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Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 26, 115 - 138, 28.10.2020


Video akış teknolojisinin ortaya çıkması ve gelişmesi, geleneksel televizyon üretim ve tüketim biçimlerinde güçlü bir değişimin sebebi olmuştur. İzleyici için aktif bir izleme sürecinden sıklıkla bahsedilmekle ayrıca televizyon içeriğinin dağıtımında yeni olanaklar, yeni iş modellerine vurgu yapılmaktadır. Çalışma bu iş modellerinden biri olan OTT’ye odaklanmakla birlikte, değişimin temel kodlarını kavramsal bir analize bağlı kalarak incelemektedir. Değişimi anlatmak için Netflix etkisi deyimi sıkça kullanılır. Bu bağlamda Netflix’in nasıl öne çıktığına dair tespitler bir noktada televizyondaki değişimin de somut örneğidir. Netflix’in, izler kitlenin parçalı yapısına uygun içerik katalogları geliştirmesi, standart televizyon akışına karşı kendi yayın planını uygulaması ve bunlarla ilişkili tıkınırcasına izleme (binge watching) davranışını destekleyen stratejileri ile küresel olarak güçlenmiştir.


  • Banerjee, Aniruddha, James Alleman ve Paul Rappoport. “Video-Viewing Behavior in the Era of Connected Devices”. Communications & Strategies. 92 (2013): 19-42.
  • Bondad-Brown, Beverly A., Ronald E. Rice ve Katy E. Pearce. “Influences on TV Viewing and Online User-shared Video Use: Demographics, Generations, Contextual Age, Media Use, Motivations, and Audience Activity”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 56/4 (2012): 471-493.
  • Chamberlain, Daniel. “Television Interfaces”. Journal of Popular Film and Television. 38/2 (2010): 84-88.
  • Clipbucket. “Unterstanding the Difference between VOD and OTT”. Erişim 17 Mart, 2019.
  • Conlin, Lindsey, Andrew C. Billings ve Lauren Auverset. “Time-shifting vs. Appointment Viewing: The Role of Fear of Missing Out Within TV Consumption Behaviors”. Communication & Society. 29 (2016): 151-164.
  • Cox, Christopher M. “Programming – Flow in the Convergence of Digital Media Platforms and Television”. Critical Studies in Television. 13/4 (2018): 438-454.
  • Demirkıran, Cenk. “Geleneksel Televizyonun Sanal Modeli Olarak Web Tv ve Livestream Portalında TV Yönetimi”. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi. 14 (2010): 73-85.
  • Dhoest, Alexander ve Nele Simons. “Still ‘Watching’ TV? The Consumption of TV Fiction by Engaged Audiences”. Media and Communication. 4 (2016): 176-184.
  • Doyle, Gillian. “Digitization and Changing Windowing Strategies in the Television Industry: Negotiating New Windows on the World”. Television & New Media. 17/7 (2016): 629-645.
  • Ellis, Katie, Mike Kent, Kathryn Locke ve Ceridwen Clocherty. “Access for Everyone? Australia’s ‘Streaming Wars’ and Consumers with Disabilities”. Continuum. 31/6 (2017): 881-891.
  • Gilbert, Anne. “Push, Pull, Rerun: Television Reruns and Streaming Media”. Television & New Media. 20/7 (2019): 686-701.
  • Gimpel, Gregory. “The Future of Video Platforms: Key Questions Shaping the TV and Video Industry”. International Journal on Media Management. 17 (2015): 25-46.
  • Herbert, Daniel, Amanda D. Lotz ve Lee Marshall. “Approaching Media İndustries Comparatively: A Case Study of Streaming”. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 22/3 (2019): 349-366.
  • Hallinan, Blake ve Ted Striphas. “Recommended for You: The Netflix Prize and the Production of Algorithmic Culture”. New Media & Society. 18/1 (2016): 117-137.
  • Jang, Shinjae ve Minsoo Park. “Do New Media Substitute for Old Media?: A Panel Analysis of Daily Media Use”. Journal of Media Economics. 29/2 (2016): 73-91.
  • Jenner, Mareike. “Is This TVIV? On Netflix, TVIII and Binge-watching”. New Media & Society. 18/2 (2016): 257-273.
  • Jenner, Mareike. “Binge-watching: Video-on-demand, Quality TV and Mainstreaming Fandom”. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 20/3 (2017): 304-320.
  • Johnson, Catherine. “Beyond Catch-up: VoD Interfaces, ITV Hub and the Repositioning of Television Online”. Critical Studies in Television. 12/2 (2017): 121-138.
  • Lobato, Ramon. “Rethinking International TV Flows Research in the Age of Netflix”. Television & New Media. 19/3 (2018): 241-256.
  • Matrix, Sidneyeve. “The Netflix Effect: Teens, Binge Watching, and On-Demand Digital Media Trends”. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures. 6/1 (2014): 119-138.
  • McKelvey, Fenwick ve Robert Hunt. “Discoverability: Toward a Definition of Content Discovery Through Platforms”. Social Media + Society. 5/1 (2019): 1-15.
  • Moe, Hallvard, “Television, Digitalisation and Flow: Questioning the Promises of Viewer Control, Digital Utopia in the Media: From Discourses to Facts. A Balance”. Proceedings of the III International Conference on Communication and Reality. Haz., Pere Masip ve Josep Rom. Barcelona: Facultat de Cièències de la Comunicació Blanquerna, 2005: 773-784.
  • OECD. “OECD Stat”. Erişim 05 Ekim, 2020,
  • Özel, Sedat. “Yeni Medya Çağında Radyoların Dönüşümü”. Akdeniz İletişim. 22 (2014): 168-189.
  • Özel, Sedat. “Bir Yayın Platformu Olarak İnternette Çevrim İçi Videolar ve Kullanıcılarının Doyum Faktörleri”. Global Media Journal. 5 (2015): 288-316.
  • Roberts, Chris ve Vince Muscarella. “Defining Over-The-Top (OTT) Digital Distribution”. The Entertainment Merchants Association. (erişim 06.05.2020).
  • Sanson, Kevin ve Gregory Steirer. “Hulu, Streaming, and the Contemporary Television Ecosystem”. Media, Culture & Society. 41/8 (2019): 1210-1227.
  • Schweidel, David A. ve Wendy W. Moe. “Binge Watching and Advertising”. Journal of Marketing. 80/5 (2016): 1-19.
  • Sørensen, Inge Ejbye. “The Revival of Live TV: Liveness in a Multiplatform Context”. Media, Culture & Society. 38 (2015).
  • Sung, Yoon Hi, Eun Yeon Kang ve Wei-Na Lee. “Why Do We Indulge? Exploring Motivations for Binge Watching”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 62 (2018): 408-426.
  • Tefertiller, Alec. “Media Substitution in Cable Cord-Cutting: The Adoption of Web-Streaming Television”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 62 (2018): 309-407.
  • Wayne, Michael L. “Netflix, Amazon, and Branded Television Content in Subscription Video On-Demand Portals”. Media, Culture & Society. 40/5 (2018): 725-741.

The Netflix Effect in the Age of Video on Demand Services

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 26, 115 - 138, 28.10.2020


The emergence and development of video streaming technology has been the reason for a strong change in traditional television production and consumption forms. An active viewing process for the audience is frequently mentioned, also new opportunities and new business models in the distribution of television content are emphasized. The study focuses on OTT, one of these business models, together with It examines the basic codes of change adhering to a conceptual analysis. The Netflix effect statement is often used to describe this change. In this context, the determinations of how Netflix stands out are at some point a concrete example of the change in television. Netflix has grown globally with developing content catalogs that fit the fragmented structure of the audience, implementing its own broadcast plan against the standard television stream, and strategies that support the binge watching behavior associated with them.


  • Banerjee, Aniruddha, James Alleman ve Paul Rappoport. “Video-Viewing Behavior in the Era of Connected Devices”. Communications & Strategies. 92 (2013): 19-42.
  • Bondad-Brown, Beverly A., Ronald E. Rice ve Katy E. Pearce. “Influences on TV Viewing and Online User-shared Video Use: Demographics, Generations, Contextual Age, Media Use, Motivations, and Audience Activity”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 56/4 (2012): 471-493.
  • Chamberlain, Daniel. “Television Interfaces”. Journal of Popular Film and Television. 38/2 (2010): 84-88.
  • Clipbucket. “Unterstanding the Difference between VOD and OTT”. Erişim 17 Mart, 2019.
  • Conlin, Lindsey, Andrew C. Billings ve Lauren Auverset. “Time-shifting vs. Appointment Viewing: The Role of Fear of Missing Out Within TV Consumption Behaviors”. Communication & Society. 29 (2016): 151-164.
  • Cox, Christopher M. “Programming – Flow in the Convergence of Digital Media Platforms and Television”. Critical Studies in Television. 13/4 (2018): 438-454.
  • Demirkıran, Cenk. “Geleneksel Televizyonun Sanal Modeli Olarak Web Tv ve Livestream Portalında TV Yönetimi”. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi. 14 (2010): 73-85.
  • Dhoest, Alexander ve Nele Simons. “Still ‘Watching’ TV? The Consumption of TV Fiction by Engaged Audiences”. Media and Communication. 4 (2016): 176-184.
  • Doyle, Gillian. “Digitization and Changing Windowing Strategies in the Television Industry: Negotiating New Windows on the World”. Television & New Media. 17/7 (2016): 629-645.
  • Ellis, Katie, Mike Kent, Kathryn Locke ve Ceridwen Clocherty. “Access for Everyone? Australia’s ‘Streaming Wars’ and Consumers with Disabilities”. Continuum. 31/6 (2017): 881-891.
  • Gilbert, Anne. “Push, Pull, Rerun: Television Reruns and Streaming Media”. Television & New Media. 20/7 (2019): 686-701.
  • Gimpel, Gregory. “The Future of Video Platforms: Key Questions Shaping the TV and Video Industry”. International Journal on Media Management. 17 (2015): 25-46.
  • Herbert, Daniel, Amanda D. Lotz ve Lee Marshall. “Approaching Media İndustries Comparatively: A Case Study of Streaming”. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 22/3 (2019): 349-366.
  • Hallinan, Blake ve Ted Striphas. “Recommended for You: The Netflix Prize and the Production of Algorithmic Culture”. New Media & Society. 18/1 (2016): 117-137.
  • Jang, Shinjae ve Minsoo Park. “Do New Media Substitute for Old Media?: A Panel Analysis of Daily Media Use”. Journal of Media Economics. 29/2 (2016): 73-91.
  • Jenner, Mareike. “Is This TVIV? On Netflix, TVIII and Binge-watching”. New Media & Society. 18/2 (2016): 257-273.
  • Jenner, Mareike. “Binge-watching: Video-on-demand, Quality TV and Mainstreaming Fandom”. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 20/3 (2017): 304-320.
  • Johnson, Catherine. “Beyond Catch-up: VoD Interfaces, ITV Hub and the Repositioning of Television Online”. Critical Studies in Television. 12/2 (2017): 121-138.
  • Lobato, Ramon. “Rethinking International TV Flows Research in the Age of Netflix”. Television & New Media. 19/3 (2018): 241-256.
  • Matrix, Sidneyeve. “The Netflix Effect: Teens, Binge Watching, and On-Demand Digital Media Trends”. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures. 6/1 (2014): 119-138.
  • McKelvey, Fenwick ve Robert Hunt. “Discoverability: Toward a Definition of Content Discovery Through Platforms”. Social Media + Society. 5/1 (2019): 1-15.
  • Moe, Hallvard, “Television, Digitalisation and Flow: Questioning the Promises of Viewer Control, Digital Utopia in the Media: From Discourses to Facts. A Balance”. Proceedings of the III International Conference on Communication and Reality. Haz., Pere Masip ve Josep Rom. Barcelona: Facultat de Cièències de la Comunicació Blanquerna, 2005: 773-784.
  • OECD. “OECD Stat”. Erişim 05 Ekim, 2020,
  • Özel, Sedat. “Yeni Medya Çağında Radyoların Dönüşümü”. Akdeniz İletişim. 22 (2014): 168-189.
  • Özel, Sedat. “Bir Yayın Platformu Olarak İnternette Çevrim İçi Videolar ve Kullanıcılarının Doyum Faktörleri”. Global Media Journal. 5 (2015): 288-316.
  • Roberts, Chris ve Vince Muscarella. “Defining Over-The-Top (OTT) Digital Distribution”. The Entertainment Merchants Association. (erişim 06.05.2020).
  • Sanson, Kevin ve Gregory Steirer. “Hulu, Streaming, and the Contemporary Television Ecosystem”. Media, Culture & Society. 41/8 (2019): 1210-1227.
  • Schweidel, David A. ve Wendy W. Moe. “Binge Watching and Advertising”. Journal of Marketing. 80/5 (2016): 1-19.
  • Sørensen, Inge Ejbye. “The Revival of Live TV: Liveness in a Multiplatform Context”. Media, Culture & Society. 38 (2015).
  • Sung, Yoon Hi, Eun Yeon Kang ve Wei-Na Lee. “Why Do We Indulge? Exploring Motivations for Binge Watching”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 62 (2018): 408-426.
  • Tefertiller, Alec. “Media Substitution in Cable Cord-Cutting: The Adoption of Web-Streaming Television”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 62 (2018): 309-407.
  • Wayne, Michael L. “Netflix, Amazon, and Branded Television Content in Subscription Video On-Demand Portals”. Media, Culture & Society. 40/5 (2018): 725-741.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sedat Özel 0000-0002-8280-1930

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ekim 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 26

Kaynak Göster

APA Özel, S. (2020). Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi. İnsan Ve İnsan, 7(26), 115-138.
AMA Özel S. Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi. İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi. Ekim 2020;7(26):115-138. doi:10.29224/insanveinsan.786938
Chicago Özel, Sedat. “Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi”. İnsan Ve İnsan 7, sy. 26 (Ekim 2020): 115-38.
EndNote Özel S (01 Ekim 2020) Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi. İnsan ve İnsan 7 26 115–138.
IEEE S. Özel, “Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi”, İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 26, ss. 115–138, 2020, doi: 10.29224/insanveinsan.786938.
ISNAD Özel, Sedat. “Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi”. İnsan ve İnsan 7/26 (Ekim 2020), 115-138.
JAMA Özel S. Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi. İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi. 2020;7:115–138.
MLA Özel, Sedat. “Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi”. İnsan Ve İnsan, c. 7, sy. 26, 2020, ss. 115-38, doi:10.29224/insanveinsan.786938.
Vancouver Özel S. Talebe Bağlı Video Servisleri Çağında Netflix Etkisi. İnsan ve İnsan Dergisi. 2020;7(26):115-38.

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