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Yıl 2020, , 175 - 188, 26.04.2020


Türkiye; taze meyve, tohum ve çekirdek verimi ile dünyanın en büyük kayısı üreticilerinden biridir. Fonksiyonel gıdalar grubunda yer alan kayısı çekirdeği zengin besin içeriği ve insan sağlığına faydalı olan etkilerinden dolayı özellikle solunum sistemi, gastrointestinal sistem, immün sistem, kardiyovasküler sistem, serebrovasküler ve cilt hastalıklarının tedavisinde veya önlenmesinde kullanılmaktadır. Kozmetik ve ilaç sanayisinde hammadde olarak kullanılmakta olan kayısı çekirdeği benzaldehitler ve aktif karbon üretimi için kullanılan mükemmel bir kaliteli yağ kaynağı olarak kabul edilmektedir. Aromaterapide masaj yağı olarak besleyici ve canlandırıcı özelliğinden dolayı kayısı çekirdeği aynı zamanda kuru ve hassas ciltlerin tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemede kayısı çekirdeğinin kimyasal bileşiminin yanı sıra insan sağlığına olan faydaları hakkında ayrıntılı bilgiler sunmaktadır.


  • Ahrens S, Venkatachalam M, Mistry A. M, Lapsley K, Sathe S. K. Almond (Prunus dulcis L.) protein quality, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2005;60:123–128.
  • Alpaslan M, Hayta M. Apricot kernel: Physical and chemical properties, JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 2006;83:469–471.
  • Atiş E. Apricot Producing in Kağızman District and Its Contribution to the Economy of Territory, Marmara Geographical Review, 2017;36(36):191-205.
  • Chevalier A. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants Dorling Kindersley. In London, UK., access date (erişim tarihi: 09.03.2020.) Cho AY, Yi KS, Rhim JH, Kim KI, Park JY, Keum EH, Oh S. detection of abnormally high amygdalin content in food by an enzyme ımmunoassay, Molecules and Cells, 2006;21(2):308–313.
  • Dulf FV, Dan CV, Dulf EH, Pintea A. Phenolic compounds, flavonoids, lipids and antioxidant potential of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) pomace fermented by two filamentous fungal strains in solid state system, Chem. Cent. J., 2017;11: 92–102.
  • Durmaz G, Alpaslan M. Antioxidant properties of roasted apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernel, Food Chemistry, 2007;100(3):1177–1181.
  • Egea G, González-Real MM, Baille A, Nortes PA, Sánchez-Bel P, Domingo R. The effects of contrasted deficit irrigation strategies on the fruit growth and kernel quality of mature almond trees, Agricultural Water Management, 2009;96:1605–1614.
  • El-Aal MHA, Hamza MA, Rahma EH. In vitro digestibility, physico-chemical and functional properties of apricot kernel proteins, Food Chemistry, 1986;19:197–211.
  • El‐Adawy TA, Rahma EH, El‐Badawey AA, Gomaa MA, Lásztity R, Sarkadi L. Biochemical studies of some non‐conventional sources of proteins Part 7, Effect of detoxification treatments on the nutritional quality of apricot kernels, Food / Nahrung, 1994;38:12–20.
  • Ettington MK. Diets and Lifestyles of the World's Oldest Peoples. 2015. access date (erişim tarihi: 26.03.2020).
  • Eyidemir E, Hayta M. The effect of apricot kernel flour incorporation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of noodle, African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009;8(1):85–90.
  • Fangling Q, Lu Y, Cairui L, Cong L, Yanyan Z, Chencan S, Bang C, Yehua S. Phenolic composition, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, and in vitro anti-HepG2 cell activities of wild apricot (Armeniaca Sibirica L. Lam) kernel skins. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2019;129:354–364.
  • FAO 2018. FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization access date (erişim tarihi: 23.03.2020).
  • Femenia A, Rosselló C, Mulet A, Cañellas. J. Chemical composition of bitter and sweet apricot kernels, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1995;43(2):356–361.
  • Gabrial GN, El-Nahry FI, Awadalla MZ, Girgis SM. Unconventional protein sources: apricot seed kernels, Zeitschrift Für Ernährungswissenschaft, 1981;20:208–215.
  • Gezer İ, Pektekin T, Aygül H, Polat İ. Malatya Kayısı Raporu, Bilgi Yolu Eğitim Kültür ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi Araştırma Raporları 1, Medipres Matbaacılık. Malatya, 2009.
  • Gupta A, Sharma PC. Standardization of methods for apricot kernel oil Extraction, packaging and storage, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2009;46:121–126.
  • Hayta M, Alpaslan M. Apricot Kernel Flour and ıts use in maintaining health a2 - preedy, victor r. flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention, Chapter 20, Elsevier Inc, 2011;213–221.
  • Hepsağ F, Yıldırım A, Gölge Ö, Hayoğlu İ. Türkiye’de üretilen ve tüketilen kuru kayısılarda kükürtdioksit kalıntı miktarlarının belirlenmesi, Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 2016;20(1):7-11.
  • Kamel BS, Kakuda Y. Characterization of the seed oil and meal from apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach and plum, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 1992;69:493–494.
  • Kan T, Karaat FE. Farklı rakımlarda yetiştirilen bazı kayısı çeşitleri ile zerdali meyvelerinde fenolik bileşiklerin incelenmesi, Yyü Tar Bil Derg. 2019;29(1):88-93.
  • Li S, Geng F, Wang P, Lu J, Ma M. Proteome analysis of the almond kernel (Prunus dulcis), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016;96:3351–3357.
  • Manner HW, DiSanti SJ, Michalsen TL. The Death of cancer, advanced century publishing Corp., Chicago, 1978, pp. 76-79.
  • Milazzo S, Ernst E, Lejeune S, Boehm K, Horneber M. Laetrile treatment for cancer, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;9:(11). Art. No.: CD005476. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005476.pub3.
  • Niels T. From Extraction of amygdalin from fruit kernels, 1996,, access date (erişim tarihi: 09.03.2020).
  • Özboy-Özbaş Ö, Seker IT, Gökbulut I. Effects of resistant starch, apricot kernel flour, and fiber-rich fruit powders on low-fat cookie quality, Food Science and Biotechnology, 2010;19(4):979–986.
  • Özdoğru B, Şen F, Bilgin NA, Mısırlı A. Bazı sofralık kayısı çeşitlerinin depolanma sürecinde fiziksel ve biyokimyasal değişimlerinin belirlenmesi, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015;52(1):23–30.
  • Öztürk D, Karakaş G. Kayısı üretimi ve pazarlama sorunları; Malatya ili örneği, Internatıonal Journal Of Afro-Eurasian Research, 2017;2(4):113–124.
  • Preedy VR, Watson RR, Patel V. Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention, University of Westminster, London, UK, 2011 C&pg=PT238&lpg=PT238&dq=Jinyi,+L.+(2006).+Healthcare+tea+contg.+apricot+seed.+CN+Patent+No.+171804.&source=bl&ots=tE0_HikjbJ&sig=ACfU3U1E4EE4HVIqYmeLD3IjmgPovmwEfg&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiolouRx4roAhUmTRUIHZ, access date (erişim tarihi: 09.03.2020)
  • Raj V, Jain A, Chaudhary J. Prunus armeniaca (apricot): An overview, Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2012;5(8):3964–3966.
  • Slover HT, Thompson RH, Merola GV. Determination of tocopherols and sterols by capillary gas chromatography, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 1983;60(8):1524–1528.
  • Tabasum F, Omar B, Gousia G, Tashooq AB, Nusrat J. Nutritional and health benefits of apricots, International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine, 2018;2(2):05-09.
  • Tanrıverdi MH, Uysal C, Bucaktepe PGE, Arıca E, Şen V. Kayısı çekirdeğine bağlı siyanid zehirlenmesi: Bir olgu sunumu, Euras J Fam Med 2014;3(2):119-122.
  • Turan S, Topcu A, Karabulut I, Vural H, Hayaloglu AA. Fatty acid, triacylglycerol, phytosterol, and tocopherol variations in kernel oil of Malatya apricots from Turkey, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007;55:10787–10794.
  • TÜİK (2018). Merkezi Dağıtım Sistemi, Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, access date (erişim tarihi: 23.03.2020).
  • Venkatachalan M, Sathe SK. Chemical composition of selected edible nut seeds, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006;54:4705–4714.
  • Yada S, Lapsley K, Huang G. A review of composition studies of cultivated almonds: Macronutrients and micronutrients, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2011;24:469–480.
  • Yaman K. Bitkisel atıkların değerlendirilmesi ve ekonomik önemi, Journal of Forestry Faculty, 2012;12(2):339–348.
  • Yiǧit D, Yiǧit N, Mavi A. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of bitter and sweet apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernels, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2009;42(4):346–352.

The Effect of Apricot Seeds on Human Health

Yıl 2020, , 175 - 188, 26.04.2020


Turkey; It is one of the largest apricot producers in the world in terms of fresh fruit, seed and seed yield. Apricot kernel in the functional foods group is used in the treatment or prevention of respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, immune system, cardiovascular system, cerebrovascular and skin diseases due to its rich nutritional content and beneficial effects on human health. Apricot kernel, which is used as a raw material in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry, is considered as an excellent quality oil source used for the production of benzaldehydes and activated carbon. Apricot kernel is also used in the treatment of dry and sensitive skin due to its nourishing and revitalizing feature as a massage oil in aromatherapy. In this review, it provides detailed information about the chemical composition of apricot kernel as well as its benefits to human health.


  • Ahrens S, Venkatachalam M, Mistry A. M, Lapsley K, Sathe S. K. Almond (Prunus dulcis L.) protein quality, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2005;60:123–128.
  • Alpaslan M, Hayta M. Apricot kernel: Physical and chemical properties, JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 2006;83:469–471.
  • Atiş E. Apricot Producing in Kağızman District and Its Contribution to the Economy of Territory, Marmara Geographical Review, 2017;36(36):191-205.
  • Chevalier A. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants Dorling Kindersley. In London, UK., access date (erişim tarihi: 09.03.2020.) Cho AY, Yi KS, Rhim JH, Kim KI, Park JY, Keum EH, Oh S. detection of abnormally high amygdalin content in food by an enzyme ımmunoassay, Molecules and Cells, 2006;21(2):308–313.
  • Dulf FV, Dan CV, Dulf EH, Pintea A. Phenolic compounds, flavonoids, lipids and antioxidant potential of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) pomace fermented by two filamentous fungal strains in solid state system, Chem. Cent. J., 2017;11: 92–102.
  • Durmaz G, Alpaslan M. Antioxidant properties of roasted apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernel, Food Chemistry, 2007;100(3):1177–1181.
  • Egea G, González-Real MM, Baille A, Nortes PA, Sánchez-Bel P, Domingo R. The effects of contrasted deficit irrigation strategies on the fruit growth and kernel quality of mature almond trees, Agricultural Water Management, 2009;96:1605–1614.
  • El-Aal MHA, Hamza MA, Rahma EH. In vitro digestibility, physico-chemical and functional properties of apricot kernel proteins, Food Chemistry, 1986;19:197–211.
  • El‐Adawy TA, Rahma EH, El‐Badawey AA, Gomaa MA, Lásztity R, Sarkadi L. Biochemical studies of some non‐conventional sources of proteins Part 7, Effect of detoxification treatments on the nutritional quality of apricot kernels, Food / Nahrung, 1994;38:12–20.
  • Ettington MK. Diets and Lifestyles of the World's Oldest Peoples. 2015. access date (erişim tarihi: 26.03.2020).
  • Eyidemir E, Hayta M. The effect of apricot kernel flour incorporation on the physicochemical and sensory properties of noodle, African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009;8(1):85–90.
  • Fangling Q, Lu Y, Cairui L, Cong L, Yanyan Z, Chencan S, Bang C, Yehua S. Phenolic composition, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, and in vitro anti-HepG2 cell activities of wild apricot (Armeniaca Sibirica L. Lam) kernel skins. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2019;129:354–364.
  • FAO 2018. FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization access date (erişim tarihi: 23.03.2020).
  • Femenia A, Rosselló C, Mulet A, Cañellas. J. Chemical composition of bitter and sweet apricot kernels, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1995;43(2):356–361.
  • Gabrial GN, El-Nahry FI, Awadalla MZ, Girgis SM. Unconventional protein sources: apricot seed kernels, Zeitschrift Für Ernährungswissenschaft, 1981;20:208–215.
  • Gezer İ, Pektekin T, Aygül H, Polat İ. Malatya Kayısı Raporu, Bilgi Yolu Eğitim Kültür ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi Araştırma Raporları 1, Medipres Matbaacılık. Malatya, 2009.
  • Gupta A, Sharma PC. Standardization of methods for apricot kernel oil Extraction, packaging and storage, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2009;46:121–126.
  • Hayta M, Alpaslan M. Apricot Kernel Flour and ıts use in maintaining health a2 - preedy, victor r. flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention, Chapter 20, Elsevier Inc, 2011;213–221.
  • Hepsağ F, Yıldırım A, Gölge Ö, Hayoğlu İ. Türkiye’de üretilen ve tüketilen kuru kayısılarda kükürtdioksit kalıntı miktarlarının belirlenmesi, Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 2016;20(1):7-11.
  • Kamel BS, Kakuda Y. Characterization of the seed oil and meal from apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach and plum, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 1992;69:493–494.
  • Kan T, Karaat FE. Farklı rakımlarda yetiştirilen bazı kayısı çeşitleri ile zerdali meyvelerinde fenolik bileşiklerin incelenmesi, Yyü Tar Bil Derg. 2019;29(1):88-93.
  • Li S, Geng F, Wang P, Lu J, Ma M. Proteome analysis of the almond kernel (Prunus dulcis), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016;96:3351–3357.
  • Manner HW, DiSanti SJ, Michalsen TL. The Death of cancer, advanced century publishing Corp., Chicago, 1978, pp. 76-79.
  • Milazzo S, Ernst E, Lejeune S, Boehm K, Horneber M. Laetrile treatment for cancer, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;9:(11). Art. No.: CD005476. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005476.pub3.
  • Niels T. From Extraction of amygdalin from fruit kernels, 1996,, access date (erişim tarihi: 09.03.2020).
  • Özboy-Özbaş Ö, Seker IT, Gökbulut I. Effects of resistant starch, apricot kernel flour, and fiber-rich fruit powders on low-fat cookie quality, Food Science and Biotechnology, 2010;19(4):979–986.
  • Özdoğru B, Şen F, Bilgin NA, Mısırlı A. Bazı sofralık kayısı çeşitlerinin depolanma sürecinde fiziksel ve biyokimyasal değişimlerinin belirlenmesi, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015;52(1):23–30.
  • Öztürk D, Karakaş G. Kayısı üretimi ve pazarlama sorunları; Malatya ili örneği, Internatıonal Journal Of Afro-Eurasian Research, 2017;2(4):113–124.
  • Preedy VR, Watson RR, Patel V. Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention, University of Westminster, London, UK, 2011 C&pg=PT238&lpg=PT238&dq=Jinyi,+L.+(2006).+Healthcare+tea+contg.+apricot+seed.+CN+Patent+No.+171804.&source=bl&ots=tE0_HikjbJ&sig=ACfU3U1E4EE4HVIqYmeLD3IjmgPovmwEfg&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiolouRx4roAhUmTRUIHZ, access date (erişim tarihi: 09.03.2020)
  • Raj V, Jain A, Chaudhary J. Prunus armeniaca (apricot): An overview, Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2012;5(8):3964–3966.
  • Slover HT, Thompson RH, Merola GV. Determination of tocopherols and sterols by capillary gas chromatography, Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 1983;60(8):1524–1528.
  • Tabasum F, Omar B, Gousia G, Tashooq AB, Nusrat J. Nutritional and health benefits of apricots, International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine, 2018;2(2):05-09.
  • Tanrıverdi MH, Uysal C, Bucaktepe PGE, Arıca E, Şen V. Kayısı çekirdeğine bağlı siyanid zehirlenmesi: Bir olgu sunumu, Euras J Fam Med 2014;3(2):119-122.
  • Turan S, Topcu A, Karabulut I, Vural H, Hayaloglu AA. Fatty acid, triacylglycerol, phytosterol, and tocopherol variations in kernel oil of Malatya apricots from Turkey, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007;55:10787–10794.
  • TÜİK (2018). Merkezi Dağıtım Sistemi, Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, access date (erişim tarihi: 23.03.2020).
  • Venkatachalan M, Sathe SK. Chemical composition of selected edible nut seeds, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006;54:4705–4714.
  • Yada S, Lapsley K, Huang G. A review of composition studies of cultivated almonds: Macronutrients and micronutrients, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2011;24:469–480.
  • Yaman K. Bitkisel atıkların değerlendirilmesi ve ekonomik önemi, Journal of Forestry Faculty, 2012;12(2):339–348.
  • Yiǧit D, Yiǧit N, Mavi A. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of bitter and sweet apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernels, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2009;42(4):346–352.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Derleme

Tuğba Gül Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2212-6443

Reşat Dikme 0000-0001-9157-7830

Hakiye Aslan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Mart 2020
Kabul Tarihi 7 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Gül, T., Dikme, R., & Aslan, H. (2020). KAYISI ÇEKİRDEĞİNİN İNSAN SAĞLIĞINA ETKİSİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 8(1), 175-188.

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