Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1, 81 - 89, 30.04.2019


Bu çalışmada, buji ateşlemeli bir motorda benzin alkol karışımına, hekzan (C6H14) ilavesinin motor performans ve emisyonlarına etkisi incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma iki aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk aşamada benzin yakıtı içerisine %20 oranında n-propanol ve izo-propanol alkolü ilave edilmiş ve motor performansı açısından değerlendirilmiştir. İkinci aşamada belirlenen yakıt karışımına % 1-3 oranında hekzan ilave edilmiş ve motor performans ve emisyonlarına etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında elde edilen sonuçlarda, benzin içerisine ilave edilen iso-propanol alkolü ile motor performansında n-propanol alkolüne göre iyileşme olduğu görülmüştür. İkinci aşama sonuçlarında ise iso-propanol ilave edilen yakıt karışımına %1 oranında hekzan ilave edilmesi ile motor momentinde ve gücünde önemli bir değişikliğin olmadığı, özgül yakıt tüketiminde (ÖYT) iyileşme olduğu görülmüştür. Artan hekzan ilavesi ile motor performansının kötüleştiği belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen emisyon sonuçlarında, %1 hekzan ilave edilmesi ile benzin yakıtına göre HC ve CO emisyonlarında azalmanın olduğu, NOX emisyonlarında önemli bir değişikliğin olmadığı, CO2 emisyonlarında ise artış olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Abdel‐Rahman A. A. and Osman M. M., 1997, Experimental investigation on varying the compression ratio of SI engine working under different ethanol–gasoline fuel blends, Int. J. Energy Res., 21(1), 31-40.
  • Acaroğlu M., Ünaldı M. and Aydoğan H., 2010, Yakıtlar ve Yanma, Nobel yayınevi, Ankara
  • Altun Ş., Öner C. and Fırat M., 2010, Exhaust Emıssıons from A Spark-Ignıtıon Engıne Operatıng on Iso-Propanol and Unleaded Gasolıne Blends, Technology, 13(3), 183-188.
  • Arapatsakos C., Karkanis A. and Sparis P., 2004, Gasoline–Ethanol, Methanol Mixtures and A Small Four-Stroke Engine, Int. J. Heat and Tech., 22(2).
  • Bayraktar H., 2005, Experimental and theoretical investigation of using gasoline–ethanol blends in spark-ignition engines, Renew. Energy, 30(11), 1733-1747.
  • Beatrice C., Bertoli C. and Giacomo N. D., 1998, New findings on combustion behavior of oxygenated synthetic diesel fuels, Comb. Sci. Tech., 137(1-6), 31-50.
  • Çelik M.B. and Çolak A., 2008, Buji Ateşlemeli Bir Motorda Alternatif Yakıt Olarak Saf Etanolun Kullanılması, Gazi Üni. Müh.Mim. Fakül. Der., 23(3), 619-626.
  • Çelik M.B., Özdalyan B. and Alkan F., 2011, The use of pure methanol as fuel at high compression ratio in a single cylinder gasoline engine, Fuel, 90(4), 1591-1598.
  • Chen C. C., Liaw H. J., Shu C. M. and Hsieh Y. C., 2010, Autoignition Temperature Data For Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, 2-Butanol, 1-Butanol, and 2-Methyl-2, 4-Pentanediol, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55(11), 5059-5064.
  • Gravalos I., Moshou D., Gialamas T., Xyradakis P., Kateris D. and Tsiropoulos Z., 2013, Emissions characteristics of spark ignition engine operating on lower–higher molecular mass alcohol blended gasoline fuels, Renew. Energy, 50, 27-32.
  • Imdadul H. K., Masjuki H. H., Kalam M. A., Zulkifli N. W. M., Alabdulkarem A., Rashed M. M. and How H. G., 2016, Higher Alcohol–Biodiesel–Diesel Blends: An Approach for Improving The Performance, Emission, and Combustion of A Light-Duty Diesel Engine, Energy Conv. Manag., 111, 174-185.
  • İnternet 1, 2018,
  • İnternet 2, 2018,
  • Keskin A. and Gürü M., 2011, The Effects of Ethanol and Propanol Additions into Unleaded Gasoline on Exhaust and Noise Emissions of A Spark İgnition Engine, Energy Sour. Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environ. Effects, 33(23), 2194-2205.
  • Koç M., Sekmen Y., Topgül T. and Yücesu H. S., 2009, The effects of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emissions in a spark-ignition engine, Renew. Energy, 34(10), 2101-2106.
  • Li, Y., Meng, L., Nithyanandan, K., Lee, T. H., Lin, Y., Chia-fon, F. L., & Liao, S. (2016). Combustion, performance and emissions characteristics of a spark-ignition engine fueled with isopropanol-n-butanol-ethanol and gasoline blends. Fuel, 184, 864-872.
  • Lobert J. M. and Warnatz J., 1993, Emissions From The Combustion Process in Vegetation. In Fire and The Environment: The Ecological Atmospheric, and Climatic Importance of Vegetation Fires, (Edited by PJ Crutzen and JG Goldammer), 15–38.
  • Masum B. M., Masjuki H. H., Kalam M. A., Palash S. M. and Habibullah M., 2015, Effect of Alcohol–Gasoline Blends Optimization on Fuel Properties, Performance and Emissions of A SI Engine, J. Clean. Prod., 86, 230-237.
  • Mourad M. and Mahmoud K. R., 2018, Performance Investigation of Passenger Vehicle Fueled by Propanol/Gasoline Blend According to A City Driving Cycle, Energy, 149, 741-749.
  • Niven R. K., 2005, Ethanol in gasoline: environmental impacts and sustainability review article, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 9(6), 535-555.
  • Prosen E. J. and Rossini F. D., 1945, Heats of Combustion and Formation of The Paraffin Hydrocarbons at 25 °C, J. Res. NBS, 34(3), 263-267.
  • Rice R. W., Sanyal A. K., Elrod A. C. and Bata R. M., 1991, Exhaust gas emissions of butanol, ethanol, and methanol-gasoline blends, J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power, 113(3), 377-381.
  • Singh E., Shukla M. K., Pathak S., Sood V. and Singh N., 2014, Performance Emission & Noise Characteristics Evaluation of n-Butanol/Gasoline Blend in Constant Speed SI Engine, Int. J. Eng. Res. Techn., 3, 993-999.
  • Taylor A.B., Moran D.P., Bell A.J., Hodgson N.G., Myburgh I.S. and Botha J.J., 1996, Gasoline/Alcohol Blends: Exhaust Emissions, Performance and Burn-Rate in A Multi-Valve Production Engine (No. 961988). SAE Technical Paper.
  • Thakur A. K., Kaviti A. K., Mehra R. and Mer K. K. S., 2017, Progress in performance analysis of ethanol-gasoline blends on SI engine, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 69, 324-340.
  • Thangavel V., Momula S. Y., Gosala D. B. and Asvathanarayanan R., 2016, Experimental studies on simultaneous injection of ethanol–gasoline and n-butanol–gasoline in the intake port of a four stroke SI engine, Renew. Energy, 91, 347-360.
  • Veloo P. S. and Egolfopoulos F. N., 2011, Studies of n-Propanol, iso-Propanol, and Propane Flames, Comb. Flame, 158(3), 501-510. Ward D. E., 1993, Trace gasses and particulate matter from fires-a review, In Backgr. Pp. Proceed. Victoria Falls Workshop, 2, 126-132.
  • Widory D., 2006, Combustibles, Fuels and Their Combustion Products: A View Through Carbon Isotopes, Comb. Theory Modell., 10(5), 831-841.
  • Wu C. W., Chen R. H., Pu J. Y. and Lin T. H., 2004, The Influence of Air–Fuel Ratio on Engine Performance and Pollutant Emission of An SI Engine Using Ethanol–Gasoline-Blended Fuels, Atmospheric Environ., 38(40), 7093-7100.
  • Yacoub Y., Bata R., and Gautam M., 1998, The performance and emission characteristics of C1-C5 alcohol-gasoline blends with matched oxygen content in a single-cylinder spark ignition engine, Proc. Insti. Mech. Eng. Part A: J. Power and Energy, 212(5), 363-379.
  • Yücesu H.S., Topgül T., Cinar C. and Okur M., 2006, Effect of Ethanol–Gasoline Blends on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions in Different Compression Ratios, App. Ther. Eng., 26(17-18), 2272-2278.
  • Yusoff M.N.A.M., Zulkifli N.W.M., Masjuki H.H., Harith M.H., Syahir A.Z., Khuong L.S., Zahari M.S.M. and Alabdulkarem A., 2018, Comparative Assessment of Ethanol and Isobutanol Addition in Gasoline on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions, J. Clean. Produc., 190, 483-495.
  • Yusoff, M. N. A. M., Zulkifli, N. W. M., Masjuki, H. H., Harith, M. H., Syahir, A. Z., Kalam, M. A. and Khuong, L. S., 2017, Performance and Emission Characteristics of A Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled With Butanol İsomer-Gasoline Blends, Transp. Res. Part D: Transp.t and Environ., 57, 23-38


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1, 81 - 89, 30.04.2019


In this study, the effect of the addition of small amounts of hexane (C6H14) to the gasoline alcohol mixture in a spark ignition engine is investigated on engine performance and emissions. In the first stage, 20% n-propanol and iso-propanol alcohol are added to the gasoline fuel and evaluated for engine performance. In the second stage, 1-3% of hexane is added to the fuel mixture, and its effect on engine performance and emissions is investigated. In results of the first stage, it is seen that gasoline with iso-propanol added to gasoline improved engine performance compared to n-propanol alcohol. In results of the second stage, there is not any significant change in engine torque and power for adding 1% hexane to the fuel mixture that has iso propanol, but there is a better change in specific fuel consumption (SFC). It is determined that engine performance is worsened with the addition of more hexane. In the emission results, it is observed that the addition of 1% hexane decreased the HC and CO emissions compared to gasoline fuel, increased the CO2 emissions and did not change NOX emissions.


  • Abdel‐Rahman A. A. and Osman M. M., 1997, Experimental investigation on varying the compression ratio of SI engine working under different ethanol–gasoline fuel blends, Int. J. Energy Res., 21(1), 31-40.
  • Acaroğlu M., Ünaldı M. and Aydoğan H., 2010, Yakıtlar ve Yanma, Nobel yayınevi, Ankara
  • Altun Ş., Öner C. and Fırat M., 2010, Exhaust Emıssıons from A Spark-Ignıtıon Engıne Operatıng on Iso-Propanol and Unleaded Gasolıne Blends, Technology, 13(3), 183-188.
  • Arapatsakos C., Karkanis A. and Sparis P., 2004, Gasoline–Ethanol, Methanol Mixtures and A Small Four-Stroke Engine, Int. J. Heat and Tech., 22(2).
  • Bayraktar H., 2005, Experimental and theoretical investigation of using gasoline–ethanol blends in spark-ignition engines, Renew. Energy, 30(11), 1733-1747.
  • Beatrice C., Bertoli C. and Giacomo N. D., 1998, New findings on combustion behavior of oxygenated synthetic diesel fuels, Comb. Sci. Tech., 137(1-6), 31-50.
  • Çelik M.B. and Çolak A., 2008, Buji Ateşlemeli Bir Motorda Alternatif Yakıt Olarak Saf Etanolun Kullanılması, Gazi Üni. Müh.Mim. Fakül. Der., 23(3), 619-626.
  • Çelik M.B., Özdalyan B. and Alkan F., 2011, The use of pure methanol as fuel at high compression ratio in a single cylinder gasoline engine, Fuel, 90(4), 1591-1598.
  • Chen C. C., Liaw H. J., Shu C. M. and Hsieh Y. C., 2010, Autoignition Temperature Data For Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, 2-Butanol, 1-Butanol, and 2-Methyl-2, 4-Pentanediol, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55(11), 5059-5064.
  • Gravalos I., Moshou D., Gialamas T., Xyradakis P., Kateris D. and Tsiropoulos Z., 2013, Emissions characteristics of spark ignition engine operating on lower–higher molecular mass alcohol blended gasoline fuels, Renew. Energy, 50, 27-32.
  • Imdadul H. K., Masjuki H. H., Kalam M. A., Zulkifli N. W. M., Alabdulkarem A., Rashed M. M. and How H. G., 2016, Higher Alcohol–Biodiesel–Diesel Blends: An Approach for Improving The Performance, Emission, and Combustion of A Light-Duty Diesel Engine, Energy Conv. Manag., 111, 174-185.
  • İnternet 1, 2018,
  • İnternet 2, 2018,
  • Keskin A. and Gürü M., 2011, The Effects of Ethanol and Propanol Additions into Unleaded Gasoline on Exhaust and Noise Emissions of A Spark İgnition Engine, Energy Sour. Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environ. Effects, 33(23), 2194-2205.
  • Koç M., Sekmen Y., Topgül T. and Yücesu H. S., 2009, The effects of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emissions in a spark-ignition engine, Renew. Energy, 34(10), 2101-2106.
  • Li, Y., Meng, L., Nithyanandan, K., Lee, T. H., Lin, Y., Chia-fon, F. L., & Liao, S. (2016). Combustion, performance and emissions characteristics of a spark-ignition engine fueled with isopropanol-n-butanol-ethanol and gasoline blends. Fuel, 184, 864-872.
  • Lobert J. M. and Warnatz J., 1993, Emissions From The Combustion Process in Vegetation. In Fire and The Environment: The Ecological Atmospheric, and Climatic Importance of Vegetation Fires, (Edited by PJ Crutzen and JG Goldammer), 15–38.
  • Masum B. M., Masjuki H. H., Kalam M. A., Palash S. M. and Habibullah M., 2015, Effect of Alcohol–Gasoline Blends Optimization on Fuel Properties, Performance and Emissions of A SI Engine, J. Clean. Prod., 86, 230-237.
  • Mourad M. and Mahmoud K. R., 2018, Performance Investigation of Passenger Vehicle Fueled by Propanol/Gasoline Blend According to A City Driving Cycle, Energy, 149, 741-749.
  • Niven R. K., 2005, Ethanol in gasoline: environmental impacts and sustainability review article, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 9(6), 535-555.
  • Prosen E. J. and Rossini F. D., 1945, Heats of Combustion and Formation of The Paraffin Hydrocarbons at 25 °C, J. Res. NBS, 34(3), 263-267.
  • Rice R. W., Sanyal A. K., Elrod A. C. and Bata R. M., 1991, Exhaust gas emissions of butanol, ethanol, and methanol-gasoline blends, J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power, 113(3), 377-381.
  • Singh E., Shukla M. K., Pathak S., Sood V. and Singh N., 2014, Performance Emission & Noise Characteristics Evaluation of n-Butanol/Gasoline Blend in Constant Speed SI Engine, Int. J. Eng. Res. Techn., 3, 993-999.
  • Taylor A.B., Moran D.P., Bell A.J., Hodgson N.G., Myburgh I.S. and Botha J.J., 1996, Gasoline/Alcohol Blends: Exhaust Emissions, Performance and Burn-Rate in A Multi-Valve Production Engine (No. 961988). SAE Technical Paper.
  • Thakur A. K., Kaviti A. K., Mehra R. and Mer K. K. S., 2017, Progress in performance analysis of ethanol-gasoline blends on SI engine, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 69, 324-340.
  • Thangavel V., Momula S. Y., Gosala D. B. and Asvathanarayanan R., 2016, Experimental studies on simultaneous injection of ethanol–gasoline and n-butanol–gasoline in the intake port of a four stroke SI engine, Renew. Energy, 91, 347-360.
  • Veloo P. S. and Egolfopoulos F. N., 2011, Studies of n-Propanol, iso-Propanol, and Propane Flames, Comb. Flame, 158(3), 501-510. Ward D. E., 1993, Trace gasses and particulate matter from fires-a review, In Backgr. Pp. Proceed. Victoria Falls Workshop, 2, 126-132.
  • Widory D., 2006, Combustibles, Fuels and Their Combustion Products: A View Through Carbon Isotopes, Comb. Theory Modell., 10(5), 831-841.
  • Wu C. W., Chen R. H., Pu J. Y. and Lin T. H., 2004, The Influence of Air–Fuel Ratio on Engine Performance and Pollutant Emission of An SI Engine Using Ethanol–Gasoline-Blended Fuels, Atmospheric Environ., 38(40), 7093-7100.
  • Yacoub Y., Bata R., and Gautam M., 1998, The performance and emission characteristics of C1-C5 alcohol-gasoline blends with matched oxygen content in a single-cylinder spark ignition engine, Proc. Insti. Mech. Eng. Part A: J. Power and Energy, 212(5), 363-379.
  • Yücesu H.S., Topgül T., Cinar C. and Okur M., 2006, Effect of Ethanol–Gasoline Blends on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions in Different Compression Ratios, App. Ther. Eng., 26(17-18), 2272-2278.
  • Yusoff M.N.A.M., Zulkifli N.W.M., Masjuki H.H., Harith M.H., Syahir A.Z., Khuong L.S., Zahari M.S.M. and Alabdulkarem A., 2018, Comparative Assessment of Ethanol and Isobutanol Addition in Gasoline on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions, J. Clean. Produc., 190, 483-495.
  • Yusoff, M. N. A. M., Zulkifli, N. W. M., Masjuki, H. H., Harith, M. H., Syahir, A. Z., Kalam, M. A. and Khuong, L. S., 2017, Performance and Emission Characteristics of A Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled With Butanol İsomer-Gasoline Blends, Transp. Res. Part D: Transp.t and Environ., 57, 23-38
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Niyazi Çolak

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 39 Sayı: 1

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