Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, , 850 - 861, 30.11.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yer alan bir şehirdeki devlet okullarına devam eden ilköğretim çağındaki çocuklarda Efüzyonlu Otitis Media (EOM) prevalansını tespit etmektir. Çalışmaya 7-10 yaş arasındaki 204’ü kız (%48.6) ve 216’sı erkek (%51.4) olmak üzere toplam 420 çocuk dâhil edildi. Tüm katılımcılara otoskopik muayeneden sonra timpanometrik inceleme, ipsilateral akustik refleks ve Distortion Product Otoakustik Emisyon (DPOAE) testleri yapıldı. EOM prevalansı timpanometrik inceleme, ipsilateral akustik refleks ve DPOAE sonuçlarına göre %9.2 olarak bulundu. Çalışmaya katılan 41 çocukta Tip B timpanogram, 38 çocukta ise Tip C timpanogram elde edildi. Yaşla birlikte EOM prevalansında azalma gözlenmektedir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre EOM prevalansı literatür ile uyumlu bulundu. EOM prevalansının yüksek olması, yanında bir dizi problemi de yanında getirmektedir. Bundan dolayı ailelerin ve öğretmenlerin bu konuda dikkatli olması ve erken müdahale ile EOM’nin neden olabileceği problemlerin en aza indirgenmesi gerekmektedir.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



  • Alaraifi, A. K., Alosfoor, M. A., Alsaab, F. (2020). Impact of pediatric obesity on the prevalence and outcome of otitis media with effusion. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 133, 110005.
  • Atkinson, H., Wallis, S., Coatesworth, A. P. (2015). Otitis media with effusion. Postgrad Med. 127(4), 381-5.
  • Batman, Ç., Üneri, C., Tutkun, A., Şehitoğlu, M. A., İnanlı, S., Özer, E., … Bekiroğlu, N. (2000). İstanbul’da Okul Öncesi ve Okul Çağındaki Çocuklarda Sekretuar Otitis Media Prevalansı ve Risk Faktörleri. Türk Otolarengoloji Arşivi, 38(1), 9-16.
  • Bayat, A., Saki, N., Mirmomeni, G., Yadollahpour, A3. (2019). Early Diagnosis of Hearing Loss in Patients Under Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Front Neurol. 10, 749.
  • Bennett, K. E., Haggard, M. P., Silva, P. A., Stewart, I. A. (2001). Behaviour and developmental effects of otitis media with effusion into the teens. Arch Dis Child. 85(2), 91-5.
  • Cayir, S., Hizli, O., Kayabasi, S., Yildirim, G. (2020). Eustachian tube dysfunction in sleep apnea patients and improvements afforded by continuous positive airway pressure therapy. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. pii: S1808-8694(20)30028-8.
  • Caylan, R., Bektas, D., Atalay, C., Korkmaz, O. (2006). Prevalence and risk factors of otitis media with effusion in Trabzon, a city in northeastern Turkey, with an emphasis on the recommendation of OME screening. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 263(5), 404-8.
  • Coleman, A., Cervin, A. (2019). Probiotics in the treatment of otitis media. The past, the present and the future. Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol, 116, 135-140.
  • Crapko, M., Kerschner, J. E., Syring, M,. Johnston, N. (2007). Role of extra-esophageal reflux in chronic otitis media with effusion. Laryngoscope, 117(8), 1419-23.
  • Çuhruk, Ç., Beder, E., Kandilci, S., Aktürk, T., Uzun, H., Gürsel, D., Özgirgin, N. (1979). TED Koleji İlkokulu öğrencileri arasında Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları prevalansı, Turk. ORL Bulteni, 4 (3), 250-57.
  • Emmett, S. D., Kokesh, J., Kaylie, D. (2018). Chronic Ear Disease. Med. Clin. North Am. 102(6), 1063-1079.
  • Fleiss, J. L., Levin, B., Paik, M. C. (2003). Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. Third Edition. New York: John Wiley ve Sons.
  • Ghadersohi, S., Ida, J. B., Bhushan, B., Billings, K. R. (2017). Outcomes of tympanoplasty in children with down syndrome. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol., 103, 36-40.
  • Goodrich, T., Rubio, F., Cutler, J. L. (2009). Otitis media and antihistamines. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep., 9, 456–9.
  • Gultekin, E., Develioğlu, O. N., Yener, M., Ozdemir, I., Külekçi, M. (2010). Prevalence and risk factors for persistent otitis media with effusion in primary school children in Istanbul, Turkey. Auris Nasus Larynx., 37(2), 145-9.
  • Güzel, R., Meriç, F., Toprak, S., Yorgancılar, A. E., Gün, R. (2012). Diyarbakır il ve ilçe merkezlerinde ilköğretim ve anaokulu çocuklarında efüzyonlu otitis media prevalansı ve risk faktörleri. Journal of Medical Updates., 2(1), 8-1.
  • Hall, J. W 3rd. (2016). Crosscheck Principle in Pediatric Audiology Today: A 40-Year Perspective. J Audiol Otol., 20(2), 59-67.
  • Keleş, E., Kaygusuz, I., Karlidag, T., Yalçin, S., Açik, Y., Alpay, H. C., Sakallioglu, O. (2004). Prevalence of otitis media with effusion in first and second grade primary school students and its correlation with BCG vaccination. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 68(8), 1069-74.
  • Khanna, S., Dhaimade, P. A., Raghunathrao, R. (2018). Comparative Assessment of Cephalometric and Tympanometric Readings in Down Syndrome. Cureus. 10(9), e3301.
  • Meriç, F., Çetin, Y., Demirel, M. (20 - 25 June 1993). Effusion otitis media incidence in the Southastern Anatolia [Abstract]. XV World Congress of Otorhino-laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Midgley, E. J., Dewey, C., Pryce, K., Maw, A. R. (2000). The frequency of otitis media with effusion in British pre-school children: a guide for treatment. ALSPAC Study Team. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 25(6), 485-91.
  • Nemade, S. V., Shinde, K. J., Rangankar, V. P., Bhole, P. (2018). Evaluation and significance of Eustachian tube angles and pretympanic diameter in HRCT temporal bone of patients with chronic otitis media. World J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg., 4(4), 240-245.
  • Newcombe, R. G. (1998). Two-Sided Confidence Intervals for the Single Proportion: Comparison of Seven Methods. Statistics in Medicine, 17, 857-872.
  • Okur, E., Yildirim, I., Akif Kilic, M., Guzelsoy, S. (2004). Prevalence of otitis media with effusion among primary school children in Kahramanmaras, in Turkey. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 68(5), 557-62.
  • Palandöken, M., Matkarı, M., Toprak, M., Çallı, H., Koru, N., Şerbetçioğlu, B., Akın, A., Günbay, U. (1986). İzmir’in Gecekondu Bölgesinde Bulunan İlkokullarda Yapılan Rutin KBB ve Odiometrik Tarama Sonuçlarının Sunulması, İzmir Devlet Hast Mec. 2, 325-335.
  • Parmar, S., Davessar, J. L., Singh, G., Arora, N., Kansal, L., Singh, J. (2019). Prevalence of Otitis Media with Effusion in Children with Hearing Loss. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 71(Suppl 2), 1276-1281.
  • Rawool, V. W., Parrill, M. (2018). Objective evaluation of binaural summation through acoustic reflex measures. Int J Audiol. 57(7), 493-501.
  • Roberts, J., Hunter, L., Gravel, J. (2004). Otitis media, hearing loss, and language learning: controversies and current research. J. Dev. Behav. Pediatr., 25, 110–122.
  • Roditi, R. E., Caradonna, D. S., Shin, J. J. (2019). The Proposed Usage of Intranasal Steroids and Antihistamines for Otitis Media with Effusion. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep., 19(10), 47.
  • Roditi, R. E., Liu, C. C., Bellmunt, A. M., Rosenfeld, R. M., Shin, J. J. (2016). Oral antibiotic use for otitis media with effusion: ongoing opportunities for quality improvement. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg., 154, 797–803.
  • Sezgin, Z. (2016). Otitis Media with Effusion: Overview of Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches. Pediatric Practice and Research., 4(1), 1-11.
  • Topuz, B., Bayramoğlu, İ., Özüer, M. Z., Kara, C. O. (1999). The Prevalence of Secretory Otitis Media in Nursery School Children in Denizli. KBB İhtisas Dergisi, 6(1), 63-65.
  • Vanneste, P., Page, C. (2019). Otitis media with effusion in children: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. A review. J Otol., 14(2), 33-39.
  • White, D. R., Heavner, S. B., Hardy, S. M., Prazma, J. (2002). Gastroesophageal reflux and eustachian tube dysfunction in an animal model. Laryngoscope., 112(6), 955-61.
  • Zernotti, M. E., Pawankar, R., Ansotegui, I., Badellino, H., Croce, J. S., Hossny, E., …Zhang, L. (2017). Otitis media with effusion and atopy: is there a causal relationship? World Allergy Organ J., 10(1), 37.

Evaluation of the Prevalence of Otitis Media with Effusion in Primary School Age Children

Yıl 2020, , 850 - 861, 30.11.2020


The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) in primary school children attending public schools in a province located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region. A total of 420 children, including 204 girls (48.6%) and 216 boys (51.4%) between 7-10 years were included in the study. All participants underwent tympanometric examination, ipsilateral acoustic reflex and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE) tests after otoscopic examination. OME prevalence was found as 9.2% according to tympanometric examination, ipsilateral acoustic reflex and DPOAE results. Among the children who participated in the study, Type B tympanograms were obtained in 41 children, and Type C tympanograms in 38 children. A decrease in OME prevalence is observed with age. According to the findings, EOM prevalence was found to be compatible with the literature. Besides the high prevalence of EOM, it also brings a series of problems. For this reason, parents and teachers should be careful about this issue and the problems caused by OME should be minimized by early intervention.

Proje Numarası



  • Alaraifi, A. K., Alosfoor, M. A., Alsaab, F. (2020). Impact of pediatric obesity on the prevalence and outcome of otitis media with effusion. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 133, 110005.
  • Atkinson, H., Wallis, S., Coatesworth, A. P. (2015). Otitis media with effusion. Postgrad Med. 127(4), 381-5.
  • Batman, Ç., Üneri, C., Tutkun, A., Şehitoğlu, M. A., İnanlı, S., Özer, E., … Bekiroğlu, N. (2000). İstanbul’da Okul Öncesi ve Okul Çağındaki Çocuklarda Sekretuar Otitis Media Prevalansı ve Risk Faktörleri. Türk Otolarengoloji Arşivi, 38(1), 9-16.
  • Bayat, A., Saki, N., Mirmomeni, G., Yadollahpour, A3. (2019). Early Diagnosis of Hearing Loss in Patients Under Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Front Neurol. 10, 749.
  • Bennett, K. E., Haggard, M. P., Silva, P. A., Stewart, I. A. (2001). Behaviour and developmental effects of otitis media with effusion into the teens. Arch Dis Child. 85(2), 91-5.
  • Cayir, S., Hizli, O., Kayabasi, S., Yildirim, G. (2020). Eustachian tube dysfunction in sleep apnea patients and improvements afforded by continuous positive airway pressure therapy. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. pii: S1808-8694(20)30028-8.
  • Caylan, R., Bektas, D., Atalay, C., Korkmaz, O. (2006). Prevalence and risk factors of otitis media with effusion in Trabzon, a city in northeastern Turkey, with an emphasis on the recommendation of OME screening. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 263(5), 404-8.
  • Coleman, A., Cervin, A. (2019). Probiotics in the treatment of otitis media. The past, the present and the future. Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol, 116, 135-140.
  • Crapko, M., Kerschner, J. E., Syring, M,. Johnston, N. (2007). Role of extra-esophageal reflux in chronic otitis media with effusion. Laryngoscope, 117(8), 1419-23.
  • Çuhruk, Ç., Beder, E., Kandilci, S., Aktürk, T., Uzun, H., Gürsel, D., Özgirgin, N. (1979). TED Koleji İlkokulu öğrencileri arasında Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları prevalansı, Turk. ORL Bulteni, 4 (3), 250-57.
  • Emmett, S. D., Kokesh, J., Kaylie, D. (2018). Chronic Ear Disease. Med. Clin. North Am. 102(6), 1063-1079.
  • Fleiss, J. L., Levin, B., Paik, M. C. (2003). Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. Third Edition. New York: John Wiley ve Sons.
  • Ghadersohi, S., Ida, J. B., Bhushan, B., Billings, K. R. (2017). Outcomes of tympanoplasty in children with down syndrome. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol., 103, 36-40.
  • Goodrich, T., Rubio, F., Cutler, J. L. (2009). Otitis media and antihistamines. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep., 9, 456–9.
  • Gultekin, E., Develioğlu, O. N., Yener, M., Ozdemir, I., Külekçi, M. (2010). Prevalence and risk factors for persistent otitis media with effusion in primary school children in Istanbul, Turkey. Auris Nasus Larynx., 37(2), 145-9.
  • Güzel, R., Meriç, F., Toprak, S., Yorgancılar, A. E., Gün, R. (2012). Diyarbakır il ve ilçe merkezlerinde ilköğretim ve anaokulu çocuklarında efüzyonlu otitis media prevalansı ve risk faktörleri. Journal of Medical Updates., 2(1), 8-1.
  • Hall, J. W 3rd. (2016). Crosscheck Principle in Pediatric Audiology Today: A 40-Year Perspective. J Audiol Otol., 20(2), 59-67.
  • Keleş, E., Kaygusuz, I., Karlidag, T., Yalçin, S., Açik, Y., Alpay, H. C., Sakallioglu, O. (2004). Prevalence of otitis media with effusion in first and second grade primary school students and its correlation with BCG vaccination. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 68(8), 1069-74.
  • Khanna, S., Dhaimade, P. A., Raghunathrao, R. (2018). Comparative Assessment of Cephalometric and Tympanometric Readings in Down Syndrome. Cureus. 10(9), e3301.
  • Meriç, F., Çetin, Y., Demirel, M. (20 - 25 June 1993). Effusion otitis media incidence in the Southastern Anatolia [Abstract]. XV World Congress of Otorhino-laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Midgley, E. J., Dewey, C., Pryce, K., Maw, A. R. (2000). The frequency of otitis media with effusion in British pre-school children: a guide for treatment. ALSPAC Study Team. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 25(6), 485-91.
  • Nemade, S. V., Shinde, K. J., Rangankar, V. P., Bhole, P. (2018). Evaluation and significance of Eustachian tube angles and pretympanic diameter in HRCT temporal bone of patients with chronic otitis media. World J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg., 4(4), 240-245.
  • Newcombe, R. G. (1998). Two-Sided Confidence Intervals for the Single Proportion: Comparison of Seven Methods. Statistics in Medicine, 17, 857-872.
  • Okur, E., Yildirim, I., Akif Kilic, M., Guzelsoy, S. (2004). Prevalence of otitis media with effusion among primary school children in Kahramanmaras, in Turkey. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 68(5), 557-62.
  • Palandöken, M., Matkarı, M., Toprak, M., Çallı, H., Koru, N., Şerbetçioğlu, B., Akın, A., Günbay, U. (1986). İzmir’in Gecekondu Bölgesinde Bulunan İlkokullarda Yapılan Rutin KBB ve Odiometrik Tarama Sonuçlarının Sunulması, İzmir Devlet Hast Mec. 2, 325-335.
  • Parmar, S., Davessar, J. L., Singh, G., Arora, N., Kansal, L., Singh, J. (2019). Prevalence of Otitis Media with Effusion in Children with Hearing Loss. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 71(Suppl 2), 1276-1281.
  • Rawool, V. W., Parrill, M. (2018). Objective evaluation of binaural summation through acoustic reflex measures. Int J Audiol. 57(7), 493-501.
  • Roberts, J., Hunter, L., Gravel, J. (2004). Otitis media, hearing loss, and language learning: controversies and current research. J. Dev. Behav. Pediatr., 25, 110–122.
  • Roditi, R. E., Caradonna, D. S., Shin, J. J. (2019). The Proposed Usage of Intranasal Steroids and Antihistamines for Otitis Media with Effusion. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep., 19(10), 47.
  • Roditi, R. E., Liu, C. C., Bellmunt, A. M., Rosenfeld, R. M., Shin, J. J. (2016). Oral antibiotic use for otitis media with effusion: ongoing opportunities for quality improvement. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg., 154, 797–803.
  • Sezgin, Z. (2016). Otitis Media with Effusion: Overview of Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches. Pediatric Practice and Research., 4(1), 1-11.
  • Topuz, B., Bayramoğlu, İ., Özüer, M. Z., Kara, C. O. (1999). The Prevalence of Secretory Otitis Media in Nursery School Children in Denizli. KBB İhtisas Dergisi, 6(1), 63-65.
  • Vanneste, P., Page, C. (2019). Otitis media with effusion in children: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. A review. J Otol., 14(2), 33-39.
  • White, D. R., Heavner, S. B., Hardy, S. M., Prazma, J. (2002). Gastroesophageal reflux and eustachian tube dysfunction in an animal model. Laryngoscope., 112(6), 955-61.
  • Zernotti, M. E., Pawankar, R., Ansotegui, I., Badellino, H., Croce, J. S., Hossny, E., …Zhang, L. (2017). Otitis media with effusion and atopy: is there a causal relationship? World Allergy Organ J., 10(1), 37.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Tuğba Şahin Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5307-9440

Selim Ünsal 0000-0003-4596-6223

Hanifi Kurtaran

Proje Numarası Yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Nisan 2020
Kabul Tarihi 4 Kasım 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, T., Ünsal, S., & Kurtaran, H. (2020). İLKOKUL ÇAĞI ÇOCUKLARINDA EFÜZYONLU OTİTİS MEDİA PREVALANSININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 8(3), 850-861.

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