Yıl 2019,
, 1 - 32, 10.01.2020
Güler Günsoy
Bulent Günsoy
Betül Kan Kılınç
Berna Yazıcı
In today’ s globalizing World, the important fact is that social utility
level of the society depends on people’s happiness in which education has an
inarguable role on. This study first examines the concept of women empowerment
both theoretically and empirically.
Literature on the concept is
investigated by its connections to education and to Open and Distance Education
System of Anadolu University, which is one of the pioneers of open and distance
education. Secondly, beneficiaries of the Open and Distance Education System
examined and the role of the system on people is studied using qualitative
analysis. The outcomes show that Anadolu University Open and Distance Education
System has the positive effects on social and economic empowerment and women’s
participation on private decisions, economic trust, private independency and
freedom, individual mobility are vital findings of this study.
- Aggarwal, M. 2014. A Study On Challenge For Women Empowerment. Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Volume 3, Issue 5, May, Online ISSN-2277-1166, Published by: Abhinav Publication,şim. Erişim tarihi, 24.9.2016.
- Ambe–Uva, T. 2010. Open and Distance Education: A Contribution to Poverty Alleviation and Empowerment of Women? Department of French and International Studies, National Open University of Nigeria, 14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
- Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2015-2016 Öğretim Yılı Güz Dönemi Açık Öğretim Sistemi Öğrenci Sayıları Dağılımı, Aralık 2015, Nisan 2016, Eskişehir.
- Azaiza, K. 2012. Women’s Dialog and Distance Education: A University in the Arab World. International Women Online Journal of Distance Education, April,Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Article: 02 ISSN: 2147-0367, erişim tarihi, 25.02.2016.
- Bahar, E. 2003. Görüşme Yönteminin Avantajları ve Dezavantajları. Erişim tarihi, 12.03.2016.
- Baltacı, N. Ö. 2011. Kadın Güçlendirme Mekanizması Olarak Mikrokredi. Uzmanlık Tezi, Başbakanlık Kadının Statüsü Genel Müdürlüğü, ISBN: 978-975-19-5055-0, Ankara.
- Bose, S.F.N & Kumarasami, L.S. 2012. Ascendency of Women In Higher Edcuation In India-a Pathway To Empowerment. Indian Streams Research Journal, 2(7), Aug, ISSN:-2230-7850, Erişim tarihi 5.12.2015.
- Buksh, Q. 2007. Empowerment of Women Through Distance Education In Pakistan, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, TOJDE, October, 8(4), Article 11, ISSN 1302-6488.
- Ferdousi, N. 2010. Distance Education for Law Promotes Gender Equity in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Distance Education, 8(1): 81-86, ISSN 1347-9008. . Erişim tarihi, 6.09.2016.
- Günsoy, G. & Günsoy, B. 2012. Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitimin Yoksulluğa Etkisi: Bir Literatür Taraması, 2nd International Distance Education Conference, 13-15 December 2012, Proceedings Book, United Arab Emirates. 22-33.
- Kandpal, E., Baylis, K. & Arends-Kuenning, M. 2012. Empowering Women Through Education and Influence: An Evaluation of the Indian Mahila Samakhya Program, IZA, Dicussion Series, IZA DP No. 6347, Germany.
- Karasar, N. 2000. Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara.
- Kabeer, N. 2005. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: A Critical Analysis Of The Third Millennium Development Goal, Gender & Development, 13(1):13-24, Erişim tarihi, 2.8.2015. Kozak, N. 2001. Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Anadolu Üniversitesi Ders Notları, Eskişehir
- Lopez-Claros, A. & Zahidi, S. 2005. Women’s Empowerment: Measuring The Global Gender Gap, World Economic Forum, Switzerland,, Erişim Tarihi, 10.3.2015.
- Malik, S. & Courtney, K. 2011. Higher Education and Women's Empowerment in Pakistan, Gender and Education, 23:1, 29-45, Erişim tarihi, 06.06.2016 Medel-Anonuevo, C. & Bochynek, B. 1995. The International Seminar On Women's Education And Empowerment, Women, Education and Empowerment: Pathways Towards Autonomy, edited by Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo, UIE Studies 5. 1995, ISBN 92 820 1013 9, UNESCO Institute for Education, Germany.
- Malhotra, A., Schular, S.R., & Carol, B. 2002. Measuring Women’s Empowerment as a Variable in International Development, Background Paper Prepared for the World Bank Workshop on Poverty and Gender: New Perspectives, Final Version: June 28, 2002, Erişim tarihi, 6.02.2016.
- Murtaza, K.F. 2012. Women Empowerment Through Higher Education In Gilgit-Baltistan, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(9): 343-367. Erişim Tarihi:
- Olakulein, F.K. & Ojo, O.D. 2012. Distance Education As A Women Empowerment Strategy In Africa, International Women Online Journal of Distance Education, April, 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Article: 04 ISSN: 2147-,, Erişim tarihi, 23.5.2015.
- Ofoegbu I.F. 2009. Female Access To Basıc Educatıon: A Case For Open Dıstance Learnıng (ODL), Edo Journal of Counselling, 2(1), Erişim tarihi, 18.06.2016.
- Ofoegbu, F.I. & Ojogwu, C. 2011. Open Distance Learning (Odl) As A Mechanısm For Sustaınable Female Educatıon In Nigeria, Erişim tarihi, 25.04.2016.
- POPIN, “Guidelines on Women's Empowerment”, United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) UN Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, with Support From The UN Population Fun, UNFPA, Erişim adresi:
- Patton, M. Q. 1987. How To Use Qualitative Methods in Evaluation. California: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Roudi-Fahimi, F. & Moghadam, V. M. 2003. Empowering Women, Developing Society: Female Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Population Reference Bureau (PRB), MENA Policy Brief, Washington DC, USA, . Erişim tarihi, 4.11,2015
- Suguna, M. 2011. Education And Women Empowerment in India. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.1 Issue 8, December, ISSN 2231 5780,, Erişim tarihi, 6.3.2016.
- Simojoki, H.K. 2003. Empowering Credit - More Than Just Money The Socio-Economic Impact of Micro-Finance on Women in Nairobi, Kenya, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Erişim Tarihi:13.10.2016
- Sonowal, M.K. 2013. Impact of Education in Women Empowerment: A Case Study of SC and ST women of Sonitpur District, Assam, IJCAES Special Issue On Basıc, Applied & Social Sciences, Volume III, January 2013, ISSN: 2231-4946, Erişim tarihi, 6.02.2016.
- Yüksel, S. 2003. Öğretim Teknolojisi, Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Geliştirme, Öğreti Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Anadolu Üniversitesi internet sayfası,
- Anadolu Üniversitesi, Bilgisayarla Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezinden elde edilen veriler.
Yıl 2019,
, 1 - 32, 10.01.2020
Güler Günsoy
Bulent Günsoy
Betül Kan Kılınç
Berna Yazıcı
Küreselleşen dünyada toplumun sosyal refah seviyesinin yüksekliği bireylerinin
mutlu olmasına bağlı olduğuna göre eğitimin bu anlamdaki rolü çok önemlidir. Çalışmada,
güçlendirme kavramı ve boyutları kadın güçlendirmesi kavramı teorik ve amprik
olarak incelenmiştir. Literatürde kadın güçlendirmesi ile eğitim arasındaki
ilişkiyi sorgulayan araştırmalar incelenerek, açık ve uzaktan eğitim sisteminde
öncü olan Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Sisteminden bahsedilmiştir. Daha
sonra ise AÖS’nden eğitim alanların güçlendirme ve kadın güçlendirmesindeki rolü
nitel analizle incelenmiştir. Çalışmada Anadolu Üniversitesi AÖS’nin kadınların
güçlendirilmesi konusunda hane içi kararlara katılma, ekonomik güven, hane içi
kararlarda bağımsız ve özgür olmak, bireysel hareketlilik konusunda etkili
olması son derece önemli olup bu göstergeler ile kadınlarda sosyal ve ekonomik
güçlendirmenin sağlanmış olması çalışmada ulaşılan önemli sonuçlardır.
- Aggarwal, M. 2014. A Study On Challenge For Women Empowerment. Abhinav National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Volume 3, Issue 5, May, Online ISSN-2277-1166, Published by: Abhinav Publication,şim. Erişim tarihi, 24.9.2016.
- Ambe–Uva, T. 2010. Open and Distance Education: A Contribution to Poverty Alleviation and Empowerment of Women? Department of French and International Studies, National Open University of Nigeria, 14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
- Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2015-2016 Öğretim Yılı Güz Dönemi Açık Öğretim Sistemi Öğrenci Sayıları Dağılımı, Aralık 2015, Nisan 2016, Eskişehir.
- Azaiza, K. 2012. Women’s Dialog and Distance Education: A University in the Arab World. International Women Online Journal of Distance Education, April,Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Article: 02 ISSN: 2147-0367, erişim tarihi, 25.02.2016.
- Bahar, E. 2003. Görüşme Yönteminin Avantajları ve Dezavantajları. Erişim tarihi, 12.03.2016.
- Baltacı, N. Ö. 2011. Kadın Güçlendirme Mekanizması Olarak Mikrokredi. Uzmanlık Tezi, Başbakanlık Kadının Statüsü Genel Müdürlüğü, ISBN: 978-975-19-5055-0, Ankara.
- Bose, S.F.N & Kumarasami, L.S. 2012. Ascendency of Women In Higher Edcuation In India-a Pathway To Empowerment. Indian Streams Research Journal, 2(7), Aug, ISSN:-2230-7850, Erişim tarihi 5.12.2015.
- Buksh, Q. 2007. Empowerment of Women Through Distance Education In Pakistan, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, TOJDE, October, 8(4), Article 11, ISSN 1302-6488.
- Ferdousi, N. 2010. Distance Education for Law Promotes Gender Equity in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Distance Education, 8(1): 81-86, ISSN 1347-9008. . Erişim tarihi, 6.09.2016.
- Günsoy, G. & Günsoy, B. 2012. Açık ve Uzaktan Eğitimin Yoksulluğa Etkisi: Bir Literatür Taraması, 2nd International Distance Education Conference, 13-15 December 2012, Proceedings Book, United Arab Emirates. 22-33.
- Kandpal, E., Baylis, K. & Arends-Kuenning, M. 2012. Empowering Women Through Education and Influence: An Evaluation of the Indian Mahila Samakhya Program, IZA, Dicussion Series, IZA DP No. 6347, Germany.
- Karasar, N. 2000. Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi, Nobel Yayınları, Ankara.
- Kabeer, N. 2005. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: A Critical Analysis Of The Third Millennium Development Goal, Gender & Development, 13(1):13-24, Erişim tarihi, 2.8.2015. Kozak, N. 2001. Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Anadolu Üniversitesi Ders Notları, Eskişehir
- Lopez-Claros, A. & Zahidi, S. 2005. Women’s Empowerment: Measuring The Global Gender Gap, World Economic Forum, Switzerland,, Erişim Tarihi, 10.3.2015.
- Malik, S. & Courtney, K. 2011. Higher Education and Women's Empowerment in Pakistan, Gender and Education, 23:1, 29-45, Erişim tarihi, 06.06.2016 Medel-Anonuevo, C. & Bochynek, B. 1995. The International Seminar On Women's Education And Empowerment, Women, Education and Empowerment: Pathways Towards Autonomy, edited by Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo, UIE Studies 5. 1995, ISBN 92 820 1013 9, UNESCO Institute for Education, Germany.
- Malhotra, A., Schular, S.R., & Carol, B. 2002. Measuring Women’s Empowerment as a Variable in International Development, Background Paper Prepared for the World Bank Workshop on Poverty and Gender: New Perspectives, Final Version: June 28, 2002, Erişim tarihi, 6.02.2016.
- Murtaza, K.F. 2012. Women Empowerment Through Higher Education In Gilgit-Baltistan, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2(9): 343-367. Erişim Tarihi:
- Olakulein, F.K. & Ojo, O.D. 2012. Distance Education As A Women Empowerment Strategy In Africa, International Women Online Journal of Distance Education, April, 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Article: 04 ISSN: 2147-,, Erişim tarihi, 23.5.2015.
- Ofoegbu I.F. 2009. Female Access To Basıc Educatıon: A Case For Open Dıstance Learnıng (ODL), Edo Journal of Counselling, 2(1), Erişim tarihi, 18.06.2016.
- Ofoegbu, F.I. & Ojogwu, C. 2011. Open Distance Learning (Odl) As A Mechanısm For Sustaınable Female Educatıon In Nigeria, Erişim tarihi, 25.04.2016.
- POPIN, “Guidelines on Women's Empowerment”, United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) UN Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, with Support From The UN Population Fun, UNFPA, Erişim adresi:
- Patton, M. Q. 1987. How To Use Qualitative Methods in Evaluation. California: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Roudi-Fahimi, F. & Moghadam, V. M. 2003. Empowering Women, Developing Society: Female Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Population Reference Bureau (PRB), MENA Policy Brief, Washington DC, USA, . Erişim tarihi, 4.11,2015
- Suguna, M. 2011. Education And Women Empowerment in India. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.1 Issue 8, December, ISSN 2231 5780,, Erişim tarihi, 6.3.2016.
- Simojoki, H.K. 2003. Empowering Credit - More Than Just Money The Socio-Economic Impact of Micro-Finance on Women in Nairobi, Kenya, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Erişim Tarihi:13.10.2016
- Sonowal, M.K. 2013. Impact of Education in Women Empowerment: A Case Study of SC and ST women of Sonitpur District, Assam, IJCAES Special Issue On Basıc, Applied & Social Sciences, Volume III, January 2013, ISSN: 2231-4946, Erişim tarihi, 6.02.2016.
- Yüksel, S. 2003. Öğretim Teknolojisi, Öğretim Teknolojileri ve Materyal Geliştirme, Öğreti Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Anadolu Üniversitesi internet sayfası,
- Anadolu Üniversitesi, Bilgisayarla Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezinden elde edilen veriler.