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Abartılı ve Aldatıcı Influencer Reklamlarının ve Influencer Çekiciliğinin Tüketici Satın Alma Niyetleri Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 25, 837 - 853, 31.10.2024


Influencer pazarlaması, şirketlerin ücretli içerik yoluyla markalarını tanıtmaları için sosyal medya influencer'larını işe aldıkları ve giderek büyüyen bir trenddir. Influencer'lar ilgi çekici paylaşımlar yaratmakta ve kişisel deneyimlerini paylaşmak için takipçileriyle etkileşime geçmektedir. Ancak tüketiciler bu promosyonların potansiyel olumsuz etkileri konusunda endişelerini dile getirmektedir. Influencer pazarlamasının olumsuz yönlerine odaklanan bu çalışma, takipçilerin influencerların yanıltıcı tekniklerini nasıl algıladıklarını göstermektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, influencerlar tarafından oluşturulan abartılı reklamlarda influencer çekiciliğinin müşterilerin satın alma niyetlerini nasıl etkilediğini öğrenmektir. Veriler çevrimiçi bir anket ile elde edilmiştir. Ankete aktif Instagram kullanıcılarından 388 geçerli yanıt gelmiştir. Veriler SPSS ve AMOS yazılımları ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma, influencerlar tarafından yapılan aldatıcı reklamların çekiciliklerini olumsuz etkilediğini ve satın alma niyetlerini önemli ölçüde azalttığını ortaya koymaktadır. Buna karşın, abartılı reklamlar satın alma niyetini etkilememektedir. Beklendiği üzere, influencer'ların çekiciliği satın alma niyeti ile pozitif yönde bağlantılıdır. Bu bulgular, influencer kampanyalarında etik reklam uygulamalarının önemini vurgulamaktadır.


  • Afzal, H., Batool, N., Husssain, S. and Hussain, N. (2021). An empirical investigation of factors that impede the purcase of packaged milk in pakistan. NICE Research Journal, 14(3), 11-28.
  • Agag, G. (2019). E-commerce ethics and its impact on buyer repurchase intentions and loyalty: An empirical study of small and medium Egyptian businesses. Journal of Business Ethics, 154, 389-410.
  • Agag, G. M., and El-Masry, A. A. (2016). Cultural and religiosity drivers and satisfaction outcomes of consumer perceived deception in online shopping. Internet Research, 26(4), 942-962.
  • Alboqami, H. (2023). Trust me, I'm an influencer! - causal recipes for customer trust in artificial intelligence influencers in the retail industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 72, 103242.
  • Alcántara-Pilar, J. M., Rodriguez-López, M. E., Kalinić, Z., and Liébana-Cabanillas, F. (2024). From likes to loyalty: exploring the impact of influencer credibility on purchase intentions in TikTok. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 78, 103709.
  • Alqaysi, S. J., and Zahari, A. R. (2022). The effect of deceptive brand image on consumer purchase intention: empirical evidence from Iraqi market. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 9(6), 207–217.
  • Amyx, D. A. and Lumpkin, J. R. (2016). Interaction effect of ad puffery and ad skepticism on consumer persuasion. Journal of Promotion Management, 22(3), 403-424.
  • Ashraf, A., Hameed, I., and Saeed, S. A. (2023). How do social media influencers inspire consumers' purchase decisions? The mediating role of parasocial relationships. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 47(4), 1416-1433.
  • Baltezarević, R. (2023, March 23-24). Deceptive advertising in the online environment. In: M. Jikia (Ed.), 3rd International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, Proceedings: IKSAD – Congress book (pp. 360-369). Samsun, Türkiye.
  • Baltezarević, R., Baltezarević, B., and Baltezarević, V. (2022). The role of travel influencers in sustainable tourism development. International Review, (3-4), 125-129.
  • Boerman, S. C., and Van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2020). Disclosing influencer marketing on YouTube to children: The moderating role of para-social relationship. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
  • Brown, D., and Hayes, N. (2008). Influencer marketing. Routledge.
  • Burke, R. R., DeSarbo, W. S., Oliver, R. L., and Robertson, T. S. (1988). Deception by Implication: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Consumer Research, 14(4), 483-494.
  • Campbell, C., and Farrell, J. R. (2020). More than meets the eye: the functional components underlying influencer marketing. Business Horizons, 63(4), 469-479.
  • Caspi, A., and Etgar, S. (2023). Exaggeration of emotional responses in online communication. Computers in Human Behavior, 146, 107818.
  • Chawla, S., Dave, D. S., and Barr, P. B. (1994). Role of physical attractiveness in endorsement: an empirical study. Journal of Professional Services Marketing, 10(2), 203–215.
  • Chekima, B., Chekima, F., and Adis, A. (2020). Social Media Influencer in Advertising: The Role of Attractiveness, Expertise and Trustworthiness. Journal of Economics and Business, 3(4), 1507-1515.
  • Cheung, M. Y., Luo, C., Sia, C. L., and Chen, H. (2009). Credibility of electronic Word-of-Mouth: Informational and normative determinants of on-line consumer recommendations. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(4), 9-38.
  • Cowley, E. (2006). Processing exaggerated advertising claims. Journal of Business Research, 59(6), 728-734.
  • Dajah, S. (2020). Marketing through social media influencers. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 11(9), 10-12.
  • Darke, P. R., and Ritchie, R. J. (2007). The defensive consumer: advertising deception, defensive processing, and distrust. Journal of Marketing Research, 44(1), 114-127.
  • Davis, J. J. (1994). Ethics in advertising decisionmaking: implications for reducing the incidence of deceptive advertising. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 28(2), 380-402.
  • De Veirman, M., and Hudders, L. (2020). Disclosing sponsored Instagram posts: the role of material connection with the brand and message-sidedness when disclosing covert advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 39(1), 94-130.
  • De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V., and Hudders, L. (2017). Marketing through Instagram influencers: the impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 36(5), 798-828.
  • De Veirman, M., Hudders, L., and Nelson, M. R. (2019). What is influencer marketing and how does it target children? a review and direction for future research. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2685.
  • Ducato, R. (2020). One hashtag to rule them all? mandated disclosures and design duties in influencer marketing practices. In: Goanta, C., and Ranchordás, S. (Eds), The regulation of social media influencers (pp. 232-273). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Fadilah, F. F., and Alversia, Y. (2021). Understanding the influence of a parasocial relationship and beauty influencers' credibility on brand credibility and repurchasing intention on the media platform Instagram. In: S. Noviaristanti (Ed.), Contemporary research on business and management (pp. 121-124). CRC Press.
  • Frank, B., and Mitsumoto, S. (2023). An extended source attractiveness model: the advertising effectiveness of distinct athlete endorser attractiveness types and its contextual variation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(4), 1091-1114.
  • George, D., and Mallery, P. (2012). IBM SPSS statistics 19 step by step. Pearson.
  • Gokcekus, O. (2023). The extent of “deceptive” advertising by wine retailers: caveat venditor. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 36(1), 122-140.
  • Gupta, A. (2023). Deceptive advertising, regulation and naive consumers. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 91, 103026.
  • Gürkaynak, G., Kama, Ç. O., and Ergün, B. (2018). Navigating the uncharted risks of covert advertising in influencer marketing. Business Law Review, 39(1), 17-19.
  • Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., and Sarstedt, M. (2014). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Sage Publication.
  • Hu, L. T., and Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1-55.
  • Huang, L.-S., Huang, W.-J., and Wu, Y.-H. (2023). The effects of puffery in food packaging on consumers' responses via persuasion knowledge: role of food type and picture type. British Food Journal, 125(3), 937-955.
  • Hudders, L., and Lou, C. (2023). The rosy world of influencer marketing? Its bright and dark sides, and future research recommendations. International Journal of Advertising, 42(1), 151-161.
  • Jeong, J., and Yun Yoo, C. (2011). Deceptive advertising and abnormal stock returns: an event study analysis. International Journal of advertising, 30(3), 509-535.
  • Kan, A., and Akbaş, A. (2005). Lise öğrencilerinin kimya dersine yönelik tutum ölçeği geliştirme çalışması. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2), 227-237.
  • Kapoor, P. S., Balaji, M. S., Maity, M., and Jain, N. K. (2021). Why consumers exaggerate in online reviews? Moral disengagement and dark personality traits. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102496.
  • Kariyawasam, K., and Wigley, S. (2017). Online shopping, misleading advertising and consumer protection. Information & Communications Technology Law, 26(2), 73-89.
  • Kim, H., and Park, M. (2023). Virtual influencers’ attractiveness effect on purchase intention: A moderated mediation model of the product–endorser fit with the brand. Computers in Human Behavior, 143, 107703.
  • Klem, L. (2000). Structural equation modeling. In: L. G. Grimm and P. R. Yarnold (Eds.), Reading and understanding MORE multivariate statistics (pp. 227–260). American Psychological Association.
  • Kline, R. B. (2011). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (3rd ed.). Guilford Press.
  • Koubaa, Y., Srarfi Tabbane, R., and Chaabouni Jallouli, R. (2014). On the use of structural equation modeling in marketing image research. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26(2), 315-338.
  • Lee, D., and Wan, C. (2023). The impact of mukbang live streaming commerce on consumers’ overconsumption behavior. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 58(2-3), 198-221.
  • Lee, S., and Kim, E. (2020). Influencer marketing on Instagram: how sponsorship disclosure, influencer credibility, and brand credibility impact the effectiveness of Instagram promotional post. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 11(3), 232-249.
  • Lou, C. (2022). Social media influencers and followers: theorization of a trans-parasocial relation and explication of its implications for influencer advertising. Journal of Advertising, 51(1), 4-21.
  • Lou, C. and Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: how message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(1), 58-73.
  • Lou, C., Tan, S. S., and Chen, X. (2019). Investigating consumer engagement with influencer-vs. brand-promoted ads: the roles of source and disclosure. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(3), 169-186.
  • McGuire, W. J. (1985). Toward social psychology's second century. In: S. Koch and D. E. Leary (Eds.), A century of psychology as science (pp. 558-590). American Psychological Association.
  • Molina, M. D., Wang, J., Sundar, S. S., Le, T., and DiRusso, C. (2022). Reading, commenting and sharing of fake news: how online bandwagons and bots dictate user engagement. Communication Research, 50(6), 667-694.
  • Nadanyiova, M., Gajanova, L., Majerova, J., and Lizbetinova, L. (2020). Influencer marketing and its impact on consumer lifestyles. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 8(2), 109-120.
  • Naderer, B., Matthes, J., and Schäfer, S. (2021). Effects of disclosing ads on Instagram: the moderating impact of similarity to the influencer. International Journal of Advertising, 40(5), 686-707.
  • Nunes, R. H., Ferreira, J. B., Freitas, A. S. D., and Ramos, F. L. (2018). The effects of social media opinion leaders’ recommendations on followers’ intention to buy. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 20(1), 57-73.
  • Ooi, K. B., Lee, V. H., Hew, J. J., Leong, L. Y., Tan, G. W. H., and Lim, A. F. (2023). Social media influencers: An effective marketing approach?. Journal of Business Research, 160, 113773.
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The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 25, 837 - 853, 31.10.2024


Influencer marketing is a growing trend where companies hire social media influencers to promote their brands through paid content. Influencers create engaging posts and interact with their followers to share personal experiences. However, consumers have expressed concerns about the potential negative effects of these promotions. Focusing on the negative aspects of influencer marketing, this study illustrates how followers perceive the misleading techniques used by influencers. This research aims to see how influencer appeal affects consumers' purchase intentions in exaggerated advertising generated by influencers. The data was gathered through an online survey. Three hundred eighty-eight valid responses were received from active Instagram users. SPSS and AMOS programs were utilized to assess the data and examine hypotheses. This study finds that deceptive adverts made by influencers negatively affect their attractiveness and significantly reduce purchase intentions. In contrast, exaggerated advertisements do not affect purchase intention. As expected, influencers' attractiveness is positively related to purchase intention. These findings emphasise the importance of ethical advertising practices in influencer campaigns.


  • Afzal, H., Batool, N., Husssain, S. and Hussain, N. (2021). An empirical investigation of factors that impede the purcase of packaged milk in pakistan. NICE Research Journal, 14(3), 11-28.
  • Agag, G. (2019). E-commerce ethics and its impact on buyer repurchase intentions and loyalty: An empirical study of small and medium Egyptian businesses. Journal of Business Ethics, 154, 389-410.
  • Agag, G. M., and El-Masry, A. A. (2016). Cultural and religiosity drivers and satisfaction outcomes of consumer perceived deception in online shopping. Internet Research, 26(4), 942-962.
  • Alboqami, H. (2023). Trust me, I'm an influencer! - causal recipes for customer trust in artificial intelligence influencers in the retail industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 72, 103242.
  • Alcántara-Pilar, J. M., Rodriguez-López, M. E., Kalinić, Z., and Liébana-Cabanillas, F. (2024). From likes to loyalty: exploring the impact of influencer credibility on purchase intentions in TikTok. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 78, 103709.
  • Alqaysi, S. J., and Zahari, A. R. (2022). The effect of deceptive brand image on consumer purchase intention: empirical evidence from Iraqi market. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 9(6), 207–217.
  • Amyx, D. A. and Lumpkin, J. R. (2016). Interaction effect of ad puffery and ad skepticism on consumer persuasion. Journal of Promotion Management, 22(3), 403-424.
  • Ashraf, A., Hameed, I., and Saeed, S. A. (2023). How do social media influencers inspire consumers' purchase decisions? The mediating role of parasocial relationships. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 47(4), 1416-1433.
  • Baltezarević, R. (2023, March 23-24). Deceptive advertising in the online environment. In: M. Jikia (Ed.), 3rd International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress, Proceedings: IKSAD – Congress book (pp. 360-369). Samsun, Türkiye.
  • Baltezarević, R., Baltezarević, B., and Baltezarević, V. (2022). The role of travel influencers in sustainable tourism development. International Review, (3-4), 125-129.
  • Boerman, S. C., and Van Reijmersdal, E. A. (2020). Disclosing influencer marketing on YouTube to children: The moderating role of para-social relationship. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
  • Brown, D., and Hayes, N. (2008). Influencer marketing. Routledge.
  • Burke, R. R., DeSarbo, W. S., Oliver, R. L., and Robertson, T. S. (1988). Deception by Implication: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Consumer Research, 14(4), 483-494.
  • Campbell, C., and Farrell, J. R. (2020). More than meets the eye: the functional components underlying influencer marketing. Business Horizons, 63(4), 469-479.
  • Caspi, A., and Etgar, S. (2023). Exaggeration of emotional responses in online communication. Computers in Human Behavior, 146, 107818.
  • Chawla, S., Dave, D. S., and Barr, P. B. (1994). Role of physical attractiveness in endorsement: an empirical study. Journal of Professional Services Marketing, 10(2), 203–215.
  • Chekima, B., Chekima, F., and Adis, A. (2020). Social Media Influencer in Advertising: The Role of Attractiveness, Expertise and Trustworthiness. Journal of Economics and Business, 3(4), 1507-1515.
  • Cheung, M. Y., Luo, C., Sia, C. L., and Chen, H. (2009). Credibility of electronic Word-of-Mouth: Informational and normative determinants of on-line consumer recommendations. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(4), 9-38.
  • Cowley, E. (2006). Processing exaggerated advertising claims. Journal of Business Research, 59(6), 728-734.
  • Dajah, S. (2020). Marketing through social media influencers. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 11(9), 10-12.
  • Darke, P. R., and Ritchie, R. J. (2007). The defensive consumer: advertising deception, defensive processing, and distrust. Journal of Marketing Research, 44(1), 114-127.
  • Davis, J. J. (1994). Ethics in advertising decisionmaking: implications for reducing the incidence of deceptive advertising. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 28(2), 380-402.
  • De Veirman, M., and Hudders, L. (2020). Disclosing sponsored Instagram posts: the role of material connection with the brand and message-sidedness when disclosing covert advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 39(1), 94-130.
  • De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V., and Hudders, L. (2017). Marketing through Instagram influencers: the impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 36(5), 798-828.
  • De Veirman, M., Hudders, L., and Nelson, M. R. (2019). What is influencer marketing and how does it target children? a review and direction for future research. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2685.
  • Ducato, R. (2020). One hashtag to rule them all? mandated disclosures and design duties in influencer marketing practices. In: Goanta, C., and Ranchordás, S. (Eds), The regulation of social media influencers (pp. 232-273). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Fadilah, F. F., and Alversia, Y. (2021). Understanding the influence of a parasocial relationship and beauty influencers' credibility on brand credibility and repurchasing intention on the media platform Instagram. In: S. Noviaristanti (Ed.), Contemporary research on business and management (pp. 121-124). CRC Press.
  • Frank, B., and Mitsumoto, S. (2023). An extended source attractiveness model: the advertising effectiveness of distinct athlete endorser attractiveness types and its contextual variation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(4), 1091-1114.
  • George, D., and Mallery, P. (2012). IBM SPSS statistics 19 step by step. Pearson.
  • Gokcekus, O. (2023). The extent of “deceptive” advertising by wine retailers: caveat venditor. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 36(1), 122-140.
  • Gupta, A. (2023). Deceptive advertising, regulation and naive consumers. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 91, 103026.
  • Gürkaynak, G., Kama, Ç. O., and Ergün, B. (2018). Navigating the uncharted risks of covert advertising in influencer marketing. Business Law Review, 39(1), 17-19.
  • Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., and Sarstedt, M. (2014). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Sage Publication.
  • Hu, L. T., and Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1-55.
  • Huang, L.-S., Huang, W.-J., and Wu, Y.-H. (2023). The effects of puffery in food packaging on consumers' responses via persuasion knowledge: role of food type and picture type. British Food Journal, 125(3), 937-955.
  • Hudders, L., and Lou, C. (2023). The rosy world of influencer marketing? Its bright and dark sides, and future research recommendations. International Journal of Advertising, 42(1), 151-161.
  • Jeong, J., and Yun Yoo, C. (2011). Deceptive advertising and abnormal stock returns: an event study analysis. International Journal of advertising, 30(3), 509-535.
  • Kan, A., and Akbaş, A. (2005). Lise öğrencilerinin kimya dersine yönelik tutum ölçeği geliştirme çalışması. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2), 227-237.
  • Kapoor, P. S., Balaji, M. S., Maity, M., and Jain, N. K. (2021). Why consumers exaggerate in online reviews? Moral disengagement and dark personality traits. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102496.
  • Kariyawasam, K., and Wigley, S. (2017). Online shopping, misleading advertising and consumer protection. Information & Communications Technology Law, 26(2), 73-89.
  • Kim, H., and Park, M. (2023). Virtual influencers’ attractiveness effect on purchase intention: A moderated mediation model of the product–endorser fit with the brand. Computers in Human Behavior, 143, 107703.
  • Klem, L. (2000). Structural equation modeling. In: L. G. Grimm and P. R. Yarnold (Eds.), Reading and understanding MORE multivariate statistics (pp. 227–260). American Psychological Association.
  • Kline, R. B. (2011). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (3rd ed.). Guilford Press.
  • Koubaa, Y., Srarfi Tabbane, R., and Chaabouni Jallouli, R. (2014). On the use of structural equation modeling in marketing image research. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26(2), 315-338.
  • Lee, D., and Wan, C. (2023). The impact of mukbang live streaming commerce on consumers’ overconsumption behavior. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 58(2-3), 198-221.
  • Lee, S., and Kim, E. (2020). Influencer marketing on Instagram: how sponsorship disclosure, influencer credibility, and brand credibility impact the effectiveness of Instagram promotional post. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 11(3), 232-249.
  • Lou, C. (2022). Social media influencers and followers: theorization of a trans-parasocial relation and explication of its implications for influencer advertising. Journal of Advertising, 51(1), 4-21.
  • Lou, C. and Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: how message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(1), 58-73.
  • Lou, C., Tan, S. S., and Chen, X. (2019). Investigating consumer engagement with influencer-vs. brand-promoted ads: the roles of source and disclosure. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(3), 169-186.
  • McGuire, W. J. (1985). Toward social psychology's second century. In: S. Koch and D. E. Leary (Eds.), A century of psychology as science (pp. 558-590). American Psychological Association.
  • Molina, M. D., Wang, J., Sundar, S. S., Le, T., and DiRusso, C. (2022). Reading, commenting and sharing of fake news: how online bandwagons and bots dictate user engagement. Communication Research, 50(6), 667-694.
  • Nadanyiova, M., Gajanova, L., Majerova, J., and Lizbetinova, L. (2020). Influencer marketing and its impact on consumer lifestyles. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 8(2), 109-120.
  • Naderer, B., Matthes, J., and Schäfer, S. (2021). Effects of disclosing ads on Instagram: the moderating impact of similarity to the influencer. International Journal of Advertising, 40(5), 686-707.
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Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

İlknur Ayar 0000-0002-6870-5571

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 25

Kaynak Göster

APA Ayar, İ. (2024). The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(25), 837-853.
AMA Ayar İ. The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions. İKTİSAD. Ekim 2024;9(25):837-853. doi:10.25204/iktisad.1480293
Chicago Ayar, İlknur. “The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9, sy. 25 (Ekim 2024): 837-53.
EndNote Ayar İ (01 Ekim 2024) The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9 25 837–853.
IEEE İ. Ayar, “The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions”, İKTİSAD, c. 9, sy. 25, ss. 837–853, 2024, doi: 10.25204/iktisad.1480293.
ISNAD Ayar, İlknur. “The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions”. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 9/25 (Ekim 2024), 837-853.
JAMA Ayar İ. The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions. İKTİSAD. 2024;9:837–853.
MLA Ayar, İlknur. “The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 25, 2024, ss. 837-53, doi:10.25204/iktisad.1480293.
Vancouver Ayar İ. The Impact of Exaggerated and Deceptive Influencer Advertising and Influencer Attractiveness on Consumer Purchase Intentions. İKTİSAD. 2024;9(25):837-53.

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