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Liderlik Yönelimlerinin Karar Verme Tarzları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Gençlik Kampı Organizasyonları Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 12 - 22


Gençlik örgütleri gençlerin gelişimi için çok önemlidir. Gençlik liderlerinin liderlik yönelimlerinin ve kullandıkları karar alma mekanizmalarının, geleceğin inşasında önemli rol oynayacak gençlere rol model olmaları açısından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kâr amacı gütmeyen bir kamu kuruluşu olan Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı'na bağlı gençlik kamplarında lider olarak çalışan bireylerin liderlik yönelimleri ve karar verme stilleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Araştırmaya 45 kadın ve 152 erkek olmak üzere toplam 197 gençlik kampı lideri gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Araştırma verilerini toplamak için Çok Faktörlü Liderlik Yönelimleri Ölçeği ve Karar Verme Stilleri Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Korelasyon analizi sonuçlarına göre, rasyonel karar verme ile yapısal liderlik (r=.553), insan kaynakları liderliği (r=.531), politik liderlik (r=.429) ve karizmatik liderlik (r=.475) boyutları arasında pozitif ve orta düzeyde bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Sezgisel karar verme stili ile yapısal liderlik (r=.165), insan kaynakları liderliği (r=.232) boyutları arasında zayıf düzeyde, politik liderlik (r=.355) ve karizmatik liderlik (r=.381) boyutları arasında orta düzeyde bir ilişki vardır. Bağımlı karar verme stili ile insan kaynakları liderliği (r=.207) ve politik liderlik (r=.187) boyutları arasında pozitif ve zayıf düzeyde bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Kaçıngan karar verme stili ile yapısal liderlik (r=-.171) arasında negatif ve zayıf düzeyde bir ilişki gözlenmiştir. Regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre, yapısal liderlik (β=.295), insan kaynakları liderliği (β=.248) ve karizmatik liderlik (β=.198) boyutları karar verme stilleri ölçeğinin rasyonel karar verme alt boyutu üzerinde anlamlı pozitif etkiye sahiptir. Karizmatik liderlik (β=.315) boyutları, karar verme stilleri ölçeğinin Sezgisel karar verme alt boyutu üzerinde anlamlı bir pozitif etkiye sahiptir. İnsan kaynakları liderliği (β=.225) boyutu, karar verme stilleri ölçeğinin bağımlı karar verme alt boyutu üzerinde pozitif yönde anlamlı bir etkiye sahiptir. Sonuç olarak, yapısal, insan odaklı ve karizmatik liderlik tarzları sergileyen liderlerin rasyonel karar verme yaklaşımını etkin bir şekilde kullanmaları muhtemeldir. Buna ek olarak, karizmatik liderlik yönelimine sahip liderler sezgisel karar verme stilini kullanmada yetkin olabilirken, insan odaklı liderlik yaklaşımına sahip olanlar bağımlı karar vermede başarılı olabilirler.


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The Impact of Leadership Orientations on Decision-Making Styles: A Research on Youth Camp Organizations

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 12 - 22


Youth organizations are very important for the development of young people. It is thought that the leadership orientations of youth leaders and the decision-making mechanisms which they use are important in terms of being role models for young people who will play an important role in the construction of the future. This study aims to investigate the relationship between leadership orientations and decision-making styles of individuals working as leaders in youth camps affiliated to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, a non-profit public organization. A total of 197 youth camp leaders, consisting of 45 females and 152 males, voluntarily participated in the research. The Multifactor Leadership Orientations Scale and the Decision-Making Styles Scale were used to collect research data. According to the correlation analysis results, a positive and moderate level of relationship was found between rational decision-making and structural leadership (r=.553), human resource leadership (r=.531), political leadership (r=.429), and charismatic leadership (r=.475) dimensions. There was a weak level of relationship between intuitive decision-making style and structural leadership (r=.165), human resource leadership (r=.232), there was a moderate level of relationship political leadership (r=.355), and charismatic leadership (r=.381) dimensions. A positive and weak level of relationship was found between dependent decision-making style and human resource leadership (r=.207) and political leadership (r=.187) dimensions. A negative and weak level of relationship was observed between avoidant decision-making style and structural leadership (r=-.171). According to the regression analysis results, structural leadership (β=.295), human resource leadership (β=.248) and charismatic leadership (β=.198) dimensions have a significant positive influence on the rational decision-making sub-dimension of the decision-making styles scale. Charismatic leadership (β=.315) dimensions have a significant positive influence on the Intuitive decision making sub-dimension of the decision-making styles scale. Human resource leadership (β=.225) dimensions has a significant positive influence on the dependent decision-making subdimension of the decision-making styles scale. In conclusion, leaders who exhibit structural, human-oriented, and charismatic leadership styles are likely to effectively employ a rational decision-making approach. Additionally, leaders with a charismatic leadership orientation may be proficient in utilizing an intuitive decision-making style, while those with a human-oriented leadership approach might excel in dependent decision-making.


  • Abood, S. A., & Thabet, M. (2017). Impact of leadership styles on decision making styles among nurses' managerial levels. Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 6(5), 71-78.
  • Alajmi, N., & Kalitay, M. (2019). Leadership development in international student organization: Case study on Erasmus student organization (Sweden). Retrieved from</div
  • Al-Omari, A.A. (2013). The relationship between decision making styles and leadership styles among public schools principals. International Education Studies, 6(7), 100-110.
  • Amirianzadeh, M., Jaafari, P., Ghourchian, N., & Jowkar, B. (2011). Role of student associations in leadership development of engineering students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 382-385.
  • Atabey, C. (2022). A study on the career experiences of female youth leaders affiliated to the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Unpublished master's thesis. Denizli, Turkey: Pamukkale University.
  • Ayal, S., Rusou, Z., Zakay, D., & Hochman, G. (2015). Determinants of judgment and decision making quality: The interplay between information processing style and situational factors. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1088 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01088
  • Aygun, G. (2020). Determining the relationship between leadership and decision-making styles of managers in the Turkish construction industry. Unpublished master's thesis. Gaziantep, Turkey: Hasan Kalyoncu University.
  • Aykurt, E. (2022). The effect of leadership characteristics of soccer referees on their decision making. Unpublished master's thesis. Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul University.
  • Bahrami, S. (2017). The relationship between managers' decisionmaking skills and leadership styles and a research. Unpublished master's thesis. Istanbul, Turkey: Bahçeşehir University.
  • Baloglu, N., Karadag, E., & Gavuz, S. (2009). The effect of school principals' multifactorial leadership styles on delegation of authority: A linear and structural equation modeling study. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education, 22(2), 457-479.
  • Bender, P.U. (2006). Leadership from within. Turkey: Hayat Publishing.
  • Bin Jomah, N. (2017). Perceptions of employees in the effects of decision-making and leadership styles on relationships and perceived effectiveness in king Saud University development context. International Education Studies, 10(1), 197-210.
  • Bhugra, D., Till, A., & Ruiz, P. (2013). Leadership, decision-making and errors: Cultural factors. International Psychiatry, 7(2), 27-29.
  • Blake, R., & Mouton, J. (1964). The managerial grid: The key to leadership excellence. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Company.
  • Blake, R. R., & Mouton, J. S. (1982). Theory and research for developing a science of leadership. The Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, 18(3), 275–291.
  • Bobic, M. P., & Davis, W. E. (2003). A kind word for Theory X: Or why so many newfangled management techniques quickly fail. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 13(3), 239-264.
  • Boje, D. (2000). The isles leadership: The voyage of the behaviorists. The Leadership Box.
  • Borges, J. C., Ferreira, T. C., de Oliveira, M. S. B., Macini, N., & Caldana, A. C. F. (2017). Hidden curriculum in student organizations: Learning, practice, socialization and responsible management in a business school. The International Journal of Management Education, 15(2), 153-161.
  • Carson, C. M. (2005). A historical view of Douglas McGregor’s Theory Y. Management Decision, 43(3), 450–460.
  • Cranfield, I. (1990). The youth service curriculum: A ten‐point plan. Education + Training, 32(3).
  • Cheng, X., Liu, W., & Li, Y. (2022). Is online collaboration process suitable for digital youth organization? A design approach", Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, 1(2), 66-89.
  • Cokluk, O., Sekercioglu, G., Buyukozturk, S.(2018). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik SPSS ve Lisrel uygulamları. Pegem Akademi. pp. 16.
  • Cook, C., & Gonzales, H. (2016). Australian individual decision styles, intuitive and rational decision making in business. International Proceeding of Economics Development and Research, 86, 93-100.
  • Dijkstra, K. A., van der Pligt, J., & van Kleef, G. A. (2013). Deliberation versus intuition: Decomposing the role of expertise in judgment and decision making.Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,26(3), 285-294.
  • Dikerel, M. (2008). Examining the relationship between leadership behaviors and decision-making strategies of public elementary school administrators.Unpublished master's thesis. Istanbul, Turkey: Yeditepe University.
  • Doll, W.J., Weidong, X., Torkzadeh, G.A. (1994). confirmatory factor analysis of the end-user computing satisfaction instrument. MIS Quarterly 18: 453-461.
  • Dursun, M., Gunay, M., & Yenel, F. (2019). Multidimensional leadership orientations scale (MLOS): Validity and reliability study. International Academy of Management Journal,2(2), 333-347.
  • Ellis, G., Jiang, J., Locke, D., & Snider, C. (2021). Youth program activity impacts: A model of camp activities, psychological needs, and immersion. Children and Youth Services Review, 121, 105842.
  • Engelbert, B., & Wallgren, L. G. (2016). The origins of task- and people-oriented leadership styles: remains from early attachment security and influences during childhood and adolescence. SAGE Open,6(2).
  • Erdogan, Y., Bayram, S., & Deniz, L. (2007). Web-based teaching attitude scale: An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis study.International Journal of Human Sciences, 4(2),1-14.
  • Erol, Y.,&Savaş, E.B.(2023). The effects of leadership types on spirituality in the Workplace.Ozsungur, F.&Bekar, F.(Ed.)Spirituality Management in the Workplace, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 197-219.
  • Evans, M. G. (1996). RJ house's a path-goal theory of leader effectiveness.The Leadership Quarterly,7(3), 305-309.
  • Frankish, K. (2010). Dual‐process and dual‐system theories of reasoning.Philosophy Compass,5(10), 914-926.
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Toplam 91 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor ve Rekreasyon
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Arif Özsarı 0000-0002-4753-8049

Tolga Tek 0000-0002-8350-1307

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özsarı, A., & Tek, T. (2024). The Impact of Leadership Orientations on Decision-Making Styles: A Research on Youth Camp Organizations. International Journal of Recreation and Sports Science, 8(1), 12-22.