Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 355 - 368, 29.12.2021


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  • References 1. Dedeli Ö. Aging and Physiological Changes in the Field / Problems. Captain G., (Ed.) Geriatric Care Principles, Nobel Medical Bookstores, Istanbul, Turkey. 2013 pp.13-23.
  • 2. T. R. Ministry of Health, Public Health Institution of Turkey. Action Plan for the Prevention and Control Program for Cardiovascular Diseases in Turkey (2015-2020). T. R. Ministry of Health Publication No: 988 Ankara, Turkey. Anıl Reklam Matbaa Ltd. Şti.2015.
  • 3. Akçay Ş. Pulmonary Diseases and Treatment Principles Common in the Elderly. Basic: Basic Geriatrics for Primary Care. Perception Presentation, Ankara. Turkey. 2012. pp:31-33.
  • 4. Plishka C, Rotter T, Kinsman L, Hansia MR, Lawal A, Goodridge D, Penz E, Marciniuk DD. Effects of clinical pathways for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on patient, professional and systems outcomes: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews 2016;5:135 DOI 10.1186/s13643-016-0311-8.
  • 5. T . R. Ministry of Health, Public Health Institution of Turkey. Turkey Chronic Airway Disease Prevention and Control Program (2014-2017). T. R. Ministry of Health Publication No: 947. Ankara, Turkey. Anıl Reklam Matbaa Ltd. Şti.2014.
  • 6. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Date of access:19 March 2015).
  • 7. Gökçe-Kutsal Y, Eyigör S. Clinician Dysphasia in the Eyes of Aging. In: Elderly Health: Problems and Solutions. Aslan D, Ertem M. (Eds.). Palme Publishing, 1st Edition, Ankara, Turkey. 2012. pp: 48-59.
  • 8. Morale and motivation. (Date of access:19 March 2015).
  • 9. Benito-León J, Louis ED, Rivera-Navarro J, Medrano MJ, Vega S, Bermejo-Pareja F. Low morale is associated with increased risk of mortality in the elderly: a population-based prospective study (NEDICES). Age and Ageing 2010;39: 366–373.
  • 10. Sullivan MD. Maintaining good morale in old age. In: Successful Aging. West J Med 1997;167:276-284.
  • 11. von Heideken Wagert P, Ronnmark B, Rosendahl E, Lundin-Olsson L, Gustavsson JM, Nygren B, Lundman B, Norberg A, Gustafson Y. Morale in the oldest old: the Umea 85+ study. Age Ageing 2005;34(3): 249-55.
  • 12. Loke SC, Abdullah SS, Chai ST, Hamid TA, Yahaya N. Assessment of factors influencing morale in the elderly. PLoS ONE 2011:6(1): e16490. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0016490.
  • 13. Tel H, Tel H. A socio cultural reflection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Stigma. Journal of Ege Unıversıty Nursıng Faculty 2012;28(3):137-142.
  • 14. Aras A, Tel H. Determination of Perceived Social Support for Patients with COPD and Related Factors. Tur Toraks Der 2009;10:63-8.
  • 15. Korkmaz T, Tel H. Determination of the Conditions of Anxiety, Depression and Social Support among the Patients with COPD. Journal of Anatolia Nursing And Health Sciences 2010; 13:2:79-86.
  • 16. Arslantaş H, Adana F, Kaya F, Turan D. Hopelessness and social support level in the ınpatients and factors affecting them. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 2010; (18)2:87-97.
  • 17. Sarı D, Khorshid L, Eşer İ. Examining the association of perceived social support and anxiety level of newly hospitalized patient. Journal of Ege Unıversity School of Nursıng 2011;27 (2) : 1-9.
  • 18. Erden-Aki Ö. (2012). Psychiatric Problems in the Elderly. Basic: Basic Geriatrics for Primary Care. Perception Presentation, Ankara. Turkey. pp:34-38.
  • 19. Havlucu Y. Assessment of the relationship between quality of life, performance status, anxiety and depression in COPD cases. 2. Healthy Life Quality Congress, 5-7 April 2007, İzmir, Turkey. Meta Printing Printing Services. 2007: pp: 110.
  • 20. Karadakovan A. Elderly Health and Care. Academician Medical Bookstore, Ankara, Turkey. 2014, pp:334-344.
  • 21. Rideout E, Montemuro M. Hope, morale and adaptation in patients with chronic heart failure. J Adv Nurs, 1986;11(4): 429-38.
  • 22. Lawton MP. The Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale: a revision.J Gerontol, 1975;30(1): 85-9.
  • 23. Pınar R, Öz H. Validity And Reliability Of The Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale Among Turkish Elderly People. Qualıty of Life Research, 2011; 20(1): 9-18.
  • 24. Zimet GD, Dahlem NW, Zimet SG, Farley GK. The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1988;52:30-41.
  • 25. Eker D, Arkar H. Factorial structure, validity, and reliability of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. 1995;10(34): 45-55.


Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 355 - 368, 29.12.2021


The current study was undertaken to determine status of morale, social support and depressive symptoms among patients aged ≥ 65 years old with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This study conducted in a descriptive and correlational design. The data were collected using patient descriptive forms developed by the researchers, a personal information form about the disease, Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support and Geriatric Depression Scale through face to face interview method. For the analyses of the data; percentages, means, Mann Whitney U, Kruskall Wallis and Correlation Analyses tests were employed.The rate of patients currently smoking was 6.2% whereas the rate of patients previously smoking was 60.6%. It was found that 50.9% of the elderly COPD patients had severe depression and their average depression score was 13.76±5.02, their average morale score was 5.78±2.11 and their average social support score was 54.71±16.80. It was found that there was a negative and significant correlation between morale and social support status of the elders whereas there was no correlation between morale and depression symptoms. It was identified that elderly COPD patients had lower morale status, moderate social support status and more than half of them demonstrated depressive symptoms. While morale levels of the patients decreased, their social support status increased. It is recommended that sufficient support systems should be provided to the elders in order to reduce their depression symptoms and to elevate their morale levels.


  • References 1. Dedeli Ö. Aging and Physiological Changes in the Field / Problems. Captain G., (Ed.) Geriatric Care Principles, Nobel Medical Bookstores, Istanbul, Turkey. 2013 pp.13-23.
  • 2. T. R. Ministry of Health, Public Health Institution of Turkey. Action Plan for the Prevention and Control Program for Cardiovascular Diseases in Turkey (2015-2020). T. R. Ministry of Health Publication No: 988 Ankara, Turkey. Anıl Reklam Matbaa Ltd. Şti.2015.
  • 3. Akçay Ş. Pulmonary Diseases and Treatment Principles Common in the Elderly. Basic: Basic Geriatrics for Primary Care. Perception Presentation, Ankara. Turkey. 2012. pp:31-33.
  • 4. Plishka C, Rotter T, Kinsman L, Hansia MR, Lawal A, Goodridge D, Penz E, Marciniuk DD. Effects of clinical pathways for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on patient, professional and systems outcomes: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews 2016;5:135 DOI 10.1186/s13643-016-0311-8.
  • 5. T . R. Ministry of Health, Public Health Institution of Turkey. Turkey Chronic Airway Disease Prevention and Control Program (2014-2017). T. R. Ministry of Health Publication No: 947. Ankara, Turkey. Anıl Reklam Matbaa Ltd. Şti.2014.
  • 6. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (Date of access:19 March 2015).
  • 7. Gökçe-Kutsal Y, Eyigör S. Clinician Dysphasia in the Eyes of Aging. In: Elderly Health: Problems and Solutions. Aslan D, Ertem M. (Eds.). Palme Publishing, 1st Edition, Ankara, Turkey. 2012. pp: 48-59.
  • 8. Morale and motivation. (Date of access:19 March 2015).
  • 9. Benito-León J, Louis ED, Rivera-Navarro J, Medrano MJ, Vega S, Bermejo-Pareja F. Low morale is associated with increased risk of mortality in the elderly: a population-based prospective study (NEDICES). Age and Ageing 2010;39: 366–373.
  • 10. Sullivan MD. Maintaining good morale in old age. In: Successful Aging. West J Med 1997;167:276-284.
  • 11. von Heideken Wagert P, Ronnmark B, Rosendahl E, Lundin-Olsson L, Gustavsson JM, Nygren B, Lundman B, Norberg A, Gustafson Y. Morale in the oldest old: the Umea 85+ study. Age Ageing 2005;34(3): 249-55.
  • 12. Loke SC, Abdullah SS, Chai ST, Hamid TA, Yahaya N. Assessment of factors influencing morale in the elderly. PLoS ONE 2011:6(1): e16490. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0016490.
  • 13. Tel H, Tel H. A socio cultural reflection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Stigma. Journal of Ege Unıversıty Nursıng Faculty 2012;28(3):137-142.
  • 14. Aras A, Tel H. Determination of Perceived Social Support for Patients with COPD and Related Factors. Tur Toraks Der 2009;10:63-8.
  • 15. Korkmaz T, Tel H. Determination of the Conditions of Anxiety, Depression and Social Support among the Patients with COPD. Journal of Anatolia Nursing And Health Sciences 2010; 13:2:79-86.
  • 16. Arslantaş H, Adana F, Kaya F, Turan D. Hopelessness and social support level in the ınpatients and factors affecting them. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 2010; (18)2:87-97.
  • 17. Sarı D, Khorshid L, Eşer İ. Examining the association of perceived social support and anxiety level of newly hospitalized patient. Journal of Ege Unıversity School of Nursıng 2011;27 (2) : 1-9.
  • 18. Erden-Aki Ö. (2012). Psychiatric Problems in the Elderly. Basic: Basic Geriatrics for Primary Care. Perception Presentation, Ankara. Turkey. pp:34-38.
  • 19. Havlucu Y. Assessment of the relationship between quality of life, performance status, anxiety and depression in COPD cases. 2. Healthy Life Quality Congress, 5-7 April 2007, İzmir, Turkey. Meta Printing Printing Services. 2007: pp: 110.
  • 20. Karadakovan A. Elderly Health and Care. Academician Medical Bookstore, Ankara, Turkey. 2014, pp:334-344.
  • 21. Rideout E, Montemuro M. Hope, morale and adaptation in patients with chronic heart failure. J Adv Nurs, 1986;11(4): 429-38.
  • 22. Lawton MP. The Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale: a revision.J Gerontol, 1975;30(1): 85-9.
  • 23. Pınar R, Öz H. Validity And Reliability Of The Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale Among Turkish Elderly People. Qualıty of Life Research, 2011; 20(1): 9-18.
  • 24. Zimet GD, Dahlem NW, Zimet SG, Farley GK. The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1988;52:30-41.
  • 25. Eker D, Arkar H. Factorial structure, validity, and reliability of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry. 1995;10(34): 45-55.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Article

Ayla Ünsal 0000-0003-3319-1600

Papatya Karakurt 0000-0003-0330-9807

Publication Date December 29, 2021
Submission Date July 11, 2021
Acceptance Date December 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 3



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