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Benlik-İmajı Uyumunun Retoriği: Bana Ne Tükettiğini Söyle Sana Kim Olduğunu Söyleyeyim

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 537 - 553, 09.04.2016


Son yıllarda tüketim, sosyal medyada ve kitle iletişim araçları hatta sinema endüstrisinde mutluluğun bereketi olarak gösterilmektedir. Bu gösterimde benlik-kavramı ile tüketim nesnesi ilişkilendirilerek, tüketimin sembolik ve duygusal boyutu üzerinde durulmaktadır. Ürünlerin ve/veya markaların gösterim şekli, işlevsellikten uzaklaşarak arzu edilmenin temel söylemi halini almış ve haz güdüsünün tatmin edilmesi önem kazanmıştır. Ürünlerin ve/veya markaların birer sembol olarak diğer tüketicilerle iletişime girmek için kullanılması, benlik-kavramıyla uyumlu ürün veya markaların tercih edilmesini de beraberinde getirmiştir. Bunun önemini anlayan işletmeler, marka imajı ve marka kişiliği geliştirme çabalarını benlik-kavramı üzerinden yapmaya başlamışlardır. Bu görünümüyle benlik, tüketimin sembolik izdüşümü olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Benlik, kişiliğin özü olup; kendimize dair tüm bildiklerimizi kapsar. Benlik-kavramı, bu çalışmanın odak konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bu çerçevede olmak üzere, çalışmada psikoloji ve sosyoloji literatürü ışığında benlik-kavramı incelenmiş ve benliğin tüketici davranışı alanındaki yeri ve önemi üzerinde durulmuştur. Tüketici davranışında benlik-kavramının yaygın kullanımı olan benlik-imajı uyumu ile benlik-imajı ölçümü ele alınmıştır.


  • Aaker, J. L. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 347-357.
  • Aaker, J. L. (1999). The malleable self: the role of self-expression in persuasion, Journal of Marketing Research, 36(1), 55-57.
  • -
  • Baudrillard, J. (1998). The Consumer Society, (trans. Chris Turner), London: Sage.
  • Belk, R.W. (1988). Possessions and the extended self, Journal of Consumer Research, 15(2), 139-168.
  • Birdwell, Al E. (1968). A Study of the Influence of Image Congruence on Consumer Choice, The Journal of Business 41(1), 76-88.
  • Burger, J.M. (2006). Kişilik, (Çev.İ.D.Erguvan Sarıoğlu), 1. Basım, Kaknüs Yayınları: 269, İstanbul.
  • Campbell, C. (1994). Consuming goods and the good of consuming, A Journal of Politics and Society, 8(4), 503-520.
  • Claiborne, C. B. & Sirgy, M. J., (1990). Self-Congruity as a Model of Attitude Formation and Change: Conceptual Review and Guide for Future Research, in Developments in Marketing Science, B. J. Dunlap, ed., Academy of Marketing Science, Cullowhee, NC1-7.
  • Cooley, C. F. (1902). Human nature and the social order, New York: Scribner.
  • Dolich, I.J. (1969). Congruence relationships between selfimages and product brands, Journal of Marketing Research, 6, 80-84.
  • Evans, Franklin B. (1959). Psychological and objective factors in the prediction of brand choice: ford versus chevrolet, Journal of Business, 32(Oct.), 340-369.
  • Freud, S. (1946). The ego and the mechanisms of defense, New York: International Universities Press.
  • Grubb, E. & Grathwohl, H. (1967). Consumer self-concept, symbolism and market behaviour: A theoretical approach, Journal of Marketing,31(Oct),22-27.
  • Grubb, E. L & Hupp, G. (1968). Perceptions of self, generalized stereotypes, and brnad selection, Journal of Marketing Research, 5(1), 58-63.
  • Hawkins, D. I., Best, R. J., & Coney, K. A. (2004). Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategy, Ninth Edition, McGraw-Hill, Irwin, USA.
  • Jamal, A. & Goode, Mark M.H. (2001). Consumers and brands: a study of the impact of self‐image congruence on brand preference and satisfaction, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 19(7), 482-492.
  • James, W. (1890). The principles of psychology, New York: Holt.
  • Jung, C. G. (1960). Collected Works, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2000). Kültürel Psikoloji Kültür Bağlamında İnsan ve Aile, Evrim Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2004). Yeni İnsan ve İnsanlar, Evrim Yayınevi, 10. Basım, İstanbul.
  • Keller, K.L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity, Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22.
  • Kihlstrom, J. F., & Klein, S. B. (1994). The self as a knowledge structure. In R. S. Wyer Jr. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of social cognition, 1: Basic processes; Vol. 2: Applications (2nd ed.), 153–208). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Levy, S. (1959). Symbols for sale, Harvard Business Review, 37, July/August, 117-124.
  • Luna, D.& Gupta, S.F (2001). An integrative framework for cross-cultural consumer behavior, International Marketing Review, 18(1), 45-69.
  • Markin, R.J. (1974), Consumer Behavior, Macmilian Publishing Co., Inc, NY.
  • Markus, H. ve Kunda, Z. (1986). Stability and malleability of the self concept, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(4), 858-66.
  • Mead, G. H. (1934). Mind, self, and society from the standpoint of a social behaviorist. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • McClelland, David (1951). Personality, New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
  • Oğuz, Ayla (2010). Tonı Morrıson’ın Sevilen (Beloved) adlı romanında Anima ve Animus ilkörnekleri, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Issn Issn 1304-4990. Erişim Adresi: <Http://E-Dergi.Atauni.Edu.Tr/Ataunisosbil/Article/View/1020000096>. Erişim Tarihi: 06 Feb. 2016.
  • Parker, Brian T. (2009). A comparison of brand personality and brand user-imagery congruence, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(3), 175–184.
  • Piacentini, M. & Mailer, G. (2002). Symbolic consumption in teenagers’ clothing choices, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(3), 251-262.
  • Reed, A. (2002). Social identity as a useful perspective for self-concept–based consumer research, Psychology &Marketing, 19(3), 235–266.
  • Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client centered therapy, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1979). Conceiving the self, New York: Basic Books.
  • Sirgy, J. M. (1982). Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review, Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 287–300.
  • Sirgy, M.J., Grewal, D., Mangleburg, T.F., Park, J., Chon, K, Claiborne, C.B., Johar, J.S. & Berkman, H. (1997). Assessing the predictive validity of two methods of measuring self-image congruence, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(3), 229-41.
  • Stivers, Richard (2004). Shades of Loneliness: Pathologies of a Technological Society, PA113&lpg=PA113&dq=loneliness+and+consumption&source=bl&ots=nqq9OZpfcB&sig=mN5mjJm2F-Cz2h0FQHqQsHuZnKA&hl=tr&sa=X&ved= 0ahUKEwiA_deV84DKAhUD8ywKHWoyDzUQ6AEIYzAJ#v=onepage&q=loneliness%20and%20consumption&f=false
  • Swarm, W.B., Jr., & Read, S.J. (1981). Self-verification processes: How we sustain our self-conceptions, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 17, 351-372.
  • Wallace, R. & Wolf, A, (2004). Çağdaş Sosyoloji Kuramları, Çev: Elburuz L&Ayas, M. R, Punto Yayıncılık, İzmir.
  • Woods, Walter A. (1960). Psychological Dimensions of Consumer Decision, Journal of Marketing, 24(3), (Jan.), 15-19.
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 537 - 553, 09.04.2016



  • Aaker, J. L. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 347-357.
  • Aaker, J. L. (1999). The malleable self: the role of self-expression in persuasion, Journal of Marketing Research, 36(1), 55-57.
  • -
  • Baudrillard, J. (1998). The Consumer Society, (trans. Chris Turner), London: Sage.
  • Belk, R.W. (1988). Possessions and the extended self, Journal of Consumer Research, 15(2), 139-168.
  • Birdwell, Al E. (1968). A Study of the Influence of Image Congruence on Consumer Choice, The Journal of Business 41(1), 76-88.
  • Burger, J.M. (2006). Kişilik, (Çev.İ.D.Erguvan Sarıoğlu), 1. Basım, Kaknüs Yayınları: 269, İstanbul.
  • Campbell, C. (1994). Consuming goods and the good of consuming, A Journal of Politics and Society, 8(4), 503-520.
  • Claiborne, C. B. & Sirgy, M. J., (1990). Self-Congruity as a Model of Attitude Formation and Change: Conceptual Review and Guide for Future Research, in Developments in Marketing Science, B. J. Dunlap, ed., Academy of Marketing Science, Cullowhee, NC1-7.
  • Cooley, C. F. (1902). Human nature and the social order, New York: Scribner.
  • Dolich, I.J. (1969). Congruence relationships between selfimages and product brands, Journal of Marketing Research, 6, 80-84.
  • Evans, Franklin B. (1959). Psychological and objective factors in the prediction of brand choice: ford versus chevrolet, Journal of Business, 32(Oct.), 340-369.
  • Freud, S. (1946). The ego and the mechanisms of defense, New York: International Universities Press.
  • Grubb, E. & Grathwohl, H. (1967). Consumer self-concept, symbolism and market behaviour: A theoretical approach, Journal of Marketing,31(Oct),22-27.
  • Grubb, E. L & Hupp, G. (1968). Perceptions of self, generalized stereotypes, and brnad selection, Journal of Marketing Research, 5(1), 58-63.
  • Hawkins, D. I., Best, R. J., & Coney, K. A. (2004). Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategy, Ninth Edition, McGraw-Hill, Irwin, USA.
  • Jamal, A. & Goode, Mark M.H. (2001). Consumers and brands: a study of the impact of self‐image congruence on brand preference and satisfaction, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 19(7), 482-492.
  • James, W. (1890). The principles of psychology, New York: Holt.
  • Jung, C. G. (1960). Collected Works, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2000). Kültürel Psikoloji Kültür Bağlamında İnsan ve Aile, Evrim Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2004). Yeni İnsan ve İnsanlar, Evrim Yayınevi, 10. Basım, İstanbul.
  • Keller, K.L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity, Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22.
  • Kihlstrom, J. F., & Klein, S. B. (1994). The self as a knowledge structure. In R. S. Wyer Jr. et al. (Eds.) Handbook of social cognition, 1: Basic processes; Vol. 2: Applications (2nd ed.), 153–208). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Levy, S. (1959). Symbols for sale, Harvard Business Review, 37, July/August, 117-124.
  • Luna, D.& Gupta, S.F (2001). An integrative framework for cross-cultural consumer behavior, International Marketing Review, 18(1), 45-69.
  • Markin, R.J. (1974), Consumer Behavior, Macmilian Publishing Co., Inc, NY.
  • Markus, H. ve Kunda, Z. (1986). Stability and malleability of the self concept, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(4), 858-66.
  • Mead, G. H. (1934). Mind, self, and society from the standpoint of a social behaviorist. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • McClelland, David (1951). Personality, New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.
  • Oğuz, Ayla (2010). Tonı Morrıson’ın Sevilen (Beloved) adlı romanında Anima ve Animus ilkörnekleri, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Issn Issn 1304-4990. Erişim Adresi: <Http://E-Dergi.Atauni.Edu.Tr/Ataunisosbil/Article/View/1020000096>. Erişim Tarihi: 06 Feb. 2016.
  • Parker, Brian T. (2009). A comparison of brand personality and brand user-imagery congruence, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(3), 175–184.
  • Piacentini, M. & Mailer, G. (2002). Symbolic consumption in teenagers’ clothing choices, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(3), 251-262.
  • Reed, A. (2002). Social identity as a useful perspective for self-concept–based consumer research, Psychology &Marketing, 19(3), 235–266.
  • Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client centered therapy, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1979). Conceiving the self, New York: Basic Books.
  • Sirgy, J. M. (1982). Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review, Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 287–300.
  • Sirgy, M.J., Grewal, D., Mangleburg, T.F., Park, J., Chon, K, Claiborne, C.B., Johar, J.S. & Berkman, H. (1997). Assessing the predictive validity of two methods of measuring self-image congruence, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(3), 229-41.
  • Stivers, Richard (2004). Shades of Loneliness: Pathologies of a Technological Society, PA113&lpg=PA113&dq=loneliness+and+consumption&source=bl&ots=nqq9OZpfcB&sig=mN5mjJm2F-Cz2h0FQHqQsHuZnKA&hl=tr&sa=X&ved= 0ahUKEwiA_deV84DKAhUD8ywKHWoyDzUQ6AEIYzAJ#v=onepage&q=loneliness%20and%20consumption&f=false
  • Swarm, W.B., Jr., & Read, S.J. (1981). Self-verification processes: How we sustain our self-conceptions, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 17, 351-372.
  • Wallace, R. & Wolf, A, (2004). Çağdaş Sosyoloji Kuramları, Çev: Elburuz L&Ayas, M. R, Punto Yayıncılık, İzmir.
  • Woods, Walter A. (1960). Psychological Dimensions of Consumer Decision, Journal of Marketing, 24(3), (Jan.), 15-19.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Betül Balıkçıoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Balıkçıoğlu, B. (2016). Benlik-İmajı Uyumunun Retoriği: Bana Ne Tükettiğini Söyle Sana Kim Olduğunu Söyleyeyim. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(3), 537-553.

Cited By

Digitization of self-presentation
Pamukkale University Journal of Social Sciences Institute

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