ISSN: 1301-9724
e-ISSN: 2146-1511
Founded: 1998
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The purpose and scope of the International Journal of Thermodynamics is to provide a forum for the publication of original theoretical and applied work in the field of thermodynamics as it relates to systems, states, processes, and both non-equilibrium and equilibrium phenomena at all temporal and spatial scales. The journal, thus, provides a multidisciplinary and international platform for the dissemination to academia and industry of both scientific and engineering contributions, which touch upon a broad class of disciplines that are foundationally linked to thermodynamics and the methods and analyses derived there from. A common thread throughout is that of assessing how both the first and particularly the second laws of thermodynamics touch upon these disciplines.

Please submit innovative & pioneer thermodynamics research in the following subjects, here (but not limited to the following, novel research in new areas are strongly suggested):

o   Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory

o   Thermodynamics in process intensification

o   Biothermodynamics (topics such as self-organization far from equilibrium etc.)

o   Thermodynamics of nonadditive systems

o   Nonequilibrium thermal complex systems

o   Sustainable design and thermodynamics

o   Engineering thermodynamics

o   Energy

Research Article

Quantum thermal engine operating with spin 1/2 system and geometric phases obtained by unitary transformation of mixed states


Exergy analysis of cyprus ınternational university solar power plants

Research Article

Exergetic evaluation of heat exchanger with multiple inserts for greenhouse heating

Research Article


Research Article

An Experimental Optimization of Solar Dryer using Phase Change Material For Potato Slices Using Analysis of Variance

Research Article

Refined Covolume Approach for Heavy Alkanes in Abel-Noble EOS at High Pressures

Research Article

Revolutionizing Potato Drying: Performance Insights from Hybrid Solar Drying Systems

For Authors

Dear Authors

You can reach the article format here for your submission.

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You can reach the copyright transfer form here for your submission.


We work with our authors to help make their work as easy to discover as possible. The International Journal of Thermodynamics journal is currently included in the following abstracting and discovery services. The journal is indexed by all major indexing databases such as:

Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (last control: Aug 10th, 2023),
Scopus (Elsevier index/abstract database) (last control: Aug 10th, 2023),
• ACS CAS database: American Chemical Society Chemical Abstract Plus (last control: Aug 10th, 2023),
• Index Copernicus ICI World of Journals (last control: Aug 10th, 2023)
• Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education scientific journals list: Polish MSHE index (last control: Aug 10th, 2023),
• ASCI database: Asian Science Citation Index (last control: May 3rd, 2024),

• SJR, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (last control: Aug 10th, 2023),
• (last control: Aug 10th, 2023),

The journal had been indexed in the past by abstraction/indexing/database services such as:
• Engineering Village / Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Index),
• ICI Journals Master List,
• TRDizin,
• Open J-Gate,
• Genamics Journal Seek,
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• MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory,
• PubsHub,
• J-Gate,
• Applied Science & Technology Source,
• Computer & Applied Sciences.


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

(Update date of the data below: Aug 10th, 2023)

Impact Factor: 0.8
5-Year Impact Factor: 0.8
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0.17
Scientific Journal Ranking (SJR): 0.194
Source Normalized Impact Per Paper (SNIP): 0.331
CiteScore: 1.3
H-Index: 35

The Most Viewed Articles:

Performance and Emission Characteristics Analysis of Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine Using Natural Gas and Diesel
Year 2018, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 16 - 25, 01.03.2018
Salman Abdu AHMED, Song ZHOU, Yuangqing ZHU

Exergetic Investigation of a R1234yf Automotive Air Conditioning System with Internal Heat Exchanger
Year 2018, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 103 - 109, 30.05.2018
Mehmet Direk, Mehmet Selçuk Mert, Fikret Yüksel, Alper Keleşoğlu

Thermodynamic Properties of Ethanol + Pyridine, Ethanol + Benzene, and Pyridine + Benzene Mixtures at Temperature 298.15 K and Under Atmospheric Pressure
Year 2023, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 48 - 55, 14.03.2023

Thermal Pyranometer Using the Open Hardware Arduino Platform
Year 2018, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 01.03.2018
Elson AVALLONE, Paulo César MİORALLİ, Vicente Luiz SCALON, Alcides PADİLHA, Santiago Del Rio OLİVEİRA

Changes of refractive indices for Ethanol + Water + (Ethyl Acetate or 1-Pentanol) at 298.15 K
Year 2017, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 174 - 181, 01.09.2017
Rebecca S. ANDRADE, Cristina GONZÁLEZ, Miguel IGLESİAS

The Most Downloaded Articles:

A brief Commented History of Exergy From the Beginnings to 2004
Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 26, 01.03.2007
Enrico SCİUBBA, Göran WALL

Wagner Equation Predicting Entire Curve for Pure Fluids from Limited VLE Data: Error Dependency Upon Data Interval & Fully-Determined Case
Year 2018, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 38 - 53, 01.03.2018
Todd Nichols, Vivek Utgikar

4E Analysis of Integrated MHD-Combined Cycle
Year 2019, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 219 - 228, 29.11.2019
M.A. Esmaeilzadehazimi, Mohammad Hasan Khoshgoftar Manesh, B. Bakhtiari Heleyleh, H Vaznini Modabbaer

Thermodynamic and Thermophysical Properties of Dry Air by Using Cubic Peng-Robinson EoS for Gas Mixtures
Year 2020, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 139 - 145, 27.08.2020
Mustafa Turhan ÇOBAN, Süleyman KAVAS

Effect of temperature on thermodynamic properties of protic ionic liquids: 2-hydroxy ethylammonium lactate (2-HEAL) + short hydroxylic solvent
Year 2018, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 70 - 80, 30.05.2018
Safira BARROS, Rebecca S. ANDRADE, Miguel IGLESİAS

The Most Cited Articles:

A brief Commented History of Exergy From the Beginnings to 2004
Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 26, 01.03.2007
Enrico SCİUBBA, Göran WALL
214 Citations

Supercritical Fluid Parameters in Organic Rankine Cycle Applications
Year 2008, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 101 - 108, 01.09.2008
126 Citations

Advanced Exergy Analysis for Chemically Reacting Systems – Application to a Simple Open Gas-Turbine System
Year 2009, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 105 - 111, 01.09.2009
97 Citations

Exhaust Gas Recirculation in Gas Turbines for Reduction of CO2 Emissions; Combustion Testing with Focus on Stability and Emissions
Year 2005, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 167 - 173, 01.12.2005
Petter RØKKE, Johan HUSTAD
55 Citations

A Dynamic Model for Liquefied Natural Gas Evaporation During Marine Transportation
Year 2008, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 123 - 131, 01.09.2008
49 Citations

To Our Valued Reviewers

Thank you very much for your contribution to the International Journal of Thermodynamics.
Without its dedicated peer-reviewers, IJoT would not be there since it was established in 1998.

You can find the document "How to conduct a review"  here for reviewing instructions.

Evaluation Process

  • The manuscripts are first evaluated by the Editor/ Associate Editors. At this stage, the journal's purpose, scope and scientific field are checked for suitability. In addition, studies with grammatical (English) and expression rules, scientifically critical errors and studies that do not have original value are returned after a preliminary review. The returned studies are notified to the corresponding author.
  • Articles that pass the preliminary review are sent to a Section Editor or Co-Editor for the field the study is related to. The assigned Editor/s or Co-Editor/s examine the article in detail. If the article is not deemed appropriate by the Editor/s as a result of the examinations, it is returned to the corresponding author with a report.
  • Articles are sent to at least 3 Reviewers taking into account their content and fields of science. Blind review is applied in article evaluations in International Jorunral of Thermodynamics. At least 3 expert reviewer reports are taken into consideration for each study. The names of the reviewers who evaluate the work are not disclosed to the authors. Articles sent to reviewers are expected to be evaluated within 30 days. If this period is exceeded, the Editor will remind the reviewer and give an additional 7 days. If a reviewer does not evaluate the article within this period, a new reviewer is assigned to the article.
  • The evaluation reports from the reviewers are reviewed by the Section Editor/Co-Editor. As a result of this review, the Section Editor/Co-Editor makes the final decisions to “Accept”, “Revision” or “Reject” of the study. Articles that receive positive review reports from the article evaluation are eligible for publication. In articles that are deemed inadequate based on reviewer evaluation reports, a decision for major or minor revision is made. Articles for which revision is requested are submitted to the relevant reviewers for evaluation after the requested corrections are made. If a positive report is given, the study is eligible for publication. If deemed necessary by the Editor/Section Editor/Co-Editor, they may also send the manuscript to reviewers.
  • As a result of the review, authors are expected to make and answer all questions/requests specified in the reviewer reports.
  • Authors are given 15 days for correction. If the necessary corrections/edits are not made within this period, the article is returned to the authors.
  • Accepted articles are sent to Publishing Editor/s and the necessary edits are requested for the final version.