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A Comprehensive Analysis of Influencer Types in Digital Marketing

Yıl 2024, , 75 - 100, 29.02.2024


This study conducts a comprehensive qualitative analysis of influencer marketing, focusing on Mega, Macro, Micro, Nano, Blog, Vlogging, and Gaming influencers. Each category, distinguished by audience size and engagement strategies, plays a unique role in digital marketing. Mega influencers offer broad brand awareness but require high engagement, while macro-influencers balance broad appeal with niche authority. Micro-influencers excel in niche market trust-building, Nano influencers offer authentic localized potential, and Blog influencers provide SEO-rich content for sustained visibility. Vlogging influencers use dynamic video storytelling, and Gaming influencers impact tech communities. The study emphasizes aligning influencer types with specific goals and target audiences for effective campaigns, providing marketers with a strategic framework for navigating the diverse influencer ecosystem. The study contributes insights into influencer marketing dynamics, aiding marketers in informed decision-making amid the evolving digital landscape.


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A Comprehensive Analysis of Influencer Types in Digital Marketing

Yıl 2024, , 75 - 100, 29.02.2024


This study conducts a comprehensive qualitative analysis of influencer marketing, focusing on Mega, Macro, Micro, Nano, Blog, Vlogging, and Gaming influencers. Each category, distinguished by audience size and engagement strategies, plays a unique role in digital marketing. Mega influencers offer broad brand awareness but require high engagement, while macro-influencers balance broad appeal with niche authority. Micro-influencers excel in niche market trust-building, Nano influencers offer authentic localized potential, and Blog influencers provide SEO-rich content for sustained visibility. Vlogging influencers use dynamic video storytelling, and Gaming influencers impact tech communities. The study emphasizes aligning influencer types with specific goals and target audiences for effective campaigns, providing marketers with a strategic framework for navigating the diverse influencer ecosystem. The study contributes insights into influencer marketing dynamics, aiding marketers in informed decision-making amid the evolving digital landscape.


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Toplam 121 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Şubat 2024
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Kaynak Göster

APA Durmuş Şenyapar, H. N. (2024). A Comprehensive Analysis of Influencer Types in Digital Marketing. International Journal of Management and Administration, 8(15), 75-100.

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