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Horse sacrifice in the Üzüür Gyalan Tomb: An Altai Mountain Kurgan

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 11, 275 - 298, 31.01.2019


This study evaluated the horse sacrifice results and tomb remains of the Üzüür Gylan tombs which were recovered in 2015 at a location 35 km North-West from the centre of the Mönhhairhan province of Hovd in western Mongolia. A woman’s corpse buried with her clothing, some goods for daily life, a mummified horse skeleton and its harness as well as sheep remains were all recovered from a rock carved tomb. Radiocarbon dating placed the tomb as the 10th century A.D. Isotope analysis carried out on the horse showed that the horse lived in an environment comprising of C3 plantation with ample water and vegetation. There were markings on the Frontal region of the horse’s skull showing that it had been killed by being struck with a hard instrument as a sacrifice for the funeral ceremony. The tomb remains have given information about the style of living of the Altay people during the period of the 10th century A.D. and place and influence of horse in their lives.


  • BAT-OCHIR, Bold, “Eques Mongolica”, Bold & Bodi. Reykjavik 2012. BOUROVA N., “Horse Remains From The Arzhan-1 and Arzhan-2 Scythian Monuments”, Impact of The Environment on Human Migration in Eurasia, Eds. by E.M. Scott, A.Y. Alekseev, G. Zaitseva, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2004, pp. 323-332.
  • BOWLING, Ann T.; RUVINKSY, Anatoly, “Genetic Aspects of Domestication, Breeds and Their Origins”, The Genetics of Horse, Eds. by A.T. Bowling, A. Ruvinsky, Cabi Publishing, U.K. 2000, pp. 25-52.
  • BROWNRIGG, Gail, “Horse Control and The Bit”, Horses and Humans: The Evolution of Human-Equine Relationships, Eds. by S.L. Olsen, S. Grant, A.M. Choyke, L. Bartosiewicz, BAR International Series 1560, 2006, pp. 165-171.
  • DASHKOVSKIY, Petry K., Kurgans of The Yenisei Kyrgyz at The Chineta II Burial Ground in The Altai”, Archaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, V. 42, I. 2, 2014, p. 82-89.
  • ENHTUYA, Şaravdorj, “Registration of The Üzüür Gyalan Artifacts”, Rock Cemetery Culture (XAДAH ГЭPИЙН COЁЛ), Eds. by S. Dagvadorj, B. Jamsranjav, E. Galbadrah, National Museum of Mongolia, Ulanbator 2017, pp. 34-55 (Mongolian).
  • FRACFORT, Henri Paul, “Ancient Altai Culture and Its Relationship to Historical Asian Civilizations”, Preservation of The Frozen Tombs of The Altai Mountains, Ed. By J. Han, UNESCO, Paris 2008, pp. 35-40.
  • FRACFORT, Henri Paul; LEPETZ, Sebastien, “Les Chevaux de Berel’ (Altaï) - Chevaux Steppiques et Chevaux Achéménides: Haras et Races”, Histoire d’équidés : Des Textes, Des İmages et Des Os, Eds. by N. Boulbes, A. Gardeisen, E. Furet, (Monographies d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne, hors série n°4), Montpellier 2010, pp. 57-104.
  • GOULDEN, Clyde E.; NANDINTSETSEG, Banzragch; ARIUNTSETSEG, Lkhagva, “The Geology, Climate and Ecology of Mongolia”, Mapping Mongolia: Situating Mongolia in The World From Geologic Time to The Present, Ed. by P. Sabloff, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia PA 2011, pp. 87-103.
  • HIEBERT, Fredrik T., “Pazyryk Chronology and Early Horse Nomads Reconsidered”, Bulletin of The Asia Institute, New Series, V. 6, 1992, pp. 117-129.
  • JOHNSTONE, Cluny Jane, “A Biometric Study of Equids in The Roman World”, University of York, Department of Archaeology, PhD Thesis, York (UK), 2004.
  • KARYAKOVA, Ludmila, “Some Notes About The Material Culture of Eurasian Nomads”, Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age, Eds. by J. Davis-Kimball, E.M. Murphy, L. Koryakova, L.T. Yablonksy, BAR International Series 890, 2000, pp. 13-18.
  • LEPETZ, Sebastien, “Horse Sacrifice in a Pazyryk Culture Kurgan: The Princely Tomb of Berel’(Kazakhstan). Selection Criteria and Slaughter Procedures”, Anthropozoologica, V. 48, I.2, 2013, pp. 309-321.
  • LEVINE, Marsha A.; BAILEY, Geoff N.; WHITWELL, Katherine E.; JEFFCOTT, Leo B., “Paleopathology and Horse Domestication: The Case of Some Iron Age Horses From The Altai Mountains, Siberia”, Human Ecodynamics. Symposia of The Association for Ervironmental Archaeology, Eds. by G. Bailey, R. Charles, N. Winders, Owbow Books, U.K. 2000, pp. 123-133.
  • MAY, Eberhard, “Widerristhöhe und Langknochenmasse bei Pferden Ein Immer Noch Aktuelles Problem”, Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, V. 50, I.1, 1985, pp. 368-382.
  • MOLODIN, Vyacheslav I., “The Frozen Scythian Burial Complexes of The Altai Mountains: Conservation and Survey Issues”, Preservation of The Frozen Tombs of The Altai Mountains, Ed. by J. Han, UNESCO, Paris 2008, pp. 25-30.
  • MÖNHBAYAR, Çuluunbat, “Üzüür Gyalan Rock Cemetery, Archaeological Excavation Research”, Rock Cemetery Culture (XAДAH ГЭPИЙН COЁЛ). Eds. by S. Dagvadorj, B. Jamsranjav, E. Galbadrah, National Museum of Mongolia, Ulanbator 2017, pp. 29-33 (Mongolian).
  • OLSEN, Sandra L. “Early Horse Domestication on The Eurasian Steppe”, Documenting Domestication: New Genetic and Archaeological Paradigms, Eds. by M.A. Zeder, D.G. Bradley, E. Emshwiller, B. D. Smith, University of Californai Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, California 2006, pp. 245-269.
  • PARZINGER, Hermann, 2008. “The Scythians: Nomadic Horsemen of The Eurasian Steppe”, Preservation of The Frozen Tombs of The Altai Mountains, Ed. by J. Han, UNESCO, Paris 2008, pp. 19-24.
  • POLOSMAK, N. V., Steregushchiye Zoloto Griphy. Novosibirsk: Nauka (“Guarding The Gold Griffins”), 1994.
  • PÜREVDORJ, Gayabazar, “The Historical Ethnic Origin of The Üzüür Gyalan Monument”, Rock Cemetery Culture (XAДAH ГЭPИЙН COЁЛ), Eds. by S. Dagvadorj, B. Jamsranjav, E. Galbadrah, National Museum of Mongolia, Ulanbator 2017, pp. 59-60 (Mongolian).
  • RUDENKO, Sergei I., “Frozen Tombs of Siberia: The Pazyryk Burials of Iron-Age Horsemen”, University of Californa Press, Berley, GB 1970.
  • RUDENKO, Sergei I., “Gornoaltaiskiye Nakhodki i Skify”, Moscow Leningrad: Izdatelstvo AN SSSR (“Scythian Period Discoveries in The Altai Mountains”), 1952.
  • TAYLOR, William, “Horse Demography and Use in Bronze Age Mongolia”, Quaternary International, V. 436, Part A., 2017, pp. 270-282.
  • TAYLOR, William Timothy T.; BAYARSAIKHAN, Jamsranjav; TUVSHINJARGAL, Tumurbaatar, “Equine Cranial Morphology and The Identification of Riding and Chariotry in Late Bronze Age Mongolia”, Antiquity, V. 89, I.346, 2015, pp. 854-871.
  • TÖRBAT, Tsagaan; GISCARD, Pierre Henri; BATSÜKH, Dunbüree, “First Excavation of Payryk Kurgans in Mongolian Altai”, Current Archaeological Research in Mongolia, Eds. by J. Bemmann, H. Parzinger, E. Pohl, D. Tseveendorzh, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn 2009, pp. 221-230.
  • VASQUEZ, Jorge, “Excavation and Sampling Techniques in The Frozen Tombs of Kazakhstan”, Preservation of The Frozen Tombs of The Altai Mountains, Ed. by J. Han, UNESCO, Paris 2008, pp. 67-70.
  • VITT, V. O., “Die Pferde der Kurgane von Pasyryk (Russisch)”, Sovjetskaja Arch., Moskau, V. 16, 1952, pp. 163-205.
  • VON DEN DRIESCH, Angela, “A Guide to The Measurement of The Animal Bones From Archaeological Sites”, Peabody Museum Bulletin1, Harvard University, Massachusetts 1976.
  • ZHANG, Chunfu; WANG, Yang; DENG, Tao; WANG, Xiaoming; BIASATTI, Dana; XU, Yingfeng; LI, Qiang, “C4 Expansion in The Central Inner Mongolia During The Latest Miocene and Early Pliocene”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, V. 287, I.3-4, 2009, pp. 311-319.
  • (Footnotes) Eberhard May, “Widerristhöhe und Langknochenmasse bei Pferden Ein Immer Noch Aktuelles Problem”, Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, V.50, I.1, 1985, p. 368-382.
  • Eberhard May, “Widerristhöhe und Langknochenmasse Bei Pferden Ein Immer Noch Aktuelles Problem”, Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, V. 50, I.1,1985, p. 368-382.
  • Cluny Jane Johnstone, “A Biometric Study of Equids in The Roman World”, University of York, Department of Archaeology, PhD Thesis, York (UK) 2004, p. 402, tab. 6.80.

Üzüür Gyalan Mezarında At Kurban Edilmesi: Bir Altay Dağı Kurganı

Yıl 2019, Sayı: 11, 275 - 298, 31.01.2019


Bu çalışmada, 2015 yılında, Batı Moğolistan’ın Hovd vilayeti Mönhhairhan ilçe merkezine 35 km mesafede kuzeybatı tarafında, Altay dağlarının 2803 m yüksekliğinde keşfedilen Üzüür Gyalan mezarında at kurban edilme ve mezar bulguları değerlendirildi. Arkeologlar tarafından kaya oyuğu içerisinde bulunan bu mezarda yürütülen arkeolojik kazı çalışmalar sonucunda kıyafetleri ile gömülmüş kadın ile birlikte günlük yaşamda kullandığı malzemeler, mumifiye olmuş at iskeleti ile buna ait koşum takımları ve bazı koyun kalıntıları tespit edildi. Mezar örneklerinden radyokarbon tarihlendirme yapıldığında, mezar dönemsel olarak MS.10 yy’a ait olduğu saptandı. İzotop analizleri, atın C3 diye ifade edilen sulak iklim şartlarında yaşayan otlarla bu atın beslendiğini göstermekteydi. Cenaze ritüeli içinde atın kurban edildiğini gösteren, kafanın Frontal kemiği üzerinde atın öldürülmeden önce sert bir darbe ile alnına vurulduğunu gösteren bulgu bulunmaktaydı. Mezar bulguları MS. 10 yy Altay toplumunun yaşam biçimi ile bu toplumda atın yeri hakkında önemli bilgiler sunmaktadır. 


  • BAT-OCHIR, Bold, “Eques Mongolica”, Bold & Bodi. Reykjavik 2012. BOUROVA N., “Horse Remains From The Arzhan-1 and Arzhan-2 Scythian Monuments”, Impact of The Environment on Human Migration in Eurasia, Eds. by E.M. Scott, A.Y. Alekseev, G. Zaitseva, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2004, pp. 323-332.
  • BOWLING, Ann T.; RUVINKSY, Anatoly, “Genetic Aspects of Domestication, Breeds and Their Origins”, The Genetics of Horse, Eds. by A.T. Bowling, A. Ruvinsky, Cabi Publishing, U.K. 2000, pp. 25-52.
  • BROWNRIGG, Gail, “Horse Control and The Bit”, Horses and Humans: The Evolution of Human-Equine Relationships, Eds. by S.L. Olsen, S. Grant, A.M. Choyke, L. Bartosiewicz, BAR International Series 1560, 2006, pp. 165-171.
  • DASHKOVSKIY, Petry K., Kurgans of The Yenisei Kyrgyz at The Chineta II Burial Ground in The Altai”, Archaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, V. 42, I. 2, 2014, p. 82-89.
  • ENHTUYA, Şaravdorj, “Registration of The Üzüür Gyalan Artifacts”, Rock Cemetery Culture (XAДAH ГЭPИЙН COЁЛ), Eds. by S. Dagvadorj, B. Jamsranjav, E. Galbadrah, National Museum of Mongolia, Ulanbator 2017, pp. 34-55 (Mongolian).
  • FRACFORT, Henri Paul, “Ancient Altai Culture and Its Relationship to Historical Asian Civilizations”, Preservation of The Frozen Tombs of The Altai Mountains, Ed. By J. Han, UNESCO, Paris 2008, pp. 35-40.
  • FRACFORT, Henri Paul; LEPETZ, Sebastien, “Les Chevaux de Berel’ (Altaï) - Chevaux Steppiques et Chevaux Achéménides: Haras et Races”, Histoire d’équidés : Des Textes, Des İmages et Des Os, Eds. by N. Boulbes, A. Gardeisen, E. Furet, (Monographies d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne, hors série n°4), Montpellier 2010, pp. 57-104.
  • GOULDEN, Clyde E.; NANDINTSETSEG, Banzragch; ARIUNTSETSEG, Lkhagva, “The Geology, Climate and Ecology of Mongolia”, Mapping Mongolia: Situating Mongolia in The World From Geologic Time to The Present, Ed. by P. Sabloff, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia PA 2011, pp. 87-103.
  • HIEBERT, Fredrik T., “Pazyryk Chronology and Early Horse Nomads Reconsidered”, Bulletin of The Asia Institute, New Series, V. 6, 1992, pp. 117-129.
  • JOHNSTONE, Cluny Jane, “A Biometric Study of Equids in The Roman World”, University of York, Department of Archaeology, PhD Thesis, York (UK), 2004.
  • KARYAKOVA, Ludmila, “Some Notes About The Material Culture of Eurasian Nomads”, Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age, Eds. by J. Davis-Kimball, E.M. Murphy, L. Koryakova, L.T. Yablonksy, BAR International Series 890, 2000, pp. 13-18.
  • LEPETZ, Sebastien, “Horse Sacrifice in a Pazyryk Culture Kurgan: The Princely Tomb of Berel’(Kazakhstan). Selection Criteria and Slaughter Procedures”, Anthropozoologica, V. 48, I.2, 2013, pp. 309-321.
  • LEVINE, Marsha A.; BAILEY, Geoff N.; WHITWELL, Katherine E.; JEFFCOTT, Leo B., “Paleopathology and Horse Domestication: The Case of Some Iron Age Horses From The Altai Mountains, Siberia”, Human Ecodynamics. Symposia of The Association for Ervironmental Archaeology, Eds. by G. Bailey, R. Charles, N. Winders, Owbow Books, U.K. 2000, pp. 123-133.
  • MAY, Eberhard, “Widerristhöhe und Langknochenmasse bei Pferden Ein Immer Noch Aktuelles Problem”, Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, V. 50, I.1, 1985, pp. 368-382.
  • MOLODIN, Vyacheslav I., “The Frozen Scythian Burial Complexes of The Altai Mountains: Conservation and Survey Issues”, Preservation of The Frozen Tombs of The Altai Mountains, Ed. by J. Han, UNESCO, Paris 2008, pp. 25-30.
  • MÖNHBAYAR, Çuluunbat, “Üzüür Gyalan Rock Cemetery, Archaeological Excavation Research”, Rock Cemetery Culture (XAДAH ГЭPИЙН COЁЛ). Eds. by S. Dagvadorj, B. Jamsranjav, E. Galbadrah, National Museum of Mongolia, Ulanbator 2017, pp. 29-33 (Mongolian).
  • OLSEN, Sandra L. “Early Horse Domestication on The Eurasian Steppe”, Documenting Domestication: New Genetic and Archaeological Paradigms, Eds. by M.A. Zeder, D.G. Bradley, E. Emshwiller, B. D. Smith, University of Californai Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, California 2006, pp. 245-269.
  • PARZINGER, Hermann, 2008. “The Scythians: Nomadic Horsemen of The Eurasian Steppe”, Preservation of The Frozen Tombs of The Altai Mountains, Ed. by J. Han, UNESCO, Paris 2008, pp. 19-24.
  • POLOSMAK, N. V., Steregushchiye Zoloto Griphy. Novosibirsk: Nauka (“Guarding The Gold Griffins”), 1994.
  • PÜREVDORJ, Gayabazar, “The Historical Ethnic Origin of The Üzüür Gyalan Monument”, Rock Cemetery Culture (XAДAH ГЭPИЙН COЁЛ), Eds. by S. Dagvadorj, B. Jamsranjav, E. Galbadrah, National Museum of Mongolia, Ulanbator 2017, pp. 59-60 (Mongolian).
  • RUDENKO, Sergei I., “Frozen Tombs of Siberia: The Pazyryk Burials of Iron-Age Horsemen”, University of Californa Press, Berley, GB 1970.
  • RUDENKO, Sergei I., “Gornoaltaiskiye Nakhodki i Skify”, Moscow Leningrad: Izdatelstvo AN SSSR (“Scythian Period Discoveries in The Altai Mountains”), 1952.
  • TAYLOR, William, “Horse Demography and Use in Bronze Age Mongolia”, Quaternary International, V. 436, Part A., 2017, pp. 270-282.
  • TAYLOR, William Timothy T.; BAYARSAIKHAN, Jamsranjav; TUVSHINJARGAL, Tumurbaatar, “Equine Cranial Morphology and The Identification of Riding and Chariotry in Late Bronze Age Mongolia”, Antiquity, V. 89, I.346, 2015, pp. 854-871.
  • TÖRBAT, Tsagaan; GISCARD, Pierre Henri; BATSÜKH, Dunbüree, “First Excavation of Payryk Kurgans in Mongolian Altai”, Current Archaeological Research in Mongolia, Eds. by J. Bemmann, H. Parzinger, E. Pohl, D. Tseveendorzh, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn 2009, pp. 221-230.
  • VASQUEZ, Jorge, “Excavation and Sampling Techniques in The Frozen Tombs of Kazakhstan”, Preservation of The Frozen Tombs of The Altai Mountains, Ed. by J. Han, UNESCO, Paris 2008, pp. 67-70.
  • VITT, V. O., “Die Pferde der Kurgane von Pasyryk (Russisch)”, Sovjetskaja Arch., Moskau, V. 16, 1952, pp. 163-205.
  • VON DEN DRIESCH, Angela, “A Guide to The Measurement of The Animal Bones From Archaeological Sites”, Peabody Museum Bulletin1, Harvard University, Massachusetts 1976.
  • ZHANG, Chunfu; WANG, Yang; DENG, Tao; WANG, Xiaoming; BIASATTI, Dana; XU, Yingfeng; LI, Qiang, “C4 Expansion in The Central Inner Mongolia During The Latest Miocene and Early Pliocene”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, V. 287, I.3-4, 2009, pp. 311-319.
  • (Footnotes) Eberhard May, “Widerristhöhe und Langknochenmasse bei Pferden Ein Immer Noch Aktuelles Problem”, Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, V.50, I.1, 1985, p. 368-382.
  • Eberhard May, “Widerristhöhe und Langknochenmasse Bei Pferden Ein Immer Noch Aktuelles Problem”, Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, V. 50, I.1,1985, p. 368-382.
  • Cluny Jane Johnstone, “A Biometric Study of Equids in The Roman World”, University of York, Department of Archaeology, PhD Thesis, York (UK) 2004, p. 402, tab. 6.80.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Vedat Onar 0000-0002-8359-243X

Sebahattin Küçük Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8504-1703

Enkhbat Galbadrakh Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9338-6007

Ahmet Taşağıl Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1435-8877

Dilek Olğun Erdikmen 0000-0002-8190-8429

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 11

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Onar, Vedat, Sebahattin Küçük, Enkhbat Galbadrakh, Ahmet Taşağıl, ve Dilek Olğun Erdikmen. “Horse Sacrifice in the Üzüür Gyalan Tomb: An Altai Mountain Kurgan”. Art-Sanat, sy. 11 (Ocak 2019): 275-98.