Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 12, 01.03.2018
Elifcan Göçmen
Rızvan Erol
- Ahmadi-Javid, A., & Seddighi, AH. (2013). A location-routing problem with disruption risk, Transportation Research Part E. Logist. Trans. Rev. 53, 63–82.
- Akca, Z, Berger, RT. & Ralphs, TK. (2008). Modeling and Solving Location Routing and Scheduling Problems. Working paper, COR@L Lab, Lehigh University.
- Alumur, S. & Kara, BY. (2007). A new model for the hazardous waste location-routing problem, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1406–1423.
- Belenguer, JM., Benavent, E, Prins, C. & Calvo, RW., (2006). A Branch and Cut Method for the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem, Service Systems and Service Management, Vol 2.
- Belenguer, JM., Benavent, E., Prins, C., Prodhon, C. & Wolfler Calvo, R. (2011). A branch-and-cut method for the capacitated location-routing problem, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp.931–941.
- Boyer, O., Hong, TS., Pedram, A., Yusuff, R. BM., & Zulkifli, N. (2013). A mathematical model for the industrial hazardous waste location-routing problem. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1–10.
- Ceselli, A., Righini, G., & Tresoldi, E. (2014). Combined location and routing problems for drug distribution. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 165(11), 130–145.
- Contardo, C. Hemmelmayr, V. & Crainic, TG. (2012). Lower and upper bounds for the two-echelon capacitated location-routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39(12):3185–3199.
- Dalfard, VM., Kaveh, M., & Nosratian, NE. (2013). Two meta-heuristic algorithms for two-echelon location-routing problem with vehicle fleet capacity and maximum route length constraints. Neural Computing and Applications, 23(7–8), 2341–2349.
- Doulabi, SH. & Seifi, A., (2013). Lower and upper bounds for location-arc routing problems with vehicle capacity constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 224, 189-208.
- Duhamel, C., Lacomme, P., Prins, C., & Prodhon, C. (2008). A memetic approach for the capacitated location routing problem. In Proceedings of the EU/meeting 2008 workshop on metaheuristics for logistics and vehicle routing. University of Technology of Troyes, France.
- Goodarzi, AH. & Zegordi, SH. (2016). A location-routing problem for cross-docking networks: A biogeography-based optimization algorithm. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 132-146.
- Jacobs, DA., Silan, MN. & Clemson, BA. (1996) . An Analysis of Alternative Locations and Service Areas of American Red Cross Blood Facilities, Interfaces 26,40-50.
- Lam, M., Mittenthal, J. & Gray, B. (2009). The impact of stopping rules on hierarchical capacitated clustering in location routing problems, Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal 12(1): 13—28.
- Lee, Y., Kim, SI., Lee, S. & Kang, K. (2003). A location-routing problem in designing optical internet access with WDM systems’, Photonic Network Communications, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.151–160.
- Melechovsky, J. Prins, C. & Wolfler Calvo, R. (2005). A metaheuristic to solve a location-routing problem with non-linear costs. Journal of Heuristics. Vol. 11, pp. 375-391.
- Nagy, G. & Salhi, S. (2007). Location- routing: Issues, models and methods. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 176, 649–672.
- Or, I. & Pierskalla, WP. (1979). A Transportation Location-Allocation Model for Regional Blood Banking, AIIE Transactions 11,86-95.
- Price, WL & Turcotte, M.,(1986). Locating a Blood Bank, Interfaces 16,17-26.
- Rahim, F., & Sepil C., (2014), A location-routing problem in glass recycling, Annals of Operations Research, 223: 329-353.
- Randa, AC.,Cömert, A., Adigüzel, B.,Balikçioğlu, C.,Örnekol C.,Bayindir, P., Bakal,İS.,Türk Kızılayı Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Kan Ürünleri Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Projesi,Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi 22(3),22-70.
- Sapountzis, C., (1984). Allocating Blood to Hospitals from A Central Blood Bank, European Journal Of Operational Research 16,157-162.
- Şahin, G., Sural, H., and Meral, S. (2007) Locational Analysis for Regionalization of Turkish Red Crescent Blood Service, Computer & Operations Research, 34, 692-704.
- Ting, CJ. & Chen,CH. (2013). A multiple ant colony optimization algorithm for the capacitated location routing problem, International Journal of Production Economics 141(1): 34–44.
- Tuzun D, & Burke LI. (1999). A two-phase tabu search approach to the location routing problem. Eur J Oper Res 116:87–99.
- Wang, X., Sun, X. & Fang, Y. (2005). A two-phase hybrid heuristic search approach to the location-routing problem, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 4, pp. 3338–3343.
- World Health Organization. (2014). http://www.who.int.
- Yakıcı, E. (2016). Solving location and routing problem for UAVs. Computers & IndustrialEngineering.294-301
- S. Cheraghi, and S.M. Hosseini-Motlagh, “Optimal blood transportation in disaster relief considering facility disruption and route reliability under uncertainty”, International Journal of Transportation Engineering vol. 4, pp. 225-254, 2016.
- F. Jafarkhan, and S. Yaghoubi, “An efficient solution method for the flexible and robust inventory-routing of red blood cells”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 117, pp. 191-206, 2018.
- S. Wang, F. Tao, and Y. Shi, “Optimization of location–routing problem for cold chain logistics considering carbon footprint”. International Journal Environmental Research Public Health, vol. 15, pp. 86, 2018.
- M. Eskandari-Khanghahia, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, AA. Taleizadeh and S.H. Amin, “Designing and optimizing a sustainable supply chain network for a blood platelet bank under uncertainty”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 71, pp. 236-250, 2018.
Location and Multi-Compartment Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem for Blood Banking System
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 12, 01.03.2018
Elifcan Göçmen
Rızvan Erol
Blood banking is important
for the healthcare system and blood products are vital needed for medical
treatment, surgeries, and organ transplants. Delivery time becomes vital when a
hospital needs a blood product emergently. Therefore, delivering blood products
in the safest and fastest way is the main responsibility of blood banks. In
this study, we aim to minimize total delivery times between depots and demand
points over a time period. We propose
a two-stage mathematical model to determine both location and vehicle delivery routes.
This problem is defined as Location and Routing problem for blood bank operations.
This study also investigates the effect of distributing blood products among multi-compartment
along with routing decisions. The proposed models are tested on a real-world
case data in order to demonstrate their effectiveness in producing optimal
solutions. By the results the approach can minimize both delivery time and
total cost. Furthermore, a computer program with a graphical user interface is
developed to implement the proposed approach for different data sets.
- Ahmadi-Javid, A., & Seddighi, AH. (2013). A location-routing problem with disruption risk, Transportation Research Part E. Logist. Trans. Rev. 53, 63–82.
- Akca, Z, Berger, RT. & Ralphs, TK. (2008). Modeling and Solving Location Routing and Scheduling Problems. Working paper, COR@L Lab, Lehigh University.
- Alumur, S. & Kara, BY. (2007). A new model for the hazardous waste location-routing problem, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1406–1423.
- Belenguer, JM., Benavent, E, Prins, C. & Calvo, RW., (2006). A Branch and Cut Method for the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem, Service Systems and Service Management, Vol 2.
- Belenguer, JM., Benavent, E., Prins, C., Prodhon, C. & Wolfler Calvo, R. (2011). A branch-and-cut method for the capacitated location-routing problem, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp.931–941.
- Boyer, O., Hong, TS., Pedram, A., Yusuff, R. BM., & Zulkifli, N. (2013). A mathematical model for the industrial hazardous waste location-routing problem. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1–10.
- Ceselli, A., Righini, G., & Tresoldi, E. (2014). Combined location and routing problems for drug distribution. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 165(11), 130–145.
- Contardo, C. Hemmelmayr, V. & Crainic, TG. (2012). Lower and upper bounds for the two-echelon capacitated location-routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 39(12):3185–3199.
- Dalfard, VM., Kaveh, M., & Nosratian, NE. (2013). Two meta-heuristic algorithms for two-echelon location-routing problem with vehicle fleet capacity and maximum route length constraints. Neural Computing and Applications, 23(7–8), 2341–2349.
- Doulabi, SH. & Seifi, A., (2013). Lower and upper bounds for location-arc routing problems with vehicle capacity constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 224, 189-208.
- Duhamel, C., Lacomme, P., Prins, C., & Prodhon, C. (2008). A memetic approach for the capacitated location routing problem. In Proceedings of the EU/meeting 2008 workshop on metaheuristics for logistics and vehicle routing. University of Technology of Troyes, France.
- Goodarzi, AH. & Zegordi, SH. (2016). A location-routing problem for cross-docking networks: A biogeography-based optimization algorithm. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 132-146.
- Jacobs, DA., Silan, MN. & Clemson, BA. (1996) . An Analysis of Alternative Locations and Service Areas of American Red Cross Blood Facilities, Interfaces 26,40-50.
- Lam, M., Mittenthal, J. & Gray, B. (2009). The impact of stopping rules on hierarchical capacitated clustering in location routing problems, Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal 12(1): 13—28.
- Lee, Y., Kim, SI., Lee, S. & Kang, K. (2003). A location-routing problem in designing optical internet access with WDM systems’, Photonic Network Communications, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.151–160.
- Melechovsky, J. Prins, C. & Wolfler Calvo, R. (2005). A metaheuristic to solve a location-routing problem with non-linear costs. Journal of Heuristics. Vol. 11, pp. 375-391.
- Nagy, G. & Salhi, S. (2007). Location- routing: Issues, models and methods. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 176, 649–672.
- Or, I. & Pierskalla, WP. (1979). A Transportation Location-Allocation Model for Regional Blood Banking, AIIE Transactions 11,86-95.
- Price, WL & Turcotte, M.,(1986). Locating a Blood Bank, Interfaces 16,17-26.
- Rahim, F., & Sepil C., (2014), A location-routing problem in glass recycling, Annals of Operations Research, 223: 329-353.
- Randa, AC.,Cömert, A., Adigüzel, B.,Balikçioğlu, C.,Örnekol C.,Bayindir, P., Bakal,İS.,Türk Kızılayı Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Kan Ürünleri Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Projesi,Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi 22(3),22-70.
- Sapountzis, C., (1984). Allocating Blood to Hospitals from A Central Blood Bank, European Journal Of Operational Research 16,157-162.
- Şahin, G., Sural, H., and Meral, S. (2007) Locational Analysis for Regionalization of Turkish Red Crescent Blood Service, Computer & Operations Research, 34, 692-704.
- Ting, CJ. & Chen,CH. (2013). A multiple ant colony optimization algorithm for the capacitated location routing problem, International Journal of Production Economics 141(1): 34–44.
- Tuzun D, & Burke LI. (1999). A two-phase tabu search approach to the location routing problem. Eur J Oper Res 116:87–99.
- Wang, X., Sun, X. & Fang, Y. (2005). A two-phase hybrid heuristic search approach to the location-routing problem, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 4, pp. 3338–3343.
- World Health Organization. (2014). http://www.who.int.
- Yakıcı, E. (2016). Solving location and routing problem for UAVs. Computers & IndustrialEngineering.294-301
- S. Cheraghi, and S.M. Hosseini-Motlagh, “Optimal blood transportation in disaster relief considering facility disruption and route reliability under uncertainty”, International Journal of Transportation Engineering vol. 4, pp. 225-254, 2016.
- F. Jafarkhan, and S. Yaghoubi, “An efficient solution method for the flexible and robust inventory-routing of red blood cells”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 117, pp. 191-206, 2018.
- S. Wang, F. Tao, and Y. Shi, “Optimization of location–routing problem for cold chain logistics considering carbon footprint”. International Journal Environmental Research Public Health, vol. 15, pp. 86, 2018.
- M. Eskandari-Khanghahia, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, AA. Taleizadeh and S.H. Amin, “Designing and optimizing a sustainable supply chain network for a blood platelet bank under uncertainty”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 71, pp. 236-250, 2018.