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Perceptions of women’s political participation in Turkey: The examples of the AKP and the CHP

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 9 - 30, 01.09.2013


This paper portrays how the two leading political parties in Turkey, the center-right Justice and Development Party (the AKP) and the center-left Republican People‟s Party (the CHP) approach women‟s political participation. Very conservative male AKP members believe women should get married and take care of children rather than getting involved in politics. AKP women idealize their chairman for his support towards female politicians. In the CHP, women‟s political participation is normalized among male and female representatives alike. Despite ideological differences, there is no significant difference between the women‟s rates in the decision-making mechanisms of the two parties.


  • Ahmad, Feroz. Turkey, The Quest for Indentity, Oxford: Oneworld, 2005. AKP, Party Program (2001).
  • “AKP‟de kadın-örgüt tartışması” (Women vs. the party at the AKP) Cumhuriyet (January 2, 2005), p. 5.
  • “AKP‟de örgüt krizi” (The organizational crisis at the AKP), Cumhuriyet (December 31, 2004), p. 5.
  • “AKP‟de uyuşmazlık firesi” (AKP hobbled by internal disaccord), Cumhuriyet, (December 29, 2004), p. 5.
  • “Bu zihniyet değişmeli” (This mentality should change), Cumhuriyet (May 4 2004), p. 5.
  • Bréchon, Pierre, “Focus - Les valeurs des Français et des Européens: des temps hiérarchisés”, Informations sociales, N° 153/3 (2009), p. 126 128.
  • Cansun, Şebnem, “Siyasette Cinsiyet Kotası: AKP ve CHP Örnekleri” (Gender quotas in politics: The AKP and the CHP examples), Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi Social Sciences Journal, 1(1) (November 2012), p 78-96.
  • CHP, Belediye Meclis Üyeliklerinde Kadın Varlığı (The presence of women in local assemblies), Retrieved on January 5, 2013, e_ eclis_uyeliklerinde_Kad%C4% 1n_Varligi.pdf .
  • CHP, Kadınlar her alanda eşit ve güçlü (Women and equal and strong in all fields), 2011.
  • CHP, Party Program, 2008, Retrieved on January 5, 2010, rty nfo&info_id= &pid=146.
  • CHP, Program of women’s branches, 2002.
  • “CHP‟li Arıtman‟dan Balandı‟ya destek” (Support from the CHP‟s Arıtman to Balandı), Cumhuriyet, (January 2, 2005), p. 5.
  • “CHP‟nin örnek belediye başkanları: Atakan, Erten, Alyanak, İsvan” (Some examples of CHP mayors: Atakan, Alyanak, İsvan), Halk, N˚87, (September 15, 2007), p. 11.
  • Cowell-Meyers, Kimberly & Langbein, Laura, “Linking Women„s Descriptive and Substantive Representation in the United States”, Politics & Gender, 5 (2009), p. 491-518.
  • De Béthune, Sabine, “Changer les mentalités”, Lelièvre, Henry (ed.), Les femmes, mais qu’est-ce qu’elles veulent?, Paris: Editions Complexes, 2001, p. 285-295.
  • Derville, Grégory & Pionchon, Syvie, “La femme invisible. Sur l„imaginaire du pouvoir politique”, Mots, Les languages du politique, N˚ 78 (july 2005), p. 53-64.
  • Fodor, Eva, “Women and Political Engagement in East-Central Europe”, Goetz, Anne-Marie (ed.), Governing Women, Women’s Political Effectiveness in Contexts of Democratization and Governance Reform, New York: Routledge, 2009, p. 112-128.
  • Guadagnini, Marila, “Gendering the debate on political representation in Italy: a difficult challenge”, Lovenduski, Joni et al. (eds.) State Feminism and Political Representation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 130-152.
  • Güneş-Ayata, Ayşe, “Laiklik, Güç ve Katılım Üçgeninde Türkiye‟de Kadın ve Siyaset” (Women and politics in the triangle of laicism, power and participation), 75 yılda kadınlar ve erkekler (75 years of women and men), Berktay-Hacımirzaoğlu, Ayşe (ed.), Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, 1998, p. 237–248.
  • Hale, William, “Christian Democracy and the AKP, Parallels and Contrasts”, The Emergence of a New Turkey, Democracy and the AK Parti, Yavuz, Hakan (ed.), Utah: The University of Utah Press, 200 Hinojosa, Magda, “Whatever the Party Asks of Me: Women‟s Political Representation in Chile‟s Unio‟n Demo‟crata Independiente”, Politics & Gender, 5 (2009), p. 377–407.
  • Htun, Mala and Power, Timothy, “Gender Parities and Support for Equal Rights in the Brazilian Congress”, Latin American Politics and Society, 48 (4) (2006), p. 83–104.
  • Ka-der, Kadın İstatistikleri (Statistics on women), 2012.
  • “Kadın Kolları Trabzon Kongresi‟nde” (Women‟s branches in Trabzon‟s congress), Türkiye Bülteni, February 2005, N˚21, Retrieved on January 5, 2010,
  • “Kadına çarpık bakış” (A twisted look at women), Cumhuriyet (May 3, 2004), p.
  • “Kadının etkin olmadığı bir toplum eksik sayılır” (A society where women are not active is a deficient society), Türkiye Bülteni, November 2006, N˚42, Retrieved on January 5, 2010,
  • “Kadınlarımızın Seçme ve Seçilme Hakkını Alışlarının 70. Yıldönümü” (The 70th anniversary of our women‟s getting the right to vote and to run for office), Türkiye Bülteni, January 2005, N˚20, Retrieved on January 5, 2010,
  • Katzenstein, Mary and McClurg Mueller, Carol, The Women’s Movements of the US and Western Europe, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987.
  • Lovenduski, Joni and Norris, Pippa, Gender and Party Politics, London: Sage, 1993.
  • “Maço değil feminen” (Not macho but feminine), Gündem, N˚51–52 (January 22, 2001), p. 6.
  • “Manavgat Kadın Kolları Ankara‟da” (The women‟s branches of Manavgat are in Ankara), Gündem, No: 104, (March 2003), p. 5.
  • Matland, Richard and Studlar, Donley, “The Contagion of Women Candidates in Single Member District and Proportional Representation Systems: Canada and Norway”, Journal of Politics, 58 (3), 1996, p. 707-733.
  • “Meclisi 34 yıl sonra ilk kez CHP‟li kadın başkan vekili Güldal Mumcu yönetti” (After 34 years, Güldal Mumcu, a female vice-president of the CHP, directs the parliament), Halk, N˚90, (November 1, 2007), p.
  • Öymen, Altan, Değişim Yılları (Years of change), Ankara: Doğan Kitap, 200 Sancar-Üşür, Serpil, Yeğen, Mesut, Kozaklı, Tamer, “Siyasal Partilerde ve Sendikalarda Cinsiyetçi Zihniyet Örüntüleri” (Sexist representations by political parties and syndicates), Nonpublished research on the project of women’s economic activities, Ankara: Kadının Statüsü ve Sorunları Genel Müdürlüğü ile Dünya Bankası Projesi, 1998.
  • Sayın, Aysun, Kota el kitabı, Geçici Özel Önlem Politikası, Kota (The quota handbook: A temporary special measure, the quota policy), Ankara, Ka-Der, 2007.
  • Seçim 2011, Ntvmsnbc Seçim (Ntvmsnbc Election), Retrieved on January 8, 2011,
  • “Siyasetin kadına ihtiyacı var” (Politics needs women), Halk, N˚ 47, (December 10, 2000), p. 4.
  • The Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, October 24, 2002, “Women‟s taking place in work and administration”, Retrieved on October 3, 2008,
  • Threlfall, Monica, “Explaining Gender Parity Representation in Spain: The Internal Dynamics of Parties”, West European Politics, Vol. 30, No. 5 (November 2007), p. 1068 – 1095.
  • Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Milletvekilleri Dağılımı (The distribution of deputies in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey), Retrieved on January 5, 2013, m.
  • “Türkiye‟ye sahip çıkıyoruz ” (We look after Turkey), Halk, N˚59, (March 27, 2001), p.
  • “Üçüncü Kuruluş Yıldönümümüzü Kutladık” (Celebrating the third anniversary of our founding), Türkiye Bülteni, N˚34 (March 2006),
  • “ kuşak CHP‟de” (The third generation is at the CHP), Cumhuriyet (January 5, 2000), p. 2.
  • “Yerel yönetimde Kadın Şûrası” (The council of women in local administrations), Türkiye Bülteni, October 2004, N˚17, Retrieved on January 5, 2010,
  • Watson, Robert, Jencik, Alicia Jencik and Selzer, Judith, “Women World Leaders: Comparative Analysis and Gender Experiences”, Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol.7, N˚2 (November 2005), p. 53-76. Künye: Cansun, Şebnem, “Türkiye‟de Kadınların Siyasal Katılımının Katılımının Algılanması: AKP ve CHP Örnekleri”, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi III, (2013): 9-30.


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 9 - 30, 01.09.2013


Bu çalışma Türkiye‟deki iki ana siyasi parti, merkez-sağdan Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP) ile merkez-soldan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi‟nin kadınların siyasal katılımına yaklaşımları üzerinedir. AKP‟li muhafazakar erkek siyasetçiler, kadınların siyasete girmekten çok, evlenip çocukları ile ilgilenmesi gerektiğine inanmakta, AKP‟li kadınlar ise kadın siyasetçilere verdiği destek nedeniyle, parti başkanlarını övmektedirler. CHP‟de ise hem erkek hem de kadın partililerce, kadın siyasallaşması aynı şekilde içselleştirilmiştir. Yine de, ideolojik farklılıklarına rağmen, iki partinin karar mekanizmalarındaki kadın siyasetçi oranlarında belirgin farklılık görülmemektedir.


  • Ahmad, Feroz. Turkey, The Quest for Indentity, Oxford: Oneworld, 2005. AKP, Party Program (2001).
  • “AKP‟de kadın-örgüt tartışması” (Women vs. the party at the AKP) Cumhuriyet (January 2, 2005), p. 5.
  • “AKP‟de örgüt krizi” (The organizational crisis at the AKP), Cumhuriyet (December 31, 2004), p. 5.
  • “AKP‟de uyuşmazlık firesi” (AKP hobbled by internal disaccord), Cumhuriyet, (December 29, 2004), p. 5.
  • “Bu zihniyet değişmeli” (This mentality should change), Cumhuriyet (May 4 2004), p. 5.
  • Bréchon, Pierre, “Focus - Les valeurs des Français et des Européens: des temps hiérarchisés”, Informations sociales, N° 153/3 (2009), p. 126 128.
  • Cansun, Şebnem, “Siyasette Cinsiyet Kotası: AKP ve CHP Örnekleri” (Gender quotas in politics: The AKP and the CHP examples), Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi Social Sciences Journal, 1(1) (November 2012), p 78-96.
  • CHP, Belediye Meclis Üyeliklerinde Kadın Varlığı (The presence of women in local assemblies), Retrieved on January 5, 2013, e_ eclis_uyeliklerinde_Kad%C4% 1n_Varligi.pdf .
  • CHP, Kadınlar her alanda eşit ve güçlü (Women and equal and strong in all fields), 2011.
  • CHP, Party Program, 2008, Retrieved on January 5, 2010, rty nfo&info_id= &pid=146.
  • CHP, Program of women’s branches, 2002.
  • “CHP‟li Arıtman‟dan Balandı‟ya destek” (Support from the CHP‟s Arıtman to Balandı), Cumhuriyet, (January 2, 2005), p. 5.
  • “CHP‟nin örnek belediye başkanları: Atakan, Erten, Alyanak, İsvan” (Some examples of CHP mayors: Atakan, Alyanak, İsvan), Halk, N˚87, (September 15, 2007), p. 11.
  • Cowell-Meyers, Kimberly & Langbein, Laura, “Linking Women„s Descriptive and Substantive Representation in the United States”, Politics & Gender, 5 (2009), p. 491-518.
  • De Béthune, Sabine, “Changer les mentalités”, Lelièvre, Henry (ed.), Les femmes, mais qu’est-ce qu’elles veulent?, Paris: Editions Complexes, 2001, p. 285-295.
  • Derville, Grégory & Pionchon, Syvie, “La femme invisible. Sur l„imaginaire du pouvoir politique”, Mots, Les languages du politique, N˚ 78 (july 2005), p. 53-64.
  • Fodor, Eva, “Women and Political Engagement in East-Central Europe”, Goetz, Anne-Marie (ed.), Governing Women, Women’s Political Effectiveness in Contexts of Democratization and Governance Reform, New York: Routledge, 2009, p. 112-128.
  • Guadagnini, Marila, “Gendering the debate on political representation in Italy: a difficult challenge”, Lovenduski, Joni et al. (eds.) State Feminism and Political Representation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 130-152.
  • Güneş-Ayata, Ayşe, “Laiklik, Güç ve Katılım Üçgeninde Türkiye‟de Kadın ve Siyaset” (Women and politics in the triangle of laicism, power and participation), 75 yılda kadınlar ve erkekler (75 years of women and men), Berktay-Hacımirzaoğlu, Ayşe (ed.), Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, 1998, p. 237–248.
  • Hale, William, “Christian Democracy and the AKP, Parallels and Contrasts”, The Emergence of a New Turkey, Democracy and the AK Parti, Yavuz, Hakan (ed.), Utah: The University of Utah Press, 200 Hinojosa, Magda, “Whatever the Party Asks of Me: Women‟s Political Representation in Chile‟s Unio‟n Demo‟crata Independiente”, Politics & Gender, 5 (2009), p. 377–407.
  • Htun, Mala and Power, Timothy, “Gender Parities and Support for Equal Rights in the Brazilian Congress”, Latin American Politics and Society, 48 (4) (2006), p. 83–104.
  • Ka-der, Kadın İstatistikleri (Statistics on women), 2012.
  • “Kadın Kolları Trabzon Kongresi‟nde” (Women‟s branches in Trabzon‟s congress), Türkiye Bülteni, February 2005, N˚21, Retrieved on January 5, 2010,
  • “Kadına çarpık bakış” (A twisted look at women), Cumhuriyet (May 3, 2004), p.
  • “Kadının etkin olmadığı bir toplum eksik sayılır” (A society where women are not active is a deficient society), Türkiye Bülteni, November 2006, N˚42, Retrieved on January 5, 2010,
  • “Kadınlarımızın Seçme ve Seçilme Hakkını Alışlarının 70. Yıldönümü” (The 70th anniversary of our women‟s getting the right to vote and to run for office), Türkiye Bülteni, January 2005, N˚20, Retrieved on January 5, 2010,
  • Katzenstein, Mary and McClurg Mueller, Carol, The Women’s Movements of the US and Western Europe, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987.
  • Lovenduski, Joni and Norris, Pippa, Gender and Party Politics, London: Sage, 1993.
  • “Maço değil feminen” (Not macho but feminine), Gündem, N˚51–52 (January 22, 2001), p. 6.
  • “Manavgat Kadın Kolları Ankara‟da” (The women‟s branches of Manavgat are in Ankara), Gündem, No: 104, (March 2003), p. 5.
  • Matland, Richard and Studlar, Donley, “The Contagion of Women Candidates in Single Member District and Proportional Representation Systems: Canada and Norway”, Journal of Politics, 58 (3), 1996, p. 707-733.
  • “Meclisi 34 yıl sonra ilk kez CHP‟li kadın başkan vekili Güldal Mumcu yönetti” (After 34 years, Güldal Mumcu, a female vice-president of the CHP, directs the parliament), Halk, N˚90, (November 1, 2007), p.
  • Öymen, Altan, Değişim Yılları (Years of change), Ankara: Doğan Kitap, 200 Sancar-Üşür, Serpil, Yeğen, Mesut, Kozaklı, Tamer, “Siyasal Partilerde ve Sendikalarda Cinsiyetçi Zihniyet Örüntüleri” (Sexist representations by political parties and syndicates), Nonpublished research on the project of women’s economic activities, Ankara: Kadının Statüsü ve Sorunları Genel Müdürlüğü ile Dünya Bankası Projesi, 1998.
  • Sayın, Aysun, Kota el kitabı, Geçici Özel Önlem Politikası, Kota (The quota handbook: A temporary special measure, the quota policy), Ankara, Ka-Der, 2007.
  • Seçim 2011, Ntvmsnbc Seçim (Ntvmsnbc Election), Retrieved on January 8, 2011,
  • “Siyasetin kadına ihtiyacı var” (Politics needs women), Halk, N˚ 47, (December 10, 2000), p. 4.
  • The Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, October 24, 2002, “Women‟s taking place in work and administration”, Retrieved on October 3, 2008,
  • Threlfall, Monica, “Explaining Gender Parity Representation in Spain: The Internal Dynamics of Parties”, West European Politics, Vol. 30, No. 5 (November 2007), p. 1068 – 1095.
  • Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Milletvekilleri Dağılımı (The distribution of deputies in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey), Retrieved on January 5, 2013, m.
  • “Türkiye‟ye sahip çıkıyoruz ” (We look after Turkey), Halk, N˚59, (March 27, 2001), p.
  • “Üçüncü Kuruluş Yıldönümümüzü Kutladık” (Celebrating the third anniversary of our founding), Türkiye Bülteni, N˚34 (March 2006),
  • “ kuşak CHP‟de” (The third generation is at the CHP), Cumhuriyet (January 5, 2000), p. 2.
  • “Yerel yönetimde Kadın Şûrası” (The council of women in local administrations), Türkiye Bülteni, October 2004, N˚17, Retrieved on January 5, 2010,
  • Watson, Robert, Jencik, Alicia Jencik and Selzer, Judith, “Women World Leaders: Comparative Analysis and Gender Experiences”, Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol.7, N˚2 (November 2005), p. 53-76. Künye: Cansun, Şebnem, “Türkiye‟de Kadınların Siyasal Katılımının Katılımının Algılanması: AKP ve CHP Örnekleri”, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi III, (2013): 9-30.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Şebnem Cansun

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Cansun, Ş. (2013). TÜRKİYE’DE KADINLARIN SİYASAL KATILIMININ ALGILANMASI: AKP VE CHP ÖRNEKLERİ. İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(3), 9-30.
İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.