Yıl 2013,
, 1 - 37, 19.06.2015
Halit Yanıkkaya
Zeynep Koral
Our paper empirically investigates the effects of agricultural supports on the exports of eighteen Turkish agricultural commodities to 72 countries over the 1965 - 2010 period. As we use PSE (Producer Support Estimate) and NRA (Nominal Rate of Assistance) as indicators of agricultural supports, our study considers not only agricultural subsidies but also all the efforts of government to support agriculture through both domestic and border measures. Our estimation results show that agricultural supports along with border measures have mixed effects on the export of Turkish agricultural commodities, and agricultural supports are as important as exchange rates in the determination of the export patterns of Turkish agricultural commodities. We also investigate the effects of real exchange rate and its volatility on the exports of Turkish agricultural commodities. Although they are generally positive, our estimated coefficients on real exchange rates in the analysis exhibit mixed results.
- Abay, C., Sayan, S., Miran B., Bayaner, A., (2001), “Türkiye’deki Tarımsal Destek Harcamalarının Enflasyonist Etkilerinin Ekonometrik Analizi”, (Proje Raporu 2001-21), Tarımsal Ekonomi Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara.
- Aksoy, M. A., Ng, F., (2010), “The Evolution of Agricultural Trade Flows” Policy Research Working Paper, No.5308, World Bank.
- Anderson, K., Croser, J., Sandri, D., Valenzuela, E., (2009), “Agricultural Distortion Patterns Since the 1950s: What Needs Explaining?” Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 90, Washington DC: World Bank.
- Anderson, K., (2009), “Five Decades of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives”, Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 76, Washington DC: World Bank.
- Anderson, K., (2010), “Globalization’s Effect on World Agricultural Trade, 1960 - 2050”, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B, 365, 3007 – 3021.
- Anderson, K., Martin, W., Valenzuela, E., (2006), “The Relative Importance of Global Agricultural Subsidies and Market Access”, World Trade Review, 5(3), 357-376.
- Aslan, M., Boz, I., (2005), “Doğrudan Gelir Desteğinin Tarımsal Amaçlı Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörler”, Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 11 (2), 61 – 70.
- Atici, C., Guloglu, B., (2006), “Gravity Model of Turkey's Fresh and Processed Fruit and Vegetable Export to the EU”, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 18:3-4, 7-21.
- Awokuse, T. O., Yuan, Y., (2006), “The impact of exchange rate volatility on U.S. poultry exports”, Agribusiness 22 (2), 233 – 245.
- Ay, A., Yapar, S., (2005), “Dünya Ticaret Örgütü Tarım Anlaşması ve Türkiye”, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13, 57 – 81.
- Baek, J., Koo, W. W., (2009), “Assessing the exchange rate sensitivity of U.S. bilateral agricultural trade”, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57(2), 187–203.
- Bahmani-Oskooee, M., Hegerty, S. W., (2009), “ The effects of exchange-rate volatility on commodity trade between the United States and Mexico”, Southern Economic Journal 75 (4), 1019 – 1044.
- Bakay, A., Huang, J., (2010), “Impact of Agricultural Subsidies on US Exports to Mexico and Canada: Case Study of Selected Agricultural Products” Research Journal of Internatıonal Studıes , 17, 174 – 182.
- Bale, M. D., Lutz, E., (1981), “Price Distortions in Agriculture and Their Effects: An International Comparison”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 63, 8 – 22.
- Bayaner, A., Bor, Ö., (2006), “Do the Policies Always Have the Same Consequences? The Impact of Direct Income Support on Wheat Production: The Case of Turkey”, New Medit - Mediterranean Journal of Economics, 5 (1), 15-20.
- Bor, Ö., (2005), “Doğrudan Gelir Desteği Sistemi Sonrasına Bir Bakış”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 9, 33 – 51.
- Buguk, C., Isik, M., Dellal, I. and Allen, A., (2003), “The impact of exchange rate variability on agricultural exports of developing countries”. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 13 (1), 83 – 105.
- Burrell, A., Kurzweil, M., (2007) “Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Turkey”, Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 10.
- Cho, G., Sheldon, I.M., McCoriston, S., (2002), “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Agricultural Trade” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84(4), 931- 942.
- Civan, A., (2010), “Türkiye’de Tarımsal Destek Politikaları”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 127-146.
- Coyle, W., Gehlhar, M., Hertel, T., Wang, Z., Yu, W., (1998) “Understanding the Determinants of Structural Change in World Food Markets”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80, 1051–1061.
- Cranfield, J., Eales, J., Hertel, T., Preckel, P., (2003),”Model Selection When Estimating and Predicting Consumer Demands Using International Cross Section Data”, Empirical Economics, 28, 353–364.
- Cakmak, E. H., (2003), “Evaluation of The Past and Future Agricultural Policies in Turkey: Are They Capable to Achieve Sustainability?”, Options Méditerranéennes Série A, 52, 1-11.
- Cakmak, E.H., (2004),”Structural Change and Market Opening in Agriculture: Turkey Towards EU Accession”, ERC Working Papers in Economics 04/10.
- Cakmak, E. H., (2007), “Trade Liberalization and Turkish Agriculture: Threat or Opportunity”, Cal-Med Workshop IIII (Mediterranean Products in a Global Market Place Place), draft, Barcelona, April 26-27.
- Cakmak, E. H., Akder, H., (1999), “Dünya Ticaret Örgütü – Tarım Anlaşması’nın Yeni Görüşme Dönemi ve Türkiye: Olanaklar, Kısıtlar ve Stratejiler”, Proje Raporu, Yayın No:34, Ankara.
- Dewbre, J., Anton, J, Thompson, W., (2001), “The Transfer Efficiency and Trade Effects of Direct Payments”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83(5), 1204 – 1214.
- Doğan, S., (2002), “Dünya Tarım Ürünleri Ticaretinin Liberalleşmesine Yönelik Düzenlemelerin Türk Tarımına Yansımaları”, Muğla Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 7(Bahar), 41-59.
- Doğruel, F., Doğruel, A. S., Yeldan, E., (2003), “Macroeconomics of Turkey’s Agricultural Reforms: An Intertemporal Computable General Equilibrium Analysis”, Journal of POlicy Modeling, 25, 617 – 637.
- DPT, (2004), “Devlet Yardımlarını Değerlendirme”, T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Yayın No. DPT: 2681, Ankara.
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- Erdem, E., Nazlıoglu, S., Erdem, C., (2010), “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Agricultural Trade: Panel Cointegration Analysis for Turkey”, Agricultural Economics, 41, 537–543.
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Yıl 2013,
, 1 - 37, 19.06.2015
Halit Yanıkkaya
Zeynep Koral
Our paper empirically investigates the effects of agricultural supports on the exports of eighteen Turkish agricultural commodities to 72 countries over the 1965 - 2010 period. As we use PSE (Producer Support Estimate) and NRA (Nominal Rate of Assistance) as indicators of agricultural supports, our study considers not only agricultural subsidies but also all the efforts of government to support agriculture through both domestic and border measures. Our estimation results show that agricultural supports along with border measures have mixed effects on the export of Turkish agricultural commodities, and agricultural supports are as important as exchange rates in the determination of the export patterns of Turkish agricultural commodities. We also investigate the effects of real exchange rate and its volatility on the exports of Turkish agricultural commodities. Although they are generally positive, our estimated coefficients on real exchange rates in the analysis exhibit mixed results
- Abay, C., Sayan, S., Miran B., Bayaner, A., (2001), “Türkiye’deki Tarımsal Destek Harcamalarının Enflasyonist Etkilerinin Ekonometrik Analizi”, (Proje Raporu 2001-21), Tarımsal Ekonomi Araştırma Enstitüsü, Ankara.
- Aksoy, M. A., Ng, F., (2010), “The Evolution of Agricultural Trade Flows” Policy Research Working Paper, No.5308, World Bank.
- Anderson, K., Croser, J., Sandri, D., Valenzuela, E., (2009), “Agricultural Distortion Patterns Since the 1950s: What Needs Explaining?” Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 90, Washington DC: World Bank.
- Anderson, K., (2009), “Five Decades of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives”, Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 76, Washington DC: World Bank.
- Anderson, K., (2010), “Globalization’s Effect on World Agricultural Trade, 1960 - 2050”, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B, 365, 3007 – 3021.
- Anderson, K., Martin, W., Valenzuela, E., (2006), “The Relative Importance of Global Agricultural Subsidies and Market Access”, World Trade Review, 5(3), 357-376.
- Aslan, M., Boz, I., (2005), “Doğrudan Gelir Desteğinin Tarımsal Amaçlı Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörler”, Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 11 (2), 61 – 70.
- Atici, C., Guloglu, B., (2006), “Gravity Model of Turkey's Fresh and Processed Fruit and Vegetable Export to the EU”, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 18:3-4, 7-21.
- Awokuse, T. O., Yuan, Y., (2006), “The impact of exchange rate volatility on U.S. poultry exports”, Agribusiness 22 (2), 233 – 245.
- Ay, A., Yapar, S., (2005), “Dünya Ticaret Örgütü Tarım Anlaşması ve Türkiye”, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13, 57 – 81.
- Baek, J., Koo, W. W., (2009), “Assessing the exchange rate sensitivity of U.S. bilateral agricultural trade”, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57(2), 187–203.
- Bahmani-Oskooee, M., Hegerty, S. W., (2009), “ The effects of exchange-rate volatility on commodity trade between the United States and Mexico”, Southern Economic Journal 75 (4), 1019 – 1044.
- Bakay, A., Huang, J., (2010), “Impact of Agricultural Subsidies on US Exports to Mexico and Canada: Case Study of Selected Agricultural Products” Research Journal of Internatıonal Studıes , 17, 174 – 182.
- Bale, M. D., Lutz, E., (1981), “Price Distortions in Agriculture and Their Effects: An International Comparison”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 63, 8 – 22.
- Bayaner, A., Bor, Ö., (2006), “Do the Policies Always Have the Same Consequences? The Impact of Direct Income Support on Wheat Production: The Case of Turkey”, New Medit - Mediterranean Journal of Economics, 5 (1), 15-20.
- Bor, Ö., (2005), “Doğrudan Gelir Desteği Sistemi Sonrasına Bir Bakış”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 9, 33 – 51.
- Buguk, C., Isik, M., Dellal, I. and Allen, A., (2003), “The impact of exchange rate variability on agricultural exports of developing countries”. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 13 (1), 83 – 105.
- Burrell, A., Kurzweil, M., (2007) “Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Turkey”, Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 10.
- Cho, G., Sheldon, I.M., McCoriston, S., (2002), “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Agricultural Trade” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 84(4), 931- 942.
- Civan, A., (2010), “Türkiye’de Tarımsal Destek Politikaları”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 127-146.
- Coyle, W., Gehlhar, M., Hertel, T., Wang, Z., Yu, W., (1998) “Understanding the Determinants of Structural Change in World Food Markets”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80, 1051–1061.
- Cranfield, J., Eales, J., Hertel, T., Preckel, P., (2003),”Model Selection When Estimating and Predicting Consumer Demands Using International Cross Section Data”, Empirical Economics, 28, 353–364.
- Cakmak, E. H., (2003), “Evaluation of The Past and Future Agricultural Policies in Turkey: Are They Capable to Achieve Sustainability?”, Options Méditerranéennes Série A, 52, 1-11.
- Cakmak, E.H., (2004),”Structural Change and Market Opening in Agriculture: Turkey Towards EU Accession”, ERC Working Papers in Economics 04/10.
- Cakmak, E. H., (2007), “Trade Liberalization and Turkish Agriculture: Threat or Opportunity”, Cal-Med Workshop IIII (Mediterranean Products in a Global Market Place Place), draft, Barcelona, April 26-27.
- Cakmak, E. H., Akder, H., (1999), “Dünya Ticaret Örgütü – Tarım Anlaşması’nın Yeni Görüşme Dönemi ve Türkiye: Olanaklar, Kısıtlar ve Stratejiler”, Proje Raporu, Yayın No:34, Ankara.
- Dewbre, J., Anton, J, Thompson, W., (2001), “The Transfer Efficiency and Trade Effects of Direct Payments”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83(5), 1204 – 1214.
- Doğan, S., (2002), “Dünya Tarım Ürünleri Ticaretinin Liberalleşmesine Yönelik Düzenlemelerin Türk Tarımına Yansımaları”, Muğla Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 7(Bahar), 41-59.
- Doğruel, F., Doğruel, A. S., Yeldan, E., (2003), “Macroeconomics of Turkey’s Agricultural Reforms: An Intertemporal Computable General Equilibrium Analysis”, Journal of POlicy Modeling, 25, 617 – 637.
- DPT, (2004), “Devlet Yardımlarını Değerlendirme”, T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Yayın No. DPT: 2681, Ankara.
- Erdal, G., Erdal, H., (2008),” Türkiye’de Tarımsal Desteklemeler Kapsamında Prim Sistemi Uygulamalarının Etkileri”, Gazi Osmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 25 (1), 41 – 51.
- Erdal, G., Erdal, H. and Esengun, K., (2012), “The effects of exchange rate volatility on trade: evidence from Turkish agricultural trade”, Applied Economics Letters, 19 (3), 297 – 303.
- Erdem, E., Nazlıoglu, S., Erdem, C., (2010), “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Agricultural Trade: Panel Cointegration Analysis for Turkey”, Agricultural Economics, 41, 537–543.
- Gorter, H., Ingco, M., Ruiz, L., (2002), “Export Subsidies and WTO Negotiations on Agriculture: Issues and Suggestions for New Rules”, Agriculture and Rural Development - Prepared for the World Bank’s Agricultural Trade Group.
- Gourieroux, C., Monfort, A., Trognon, A., (1984), “Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Methods: Applications to Poisson Models,” Econometrica, 52, 701–720.
- Gul, E., Ekinci, A., (2006), “ Türkiye’de reel döviz kuru ile ihracat ve ithalat arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisi: 1990 – 2006”. Dumlupınar Üni. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 16, 165 – 190.
- Herrera, E. G., (2010), “Comparing alternatives methods to estimate gravity models of bilateral trade”, ThE Papers, Department of Economic Theory and Economic History of the University of Granada, Spain.
- Hertel, T. W., (1989a), “Negotiating Reductions in Agricultural Support: Implication of Technology and Factor Mobility”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, August, 559 – 573.
- Hertel, T. W., (1989b), “PSEs and the Mix of Measures to Support Farm Incomes” The World Economy, 12 (1), 17–28.
- Hoekman, B., Ng, F., Olarrega, M., (2002), “Reducing Agricultural Tariffs versus Domestic Support: What’s More Important for Developing Countries?”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2918.
- Josling, T., Anderson, K., Schmitz, A., Tangermann, S., (2010), “Understanding International Trade in Agricultural Products: One Hundred Years of Contributions by Agricultural Economists”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 92(2), 424 – 446.
- Kandilov, I. T., (2008), “The effects of exchange rate volatility on agricultural trade”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90 (4), 1028 – 1043.
- Kandemir, O., (2011), “Tarımsal Destekleme Politikalarının Kırsal Kalkınmaya Etkisi”, Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 103-113.
- Karemera, D., Managi, S., Reuben, L. and Spann, O., (2011), “The impacts of exchange rate volatility on vegetable trade flows” Applied Economics 43 (13), 1607 – 1616.
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