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Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri Kapsamında Yürütülen Müzik Çalışmalarının Çocukların Sosyal Gelişimine Katkısı

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 326 - 339, 31.12.2024


Genel olarak eğitim, bireyi toplumsal yaşama hazırlayan; kişiliğinin gelişimi için gerekli bilgi, beceri ve davranışları kazanmasını sağlayan; bir başka deyişle bireyin sosyalleşmesini sağlayan süreçlerin tümüdür. Müzik eğitimi, bir eğitim alanı olmasının yanı sıra, hem yararlı ve kullanışlı bir eğitim aracı hem de etkili ve verimli bir eğitim yöntemi olması nedeniyle bireyin sosyalleşmesinde önemli bir role sahiptir. Toplumsal yaşamdaki önemi ve rolü nedeniyle, okul dışında uygulanan müzik uygulamaları tüm dünyada giderek yaygınlaşmaktadır. Belediyeler, üniversiteler, okullar, vakıflar ve dernekler gibi birçok özel ve tüzel kurum ve kuruluş, bu faaliyetleri gönüllülük temelinde, Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri (SSP) adı altında, sosyo-ekonomik statü ve eğitim düzeyine bakılmaksızın her çocuk için eşit olarak düzenlemektedir. Amaç, her çocuğun, belirli bir düzeyde sahip olduğu müziksel yeteneğini geliştirerek, bireylerin sağlıklı bireysel ve toplumsal gelişimini teşvik etmektir. Bununla birlikte, onları bilinçli, yaratıcı, üretken, paylaşımcı, sorumluluk sahibi bireyler olarak kişisel ve toplumsal yaşamlarında mutlu kılmak ve bu amaçla gerekli ortam ve fırsatları sağlamaktır. Bu çalışma, SSP kapsamındaki müzik uygulamalarının çocukların sosyal gelişimine olan olumlu rolünü ve yararlı etkisini araştırmak ve konuya dikkat çekmek amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Literatür taraması yoluyla elde edilen nitel verilerin bir araya getirilerek sunulduğu bu çalışmanın, konuyla ilgili gelecekteki araştırmalara ve uygulamalara ışık tutacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Argüden, Y. (2007). Corporate social responsibility. In C. C. Aktan (Ed.), Corporate social responsibility, businesses and social responsibility (pp. 37-44). IGIAD (Economic Enterprise and Business Ethics Association) Publications.
  • Anshel, A., & Kipper, D. A. (1988). The influence of group singing on trust and cooperation. Journal of Music Therapy, 3, 145−155.
  • Apaydınlı, K. (2010). Examining the relationship between general high school students' tendency to show unruly behavior and music education (Doctoral dissertation). Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Aslan, K. (2001). Social foundations of education. Balıkesir University Social Sciences Journal, 5, 16-30.
  • Burns, J. (2012, June 12). Group music sessions 'may boost empathy in children'. BBC News. Retrieved from
  • Cengiz, G. (2012, December 14). The child's right to art education. Evrensel Newspaper. Retrieved from
  • Creech, A., Gonzales-Moreno, P., Lorenzino, L., & Waitman, G. (2013). El Sistema and Sistema-inspired programmes: A literature review of research, evaluation, and critical debates. Sistema Global. Retrieved from
  • Creedon, D. W. (2011). Fight the stress of urban education with the arts. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(6), 34-36.
  • Çelebi, N. (1990). Youth and cultural integration, cultural values and social change. In B. Dikeçligil & A. Çiğdem (Eds.), Aile yazıları 2, Science Series 5/2 (p. 391). T.C. Presidential Family Research Institute.
  • Devroop, K. (2012). The social-emotional impact of instrumental music performance on disadvantaged South African students. Music Education Research, 14(4), 407-416.
  • Eskioğlu, I. (2003). Müzik eğitiminin çocuk gelişimi üzerindeki etkileri. In C. Yurga (Ed.), Cumhuriyetin 80. yılında müzik eğitimi sempozyumu tam metin kitapçığı içinde (pp. 116-123). İnönü Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Figueiredo, S., & Odena, O. (2022). The impact of music education in social projects. In O. Odena (Ed.), Music and social inclusion: International research and practice in complex settings (pp. 318-366). Routledge.
  • Gökbudak, T. E. (2013, January 7). Children are being pushed into crime. İhlas News Agency, Gündem [Agenda]. Retrieved from
  • Hallam, S. (2010). The power of music: Its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people. International Journal of Music Education, 28(3), 269–289.
  • Hargreaves, D. J., Marshall, N. A., & North, A. C. (2003). Music education in the twenty-first century: A psychological perspective. British Journal of Music Education, 20, 147-163.
  • Hospital, M. M., Morris, S. L., Wagner, E. F., & Wales, E. (2018). Music education as a path to positive youth development: An El Sistema-inspired program. Journal of Youth Development, 13(4), 149-163.
  • Karasar, N. (2016). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Kirschner, S., & Tomasello, M. (2010). Joint music making promotes prosocial behavior in 4-year-old children. Evolution and Human Behavior, 31, 354–364.
  • Lindgren, M., Bergman, Å., & Sæther, E. (2016). The construction of social inclusion through music education: Two Swedish ethnographic studies of the El Sistema programme. Nordic Research in Music Education. Yearbook, 17, 65-81. Retrieved from
  • Mercin, L., & Alakuş, A. O. (2007). The necessity of art education for individuals and society. D.Ü. Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education Journal, 9, 14-20.
  • Odena, O. (2023). The role of music in social projects: An introduction to its well-being benefits. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 27(3), 210-219.
  • Shields, C. G. (2001). Music education and mentoring as intervention for at-risk urban adolescents: Their self-perceptions, opinions, and attitudes. Journal of Research in Music Education, 49(3), 273-286.
  • Şehrim Antalya News. (2024, January 11). Retrieved from
  • Teachout, D. J. (2005). The impact of music education on a child’s growth and development. In D. A. Hodges (Ed.), Sounds of learning. Carlsbad, CA: International Foundation for Music Research. Retrieved from
  • Tuna, M. (2008). The role of popular culture in the socialization of primary school children (Isparta example) (Master's thesis). Süleyman Demirel University, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Sociology, Isparta.
  • Yener, S., & Öztürk, E. (2008). The importance of music education in preventing violence in primary and secondary education institutions. Atatürk University Faculty of Fine Arts Journal, 14, 111-115.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2006). Children and crime (11th ed.). Remzi Bookstore.

The Contributions of Musical Practices within Social Responsibility Projects on the Social Development of Children

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 326 - 339, 31.12.2024


Broadly, education is the whole process that prepares the individual for the social life, providing to gain the required knowledge, skills and behaviors for the development of his personality; in other words, which enables an individual's socialization. Music education, apart from being an educational discipline, has an important role in the socialization of the individual, due to both being a beneficial and convenient educational tool as well as an effective and efficient education method. Because of its importance and role in social life, musical practices applied aside from the school are becoming increasingly common all over the world. Many private and institutional organizations, such as municipalities, universities, schools, foundations and associations, organize these activities on a voluntary basis, under the name of Social Responsibility Projects (SRP), for every child equally regardless of socio-economic status and educational level. The aim is to promote healthy individual and social development through improving the musical ability that every child has in a certain level. It is also about making them happy in their personal and social lives as conscious, creative, productive, sharing, responsible individuals, and provide them the necessary environment and opportunities for this purpose. This study was conducted to investigate and draw attention to the positive role and beneficial impact of the musical practices in the scope of SRP to the social development of the children. The obtained qualitative data through review of literature has been aggregated and presented. This study is expected to lead to furture research and practices on the subject.


  • Argüden, Y. (2007). Corporate social responsibility. In C. C. Aktan (Ed.), Corporate social responsibility, businesses and social responsibility (pp. 37-44). IGIAD (Economic Enterprise and Business Ethics Association) Publications.
  • Anshel, A., & Kipper, D. A. (1988). The influence of group singing on trust and cooperation. Journal of Music Therapy, 3, 145−155.
  • Apaydınlı, K. (2010). Examining the relationship between general high school students' tendency to show unruly behavior and music education (Doctoral dissertation). Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Aslan, K. (2001). Social foundations of education. Balıkesir University Social Sciences Journal, 5, 16-30.
  • Burns, J. (2012, June 12). Group music sessions 'may boost empathy in children'. BBC News. Retrieved from
  • Cengiz, G. (2012, December 14). The child's right to art education. Evrensel Newspaper. Retrieved from
  • Creech, A., Gonzales-Moreno, P., Lorenzino, L., & Waitman, G. (2013). El Sistema and Sistema-inspired programmes: A literature review of research, evaluation, and critical debates. Sistema Global. Retrieved from
  • Creedon, D. W. (2011). Fight the stress of urban education with the arts. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(6), 34-36.
  • Çelebi, N. (1990). Youth and cultural integration, cultural values and social change. In B. Dikeçligil & A. Çiğdem (Eds.), Aile yazıları 2, Science Series 5/2 (p. 391). T.C. Presidential Family Research Institute.
  • Devroop, K. (2012). The social-emotional impact of instrumental music performance on disadvantaged South African students. Music Education Research, 14(4), 407-416.
  • Eskioğlu, I. (2003). Müzik eğitiminin çocuk gelişimi üzerindeki etkileri. In C. Yurga (Ed.), Cumhuriyetin 80. yılında müzik eğitimi sempozyumu tam metin kitapçığı içinde (pp. 116-123). İnönü Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Figueiredo, S., & Odena, O. (2022). The impact of music education in social projects. In O. Odena (Ed.), Music and social inclusion: International research and practice in complex settings (pp. 318-366). Routledge.
  • Gökbudak, T. E. (2013, January 7). Children are being pushed into crime. İhlas News Agency, Gündem [Agenda]. Retrieved from
  • Hallam, S. (2010). The power of music: Its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people. International Journal of Music Education, 28(3), 269–289.
  • Hargreaves, D. J., Marshall, N. A., & North, A. C. (2003). Music education in the twenty-first century: A psychological perspective. British Journal of Music Education, 20, 147-163.
  • Hospital, M. M., Morris, S. L., Wagner, E. F., & Wales, E. (2018). Music education as a path to positive youth development: An El Sistema-inspired program. Journal of Youth Development, 13(4), 149-163.
  • Karasar, N. (2016). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Kirschner, S., & Tomasello, M. (2010). Joint music making promotes prosocial behavior in 4-year-old children. Evolution and Human Behavior, 31, 354–364.
  • Lindgren, M., Bergman, Å., & Sæther, E. (2016). The construction of social inclusion through music education: Two Swedish ethnographic studies of the El Sistema programme. Nordic Research in Music Education. Yearbook, 17, 65-81. Retrieved from
  • Mercin, L., & Alakuş, A. O. (2007). The necessity of art education for individuals and society. D.Ü. Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education Journal, 9, 14-20.
  • Odena, O. (2023). The role of music in social projects: An introduction to its well-being benefits. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 27(3), 210-219.
  • Shields, C. G. (2001). Music education and mentoring as intervention for at-risk urban adolescents: Their self-perceptions, opinions, and attitudes. Journal of Research in Music Education, 49(3), 273-286.
  • Şehrim Antalya News. (2024, January 11). Retrieved from
  • Teachout, D. J. (2005). The impact of music education on a child’s growth and development. In D. A. Hodges (Ed.), Sounds of learning. Carlsbad, CA: International Foundation for Music Research. Retrieved from
  • Tuna, M. (2008). The role of popular culture in the socialization of primary school children (Isparta example) (Master's thesis). Süleyman Demirel University, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Sociology, Isparta.
  • Yener, S., & Öztürk, E. (2008). The importance of music education in preventing violence in primary and secondary education institutions. Atatürk University Faculty of Fine Arts Journal, 14, 111-115.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2006). Children and crime (11th ed.). Remzi Bookstore.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other)
Journal Section Derleme Makaleleri

Sevan Nart 0000-0002-2129-8227

Early Pub Date December 23, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 5, 2024
Acceptance Date December 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Nart, S. (2024). The Contributions of Musical Practices within Social Responsibility Projects on the Social Development of Children. Instructional Technology and Lifelong Learning, 5(2), 326-339.


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