journal of materials processing technology. 149: 353-357.
  • [36] Leão FN, Pashby IR. 2004. A review on the use of environmentally-friendly dielectric fluids in electrical discharge machining. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 149: 341-346.
  • [37] Valaki JB, Rathod PP. 2016. Investigating feasibility through performance analysis of green dielectrics for sustainable electric discharge machining. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 31: 541-549.
  • [38] Islam MM, Li CP, Ko TJ. 2017. Dry electrical discharge machining for deburring drilled holes in CFRP composite. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing Green Technology. 4: 149-154.
  • [39] Skrabalak G, Kozak J. 2011. Modeling and Experimental Investigations of Dry Electrical Discharge Machining (DEDM). AIP Conference Proceedings.
  • [40] Kunieda M, Furuoya S, Taniguchi N. 1991. Improvement of EDM efficiency by supplying oxygen gas into gap. CIRP Annals. 40: 215-218.

The Environmental Impact of Electric Discharge Machining

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 123 - 129, 28.09.2019


Sustainable manufacturing aims to use fewer resources
and energy, and to produce less environmentally harmful waste and less
pollutants. Productive, scientific and research institutions have sought to
innovate and develop new production methods that contribute to improved
performance, profitability, quality improvement and adherence to sustainable
manufacturing requirements. Electric discharge machining (EDM) is used to
machine different types of materials especially hard material with high
precision. During EDM wastes and toxic emissions are released to cause negative
impact on the environment and operators health. The concentration these
undesirable products are affected by several factors, the most important of
which is the type of the dielectric or dry EDM or near-dry EDM. In this paper,
authors have reviewed studies which most of them focus on two sustainable
manufacturing indicators, machining performance and environmental impact of
using hydrocarbon based dielectric fluid and compared to bio-dielectric, water,
dry, and near-dry. It is concluded from these studies that there are
alternatives to EDM, and these alternatives give good machining results and
have less impact on the environment. To reduce the risk of the process requires
safety measures and some equipment and further researches in sustainable
manufacturing using EDM.


  • [1] Ho KH, Newman ST. 2003. State of the art electrical discharge machining (EDM). International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 43: 1287-1300.
  • [2] Afiq RM, Rahman M, Senthil KA. 2016. A study on compound micromachining using laser and Electric Discharge Machining (EDM). Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies. 2: 258-265.
  • [3] Rajurkar KP, Sundaram MM, Malshe AP. 2013. Review of electrochemical and electrodischarge machining. Procedia Cirp. 6:13-26.
  • [4] Abbas NM, Solomon DG, Bahari MF. 2007. A review on current research trends in electrical discharge machining (EDM). International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 47: 1214-1228.
  • [5] Pandey A, Singh S. 2010. Current research trends in variants of Electrical Discharge Machining: A review. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. 2: 2172-2191.
  • [6] Grzesik W. 2008. Advanced machining processes of metallic materials: theory, modelling and applications. Elsevier.
  • [7] Schrader GF, Elshennawy AK, Doyle LE. 2000. Manufacturing processes materials, Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
  • [8] Choi ACK, Kaebernick H, Lai WH. 1997. Manufacturing processes modelling for environmental impact assessment. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 70: 231-238.[9] Groover MP. 2007. Fundamentals of modern manufacturing: materials processes, and systems. John Wiley & Sons.
  • [10] Muttamara A. 2015. Comparison performances of EDM on Ti6Al4V with two graphite grades. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications. 6: 250.
  • [11] Paramashivan SS, Mathew J, Mahadevan S. 2012. Mathematical modeling of aerosol emission from die sinking electrical discharge machining process. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 36: 1493-1503.
  • [12] Abrol A, Singla VK. 2013. Study on Optimization and Machining Characteristics of Electric Discharge Machining Using Powder Suspension Dielectric Fluids. Thapar University.
  • [13] Abukhshim NA, Mativenga PT, Sheikh MA. 2006. Heat generation and temperature prediction in metal cutting: A review and implications for high speed machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture: 46: 782-800.
  • [14] Shivakoti I, Kibria G, Diyaley S, Pradhan BB. 2013. Multi-objective optimization and analysis of electrical discharge machining process during micro-hole machining of D3 die steel employing salt mixed de-ionized water dielectric. Journal of Computational & Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering. 3: 27-39.
  • [15] Jose M, Sivapirakasam SP, Surianarayanan M. 2010. Analysis of aerosol emission and hazard evaluation of electrical discharge machining (EDM) process. Industrial Health: 48: 478-486.
  • [16] Tönshoff HK. Egger R, Klocke F. 1996. Environmental and safety aspects of electrophysical and electrochemical processes. CIRP Annals. 45: 553-568.
  • [17] Singh J, Sharma RK. 2016. Green EDM strategies to minimize environmental impact and improve process efficiency. Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production. 16: 273-290.
  • [18] Yeo SH, Tan HC, New AK. 1998. Assessment of waste streams in electric-discharge machining for environmental impact analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 212: 393-401.
  • [19] Kellens K, Dewulf W, Lauwers B, Kruth JP, Duflou JR. 2013. Environmental impact reduction in discrete manufacturing: examples for non-conventional processes. Procedia CIRP. 6: 27-34.
  • [20] Valaki JB, Rathod PP, Sankhavara CD. 2016. Investigations on technical feasibility of Jatropha curcas oil based bio dielectric fluid for sustainable electric discharge machining (EDM). Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 22: 151-160.
  • [21] Abbas NM, Yusoff N, Mahmod R. 2012. Electrical discharge machining (EDM): practices in Malaysian industries and possible change towards green manufacturing. Procedia Engineering. 41: 1684-1688.
  • [22] Singh H, Chatha SS, Singh H. 2013. Role of Dielectric and Tool Material on EDM Performance: A REVIEW. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development. 7:67–72
  • [23] Singh NK, Singh KK. 2015. Review on recent development in environmental-friendly EDM techniques. Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology. 39:17-37.
  • [24] Chen R, Shi X, Bai R, Rang W, Huo L, Zhao L, Chen C. 2015. Airborne nanoparticle pollution in a wire electrical discharge machining workshop and potential health risks. Aerosol Air Qual Res, 15: 284–294.
  • [25] Sapkale SC, Dabade UA. 2017. Effect of Dielectric Fluid in EDM: A Review. Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal. 13:390-394.
  • [26] Valaki JB, Rathod PP, Khatri BC. 2015. Environmental impact, personnel health and operational safety aspects of electric discharge machining: A review. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 229:1481-1491.
  • [27] Satyarthi MK, Bharti PS. 2016. A Review on Impacts of EDM on Environment, Health and Safety. 13: 390–394.
  • [28] Valaki JB, Rathod PP. 2016. Assessment of operational feasibility of waste vegetable oil based bio-dielectric fluid for sustainable electric discharge machining (EDM). The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87:1509-1518.
  • [29] Amanullah M, Islam SM, Chami S, Ienco G. 2005. Analyses of electro-chemical characteristics of vegetable oils as an alternative source to mineral oil-based dielectric fluid. In IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids.
  • [30] Goh CL, Ho SF. 1993. Contact dermatitis from dielectric fluids in electrodischarge machining. Contact Dermatitis. 28: 134-138.
  • [31] Sivapirakasam SP. Mathew J, Surianarayanan M. 2011. Constituent analysis of aerosol generated from die sinking electrical discharge machining process. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 89: 141-150.
  • [32] Singh J, Sharma RK. 2016. Assessing the effects of different dielectrics on environmentally conscious powder-mixed EDM of difficult-to-machine material (WC-Co). Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 11: 374-387.
  • [33] Thiyagarajan S, Sivapirakasam SP, Mathew J, Surianarayanan M, Sundareswaran K. 2014. Influence of workpiece materials on aerosol emission from die sinking electrical discharge machining process. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 92: 739-749.
  • [34] Singh P, Chaudhary AK, Singh T, Rana AK. 2015. Comparison of outputs for dry EDM and EDM with oil: a review. International Journal for Research in Emerging Science and Technology. 2: 45-49.
  • [35] Yu Z, Jun T, Masanori K. 2004. Dry electrical discharge machining of cemented carbide. Journal of materials processing technology. 149: 353-357.
  • [36] Leão FN, Pashby IR. 2004. A review on the use of environmentally-friendly dielectric fluids in electrical discharge machining. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 149: 341-346.
  • [37] Valaki JB, Rathod PP. 2016. Investigating feasibility through performance analysis of green dielectrics for sustainable electric discharge machining. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 31: 541-549.
  • [38] Islam MM, Li CP, Ko TJ. 2017. Dry electrical discharge machining for deburring drilled holes in CFRP composite. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing Green Technology. 4: 149-154.
  • [39] Skrabalak G, Kozak J. 2011. Modeling and Experimental Investigations of Dry Electrical Discharge Machining (DEDM). AIP Conference Proceedings.
  • [40] Kunieda M, Furuoya S, Taniguchi N. 1991. Improvement of EDM efficiency by supplying oxygen gas into gap. CIRP Annals. 40: 215-218.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ali Kalyon 0000-0003-3300-1336

Abubaker Yousef Fatatit This is me

Publication Date September 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


IEEE A. Kalyon and A. Y. Fatatit, “The Environmental Impact of Electric Discharge Machining”, IJESA, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 123–129, 2019.

ISSN 2548-1185
e-ISSN 2587-2176
Period: Quarterly
Founded: 2016