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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 90 - 111, 30.06.2019


In this study, how the universities
are perceived by the societies and the basic dynamics underlying this
perception were analyzed through the institutional reputation theory. For this
purpose, a quantitative study was carried out on Muş Alparslan University
(MSU). A survey study was conducted with MSU's external stakeholders to collect
data. It was aimed to reveal how the stakeholders perceive the university
according to the findings of the collected data. In this context, it was
concluded that the university has the highest reputation in terms of social
responsibility dimension which is one of the sub-dimensions of corporate
reputation and that its reputation in public is positive in general.

Proje Numarası

BAP-17-İİBF- 4901-12


  • Adeosun, L. P. K., & Ganiyu, R. A. (2013). Corporate reputation as a strategic asset. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(2).
  • AHD. (2019). Reputation. Retrieved from
  • Anderson, C., & Shirako, A. (2008). Are individuals' reputations related to their history of behavior? Journal of personality and social psychology, 94(2), 320.
  • Balmer, J. M. (1998). Corporate identity and the advent of corporate marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(8), 963-996.
  • Balmer, J. M., & Gray, E. R. (1999). Corporate identity and corporate communications: creating a competitive advantage. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 4(4), 171-177.
  • Cambridge. (2019). Reputation. Retrieved from
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2002). Research methods in education: Routledge.
  • Den Hond, F., Rehbein, K. A., de Bakker, F. G., & Lankveld, H. K. v. (2014). Playing on two chessboards: Reputation effects between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate political activity (CPA). Journal of Management Studies, 51(5), 790-813.
  • Dolphin, R. R. (2004). Corporate reputation–a value creating strategy. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 4(3), 77-92.
  • Ettenson, R., & Knowles, J. (2008). Dont confuse reputation with brand. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(2), 19.
  • Fombrun, C., & Shanley, M. (1990). What's in a name? Reputation building and corporate strategy. Academy of management journal, 33(2), 233-258.
  • Fombrun, C. J. (2001). Corporate reputations as economic asset: Blackwell Publishers Oxford.
  • Fombrun, C. J., Gardberg, N. A., & Sever, J. M. (2000). The Reputation Quotient SM: A multi-stakeholder measure of corporate reputation. Journal of Brand Management, 7(4), 241-255.
  • Fombrun, C. J., & Van Riel, C. B. (2004). Fame and fortune: How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputations. New Jersey: FT Prentice Hall.
  • Goldberg, A. I., Cohen, G., & Fiegenbaum, A. (2003). Reputation building: Small business strategies for successful venture development. Journal of Small Business Management, 41(2), 168-186.
  • Gotsi, M., & Wilson, A. M. (2001). Corporate reputation: seeking a definition. Corporate communications: An international journal, 6(1), 24-30.
  • Hanson, D., & Stuart, H. (2001). Failing the reputation management test: The case of BHP, the big Australian. Corporate reputation review, 4(2), 128-143.
  • Işık, E. Y. (2011). Yükseköğretim kurumlarında kurumsal itibarın öğrenci tercihleri üzerindeki rolü: Vakıf üniversitelerinde bir araştırma. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Karayel Bilbil, E., Sütcü, C. S., & Dayanç Kıyat, B. (2013). Türkiye’de telekomünikasyon sektöründe kurumsal itibar katsayısı ve marka sadakati üzerine bir araştırma. Öneri Dergisi, 10(39), 163-175.
  • Larkin, J. (2002). Strategic reputation risk management: Springer.
  • Lewellyn, P. G. (2002). Corporate reputation: Focusing the zeitgeist. Business & Society, 41(4), 446-455.
  • Mahon, J. F. (2002). Corporate reputation: Research agenda using strategy and stakeholder literature. Business & Society, 41(4), 415-445.
  • Mainardes, E. W., Alves, H., & Raposo, M. (2010). An exploratory research on the stakeholders of a university. Journal of Management and Strategy, 1(1), 76.
  • Marconi, J. (2002). Reputation marketing: Building and sustaining your organization's greatest asset. New York: McGraw-Hill New York.
  • Matuleviciene, M., & Stravinskiene, J. (2015). The importance of stakeholders for corporate reputation. Engineering Economics, 26(1), 75-83.
  • Melewar, T., & Akel, S. (2005). The role of corporate identity in the higher education sector: A case study. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 10(1), 41-57.
  • Miles, M. P., & Covin, J. G. (2002). Exploring the practice of corporate venturing: Some common forms and their organizational implications. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 26(3), 21-40.
  • Mouritsen, J. (2000). Valuing expressive organizations: intellectual capital and the visualization of value creation. In Expressive Organization (pp. 208-229): Oxford University Press.
  • Naude, P., & Ivy, J. (1999). The marketing strategies of universities in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Educational Management, 13(3), 126-136.
  • Nguyen, N., & Leblanc, G. (2001). Corporate image and corporate reputation in customers’ retention decisions in services. Journal of retailing and Consumer Services, 8(4), 227-236.
  • Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2006). Human Resources Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage, Tenth Global Edition: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Öncel, M., & Sevim, Ş. (2014). Sürdürülebilir rekabet üstünlüğü sağlamada kurumsal itibar yönetimi: Yükseköğretimde yapılandırılmasına yönelik bir model önerisi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(4), 139-156.
  • Post, J. E., & Griffin, J. J. (1997). Part vii: Managing reputation: Pursuing everyday excellence: Corporate reputation and external affairs management. Corporate reputation review, 1(2), 165-171.
  • Roberts, P. W., & Dowling, G. R. (2002). Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance. Strategic management journal, 23(12), 1077-1093. Sherman, M. (1999). Reputation: rhetoric versus reality.
  • Soutar, G. N., & Turner, J. P. (2002). Students’ preferences for university: a conjoint analysis. International Journal of Educational Management, 16(1), 40-45.
  • Spence A, M. (1974). Market Signaling: Informational Transfer in Hiring and Related Screening Processes: Harvard University Press.
  • Steiner, L., Sundström, A. C., & Sammalisto, K. (2013). An analytical model for university identity and reputation strategy work. Higher Education, 65(4), 401-415.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., Fidell, L. S., & Ullman, J. B. (2007). Using multivariate statistics (Vol. 5): Pearson Boston, MA.
  • TDK. (2019). İtibar. Retrieved from
  • Van Riel, C. B., & Fombrun, C. J. (2007). Essentials of corporate communication: Implementing practices for effective reputation management: Routledge.
  • Vidaver-Cohen, D., & Brønn, P. S. (2015). Reputation, responsibility, and stakeholder support in Scandinavian firms: A comparative analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(1), 49-64.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2005). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yoon, E., Guffey, H. J., & Kijewski, V. (1993). The effects of information and company reputation on intentions to buy a business service. Journal of Business Research, 27(3), 215-228.
  • Zyglidopoulos, S. C. (2001). The impact of accidents on firms’ reputation for social performance. Business & Society, 40(4), 416-441.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 90 - 111, 30.06.2019


Kurumsal itibar bir kurumla ilgili insanların zihninde
oluşan olumlu veya olumsuz yargıların bütününü içermektedir. Bu çalışmada,
içinde bulundukları toplumun üniversiteleri nasıl algıladıkları ve bu algının
altında yatan temel dinamikler kurumsal itibar kuramı ile irdelenmeye
çalışılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi (MŞÜ) özelinde
nicel bir araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmaya veri toplamak için MŞÜ’nün
dış paydaşlarıyla bir anket çalışması uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada üniversitenin
paydaşları konumunda olan lise öğrencileri, özel sektör ve kamu çalışanları,
esnaflar gibi çeşitli çevreler örneklem olarak seçilmiştir. Toplanan verilerden
elde edilen bulgulara göre paydaşların üniversiteyi nasıl algıladıklarının
ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda üniversitenin, kurumsal itibarın
alt boyutlarından olan sosyal sorumluluk boyutu yönüyle en yüksek itibara sahip
olduğu ve genel anlamda halk nezdindeki itibarının olumlu olduğu sonucuna

Destekleyen Kurum

Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası

BAP-17-İİBF- 4901-12


Katkılarından ötürü Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi'ne teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.


  • Adeosun, L. P. K., & Ganiyu, R. A. (2013). Corporate reputation as a strategic asset. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(2).
  • AHD. (2019). Reputation. Retrieved from
  • Anderson, C., & Shirako, A. (2008). Are individuals' reputations related to their history of behavior? Journal of personality and social psychology, 94(2), 320.
  • Balmer, J. M. (1998). Corporate identity and the advent of corporate marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 14(8), 963-996.
  • Balmer, J. M., & Gray, E. R. (1999). Corporate identity and corporate communications: creating a competitive advantage. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 4(4), 171-177.
  • Cambridge. (2019). Reputation. Retrieved from
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2002). Research methods in education: Routledge.
  • Den Hond, F., Rehbein, K. A., de Bakker, F. G., & Lankveld, H. K. v. (2014). Playing on two chessboards: Reputation effects between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate political activity (CPA). Journal of Management Studies, 51(5), 790-813.
  • Dolphin, R. R. (2004). Corporate reputation–a value creating strategy. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 4(3), 77-92.
  • Ettenson, R., & Knowles, J. (2008). Dont confuse reputation with brand. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(2), 19.
  • Fombrun, C., & Shanley, M. (1990). What's in a name? Reputation building and corporate strategy. Academy of management journal, 33(2), 233-258.
  • Fombrun, C. J. (2001). Corporate reputations as economic asset: Blackwell Publishers Oxford.
  • Fombrun, C. J., Gardberg, N. A., & Sever, J. M. (2000). The Reputation Quotient SM: A multi-stakeholder measure of corporate reputation. Journal of Brand Management, 7(4), 241-255.
  • Fombrun, C. J., & Van Riel, C. B. (2004). Fame and fortune: How Successful Companies Build Winning Reputations. New Jersey: FT Prentice Hall.
  • Goldberg, A. I., Cohen, G., & Fiegenbaum, A. (2003). Reputation building: Small business strategies for successful venture development. Journal of Small Business Management, 41(2), 168-186.
  • Gotsi, M., & Wilson, A. M. (2001). Corporate reputation: seeking a definition. Corporate communications: An international journal, 6(1), 24-30.
  • Hanson, D., & Stuart, H. (2001). Failing the reputation management test: The case of BHP, the big Australian. Corporate reputation review, 4(2), 128-143.
  • Işık, E. Y. (2011). Yükseköğretim kurumlarında kurumsal itibarın öğrenci tercihleri üzerindeki rolü: Vakıf üniversitelerinde bir araştırma. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Karayel Bilbil, E., Sütcü, C. S., & Dayanç Kıyat, B. (2013). Türkiye’de telekomünikasyon sektöründe kurumsal itibar katsayısı ve marka sadakati üzerine bir araştırma. Öneri Dergisi, 10(39), 163-175.
  • Larkin, J. (2002). Strategic reputation risk management: Springer.
  • Lewellyn, P. G. (2002). Corporate reputation: Focusing the zeitgeist. Business & Society, 41(4), 446-455.
  • Mahon, J. F. (2002). Corporate reputation: Research agenda using strategy and stakeholder literature. Business & Society, 41(4), 415-445.
  • Mainardes, E. W., Alves, H., & Raposo, M. (2010). An exploratory research on the stakeholders of a university. Journal of Management and Strategy, 1(1), 76.
  • Marconi, J. (2002). Reputation marketing: Building and sustaining your organization's greatest asset. New York: McGraw-Hill New York.
  • Matuleviciene, M., & Stravinskiene, J. (2015). The importance of stakeholders for corporate reputation. Engineering Economics, 26(1), 75-83.
  • Melewar, T., & Akel, S. (2005). The role of corporate identity in the higher education sector: A case study. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 10(1), 41-57.
  • Miles, M. P., & Covin, J. G. (2002). Exploring the practice of corporate venturing: Some common forms and their organizational implications. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 26(3), 21-40.
  • Mouritsen, J. (2000). Valuing expressive organizations: intellectual capital and the visualization of value creation. In Expressive Organization (pp. 208-229): Oxford University Press.
  • Naude, P., & Ivy, J. (1999). The marketing strategies of universities in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Educational Management, 13(3), 126-136.
  • Nguyen, N., & Leblanc, G. (2001). Corporate image and corporate reputation in customers’ retention decisions in services. Journal of retailing and Consumer Services, 8(4), 227-236.
  • Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2006). Human Resources Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage, Tenth Global Edition: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Öncel, M., & Sevim, Ş. (2014). Sürdürülebilir rekabet üstünlüğü sağlamada kurumsal itibar yönetimi: Yükseköğretimde yapılandırılmasına yönelik bir model önerisi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(4), 139-156.
  • Post, J. E., & Griffin, J. J. (1997). Part vii: Managing reputation: Pursuing everyday excellence: Corporate reputation and external affairs management. Corporate reputation review, 1(2), 165-171.
  • Roberts, P. W., & Dowling, G. R. (2002). Corporate reputation and sustained superior financial performance. Strategic management journal, 23(12), 1077-1093. Sherman, M. (1999). Reputation: rhetoric versus reality.
  • Soutar, G. N., & Turner, J. P. (2002). Students’ preferences for university: a conjoint analysis. International Journal of Educational Management, 16(1), 40-45.
  • Spence A, M. (1974). Market Signaling: Informational Transfer in Hiring and Related Screening Processes: Harvard University Press.
  • Steiner, L., Sundström, A. C., & Sammalisto, K. (2013). An analytical model for university identity and reputation strategy work. Higher Education, 65(4), 401-415.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., Fidell, L. S., & Ullman, J. B. (2007). Using multivariate statistics (Vol. 5): Pearson Boston, MA.
  • TDK. (2019). İtibar. Retrieved from
  • Van Riel, C. B., & Fombrun, C. J. (2007). Essentials of corporate communication: Implementing practices for effective reputation management: Routledge.
  • Vidaver-Cohen, D., & Brønn, P. S. (2015). Reputation, responsibility, and stakeholder support in Scandinavian firms: A comparative analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(1), 49-64.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2005). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Yoon, E., Guffey, H. J., & Kijewski, V. (1993). The effects of information and company reputation on intentions to buy a business service. Journal of Business Research, 27(3), 215-228.
  • Zyglidopoulos, S. C. (2001). The impact of accidents on firms’ reputation for social performance. Business & Society, 40(4), 416-441.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Berat Çiçek 0000-0002-4584-5862

Vedat Almalı 0000-0003-2124-703X

Proje Numarası BAP-17-İİBF- 4901-12
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çiçek, B., & Almalı, V. (2019). YÜKSEKÖĞRETİMDE İTİBAR: HALKIN GÖZÜNDEN ÜNİVERSİTEYE BİR BAKIŞ. İnönü Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 90-111.