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Bir Bizans Teknesinin Anatomisi: Yenikapı 8 Batığı

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 11, 325 - 338, 31.01.2019


Yenikapı 8 batığı (YK8), İstanbul, Yenikapı’da, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri tarafından gerçekleştirilen kurtarma kazıları
sırasında 2006 yılında keşfedilmiştir. Theodosius Limanı’nın sediment dolgusu içinde, kazı alanının güney tarafında
bulunan batık, tabakasına göre MS 10. yüzyıla tarihlendirilmiştir. Batığın korunan uzunluğu 5 m ve genişliği 2,9 m’dir.
Omurgası, 19 adet kaplama tahtası, 13 adet döşeği bulunan batığın yaklaşık yarısı palplanş duvarı altında kalmıştır. YK8,
kazı alanında, geleneksel üç nokta ölçüm ve çizimleri, birebir ölçekli asetat çizimleri, fotoğraf ve foto-mozaik çekimleriyle
in situ olarak belgelenmiştir. Sonrasında batık ahşapları sökülerek, İÜ Yenikapı Batıkları Araştırma Merkezi’ndeki havuzlara
taşınmıştır. Yenikapı’nın kenar-kavelalı ve düz dipli tekneler grubu içinde yer alan YK8, Akdeniz karma yapım yöntemi ile
inşa edilmiştir. Ön rekonstrüksiyon çalışmalarına göre, teknenin orijinal boyutlarının 12 m uzunlukta ve 4 m genişlikte
olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Bu makalede, YK8 batığının kazısı ve belgelenmesinde uygulanan metodoloji ve batığın genel
konstrüksiyon özellikleri diğer Yenikapı batıkları ile karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir.


  • AKKEMİK, Ünal, Yenikapı Shipwrecks Volume II: Woods of Yenikapı Shipwrecks/ Yenikapı Batıkları Cilt II: Yenikapı Batıklarının Ahşapları, Istanbul 2015.
  • AKKEMİK, Ünal; KOCABAŞ, Ufuk, “Woods of Byzantine Trade Ships of Yenikapı (Istanbul) and Changes in WoodUsefrom 6th to 11th Century”, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, S.14.2, 2014, s. 317-327.
  • BELTRAME, Carlo; BONDIOLI, Mauro, “A Hypothesis on the Development of Mediterranean Ship Construction from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages”, Connected by the Sea, Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Roskilde 2003, Eds. Lucy Blue, Fred Hocker, Anton Englert, Oxford 2006, s. 89-94.
  • GÜLER, Taner, “Construction Technique of the Yenikapı 20 Shipwreck, Found in the Harbour of Theodosius (Istanbul, Turkey)”, Shipand Maritime Landscapes, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Boatand Ship Archaeology, Amsterdam 2012, Eds. Jerzy Gawronski, Andrévan Holk, Joost Schokkenbroek, Eelde 2017, s. 280-282.
  • JONES, Michael, “The Hull Construction of Yenikapı 14 (YK 14), a Middle Byzantine Shipwreck from Constantinople’s Theodosian Harbour, Istanbul, Turkey”, IJNA, S. 46.2, 2017, s. 253-283.
  • KAHANOV, Yaacov; MOR, Hadas, “The Dor 2001/1 Byzantine Shipwreck, Israel: Final Report”, IJNA, S. 43.1, 2014, s. 41-65.
  • KIZILTAN, Zeynep, “Excavations at Yenikapı, Sirkeci and Üsküdar with in Marmaray and Metro Projects, Istanbul Archaeological Museums”, Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Marmaray- Metro Salvage Excavations 5th–6th May 2008, Ed. Ufuk Kocabaş, Istanbul 2010, s. 1-16.
  • KOCABAŞ, Ufuk, “The Yenikapı Byzantine-Era Shipwrecks, Istanbul, Turkey: A Preliminary Report and Inventory of the 27 Wrecks Studied by Istanbul University”, IJNA, S. 44.1, 2015, s. 1–35.
  • KOCABAŞ, Ufuk; ÖZSAİT KOCABAŞ, Işıl; KILIÇ, Namık, “The Yenikapı Shipwrecks: Dismantling Methods and First Step to Conservation”, 11th ICOM International Conference on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials (ICOM-WOAM), Eds. Kristiane Straetkvern, Emily Williams, Istanbul 2012, s. 303-312.
  • KOCABAŞ, Ufuk; TÜRKMENOĞLU, Evren, “Yenikapı Shipwrecks: Fieldwork, Conservation- Restoration Procedures and Construction Features”, Arqueologia Nàutica Mediterrània, Ed. Xavier Nieto, Girona 2009, s.235–243.
  • ÖZSAİT KOCABAŞ, Işıl, “III. Documentation: Reading the Timber”, The ‘Old Ships’ of the ‘New Gate’ 1, Yenikapı Shipwrecks, Vol. I, Ed. Ufuk Kocabaş, Istanbul 2008, s. 27–72.
  • ÖZSAİT KOCABAŞ, Işıl, “The Yenikapı 12 Shipwreck, a 9th-Century Merchantman From the Theodosian Harbour in Istanbul, Turkey: Construction and Reconstruction”, IJNA, S. 47.2, 2018, s. 357-390.
  • ÖZSAİT KOCABAŞ Işıl; KOCABAŞ, Ufuk, “V. Technological and Constructional Features of Yenikapı Shipwrecks: A Preliminary Evaluation”, The ‘Old Ships’ of the ‘New Gate’ 1, Yenikapı Shipwrecks, Vol. I, Ed. Ufuk Kocabaş, Istanbul 2008, s. 97-186.
  • POMEY, Patrice; KAHANOV, Yaacov; RIETH, Eric, “Transitionfrom Shell to Skeleton in Ancient Mediterranean Ship-Construction: Analysis, Problems, and Future Research”, IJNA, S. 41.2, 2012, s. 235–314.
  • PRYOR, John H., Akdeniz’de Coğrafya, Teknoloji ve Savaş, Araplar, Bizanslılar, Batılılar ve Türkler, Çev. Füsun Tayanç ve Tunç Tayanc, İstanbul 2004.
  • PULAK, Cemal; INGRAM, Rebecca; JONES, Michael, “Eight Byzantine Shipwrecks from the Theodosian Harbour Excavations at Yenikapı in Istanbul, Turkey: an introduction”, IJNA, S. 44.1, 2015, s. 39–73.
  • Journeys on the Seas of Byzantium, Ed. Diana Zafiropoulou, Athens 1997.

The Anatomy of a Byzantine Vessel: Yenikapı 8 Shipwreck

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 11, 325 - 338, 31.01.2019


The shipwreck Yenikapı 8 (YK8) was discovered in Yenikapı, Istanbul, in 2006 during the rescue excavations carried out
by Istanbul Archaeological Museums. The shipwreck, which was found within the sediment-filled Theodosian Harbour
in the southern side of the excavation area, was dated to the 10th century AD according to the stratigraphic layer. Its
remains measure only 5 m long and 2.9 m wide. The shipwreck comprises the keel, nineteen strakes of planking and
thirteen floor-timbers. In fact, approximately half of the vessel lies under the sheet pile wall. YK 8 was documented in situ
with traditional triangulation measurements and drawings, full-scale clear acetate drawings, photography and photomosaics.
Then the hull members were dismantled and moved to the storage tanks at the IU Yenikapı Shipwrecks Research
Centre. YK 8 which was studied amongst the flat-floored shipwrecks with planking edge dowels of the Yenikapı Site, was
built using a Mediterranean mixed construction technique. The original dimensions of the vessel were estimated at
about 12 m in length and 4 m in breadth according to preliminary reconstruction studies. In this article, the excavation,
documentation methodology and basic construction features of YK 8 were discussed, along with its structural similarities
to other Yenikapı shipwrecks.


  • AKKEMİK, Ünal, Yenikapı Shipwrecks Volume II: Woods of Yenikapı Shipwrecks/ Yenikapı Batıkları Cilt II: Yenikapı Batıklarının Ahşapları, Istanbul 2015.
  • AKKEMİK, Ünal; KOCABAŞ, Ufuk, “Woods of Byzantine Trade Ships of Yenikapı (Istanbul) and Changes in WoodUsefrom 6th to 11th Century”, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, S.14.2, 2014, s. 317-327.
  • BELTRAME, Carlo; BONDIOLI, Mauro, “A Hypothesis on the Development of Mediterranean Ship Construction from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages”, Connected by the Sea, Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Roskilde 2003, Eds. Lucy Blue, Fred Hocker, Anton Englert, Oxford 2006, s. 89-94.
  • GÜLER, Taner, “Construction Technique of the Yenikapı 20 Shipwreck, Found in the Harbour of Theodosius (Istanbul, Turkey)”, Shipand Maritime Landscapes, Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Boatand Ship Archaeology, Amsterdam 2012, Eds. Jerzy Gawronski, Andrévan Holk, Joost Schokkenbroek, Eelde 2017, s. 280-282.
  • JONES, Michael, “The Hull Construction of Yenikapı 14 (YK 14), a Middle Byzantine Shipwreck from Constantinople’s Theodosian Harbour, Istanbul, Turkey”, IJNA, S. 46.2, 2017, s. 253-283.
  • KAHANOV, Yaacov; MOR, Hadas, “The Dor 2001/1 Byzantine Shipwreck, Israel: Final Report”, IJNA, S. 43.1, 2014, s. 41-65.
  • KIZILTAN, Zeynep, “Excavations at Yenikapı, Sirkeci and Üsküdar with in Marmaray and Metro Projects, Istanbul Archaeological Museums”, Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Marmaray- Metro Salvage Excavations 5th–6th May 2008, Ed. Ufuk Kocabaş, Istanbul 2010, s. 1-16.
  • KOCABAŞ, Ufuk, “The Yenikapı Byzantine-Era Shipwrecks, Istanbul, Turkey: A Preliminary Report and Inventory of the 27 Wrecks Studied by Istanbul University”, IJNA, S. 44.1, 2015, s. 1–35.
  • KOCABAŞ, Ufuk; ÖZSAİT KOCABAŞ, Işıl; KILIÇ, Namık, “The Yenikapı Shipwrecks: Dismantling Methods and First Step to Conservation”, 11th ICOM International Conference on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials (ICOM-WOAM), Eds. Kristiane Straetkvern, Emily Williams, Istanbul 2012, s. 303-312.
  • KOCABAŞ, Ufuk; TÜRKMENOĞLU, Evren, “Yenikapı Shipwrecks: Fieldwork, Conservation- Restoration Procedures and Construction Features”, Arqueologia Nàutica Mediterrània, Ed. Xavier Nieto, Girona 2009, s.235–243.
  • ÖZSAİT KOCABAŞ, Işıl, “III. Documentation: Reading the Timber”, The ‘Old Ships’ of the ‘New Gate’ 1, Yenikapı Shipwrecks, Vol. I, Ed. Ufuk Kocabaş, Istanbul 2008, s. 27–72.
  • ÖZSAİT KOCABAŞ, Işıl, “The Yenikapı 12 Shipwreck, a 9th-Century Merchantman From the Theodosian Harbour in Istanbul, Turkey: Construction and Reconstruction”, IJNA, S. 47.2, 2018, s. 357-390.
  • ÖZSAİT KOCABAŞ Işıl; KOCABAŞ, Ufuk, “V. Technological and Constructional Features of Yenikapı Shipwrecks: A Preliminary Evaluation”, The ‘Old Ships’ of the ‘New Gate’ 1, Yenikapı Shipwrecks, Vol. I, Ed. Ufuk Kocabaş, Istanbul 2008, s. 97-186.
  • POMEY, Patrice; KAHANOV, Yaacov; RIETH, Eric, “Transitionfrom Shell to Skeleton in Ancient Mediterranean Ship-Construction: Analysis, Problems, and Future Research”, IJNA, S. 41.2, 2012, s. 235–314.
  • PRYOR, John H., Akdeniz’de Coğrafya, Teknoloji ve Savaş, Araplar, Bizanslılar, Batılılar ve Türkler, Çev. Füsun Tayanç ve Tunç Tayanc, İstanbul 2004.
  • PULAK, Cemal; INGRAM, Rebecca; JONES, Michael, “Eight Byzantine Shipwrecks from the Theodosian Harbour Excavations at Yenikapı in Istanbul, Turkey: an introduction”, IJNA, S. 44.1, 2015, s. 39–73.
  • Journeys on the Seas of Byzantium, Ed. Diana Zafiropoulou, Athens 1997.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

İşıl Özsait Kocabaş 0000-0002-1926-0764

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 11

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Özsait Kocabaş, İşıl. “Bir Bizans Teknesinin Anatomisi: Yenikapı 8 Batığı”. Art-Sanat, sy. 11 (Ocak 2019): 325-38.