Yumurta Akından Lizozim Ekstraksiyonu, Saflaştırılması ve Kurutulması: Güncel Gelişmeler ve Uygulamaları
Yıl 2023,
, 245 - 261, 15.08.2023
Muhammed Yüceer
Cemre Çelikten
Rukiye Mavuş
Ebubekir Dişli
Şeyma Ağıral Akgün
Emre Sarı
Gıdalarda doğal koruyucu olarak kullanılan lizozim ticari olarak değerli bir enzim olup, günümüzde çeşitli gıdalarda doğal bir antimikrobiyal ajan olarak, peynir, bira ve şarap üretiminde koruyucu ya da mikrobiyal prosesleri kontrol etmek amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca lizozim doğal ve güvenli biyolojik antiseptik olarak kabul edilmekte ve tıp, ilaç gibi alanlarda da yaygın olarak tercih edilmektedir.
Lizozimin moleküler büyüklüğü (14,3 kDa) göz önüne alındığında moleküler boyuta göre ayrım yapan ultrafiltrasyon prosesinin lizozimin ayrıştırılmasında kullanılması son zamanlarda çokça çalışılan bir konu haline gelmiştir. Ultrafiltrasyon yöntemi ile protein fraksiyonu işletme koşulları ve fizikokimyasal koşullardan oldukça etkilenmektedir ve bu nedenle proses ihtiyaçlarının açıkça belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Bu derleme çalışması ile lizozim ekstraksiyon, saflaştırma ve kurutma proseslerindeki güncel gelişmeler ve uygulamaları ele alınmıştır.
Destekleyen Kurum
3200782 numaralı projeye destekleri için TÜBİTAK, Teknoloji ve Yenilik Destek Programları Başkanlığı’na teşekkür ederiz.
- 1. Yüceer, M., R. Temizkan, and C. Caner, Fonksiyonel Gıda Olarak Yumurta: Bileşenleri ve Fonksiyonel Özellikleri. Akademik Gıda, 2012. 10(4): p. 70-76.
- 2. Wu, J., Eggs and Egg Products Processing, In Food Processing: Principles and Applications, S. Clark, S. Jung, and B. Lamsal, Editors. 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. p. 437-455.
- 3. Yüceer, M., Yumurta ve Yumurta Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisi ve Uygulamaları 2019: Sidas Medya Ltd.Şti.
4. Kovacs-Nolan, J., M. Phillips, and Y. Mine, Advances in the Value of Eggs and Egg Components for Human Health. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005. 53: p. 8421-8431.
- 5. Vaclavik, V.A. and E.W. Christian, Egg and Egg Products, in Essentials of Food Science, Second. Ed., V.A. Vaclavik and E.W. Christian, Editors. 2003, Kluwar Academic / Plenum Publishers. p. 187-213.
- 6. Yüceer, M., Yumurta Biyoaktif Bileşenleri (2): Lizozim. Yumurta Üreticileri Merkez Birliği Dergisi, 2022. 58: p. 30-33.
- 7. Yüceer, M., Yumurta ve Türevlerinin Bazı Katma Değerli Uygulamaları. Catering Guide, 2022. 18(98): p. 44-45.
- 8. Anton, M., F. Nau, and Y. Nys, Bioactive Egg Components and their Potential Uses. World's Poultry Science Journal, 2006. 62(03): p. 429-438.
- 9. Abeyrathne, E.D., H.Y. Lee, and D.U. Ahn, Egg white proteins and their potential use in food processing or as nutraceutical and pharmaceutical agents-a review. Poultry Science, 2013. 92(12): p. 3292-9.
- 10. Young, A.C.M., R.F. Tilton, and J.C. Dewan, Thermal expansion of hen egg-white lysozyme: Comparison of the 1·9 Å resolution structures of the tetragonal form of the enzyme at 100 K and 298 K. Journal of Molecular Biology, 1994. 235(1): p. 302-317.
- 11. Cegielska-Radziejewska, R., G. Leśnierowski, and J. Kijowski, Properties and Application of Egg White Lysozyme and Its Modified Preparations - A Review. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2008. 58(1): p. 5-10.
- 12. Huopalahti, R., et al., Bioactive Egg Compounds, ed. R. Schade. 2007, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- 13. Ibrahim, H.R., U. Thomas, and A. Pellegrini, A helix-loop-helix peptide at the upper lip of the active site cleft of lysozyme confers potent antimicrobial activity with membrane permeabilization action. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2001. 276(47): p. 43767-74.
- 14. Pellegrini, A., et al., Identification and isolation of a bactericidal domain in chicken egg white lysozyme. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 1997. 82(3): p. 372-8.
- 15. Tenovuo, J., Clinical applications of antimicrobial host proteins lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and lactoferrin in xerostomia: efficacy and safety. Oral Disease, 2002. 8(1): p. 23-9.
- 16. Appendini, P. and J.H. Hotchkiss, Immobilization of Lysozyme on Food Contact Polymers as Potential Antimicrobial Films. Packaging Technology and Science, 1997. 10(5): p. 271-279.
- 17. Danyluk, B. and J. Kijowski, The effect of lysozyme monomer on the growth of Clostridium tyrobutyricum. Przemysl Spozywczy. 12: p. 16-19.
- 18. Roos, A.L., P. Walstra, and T.J. Geurts, The Association of Lysozyme with Casein. International Dairy Journal, 1998. 8: p. 319-324.
19. Johnson, E.A. and A.E. Larson, Lysozyme, in Antimicrobials in Food, P.M. Davidson, A.L. Branen, and J.N. Sofos, Editors. 2005, CRC Press: Boca Raton, USA.
- 20. Khorshidian, N., et al., An Overview of Antimicrobial Activity of Lysozyme and Its Functionality in Cheese. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022. 9: p. 833618.
- 21. Ferraboschi, P., S. Ciceri, and P. Grisenti, Applications of Lysozyme, an Innate Immune Defense Factor, as an Alternative Antibiotic. Antibiotics (Basel), 2021. 10(12).
- 22. Nawaz, N., et al., Lysozyme and Its Application as Antibacterial Agent in Food Industry. Molecules, 2022. 27(19).
- 23. Leśnierowski, G. and T. Yang, Lysozyme and its modified forms: A critical appraisal of selected properties and potential. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021. 107: p. 333-342.
- 24. Pilevar, Z., et al., Antimicrobial properties of lysozyme in meat and meat products: possibilities and challenges. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2022. 44: p. e55262.
- 25. Padgett, T., I.Y. Han, and P.L. Dawson, Incorporation of food-grade antimicrobial compounds into biodegradable packaging films. Journal of Food Protection., 1998. 61(10): p. 1330-1335.
- 26. Branen, J.K. and P.M. Davidson, Enhancement of nisin, lysozyme, and monolaurin antimicrobial activities by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and lactoferrin. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2004. 90(1): p. 63-74.
- 27. van den Berg, G., et al., Gouda and related cheeses, in Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, P.F. Fox, et al., Editors. 2004, Academic Press. p. 103-140.
- 28. Mastromatteo, M., et al., Use of lysozyme, nisin, and EDTA combined treatments for maintaining quality of packed ostrich patties. Journal of Food Science, 2010. 75(3): p. M178-86.
- 29. Chung, W. and R.E.W. Hancock, Action of lysozyme and nisin mixtures against lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2000. 60: p. 25-32.
- 30. Nattress, F.M., C.K. Yost, and L.P. Baker, Evaluation of the ability of lysozyme and nisin to control meat spoilage bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2001. 70: p. 111-119.
- 31. Yuceer, M. and C. Caner, Antimicrobial Lysozyme-Chitosan Coatings Affect Functional Properties and Shelf Life of Chicken Eggs during Storage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2014. 94(1): p. 153-62.
- 32. Su Cha, D., et al., Antimicrobial Films Based on Na-alginate and κ-carrageenan. LWT - Food Sci. and Tech., 2002. 35(8): p. 715-719.
- 33. Yuceer, M. and C. Caner, Lisozim-Kitosan Bazlı Antimikrobiyal Kaplama Uygulamasının Taze Yumurtanın Mikrobiyolojik Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 2013. 11(1): p. 40-45.
- 34. Buonocore, G.G., et al., Modeling the Lysozyme Release Kinetics from Antimicrobial Films Intended for Food Packaging Applications. Journal of Food Science, 2003. 68(4): p. 1365-1370.
- 35. Park, S.I., M.A. Daeschel, and Y. Zhao, Functional Properties of Antimicrobial Lysozyme–Chitosan Composite Films. Journal of Food Science. 69(8): p. M215—221.
- 36. Min, S., L.J. Harris, and J.M. Krochta, Antimicrobial Effects of Lactoferrin, Lysozyme, and the Lactoperoxidase System and Edible Whey Protein Films Incorporating the Lactoperoxidase System Against Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157H7. Journal of Food Science, 2005. 70(7): p. M332-338.
- 37. Li, Z., et al., Functional Properties and Extraction Techniques of Chicken Egg White Proteins. Foods, 2022. 11(16).
- 38. Chiu, H.-T., et al., Direct purification of lysozyme from chicken egg white using weak acidic polyacrylonitrile nanofiber-based membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012. 125(S2): p. E616-E621.
- 39. Show, P.L., et al., Purification of lysozyme from chicken egg white by high-density cation exchange adsorbents in stirred fluidized bed adsorption system. Food Chemistry, 2021. 343: p. 128543.
- 40. Yao, X., et al., Extraction and Characterization of Lysozyme from Salted Duck Egg White. Foods, 2022. 11(22): p. 3567.
- 41. Shahmohammadi, A., Lysozyme separation from chicken egg white: a review. European Food Research and Technology, 2017. 244(4): p. 577-593.
- 42. Banani, S.F., et al., Biomolecular condensates: Organizers of cellular biochemistry. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2017. 18(5): p. 285-298.
- 43. Wan, Y., J. Lu, and Z. Cui, Separation of lysozyme from chicken egg white using ultrafiltration. Separation and Purification Technology, 2006. 48(2): p. 133-142.
- 44. Ghosh, R. and Z.F. Cui, Purification of Lysozyme Using Ultrafiltration. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2000. 68(2): p. 191-203.
- 45. Fazaeli, M., et al., Effect of process conditions and carrier concentration for improving drying yield and other quality attributes of spray dried black mulberry (Morus nigra) juice. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2012. 8(1): p. 1-20.
- 46. Liu, W., X.D. Chen, and C. Selomulya, On the spray drying of uniform functional microparticles. Particuology, 2015. 22: p. 1-12.
- 47. Boel, E., et al., Unraveling Particle Formation: From Single Droplet Drying to Spray Drying and Electrospraying. Pharmaceutics, 2020. 12(7): p. 625.
- 48. Patel, S.K. and M.H. Bade, Energy analysis and heat recovery opportunities in spray dryers applied for effluent management. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019. 186: p. 597-609.
- 49. Khaire, R.A. and P.R. Gogate, Novel approaches based on ultrasound for spray drying of food and bioactive compounds. Drying Technology, 2021. 39(12): p. 1832-1853.
- 50. Cal, K. and K. Sollohub, Spray drying technique. I: Hardware and process parameters. J Pharm Sci, 2010. 99(2): p. 575-86.
- 51. Okuyama, K.A., M. Lenggoro, I. W. and F. Iskandar, Preparation of functional nanostructured particles by spray drying. Advanced Powder Technology, 2006. 17(6): p. 587-611.
- 52. Wong, T.W. and P. John, Advances in spray drying technology for nanoparticle formation, in Handbook of Nanoparticles, M. Aliofkhazraei, Editor. 2016, Cham: Springer.
- 53. Ehsani, N., S. Parkkinen, and M. Nyström, Fractionation of natural and model egg-white protein solutions with modified and unmodified polysulfone UF membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 1997. 123(1): p. 105-119.
- 54. Cao, C., et al., Effect of inlet temperature on the physicochemical properties of spray-dried seed-watermelon seed protein powder. Journal of Food Science, 2020. 85(10): p. 3442-3449.
- 55. Ghosh, R., S.S. Silva, and Z. Cui, Lysozyme separation by hollow-fiber ultrafiltration. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2000. 6(1): p. 19-24.
- 56. Kha, T.C., M.H. Nguyen, and P.D. Roach, Effects of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of the Gac (Momordica cochinchinensis) fruit aril powder. Journal of Food Engineering, 2010. 98(3): p. 385-392.
- 57. Murali, S., et al., Encapsulation of black carrot juice using spray and freeze drying. Food Science and Technology International, 2015. 21(8): p. 604-12.
- 58. Francia, V., et al., Agglomeration in counter-current spray drying towers. Part A: Particle growth and the effect of nozzle height. Powder Technology, 2016. 301: p. 1330-1343.
- 59. Patel, R.P., M.P. Patel, and A.M. Suthar, Spray drying technology: an overview. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2009. 2(10): p. 44-47.
- 60. Singh, S. and D. Dixit, A Review on Spray Drying: Emerging Technology in Food Industry. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology, 2014. 4(1): p. 1-8.
- 61. Sivamma, M.E. and R. Snehitha, Atomization techniques in spray drying: A Review. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2021. 10(5): p. 454-461.
- 62. Francia, V., et al., Agglomeration in counter-current spray drying towers. Part B: Interaction between multiple spraying levels. Powder Technology, 2016. 301: p. 1344-1358.
- 63. Tonon, R.V., C. Brabet, and M.D. Hubinger, Influence of process conditions on the physicochemical properties of açai (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.) powder produced by spray drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 2008. 88(3): p. 411-418.
- 64. Ai, S., et al., Analysis of a heat recovery system of the spray-drying process in a soy protein powder plant. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016. 103: p. 1022-1030.
- 65. Amara, C.B., et al., Using complex coacervation for lysozyme encapsulation by spray-drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 2016. 183: p. 50-57.
- 66. Çelikten, C., R. Mavuş, and M. Yüceer, Separation of Lysozyme from Liquid Egg White by Membrane Filtration, in III. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference (AGBIOL 2021). 2021: Edirne, Turkey.
- 67. Yüceer, M., Effect of Ultrasound Pre-treatment on Separation of Lysozyme from Liquid Egg White in MEMTEK-2019. 6th MEMTEK International Symposium on membrane Technologies and Applications. 2019. Istanbul, Turkey.
Extraction, Purification and Dehydration of Lysozyme from Egg White: Current Developments and Applications
Yıl 2023,
, 245 - 261, 15.08.2023
Muhammed Yüceer
Cemre Çelikten
Rukiye Mavuş
Ebubekir Dişli
Şeyma Ağıral Akgün
Emre Sarı
Lysozyme is used as a natural preservative in foods and currently used as a natural antimicrobial agent in various foods to control microbial processes or preservative agent-additive in the production of cheese, beer and wine. In addition, lysozyme is accepted as a natural and safe biological antiseptic and is widely preferred in fields such as medicine and pharmaceuticals.
Considering the molecular size of the lysozyme (14.3 kDa), the use of ultrafiltration process that distinguishes according to molecular size in the separation of lysozyme has recently become a widely studied.Ultrafiltration method used in the protein fraction and the process highly affected by the operating conditions and physicochemical conditions, and therefore the process needs must be clearly documented. In this review, current developments and applications in lysozyme extraction, purification and drying processes are discussed.
- 1. Yüceer, M., R. Temizkan, and C. Caner, Fonksiyonel Gıda Olarak Yumurta: Bileşenleri ve Fonksiyonel Özellikleri. Akademik Gıda, 2012. 10(4): p. 70-76.
- 2. Wu, J., Eggs and Egg Products Processing, In Food Processing: Principles and Applications, S. Clark, S. Jung, and B. Lamsal, Editors. 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. p. 437-455.
- 3. Yüceer, M., Yumurta ve Yumurta Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisi ve Uygulamaları 2019: Sidas Medya Ltd.Şti.
4. Kovacs-Nolan, J., M. Phillips, and Y. Mine, Advances in the Value of Eggs and Egg Components for Human Health. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005. 53: p. 8421-8431.
- 5. Vaclavik, V.A. and E.W. Christian, Egg and Egg Products, in Essentials of Food Science, Second. Ed., V.A. Vaclavik and E.W. Christian, Editors. 2003, Kluwar Academic / Plenum Publishers. p. 187-213.
- 6. Yüceer, M., Yumurta Biyoaktif Bileşenleri (2): Lizozim. Yumurta Üreticileri Merkez Birliği Dergisi, 2022. 58: p. 30-33.
- 7. Yüceer, M., Yumurta ve Türevlerinin Bazı Katma Değerli Uygulamaları. Catering Guide, 2022. 18(98): p. 44-45.
- 8. Anton, M., F. Nau, and Y. Nys, Bioactive Egg Components and their Potential Uses. World's Poultry Science Journal, 2006. 62(03): p. 429-438.
- 9. Abeyrathne, E.D., H.Y. Lee, and D.U. Ahn, Egg white proteins and their potential use in food processing or as nutraceutical and pharmaceutical agents-a review. Poultry Science, 2013. 92(12): p. 3292-9.
- 10. Young, A.C.M., R.F. Tilton, and J.C. Dewan, Thermal expansion of hen egg-white lysozyme: Comparison of the 1·9 Å resolution structures of the tetragonal form of the enzyme at 100 K and 298 K. Journal of Molecular Biology, 1994. 235(1): p. 302-317.
- 11. Cegielska-Radziejewska, R., G. Leśnierowski, and J. Kijowski, Properties and Application of Egg White Lysozyme and Its Modified Preparations - A Review. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2008. 58(1): p. 5-10.
- 12. Huopalahti, R., et al., Bioactive Egg Compounds, ed. R. Schade. 2007, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- 13. Ibrahim, H.R., U. Thomas, and A. Pellegrini, A helix-loop-helix peptide at the upper lip of the active site cleft of lysozyme confers potent antimicrobial activity with membrane permeabilization action. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2001. 276(47): p. 43767-74.
- 14. Pellegrini, A., et al., Identification and isolation of a bactericidal domain in chicken egg white lysozyme. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 1997. 82(3): p. 372-8.
- 15. Tenovuo, J., Clinical applications of antimicrobial host proteins lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and lactoferrin in xerostomia: efficacy and safety. Oral Disease, 2002. 8(1): p. 23-9.
- 16. Appendini, P. and J.H. Hotchkiss, Immobilization of Lysozyme on Food Contact Polymers as Potential Antimicrobial Films. Packaging Technology and Science, 1997. 10(5): p. 271-279.
- 17. Danyluk, B. and J. Kijowski, The effect of lysozyme monomer on the growth of Clostridium tyrobutyricum. Przemysl Spozywczy. 12: p. 16-19.
- 18. Roos, A.L., P. Walstra, and T.J. Geurts, The Association of Lysozyme with Casein. International Dairy Journal, 1998. 8: p. 319-324.
19. Johnson, E.A. and A.E. Larson, Lysozyme, in Antimicrobials in Food, P.M. Davidson, A.L. Branen, and J.N. Sofos, Editors. 2005, CRC Press: Boca Raton, USA.
- 20. Khorshidian, N., et al., An Overview of Antimicrobial Activity of Lysozyme and Its Functionality in Cheese. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022. 9: p. 833618.
- 21. Ferraboschi, P., S. Ciceri, and P. Grisenti, Applications of Lysozyme, an Innate Immune Defense Factor, as an Alternative Antibiotic. Antibiotics (Basel), 2021. 10(12).
- 22. Nawaz, N., et al., Lysozyme and Its Application as Antibacterial Agent in Food Industry. Molecules, 2022. 27(19).
- 23. Leśnierowski, G. and T. Yang, Lysozyme and its modified forms: A critical appraisal of selected properties and potential. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021. 107: p. 333-342.
- 24. Pilevar, Z., et al., Antimicrobial properties of lysozyme in meat and meat products: possibilities and challenges. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2022. 44: p. e55262.
- 25. Padgett, T., I.Y. Han, and P.L. Dawson, Incorporation of food-grade antimicrobial compounds into biodegradable packaging films. Journal of Food Protection., 1998. 61(10): p. 1330-1335.
- 26. Branen, J.K. and P.M. Davidson, Enhancement of nisin, lysozyme, and monolaurin antimicrobial activities by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and lactoferrin. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2004. 90(1): p. 63-74.
- 27. van den Berg, G., et al., Gouda and related cheeses, in Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, P.F. Fox, et al., Editors. 2004, Academic Press. p. 103-140.
- 28. Mastromatteo, M., et al., Use of lysozyme, nisin, and EDTA combined treatments for maintaining quality of packed ostrich patties. Journal of Food Science, 2010. 75(3): p. M178-86.
- 29. Chung, W. and R.E.W. Hancock, Action of lysozyme and nisin mixtures against lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2000. 60: p. 25-32.
- 30. Nattress, F.M., C.K. Yost, and L.P. Baker, Evaluation of the ability of lysozyme and nisin to control meat spoilage bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2001. 70: p. 111-119.
- 31. Yuceer, M. and C. Caner, Antimicrobial Lysozyme-Chitosan Coatings Affect Functional Properties and Shelf Life of Chicken Eggs during Storage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2014. 94(1): p. 153-62.
- 32. Su Cha, D., et al., Antimicrobial Films Based on Na-alginate and κ-carrageenan. LWT - Food Sci. and Tech., 2002. 35(8): p. 715-719.
- 33. Yuceer, M. and C. Caner, Lisozim-Kitosan Bazlı Antimikrobiyal Kaplama Uygulamasının Taze Yumurtanın Mikrobiyolojik Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 2013. 11(1): p. 40-45.
- 34. Buonocore, G.G., et al., Modeling the Lysozyme Release Kinetics from Antimicrobial Films Intended for Food Packaging Applications. Journal of Food Science, 2003. 68(4): p. 1365-1370.
- 35. Park, S.I., M.A. Daeschel, and Y. Zhao, Functional Properties of Antimicrobial Lysozyme–Chitosan Composite Films. Journal of Food Science. 69(8): p. M215—221.
- 36. Min, S., L.J. Harris, and J.M. Krochta, Antimicrobial Effects of Lactoferrin, Lysozyme, and the Lactoperoxidase System and Edible Whey Protein Films Incorporating the Lactoperoxidase System Against Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157H7. Journal of Food Science, 2005. 70(7): p. M332-338.
- 37. Li, Z., et al., Functional Properties and Extraction Techniques of Chicken Egg White Proteins. Foods, 2022. 11(16).
- 38. Chiu, H.-T., et al., Direct purification of lysozyme from chicken egg white using weak acidic polyacrylonitrile nanofiber-based membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012. 125(S2): p. E616-E621.
- 39. Show, P.L., et al., Purification of lysozyme from chicken egg white by high-density cation exchange adsorbents in stirred fluidized bed adsorption system. Food Chemistry, 2021. 343: p. 128543.
- 40. Yao, X., et al., Extraction and Characterization of Lysozyme from Salted Duck Egg White. Foods, 2022. 11(22): p. 3567.
- 41. Shahmohammadi, A., Lysozyme separation from chicken egg white: a review. European Food Research and Technology, 2017. 244(4): p. 577-593.
- 42. Banani, S.F., et al., Biomolecular condensates: Organizers of cellular biochemistry. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2017. 18(5): p. 285-298.
- 43. Wan, Y., J. Lu, and Z. Cui, Separation of lysozyme from chicken egg white using ultrafiltration. Separation and Purification Technology, 2006. 48(2): p. 133-142.
- 44. Ghosh, R. and Z.F. Cui, Purification of Lysozyme Using Ultrafiltration. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2000. 68(2): p. 191-203.
- 45. Fazaeli, M., et al., Effect of process conditions and carrier concentration for improving drying yield and other quality attributes of spray dried black mulberry (Morus nigra) juice. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2012. 8(1): p. 1-20.
- 46. Liu, W., X.D. Chen, and C. Selomulya, On the spray drying of uniform functional microparticles. Particuology, 2015. 22: p. 1-12.
- 47. Boel, E., et al., Unraveling Particle Formation: From Single Droplet Drying to Spray Drying and Electrospraying. Pharmaceutics, 2020. 12(7): p. 625.
- 48. Patel, S.K. and M.H. Bade, Energy analysis and heat recovery opportunities in spray dryers applied for effluent management. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019. 186: p. 597-609.
- 49. Khaire, R.A. and P.R. Gogate, Novel approaches based on ultrasound for spray drying of food and bioactive compounds. Drying Technology, 2021. 39(12): p. 1832-1853.
- 50. Cal, K. and K. Sollohub, Spray drying technique. I: Hardware and process parameters. J Pharm Sci, 2010. 99(2): p. 575-86.
- 51. Okuyama, K.A., M. Lenggoro, I. W. and F. Iskandar, Preparation of functional nanostructured particles by spray drying. Advanced Powder Technology, 2006. 17(6): p. 587-611.
- 52. Wong, T.W. and P. John, Advances in spray drying technology for nanoparticle formation, in Handbook of Nanoparticles, M. Aliofkhazraei, Editor. 2016, Cham: Springer.
- 53. Ehsani, N., S. Parkkinen, and M. Nyström, Fractionation of natural and model egg-white protein solutions with modified and unmodified polysulfone UF membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 1997. 123(1): p. 105-119.
- 54. Cao, C., et al., Effect of inlet temperature on the physicochemical properties of spray-dried seed-watermelon seed protein powder. Journal of Food Science, 2020. 85(10): p. 3442-3449.
- 55. Ghosh, R., S.S. Silva, and Z. Cui, Lysozyme separation by hollow-fiber ultrafiltration. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2000. 6(1): p. 19-24.
- 56. Kha, T.C., M.H. Nguyen, and P.D. Roach, Effects of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of the Gac (Momordica cochinchinensis) fruit aril powder. Journal of Food Engineering, 2010. 98(3): p. 385-392.
- 57. Murali, S., et al., Encapsulation of black carrot juice using spray and freeze drying. Food Science and Technology International, 2015. 21(8): p. 604-12.
- 58. Francia, V., et al., Agglomeration in counter-current spray drying towers. Part A: Particle growth and the effect of nozzle height. Powder Technology, 2016. 301: p. 1330-1343.
- 59. Patel, R.P., M.P. Patel, and A.M. Suthar, Spray drying technology: an overview. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2009. 2(10): p. 44-47.
- 60. Singh, S. and D. Dixit, A Review on Spray Drying: Emerging Technology in Food Industry. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology, 2014. 4(1): p. 1-8.
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