The main field of the study is the dogmatic foundations of the crime of full drunkenness (Vollrausch) which is regulated in paragraph 323a of the German Criminal Code. With this type of crime, it is aimed to protect the general public before a danger occurs. This type of crime similar to this crime regulated in the German Criminal Code is neither included in the Turkish Criminal Code No. 765 nor 5237. It can be said that the crime of full drunkenness is at the center of important discussions in German criminal law. Indeed, in German Law, this type of crime is considered as one of the most challenging and controversial provisions of criminal law dogmatics. On the basis of these discussions, there are important issues such as the legal nature of the crime of drunkenness and the realization of an illegal act (eine rechtswidrige Tat) sought in this type of crime, and whether this type of crime constitutes a contradiction with the principle of fault. In the conclusion part of the study, brief explanations will be made on whether this type of crime should be included in the Turkish Criminal Code or not.