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Erken Dönem Hristiyanlıkta Faiz Kavramının Dünyevileşme Süreci: Bir İktisadi Kurumlar Sosyolojisi İncelemesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 20, 125 - 140, 27.02.2023


Bu çalışmada erken dönem Hristiyanlıkta finansal kurumsallaşmanın izleri faiz kavramının helalizasyon (dünyevileşme) sürecine temas etmek suretiyle ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmanın zaman sınırlılığı erken dönem hristiyanlığı olduğu için söz konusu dünyevileşme süreci manastırcılık (monastizm) düşüncesi özelinde ele alınmıştır. Manastırcılık düşüncesi Klasik, Toplu ve Benedikten olmak üzere üç boyutta incelenmiştir. Yapılan bu incelemede Max Weber’in meşhur eseri Protestan Ahlakı ve Kapitalizm’in Ruhu adlı eserinde ortaya koyduğu önermenin ana hatlarına benimsenen teorik çerçevenin saç ayakları yerleştirilmiştir. Weber’e göre endüstri kapitalizmi dinsel birtakım arka planlar kullanmak suretiyle ortaya çıkmıştır. Weber’e göre endüstri kapitalizmi tinsel özlerin dünyevileşmesinin bir görünüşüdür. Öte dünya için yapılan emek organizasyonlarının bu dünyada da fayda sağlayacağına dair bir bilişselliğin kazanılması sonucunda endüstri kapitalizmi ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu önermenin ışığında faiz kavramının monastik düşünce içerisinde helalizasyonunun nasıl ve hangi koşullar altında gerçekleştiği incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler nitel metodolojik yaklaşımların benimsenmesi suretiyle yapılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda monastik düşüncede faiz anlayışı vaka-durum deseni olarak ele alınmıştır. İncelelemeler doküman tarama metodu yoluyla birincil ve ikincil kaynaklardan elde edilen verilerin yardımıyla yapılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için betimleyici analiz ve süreç analizinden faydalanılmıştır. Klasik Monastizm’de faiz anlayışı betimsel bir analize tabi tutulmuştur. Sonuç olarak ekonomik zihniyete dayalı örgütlenme biçimlerinin artışı ile kavramın helalizasyon (dünyevileşme) süreci arasında bir paralellik saptanmıştır. Kurumsallaşma refleksleri göstermiş olan örgütlenme biçimleri saptanmıştır. Bunlar başlıca; Birtakım nizamnamelerle çerçeve edilmiş iş bölümü ve uzmanlaşmayla ilgili örgütlenme biçimleri ve sosyo-temporal bir düzenin tesis edilmesiyle birlikte paranın zaman değeri olan modern faiz kavramının (dünyevileşmiş) temellerini atan örgütlenme biçimleri şeklinde bulgulanmıştır.


  • Akçakaya, M. (2016). Weber'in bürokrasi kuramının bugünü ve geleceği. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(8): 275-295.
  • Bendix, R. (1973). Max Weber: an intellectual portrait, London: Methuen Publishing.
  • Bloch, M. (2014). Feudal society. London: Routledge.
  • Braudel, F. (1996). The mediterranean and the mediterranean world in the age of Philip ii. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Bugiulescu, M. I. (2018). The organization and role of monasticism in the Christian church constitution and activity. Bogoslovni Vestnik, 78(2): 523-541.
  • Cameron, A. (2011). The mediterranean world in late antiquity: ad: 395-700. London: Routledge.
  • Chadwick, H. (2001). The church in ancient society. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Chitty, D. J. (1999). The desert a city. New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press.
  • Cipolla, C.M. (1993). Akdeniz dünyasında para, fiyatlar ve medeniyet. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • Cummings, C. (2015). Monastic practices. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publication.
  • Curta, F. (2012). Southeastern europa in the Middle Ages, 500-1250. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • De Grazia, S. (1962). Of time, work and leisure. New York: Kraus International Publications.
  • Dey, I. (1993). Qualitative data analysis: a user-friendly guide for social scientists. London: Routledge Publications.
  • Donald, D.W.A. (1975). Compound interest and annuities-certain. London: Heinemann Press.
  • Dunn, M. (2003). The Emergence of Monasticism. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Dobb, M., Sweezy, P., Hill, C., Takamashi, K.H., and Hilton, R. (1984). Feodalizmden kapitalizme geçiş (Çev. Müge Gürer, Semih Sökmen). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Doğan, S. (1998). İşletmeleri sürekliliğe götüren yol: kurumsallaşma ve önemi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 13, 143-168.
  • Fınley, M.I. (1999). The ancient economy. London: University of California Press.
  • Giddens, A. (2002). Hermeneutik ve sosyal teori: retorik hermeneutik ve sosyal bilimler (H. Arslan, Der.). İstanbul: Paradigma.
  • Gobbetti, M., Neviani, E., and Fox, P. (2018) The cheeses of Italy: Science and technology. Switzerland: Springer.
  • Goehring, J. H. (2011). withdrawing from the desert: pachomius and the development of village monasticism in upper egypt. Harvard Theological Review, 89(3): 267-285.
  • Gies, F. (2005). Daily life in medieval times. Greenwich: Grange Books Plc
  • Hannah, C. I. (2003) Christian monasticism: a great force in history. Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing.
  • Heaton, H. (1985). Economic history of Europe. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers.
  • Jones, R.C. (2010). Monks and monasteries: a brief history. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, LLC.
  • Kauffman, I. J. (2010). Evangelicals and monastics. Monasticism Old and New (Ed. Robert Kruschwitz). Teksas: Baylor University Press.
  • Katz, D., and Kahn, R. (1977). Örgütlerin toplumsal psikolojisi. Ankara: Todaie Yayınları.
  • Kerr, S., Von Glinov, M. A., and Fulk, J. (1977). Issues in the study of “professionals” in organizations: the case of scientists and engineers. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 18(2): 329-345.
  • Lachmann, L. (2007). The legacy of max weber. Berkeley: The Glendessary Press.
  • Lawrence, C. H. (2015). Medieval monasticism. London: Routledge.
  • Luxemburg, R. (2003). The accumulation of capital. London: Routledge.
  • Marx, K. (1977). Capital: a critique of political economy (trans. Ben Fowkes), vol.1. New York: Vintage.
  • Melchert, C. (1996). The transition from asceticism to mysticism at the middle of the ninth century C. E., Studia Islamica, 83: 51-70.
  • Melville, G. (2016). The world of medieval monasticism: its history and forms of life. Collegeville: Cistercian Publication
  • Morrissey, E. and Gillespie, D. F. (1975). Technology and the conflict of professionals in bureaucratic organizations. The Sociological Quarterly, 16: 319-332.
  • Mumford, L. (2010). Technics and cilvilization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Murzaku, I. A. (2013). Monastic tradition in eastern Christianity and outside the world. Leuven: Peters Publishers.
  • Ostrogorsky, G. (1986). History of the Byzantine state. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
  • Rollidis, J. (1999). Eastern monasticism: from desert to the ultimate north: an architectural appraisal. Byzantium and the North: Acta Byzantine Fennica, Ed. Rene Gothoni, 9(1), 152-164.
  • Pirenne, H. (2013). Ortaçağ Avrupası’nın ekonomik ve sosyal tarihi. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Pirenne, H. (2012). Hazreti Muhammed ve Şarlman: İslam fetihleri ve Ortaçağ Batı uygarlığı (M.Ö. Mengüşoğlu, Çev.). İstanbul: Pınar Yayınları.
  • Rohlfing, I. (2012). Case studies and causal inference: An integrative framework. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Perlman, M. (1997). Looking for ourselves in the mirror of our past (58-72). Ed. B.B. Price, Ancient Economic Thought, London: Routledge.
  • Postan, M. (1928). Credit in medieval trade. The Economic History Review, 1(2): 234-261.
  • Power, E. (1936). Medieval monastic finance [Review of Five Centuries of Religion. Vol. III, Getting and Spending.; Le Temporel et la situation financiere des etablissements de l’Ordre de Cluny du XII au XIV siecle, particulierement dans les Provinces francaises., by G. G. Coulton & G. de Valous]. The Economic History Review, 7(1): 87–92.
  • Ragin, C. C. (1987). The comparative method: moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Roover R. (1974). Business banking, and economic thought in late medieval and early modern Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Rosewell, R. (2012). The medieval monastery. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.
  • Rowling, M. (1968). Everyday life in medieval times. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
  • Sombart, W. (2016). Yahudiler ve modern kapitalizm (Çev. Sabri Gürses). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • Sear, D. R. (2000). Byzantine coins and their values. London: Spink Press.
  • Spencer, N. (2018). The evolution of the west: how Christianity has shaped our values. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.
  • Wagner, J. A., and Hollenbeck, J. H. (1992). Management of organizational behaviour. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  • Warren, N. B. (2001). Sipiritual economies: female monasticism in later medieval England. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • Walker, W. (1984). History of the Christian church. New York: Scribner Press.
  • Weber, M. (1958). Bureaucracy. In H. H. Gerth and C. W. Mills (Eds.). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Weber, M. (2005). Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism (Trans by. Talcott Parsons), London And New York: Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Weber, M. (2013). General economic history, (Trans by. Frank H. Knight). Eastford: Martino Fine Books.
  • Wiesen, D. S. (1964). St. Jerome as a satirist; a study in Christian Latin thought and letters. New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Woods, R. J. (2006). Christian spirituality: god’s presence through the ages. New York: Orbis Books.
  • Woods, T. E. (2012). How the catholic church built western civilization. Washington: Regnery Publishing.
  • Yin, R. K. (2002). Case study research: design and methods, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  • Zerubavel, E. (1980). The Benedictine ethic and the modern spirit of scheduling: on schedules and social organization. Sociological Inquiry, 50(2): 157- 169.
  • Zucker, L.G. (1987). Institutional theories of organization. Annual Review of Sociologyt, 13: 443-64.

Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 20, 125 - 140, 27.02.2023


In this paper investigates the traces of financial institutionalization in early Christianity with a focus on halalization (secularization) of the concept of interest. Secularization is being discussed in the context of monasticism since the period in focus is early Christianity. In the study, monasticism is classified into three types: Classical, Cenobitic, and Benedictine. For its research purposes, the study employs qualitative methods like using a case study design. In addition, primary and secondary sources are reviewed to obtain data. Later, this obtained data is analysed through descriptive and process analyses. The role of interest in Classical Monasticism is analysed through descriptive analysis, which ascertains that there was a parallelism between the increase in organising based on an economic mentality and the secularization of interest. Moreover, it is discovered that there were organizational forms with a tendency towards institutionalization. These were mainly: (1) organizational forms regarding the division of labour and specialization that were surrounded by some regulations and (2) organizational forms that laid the foundation for the modern (secularized) concept of interest which became the time value of money when a socio-temporal order was established.


  • Akçakaya, M. (2016). Weber'in bürokrasi kuramının bugünü ve geleceği. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(8): 275-295.
  • Bendix, R. (1973). Max Weber: an intellectual portrait, London: Methuen Publishing.
  • Bloch, M. (2014). Feudal society. London: Routledge.
  • Braudel, F. (1996). The mediterranean and the mediterranean world in the age of Philip ii. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Bugiulescu, M. I. (2018). The organization and role of monasticism in the Christian church constitution and activity. Bogoslovni Vestnik, 78(2): 523-541.
  • Cameron, A. (2011). The mediterranean world in late antiquity: ad: 395-700. London: Routledge.
  • Chadwick, H. (2001). The church in ancient society. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Chitty, D. J. (1999). The desert a city. New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press.
  • Cipolla, C.M. (1993). Akdeniz dünyasında para, fiyatlar ve medeniyet. İstanbul: Bağlam Yayınları.
  • Cummings, C. (2015). Monastic practices. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publication.
  • Curta, F. (2012). Southeastern europa in the Middle Ages, 500-1250. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • De Grazia, S. (1962). Of time, work and leisure. New York: Kraus International Publications.
  • Dey, I. (1993). Qualitative data analysis: a user-friendly guide for social scientists. London: Routledge Publications.
  • Donald, D.W.A. (1975). Compound interest and annuities-certain. London: Heinemann Press.
  • Dunn, M. (2003). The Emergence of Monasticism. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Dobb, M., Sweezy, P., Hill, C., Takamashi, K.H., and Hilton, R. (1984). Feodalizmden kapitalizme geçiş (Çev. Müge Gürer, Semih Sökmen). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Doğan, S. (1998). İşletmeleri sürekliliğe götüren yol: kurumsallaşma ve önemi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 13, 143-168.
  • Fınley, M.I. (1999). The ancient economy. London: University of California Press.
  • Giddens, A. (2002). Hermeneutik ve sosyal teori: retorik hermeneutik ve sosyal bilimler (H. Arslan, Der.). İstanbul: Paradigma.
  • Gobbetti, M., Neviani, E., and Fox, P. (2018) The cheeses of Italy: Science and technology. Switzerland: Springer.
  • Goehring, J. H. (2011). withdrawing from the desert: pachomius and the development of village monasticism in upper egypt. Harvard Theological Review, 89(3): 267-285.
  • Gies, F. (2005). Daily life in medieval times. Greenwich: Grange Books Plc
  • Hannah, C. I. (2003) Christian monasticism: a great force in history. Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing.
  • Heaton, H. (1985). Economic history of Europe. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers.
  • Jones, R.C. (2010). Monks and monasteries: a brief history. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, LLC.
  • Kauffman, I. J. (2010). Evangelicals and monastics. Monasticism Old and New (Ed. Robert Kruschwitz). Teksas: Baylor University Press.
  • Katz, D., and Kahn, R. (1977). Örgütlerin toplumsal psikolojisi. Ankara: Todaie Yayınları.
  • Kerr, S., Von Glinov, M. A., and Fulk, J. (1977). Issues in the study of “professionals” in organizations: the case of scientists and engineers. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 18(2): 329-345.
  • Lachmann, L. (2007). The legacy of max weber. Berkeley: The Glendessary Press.
  • Lawrence, C. H. (2015). Medieval monasticism. London: Routledge.
  • Luxemburg, R. (2003). The accumulation of capital. London: Routledge.
  • Marx, K. (1977). Capital: a critique of political economy (trans. Ben Fowkes), vol.1. New York: Vintage.
  • Melchert, C. (1996). The transition from asceticism to mysticism at the middle of the ninth century C. E., Studia Islamica, 83: 51-70.
  • Melville, G. (2016). The world of medieval monasticism: its history and forms of life. Collegeville: Cistercian Publication
  • Morrissey, E. and Gillespie, D. F. (1975). Technology and the conflict of professionals in bureaucratic organizations. The Sociological Quarterly, 16: 319-332.
  • Mumford, L. (2010). Technics and cilvilization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Murzaku, I. A. (2013). Monastic tradition in eastern Christianity and outside the world. Leuven: Peters Publishers.
  • Ostrogorsky, G. (1986). History of the Byzantine state. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
  • Rollidis, J. (1999). Eastern monasticism: from desert to the ultimate north: an architectural appraisal. Byzantium and the North: Acta Byzantine Fennica, Ed. Rene Gothoni, 9(1), 152-164.
  • Pirenne, H. (2013). Ortaçağ Avrupası’nın ekonomik ve sosyal tarihi. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Pirenne, H. (2012). Hazreti Muhammed ve Şarlman: İslam fetihleri ve Ortaçağ Batı uygarlığı (M.Ö. Mengüşoğlu, Çev.). İstanbul: Pınar Yayınları.
  • Rohlfing, I. (2012). Case studies and causal inference: An integrative framework. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Perlman, M. (1997). Looking for ourselves in the mirror of our past (58-72). Ed. B.B. Price, Ancient Economic Thought, London: Routledge.
  • Postan, M. (1928). Credit in medieval trade. The Economic History Review, 1(2): 234-261.
  • Power, E. (1936). Medieval monastic finance [Review of Five Centuries of Religion. Vol. III, Getting and Spending.; Le Temporel et la situation financiere des etablissements de l’Ordre de Cluny du XII au XIV siecle, particulierement dans les Provinces francaises., by G. G. Coulton & G. de Valous]. The Economic History Review, 7(1): 87–92.
  • Ragin, C. C. (1987). The comparative method: moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Roover R. (1974). Business banking, and economic thought in late medieval and early modern Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Rosewell, R. (2012). The medieval monastery. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.
  • Rowling, M. (1968). Everyday life in medieval times. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
  • Sombart, W. (2016). Yahudiler ve modern kapitalizm (Çev. Sabri Gürses). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • Sear, D. R. (2000). Byzantine coins and their values. London: Spink Press.
  • Spencer, N. (2018). The evolution of the west: how Christianity has shaped our values. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.
  • Wagner, J. A., and Hollenbeck, J. H. (1992). Management of organizational behaviour. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
  • Warren, N. B. (2001). Sipiritual economies: female monasticism in later medieval England. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • Walker, W. (1984). History of the Christian church. New York: Scribner Press.
  • Weber, M. (1958). Bureaucracy. In H. H. Gerth and C. W. Mills (Eds.). From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Weber, M. (2005). Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism (Trans by. Talcott Parsons), London And New York: Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Weber, M. (2013). General economic history, (Trans by. Frank H. Knight). Eastford: Martino Fine Books.
  • Wiesen, D. S. (1964). St. Jerome as a satirist; a study in Christian Latin thought and letters. New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Woods, R. J. (2006). Christian spirituality: god’s presence through the ages. New York: Orbis Books.
  • Woods, T. E. (2012). How the catholic church built western civilization. Washington: Regnery Publishing.
  • Yin, R. K. (2002). Case study research: design and methods, Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.
  • Zerubavel, E. (1980). The Benedictine ethic and the modern spirit of scheduling: on schedules and social organization. Sociological Inquiry, 50(2): 157- 169.
  • Zucker, L.G. (1987). Institutional theories of organization. Annual Review of Sociologyt, 13: 443-64.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Onur Dündar 0000-0001-5792-6945

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Şubat 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 20

Kaynak Göster

APA Dündar, O. (2023). Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(20), 125-140.
AMA Dündar O. Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions. İKTİSAD. Şubat 2023;8(20):125-140. doi:10.25204/iktisad.1205697
Chicago Dündar, Onur. “Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8, sy. 20 (Şubat 2023): 125-40.
EndNote Dündar O (01 Şubat 2023) Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8 20 125–140.
IEEE O. Dündar, “Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions”, İKTİSAD, c. 8, sy. 20, ss. 125–140, 2023, doi: 10.25204/iktisad.1205697.
ISNAD Dündar, Onur. “Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions”. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8/20 (Şubat 2023), 125-140.
JAMA Dündar O. Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions. İKTİSAD. 2023;8:125–140.
MLA Dündar, Onur. “Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 20, 2023, ss. 125-40, doi:10.25204/iktisad.1205697.
Vancouver Dündar O. Secularization of Interest in Early Christianity: A Sociological Analysis of Economic Institutions. İKTİSAD. 2023;8(20):125-40.

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