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The Meaning World of Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns through Semiotic Analysis

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 69, 194 - 219, 18.03.2025


Guerrilla marketing is an innovative and unconventional approach to advertising that aims to create a lasting impact on consumers through creativity and surprise. Unlike traditional advertising strategies, guerrilla marketing relies on symbolic and unexpected methods to attract consumer attention and increase brand engagement. This study aims to examine guerrilla marketing campaigns through semiotic analysis to reveal the impact of visual and textual elements in advertising content on consumer perception. The importance of this study lies in revealing how the symbols and meanings used in advertising shape consumer perception beyond the superficial appeal of advertisements. In this context, the study reveals how brands construct meaning through innovative advertising strategies and contribute to marketing communication. The study uses Roland Barthes' semiotic framework to evaluate the elements of literal meaning, connotation, metaphor and metonymy in guerrilla marketing advertisements. A purposive sampling technique was used in the study, and 21 advertisements from various sectors such as automotive, cosmetics, food, beverage and consumer goods were analyzed. The findings show that guerrilla marketing campaigns can effectively mobilize consumers through symbolic meanings, emotional triggers and cultural references. Moreover, the synergy of visual and verbal elements can increase message memorability and consumer engagement. This study provides a semiotic perspective on guerrilla marketing and offers practical suggestions for marketers and advertisers to design more effective campaigns.


  • Agustia, K. T. S., & Kurniawan, I. B. (2022). Semiotic Analysis on Non-Verbal Language in Gadget Digital Advertisement. JAMI: Jurnal Ahli Muda Indonesia, 3(2), 226-237.
  • Ahmed, R., Qureshi, J., Streimikiene, D., Vveinhardt, J., & Soomro, R. (2020). Guerrilla marketing trends for sustainable solutions: Evidence from sem-based multivariate and conditional process approaches. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21(3), 851-871.
  • Ahmed, R., Qureshi, J., Štreimikienė, D., Vveinhardt, J., & Soomro, R. (2020). Guerrilla marketing trends for sustainable solutions: evidence from sem-based multivariate and conditional process approaches. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21(3), 851-871.
  • Arif, D. (2022). The portrayal of peace values embedded in the Indonesian ELT textbook as a site of character education for secondary high school students. Ideas Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning Linguistics and Literature, 10(1), 226–239.
  • Attar, A. (2015). A multimodal analysis of car billboard advertisements: Audi/BMW rivalry. Occasional Papers in the Development of English Education, 60(2), 123–162.
  • Aydemir, M. F. (2024). Dijital doğanların uluslararasılaşması: kavramsal bir çerçeve. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 26(46), 18-37.
  • Barbosa, B., Silva, D., Santos, C., & Filipe, S. (2018). On using guerrilla in business-to-business communication: the managers' views. Cbu International Conference Proceedings, 6, 10-15.
  • Barthes, R. (2005). Göstergebilimsel serüven (M. Rıfat & S. Rıfat, Çev.). Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Burç, M. and Tanyeri, E. (2021). Sosyal medya perspektifinden gerilla pazarlama ve bir araştırma. Aksaray İletişim Dergisi, 3(2), 362-392.
  • Campbell, S., Greenwood, M., Prior, S., Shearer, T., Walkem, K., Young, S. & Walker, K. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(8), 652–661.
  • Chirig, A. (2023). Emotional advertising in Morocco during the COVID-19 pandemic: a semiotic analysis. Social Science Information, 62(2), 184–202.
  • Chung, A., Zorbas, C., Riesenberg, D., Sartori, A., Kennington, K., Ananthapavan, J. & Backholer, K. (2021). Policies to restrict unhealthy food and beverage advertising in outdoor spaces and on publicly owned assets: a scoping review of the literature. Obesity Reviews, 23(2).
  • Çavuşoğlu, C. (2019). Türkiye de gerilla pazarlama uygulamaları üzerine nitel bir araştırma. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(8), 604-620.
  • Dalamu, T. (2022). Social semiotic genre: exploring the interplay of words and images in advertising. Anuari De Filologia Llenges I Literatures Modernes- LLM, (11), 29-51.
  • Damaskinidis, G., Kourdis, E., Zantides, E., & Sykioti, E. (2018). Eye-tracking the semiotic effects of layout on viewing print advertisements. Public Journal of Semiotics, 8(1), 46-66.
  • Dinh, T. and Khương, M. (2015). Guerrilla marketing’s effects on Gen Y’s word-of-mouth intention – a mediation of credibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 28(1), 4-22.
  • Etikan, İ., Musa, S., & Alkassim, R. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(1), 1.
  • Freire, N. & Loussaïef, L. (2018). When advertising highlights the binomial identity values of luxury and CSR principles, the examples of Louis Vuitton and Hermès are Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 25(4), 565-582.
  • Gai, X. (2022). Intelligent advertising design strategy based on Internet of Things technology. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022, pp. 1–13.
  • Gökerik, M., Gürbüz, A., Erkan, İ., Mogaji, E. & Sap, S. (2018). Surprise me with your ads! The impacts of guerrilla marketing in social media on brand image. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30(5), 1222-1238.
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2017). Social media in contemporary marketing: YouTube advertising for the guerrillas. Media Watch, 8(3).
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2017). Sustainable practices through green guerrilla marketing – an innovative approach. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability Risus, 8(2), 61.
  • Hirschman, E. (2003). Men, dogs, guns, and cars--the semiotics of rugged individualism. Journal of Advertising, 32(1), 9-22.
  • Horzum, I. (2011). Reklamlarda işlenen modern mitler ve yeşil mitin göstergebilimsel incelemesi. Humanities Sciences, 6(1), 29–41.
  • Hutter, K. & Hoffmann, S. (2011). Guerrilla marketing: the nature of the concept and propositions for further research. Asian Journal of Marketing, 5(2), 39-54.
  • Ismail, A. (2017). The influence of perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 29(1), 129–144.
  • Kim, J., Lloyd, S., Adebeshin, K., & Kang, J. (2019). Decoding fashion advertising symbolism in masstige and luxury brands. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 23(2), 277-295.
  • Lubytė, V. (2021). Small and medium enterprises' brand positioning through guerilla marketing principles. Vilnius University Open Series, 69–75.
  • Mahmood, H., Arif, S., Tariq, R., Yazdani, N., & Kazmi, S. (2022). Semiotic approach towards analyzing TV advertisements: a critical discourse analysis. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, 12(2).
  • Marscha, C. & Lesmana, F. (2022). Representation of single father in the movie Fatherhood. Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi, 10(2), 138-147.
  • Metro-Roland, M. (2009). Interpreting meaning: An application of Peircean semiotics to tourism. Tourism Geographies, 11(2), 270-279.
  • Nufer, G. (2013). Guerrilla marketing—innovative or parasitic marketing? Modern Economy, 04(09), 1–6.
  • Nufer, G. (2021). Innovative digital guerrilla marketing. International Journal of Innovation Management and Technology, 12(3), 40–44.
  • Nugroho, K. and Hermawan, D. (2022). The influence of guerrilla marketing on buying interests in Indonesian fashion local brands. Tijab (The International Journal of Applied Business), 6(2), 183-194.
  • Oputa, E., Fakhrorazi, A., & Islam, R. (2019). The influence of semiotic advertising efficacy on gen-y purchase intent: a study of reputable major brands of smartphone. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(1), 249-255.
  • Othman, H. (2020). Ambient ads as unconventional media approach. International Design Journal, 10(2), 269-278. 269-278.
  • Palinkas, L., Horwitz, S., Green, C., Wisdom, J., Duan, N., & Hoagwood, K. (2013). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(5), 533–544.
  • Praja, S., Sudirjo, F., & Rijal, S. (2023). Exploring the influence: a bibliometric analysis of social media marketing in the digital era. West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(6), 293-304.
  • Robertson, T., Jepson, R., Lambe, K., Olsen, J., & Thornton, L. (2021). Socio-economic patterning of food and drink advertising at public transport stops in Edinburgh, UK. Public Health Nutrition, 25(5), 1131–1139.
  • Rundblad, G. & Annaz, D. (2010). Development of metaphor and metonymy comprehension: receptive vocabulary and conceptual knowledge. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28(3), 547-563.
  • Sianturi, C., Pasaribu, V., Pasaribu, R., & Simanjuntak, J. (2022). The impact of social media marketing on purchase intention. Sultanist Jurnal Manajemen Dan Keuangan, 10(1), 60-68.
  • Sing, F. (2020). Food advertising to children in New Zealand: A critical review of the performance of a self-regulatory complaints system using a public health law framework. Nutrients, 12(5), 1278.
  • Sjaerodji, Y. & Indrawati, D. (2022). Semiotic analysis of typography in Apple virtual advertisement. Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature), 6(1), 1-18.
  • Song, H., Ding, Q. S., Xu, J. B., Kim, J., & Chang, R. C. (2023). Typographic design of outdoor signage, restaurant authenticity, and consumers’ willingness to dine: extending semiotic theory. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(7), 2388-2409.
  • Terkan, R. (2018). Communication studies and semiotıc methods applications. International Journal of Communication and Media Studies, 8(4), 33–42.
  • Terskikh, M., & Zaytseva, O. (2021). Ideological and Cultural Codes in Dove Brand Advertising: a Semiotic Analysis. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Wang, N. (2021). Advertising and consumers' enthusiasm. Scientific and Social Research, 3(2), 82–85.
  • Yakin, H. & Totu, A. (2014). The semiotic perspectives of Peirce and Saussure: a brief comparative study. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 155, 4(8).
  • Yüksekbilgili, Z. (2011). Gerilla pazarlama: Kuramsal bir çerçeve. Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, (22), 49-54.
  • Zhang, Y. (2019). A semiotic study on print advertisements of luxury perfume brands for women. Asian Journal of Social Science Studies, 4(1), 15.

Göstergebilimsel Analizlerle Gerilla Pazarlama Kampanyalarının Anlam Dünyası

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 69, 194 - 219, 18.03.2025


Gerilla pazarlama, reklamcılık sektöründe yaratıcılık ve sürpriz unsurlarıyla tüketiciler üzerinde kalıcı bir etki yaratmayı amaçlayan yenilikçi ve sıra dışı bir yaklaşımdır. Geleneksel reklam stratejilerinden farklı olarak gerilla pazarlama, tüketici ilgisini çekmek ve marka etkileşimini artırmak için sembolik ve beklenmedik yöntemlere dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, gerilla pazarlama kampanyalarını göstergebilimsel analiz yöntemiyle inceleyerek, reklam içeriklerinde yer alan görsel ve metinsel unsurların tüketici algısı üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın önemi, reklamların yüzeysel çekiciliğinin ötesinde reklamcılıkta kullanılan semboller ve anlamların tüketici algısını nasıl şekillendirdiğini ortaya koymasında yatmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışma, markaların yenilikçi reklam stratejileri aracılığıyla anlamları nasıl inşa ettiklerini ortaya koymakta ve pazarlama iletişimi alanına katkı sağlamaktadır. Çalışmada, Roland Barthes’in göstergebilimsel çerçevesi kullanılarak, gerilla pazarlama reklamlarındaki düz anlam, yan anlam, metafor ve metonimi unsurları değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmış ve otomotiv, kozmetik, gıda, içecek ve tüketim malları gibi birçok sektörden 21 reklam analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, gerilla pazarlama kampanyalarının sembolik anlamlar, duygusal tetikleyiciler ve kültürel referanslar aracılığıyla tüketicileri etkili bir şekilde harekete geçirebileceğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca görsel ve sözel unsurların sinerjisinin mesajın akılda kalıcılığını ve tüketici etkileşimini artırabileceği ifade edilebilir. Bu çalışma, gerilla pazarlama üzerine göstergebilimsel bir bakış açısı sunarak, pazarlamacılar ve reklamcılar için daha etkili kampanyalar tasarlamaya yönelik pratik öneriler sunmaktadır.

Etik Beyan

Bu çalışmada bilimsel araştırma ve yayın etik kurallarına riayet edilmiştir.


  • Agustia, K. T. S., & Kurniawan, I. B. (2022). Semiotic Analysis on Non-Verbal Language in Gadget Digital Advertisement. JAMI: Jurnal Ahli Muda Indonesia, 3(2), 226-237.
  • Ahmed, R., Qureshi, J., Streimikiene, D., Vveinhardt, J., & Soomro, R. (2020). Guerrilla marketing trends for sustainable solutions: Evidence from sem-based multivariate and conditional process approaches. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21(3), 851-871.
  • Ahmed, R., Qureshi, J., Štreimikienė, D., Vveinhardt, J., & Soomro, R. (2020). Guerrilla marketing trends for sustainable solutions: evidence from sem-based multivariate and conditional process approaches. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21(3), 851-871.
  • Arif, D. (2022). The portrayal of peace values embedded in the Indonesian ELT textbook as a site of character education for secondary high school students. Ideas Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning Linguistics and Literature, 10(1), 226–239.
  • Attar, A. (2015). A multimodal analysis of car billboard advertisements: Audi/BMW rivalry. Occasional Papers in the Development of English Education, 60(2), 123–162.
  • Aydemir, M. F. (2024). Dijital doğanların uluslararasılaşması: kavramsal bir çerçeve. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 26(46), 18-37.
  • Barbosa, B., Silva, D., Santos, C., & Filipe, S. (2018). On using guerrilla in business-to-business communication: the managers' views. Cbu International Conference Proceedings, 6, 10-15.
  • Barthes, R. (2005). Göstergebilimsel serüven (M. Rıfat & S. Rıfat, Çev.). Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
  • Burç, M. and Tanyeri, E. (2021). Sosyal medya perspektifinden gerilla pazarlama ve bir araştırma. Aksaray İletişim Dergisi, 3(2), 362-392.
  • Campbell, S., Greenwood, M., Prior, S., Shearer, T., Walkem, K., Young, S. & Walker, K. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(8), 652–661.
  • Chirig, A. (2023). Emotional advertising in Morocco during the COVID-19 pandemic: a semiotic analysis. Social Science Information, 62(2), 184–202.
  • Chung, A., Zorbas, C., Riesenberg, D., Sartori, A., Kennington, K., Ananthapavan, J. & Backholer, K. (2021). Policies to restrict unhealthy food and beverage advertising in outdoor spaces and on publicly owned assets: a scoping review of the literature. Obesity Reviews, 23(2).
  • Çavuşoğlu, C. (2019). Türkiye de gerilla pazarlama uygulamaları üzerine nitel bir araştırma. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(8), 604-620.
  • Dalamu, T. (2022). Social semiotic genre: exploring the interplay of words and images in advertising. Anuari De Filologia Llenges I Literatures Modernes- LLM, (11), 29-51.
  • Damaskinidis, G., Kourdis, E., Zantides, E., & Sykioti, E. (2018). Eye-tracking the semiotic effects of layout on viewing print advertisements. Public Journal of Semiotics, 8(1), 46-66.
  • Dinh, T. and Khương, M. (2015). Guerrilla marketing’s effects on Gen Y’s word-of-mouth intention – a mediation of credibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 28(1), 4-22.
  • Etikan, İ., Musa, S., & Alkassim, R. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(1), 1.
  • Freire, N. & Loussaïef, L. (2018). When advertising highlights the binomial identity values of luxury and CSR principles, the examples of Louis Vuitton and Hermès are Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 25(4), 565-582.
  • Gai, X. (2022). Intelligent advertising design strategy based on Internet of Things technology. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022, pp. 1–13.
  • Gökerik, M., Gürbüz, A., Erkan, İ., Mogaji, E. & Sap, S. (2018). Surprise me with your ads! The impacts of guerrilla marketing in social media on brand image. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30(5), 1222-1238.
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2017). Social media in contemporary marketing: YouTube advertising for the guerrillas. Media Watch, 8(3).
  • Gupta, H. & Singh, S. (2017). Sustainable practices through green guerrilla marketing – an innovative approach. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability Risus, 8(2), 61.
  • Hirschman, E. (2003). Men, dogs, guns, and cars--the semiotics of rugged individualism. Journal of Advertising, 32(1), 9-22.
  • Horzum, I. (2011). Reklamlarda işlenen modern mitler ve yeşil mitin göstergebilimsel incelemesi. Humanities Sciences, 6(1), 29–41.
  • Hutter, K. & Hoffmann, S. (2011). Guerrilla marketing: the nature of the concept and propositions for further research. Asian Journal of Marketing, 5(2), 39-54.
  • Ismail, A. (2017). The influence of perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 29(1), 129–144.
  • Kim, J., Lloyd, S., Adebeshin, K., & Kang, J. (2019). Decoding fashion advertising symbolism in masstige and luxury brands. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 23(2), 277-295.
  • Lubytė, V. (2021). Small and medium enterprises' brand positioning through guerilla marketing principles. Vilnius University Open Series, 69–75.
  • Mahmood, H., Arif, S., Tariq, R., Yazdani, N., & Kazmi, S. (2022). Semiotic approach towards analyzing TV advertisements: a critical discourse analysis. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences, 12(2).
  • Marscha, C. & Lesmana, F. (2022). Representation of single father in the movie Fatherhood. Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi, 10(2), 138-147.
  • Metro-Roland, M. (2009). Interpreting meaning: An application of Peircean semiotics to tourism. Tourism Geographies, 11(2), 270-279.
  • Nufer, G. (2013). Guerrilla marketing—innovative or parasitic marketing? Modern Economy, 04(09), 1–6.
  • Nufer, G. (2021). Innovative digital guerrilla marketing. International Journal of Innovation Management and Technology, 12(3), 40–44.
  • Nugroho, K. and Hermawan, D. (2022). The influence of guerrilla marketing on buying interests in Indonesian fashion local brands. Tijab (The International Journal of Applied Business), 6(2), 183-194.
  • Oputa, E., Fakhrorazi, A., & Islam, R. (2019). The influence of semiotic advertising efficacy on gen-y purchase intent: a study of reputable major brands of smartphone. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(1), 249-255.
  • Othman, H. (2020). Ambient ads as unconventional media approach. International Design Journal, 10(2), 269-278. 269-278.
  • Palinkas, L., Horwitz, S., Green, C., Wisdom, J., Duan, N., & Hoagwood, K. (2013). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(5), 533–544.
  • Praja, S., Sudirjo, F., & Rijal, S. (2023). Exploring the influence: a bibliometric analysis of social media marketing in the digital era. West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(6), 293-304.
  • Robertson, T., Jepson, R., Lambe, K., Olsen, J., & Thornton, L. (2021). Socio-economic patterning of food and drink advertising at public transport stops in Edinburgh, UK. Public Health Nutrition, 25(5), 1131–1139.
  • Rundblad, G. & Annaz, D. (2010). Development of metaphor and metonymy comprehension: receptive vocabulary and conceptual knowledge. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28(3), 547-563.
  • Sianturi, C., Pasaribu, V., Pasaribu, R., & Simanjuntak, J. (2022). The impact of social media marketing on purchase intention. Sultanist Jurnal Manajemen Dan Keuangan, 10(1), 60-68.
  • Sing, F. (2020). Food advertising to children in New Zealand: A critical review of the performance of a self-regulatory complaints system using a public health law framework. Nutrients, 12(5), 1278.
  • Sjaerodji, Y. & Indrawati, D. (2022). Semiotic analysis of typography in Apple virtual advertisement. Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature), 6(1), 1-18.
  • Song, H., Ding, Q. S., Xu, J. B., Kim, J., & Chang, R. C. (2023). Typographic design of outdoor signage, restaurant authenticity, and consumers’ willingness to dine: extending semiotic theory. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(7), 2388-2409.
  • Terkan, R. (2018). Communication studies and semiotıc methods applications. International Journal of Communication and Media Studies, 8(4), 33–42.
  • Terskikh, M., & Zaytseva, O. (2021). Ideological and Cultural Codes in Dove Brand Advertising: a Semiotic Analysis. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Wang, N. (2021). Advertising and consumers' enthusiasm. Scientific and Social Research, 3(2), 82–85.
  • Yakin, H. & Totu, A. (2014). The semiotic perspectives of Peirce and Saussure: a brief comparative study. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 155, 4(8).
  • Yüksekbilgili, Z. (2011). Gerilla pazarlama: Kuramsal bir çerçeve. Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, (22), 49-54.
  • Zhang, Y. (2019). A semiotic study on print advertisements of luxury perfume brands for women. Asian Journal of Social Science Studies, 4(1), 15.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kitle İletişimi, İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm İnceleme Makaleleri

Fatih Bilici 0000-0003-4803-0463

Nebi Seren 0000-0003-4080-4823

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 9 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 69

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilici, F., & Seren, N. (2025). The Meaning World of Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns through Semiotic Analysis. İletişim Kuram Ve Araştırma Dergisi(69), 194-219.