Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 337 - 352, 25.03.2021


Çalışma, hemşirelik ile ilk ve acil yardım bölümü öğrencilerinin sağlık okuryazarlığı ve bu durumu etkileyen faktörleri tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tür araştırma dizaynında planlanmıştır. Veriler 21 Nisan-4 Mayıs 2020 tarihleri arasında toplanmıştır. Araştırmaya başlamadan önce etik kurul izni alınmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, ölçeğin normallik dağılımına bakılmış (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) ve non-parametrik testler uygulanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı istatistiksel metotlar (frekans, yüzde, ortalama) ile Mann Whitney U ve Kruskal Wallis H testi kullanılmıştır. Tüm analizlerin sonuçlarının yorumlanmasında %95 güven düzeyi, 0.05 hata payı dikkate alınmıştır. Araştırmada; eğitim görülen sınıf, algılanan gelir durumu, sağlık güvencesinin varlığı, reçetesiz ilaç kullanımı, düzenli egzersiz yapma ve daha öncesinden sağlık okuryazarlığı kavramından haberdar olma gibi değişkenler ile sağlık okuryazarlığı puanı arasında fark olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Hemşirelik ile ilk ve acil yardım bölümü öğrencilerinin sağlık okuryazarlığı arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. Öğrencilerin sağlık okuryazarlığı puanı üst değere yakın, yüksek olarak yorumlanmıştır.


  • Abacigil, F., Gürsoy Turan, S., Adana, F., Okyay, P., Demirci, B. (2019). Rational use of drugs among inpatients and its association with health literacy. Meandros Medical and Dental Journal, 20(1), 64-73.
  • Alpar, R. (2012). Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Geçerlik-Güvenirlik. Ankara, Türkiye: Detay Yayıncılık, 2. Baskı.
  • Aras, Z., Bayık Teme,l A. (2017). Evaluation of validity and reliability of the Turkish version of health literacy scale. FNJN, 25(2), 85-94.
  • Ayaz Alkaya, S., Terzi, H. (2019). Investigation of health literacy and affecting factors of nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 34, 31-35.
  • Ergün, S. (2017). Health literacy in school health students. Kocaeli Medical J, 6(3), 1-6.
  • Ergün, S. (2019). E-health literacy and healthy lifestyle behaviors in adolescents: the case of balıkesir. JAREN, 5(3), 194-203.
  • Ertaş, H., Kıraç, R., Kavuncu, B. (2019). Examining the health literacy levels of health sciences faculty students. Turkish Studies Social Sciences, 4(4), 1459-1469.
  • Garcia-Codina, O., Juvinyà-Canal, D., Amil-Bujan, P., Bertran-Noguer, C., González-Mestre, M. A., Masachs-Fatjo, E., …Salto-Cerezuela, E. (2019). Determinants of health literacy in the general population: Results of the Catalan health survey. BMC Public Health, 19, 1122.
  • Hoover, D. S., Vidrine, J. I., Shete, S., Spears, C. A., Cano, M. A., Correa-Fernández, V., …McNeill, L. H. (2015). Health literacy, smoking, and health indicators in African American Adults. Journal of Health Communication, 20(2), 24-33.
  • Huang, S., Kou, S., Tsai, P., Tsai, C., Chen, S. S., Lin, C., …Hou, W. H. (2020). Effectiveness of tailored rehabilitation education in improving the health literacy and health status of postoperative patients with breast cancer a randomized controlled trial. Cancer Nurs., 43(1), 38-46.
  • Juvinyà-Canal, D., Suñer-Soler, R., Porquet, A. B., Vernay, M., Hervé-Blanchard, H., Bertran-Noguer, C. (2020). Health literacy among health and social care university students. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(2273), 1-10.
  • Lee, S. Y. D., Tsai, T., Tsai,Y., Kuo, K. (2020). Health literacy and women’s health-related behaviors in Taiwan. Health Education & Behavior, 39(2), 210–218.
  • Nacar, M., Baykan, Z., Çetinkaya, F., Arslantaş, D., Özer, A., Coşkun, Ö., … Yılmazel, G. (2014). Health promoting lifestyles behaviour in medical students: a multicentere study from Turkey. Aasian Pasific Journal Of Cancer Prevevtion, 14, 8969-8974.
  • Özdemir, F. (2019). The importance of health literacy for adolescent health]. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Science, 22(3), 211-6.
  • Özer, Ö., Şantaş, B., Budak, F. (2012). Sağlık web sitelerinin kullanım düzeylerinin incelenmesi: örnek bir uygulama. E-Journal of Faculty of Communication, 4(19), 128-140.
  • Park, H., Lee, E. (2015). Self-reported eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students in South Korea: a pilot study. Nurse Educ., 35(2), 408–413.
  • Peerson, A., Saunders, M. (2009). Health literacy revisited: what do we mean and why does it matter? Health Promot Int., 24(3), 285-296.
  • Pelikan, J. M., Ganahl, K. (2017). Measuring health literacy in general populations: primary findings from the HLS-EU consortium’s health literacy assessment effort. Stud Health Technol Inform, 240,34-59.
  • Runk, L., Durham, J., Vongxay, V., Sychareun, V. (2017). Measuring health literacy in university students in Vientiane. Lao PDR. Health Promot Int., 32(2), 360-368.
  • Simonds, S. K. (1974). Health education as social policy. Health Education & Behavior, 2(1), 1-10.
  • Sorensen, K., Van den Broucke, S., Fullam, J., Doyle, G., Pelikan, J., Slonska, Z., Brand, H. (2012). (HLS-EU) Consortium Health Literacy Project European. Health literacy and public health: a systematic review and integration of definitions and models. BMC Public Health, 12(80), 1-13.
  • Şahinöz, T., Şahinöz, S., Kıvanç, A. (2018). A Comparative Study on Health Literacy Levels of University Senior Students. GÜSBD., 7(3), 71-79.
  • Şenel Tekin, P. (2019). Health literacy and healthy living behaviors in medical secretaries: an evaluation on the student secretaries. Hacettepe Journal of Health Administration, 22(3), 577-598.
  • Tiller, D., Herzog, B., Kluttig, A., Haerting, J. (2015). Health literacy in an urban elderly east-German population-results from the population-based CARLA study. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 883.
  • Toçi, E., Burazeri, G., Sorensen, K., Jerliu, N., Ramadani, N., Roshi, E., Brand, H. (2013). Health literacy and socioeconomic characteristics among older people in transitional Kosovo. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 3(4), 1646-1658.
  • Torres, R., Nichols, J. (2014). Health literacy knowledge and experiences of associate degree nursing students: A pedagogical study. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 9(2), 84-92.
  • Uysal, N., Ceyhan, E., Koç, A. (2020). Health literacy level and influencing factors in university students. Health Soc Care Community, 28, 505–511.
  • WHO, (2013). Health literacy The solid facts. 12 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde. adresinden erişildi.
  • Yılmaz Güven, D., Bulut, H., Öztürk, S. (2018). Examining the Health Literacy Levels of Health Sciences Faculty Students]. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(2), 400-409.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, F., Hu, P., Huang, W., Lu, L., Bai, R., Zhao, Y. (2016). Exploring health literacy in nursing students of Chongqing, China: a cross-sectional survey using the health literacy questionnaire. The Lancet, 388, 99.

Investigation of the Health Literacy of the Nursing Students Studying at the First Aid and Emergency Department and the Effective Factors

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 337 - 352, 25.03.2021


This study has been conducted to determine the nursing and the first aid and emergency department students’ health literacy and the factors affecting this situation. The study has been planned in a descriptive and cross-sectional type research design. The data have been collected between April 21- May 4, 2020. Ethics committee approval has been obtained before starting the research. In the evaluation of the data, normality distribution of the questionnaire has been examined (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test) and non-parametric tests have been applied. Descriptive statistical methods (frequency, percentage, average), and the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests have been used. In the interpretation of the results of all analyses, 95% confidence level and 0.05 error margin have been taken into account. In the research, a difference has been obtained between the health literacy score and the variables as; the year in school, perceived income status, presence of health insurance, over-the-counter drug use, regular exercise making and prior awareness of the concept of health literacy. No significant difference has been found between the nursing and the first and emergency department students’ health literacy. Students' health literacy score has been interpreted as close to the upper value, high.


  • Abacigil, F., Gürsoy Turan, S., Adana, F., Okyay, P., Demirci, B. (2019). Rational use of drugs among inpatients and its association with health literacy. Meandros Medical and Dental Journal, 20(1), 64-73.
  • Alpar, R. (2012). Uygulamalı İstatistik ve Geçerlik-Güvenirlik. Ankara, Türkiye: Detay Yayıncılık, 2. Baskı.
  • Aras, Z., Bayık Teme,l A. (2017). Evaluation of validity and reliability of the Turkish version of health literacy scale. FNJN, 25(2), 85-94.
  • Ayaz Alkaya, S., Terzi, H. (2019). Investigation of health literacy and affecting factors of nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 34, 31-35.
  • Ergün, S. (2017). Health literacy in school health students. Kocaeli Medical J, 6(3), 1-6.
  • Ergün, S. (2019). E-health literacy and healthy lifestyle behaviors in adolescents: the case of balıkesir. JAREN, 5(3), 194-203.
  • Ertaş, H., Kıraç, R., Kavuncu, B. (2019). Examining the health literacy levels of health sciences faculty students. Turkish Studies Social Sciences, 4(4), 1459-1469.
  • Garcia-Codina, O., Juvinyà-Canal, D., Amil-Bujan, P., Bertran-Noguer, C., González-Mestre, M. A., Masachs-Fatjo, E., …Salto-Cerezuela, E. (2019). Determinants of health literacy in the general population: Results of the Catalan health survey. BMC Public Health, 19, 1122.
  • Hoover, D. S., Vidrine, J. I., Shete, S., Spears, C. A., Cano, M. A., Correa-Fernández, V., …McNeill, L. H. (2015). Health literacy, smoking, and health indicators in African American Adults. Journal of Health Communication, 20(2), 24-33.
  • Huang, S., Kou, S., Tsai, P., Tsai, C., Chen, S. S., Lin, C., …Hou, W. H. (2020). Effectiveness of tailored rehabilitation education in improving the health literacy and health status of postoperative patients with breast cancer a randomized controlled trial. Cancer Nurs., 43(1), 38-46.
  • Juvinyà-Canal, D., Suñer-Soler, R., Porquet, A. B., Vernay, M., Hervé-Blanchard, H., Bertran-Noguer, C. (2020). Health literacy among health and social care university students. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(2273), 1-10.
  • Lee, S. Y. D., Tsai, T., Tsai,Y., Kuo, K. (2020). Health literacy and women’s health-related behaviors in Taiwan. Health Education & Behavior, 39(2), 210–218.
  • Nacar, M., Baykan, Z., Çetinkaya, F., Arslantaş, D., Özer, A., Coşkun, Ö., … Yılmazel, G. (2014). Health promoting lifestyles behaviour in medical students: a multicentere study from Turkey. Aasian Pasific Journal Of Cancer Prevevtion, 14, 8969-8974.
  • Özdemir, F. (2019). The importance of health literacy for adolescent health]. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Science, 22(3), 211-6.
  • Özer, Ö., Şantaş, B., Budak, F. (2012). Sağlık web sitelerinin kullanım düzeylerinin incelenmesi: örnek bir uygulama. E-Journal of Faculty of Communication, 4(19), 128-140.
  • Park, H., Lee, E. (2015). Self-reported eHealth literacy among undergraduate nursing students in South Korea: a pilot study. Nurse Educ., 35(2), 408–413.
  • Peerson, A., Saunders, M. (2009). Health literacy revisited: what do we mean and why does it matter? Health Promot Int., 24(3), 285-296.
  • Pelikan, J. M., Ganahl, K. (2017). Measuring health literacy in general populations: primary findings from the HLS-EU consortium’s health literacy assessment effort. Stud Health Technol Inform, 240,34-59.
  • Runk, L., Durham, J., Vongxay, V., Sychareun, V. (2017). Measuring health literacy in university students in Vientiane. Lao PDR. Health Promot Int., 32(2), 360-368.
  • Simonds, S. K. (1974). Health education as social policy. Health Education & Behavior, 2(1), 1-10.
  • Sorensen, K., Van den Broucke, S., Fullam, J., Doyle, G., Pelikan, J., Slonska, Z., Brand, H. (2012). (HLS-EU) Consortium Health Literacy Project European. Health literacy and public health: a systematic review and integration of definitions and models. BMC Public Health, 12(80), 1-13.
  • Şahinöz, T., Şahinöz, S., Kıvanç, A. (2018). A Comparative Study on Health Literacy Levels of University Senior Students. GÜSBD., 7(3), 71-79.
  • Şenel Tekin, P. (2019). Health literacy and healthy living behaviors in medical secretaries: an evaluation on the student secretaries. Hacettepe Journal of Health Administration, 22(3), 577-598.
  • Tiller, D., Herzog, B., Kluttig, A., Haerting, J. (2015). Health literacy in an urban elderly east-German population-results from the population-based CARLA study. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 883.
  • Toçi, E., Burazeri, G., Sorensen, K., Jerliu, N., Ramadani, N., Roshi, E., Brand, H. (2013). Health literacy and socioeconomic characteristics among older people in transitional Kosovo. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 3(4), 1646-1658.
  • Torres, R., Nichols, J. (2014). Health literacy knowledge and experiences of associate degree nursing students: A pedagogical study. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 9(2), 84-92.
  • Uysal, N., Ceyhan, E., Koç, A. (2020). Health literacy level and influencing factors in university students. Health Soc Care Community, 28, 505–511.
  • WHO, (2013). Health literacy The solid facts. 12 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde. adresinden erişildi.
  • Yılmaz Güven, D., Bulut, H., Öztürk, S. (2018). Examining the Health Literacy Levels of Health Sciences Faculty Students]. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7(2), 400-409.
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, F., Hu, P., Huang, W., Lu, L., Bai, R., Zhao, Y. (2016). Exploring health literacy in nursing students of Chongqing, China: a cross-sectional survey using the health literacy questionnaire. The Lancet, 388, 99.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Deniz S. Yorulmaz Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-7115-5673

Hilal Kurt Sezer 0000-0001-8365-0655

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Mart 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ekim 2020
Kabul Tarihi 23 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yorulmaz, D. S., & Kurt Sezer, H. (2021). HEMŞİRELİK İLE İLK VE ACİL YARDIM BÖLÜMÜ ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN SAĞLIK OKURYAZARLIĞI VE ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERİN İNCELENMESİ. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 9(1), 337-352.

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