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Yıl 2017, Sayı: 8, 153 - 179, 30.07.2017


Kapadokya bölgesinde 1973 yılından günümüze dek, duvar resmi koruma çalışmaları devam etmekte; birçok ticari ve ticari-olmayan enjeksiyon harcı kullanılmış ve kullanılmaktadır fakat bu enjeksiyon harçlarının, özellik ve performans açısından dezavantajları bulunmaktadır. Kireç bağlayıcılı enjeksiyon harçları ile yapılan uygulama geri dönüşümsüzdür. Bu sebeple kullanılan harcın kimyasal, fiziksel özellikleri, orijinal malzemeyle uyumu ve performansı önem arz etmektedir.  
Bu çalışma; geçmiş dönemde Kapadokya bölgesinde, Bizans Dönemi duvar resimlerinin korunmasında kullanılan ticari ve ticari olmayan enjeksiyon harçlarında karşılaşılan uygulama ve performans problemlerinin nedenlerini laboratuar ortamında gerçekleştirilen performans analizleri ve testleriyle ortaya koyarak, henüz koruma çalışması yapılmamış Ihlara Vadisi Kaya Kiliseleri kireç bağlayıcılı duvar resimlerinin konsolidasyonunda kullanılmak üzere “ideal” enjeksiyon harcı üretiminin gerekliliğini açığa çıkartmaktadır. 


  • American Society for Testing Materials. 1992 ASTM C294-92 (R1991) Standard Descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of Natural Mineral Aggregates. Philadelphia: ASTM.
  • American Society for Testing Materials. 1996 ASTM C1180-96 Standard Terminology of Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry. Philadelphia: ASTM.
  • American Society for Testing Materials. 2008 ASTM C476-08 Standard Specification for Grout for Masonry Philadelphia: ASTM.
  • Asp, Misa. 2001. “Tests of Injectable Mortars in Laboratory and Field: Conservation of Mural Paintings”, National Heritage Board, Ulf Lindborg, Stockholm, 39-44.
  • Baglioni, P., L. Dei, F. Piqué, G. Sarti, E. Ferroni. 1997. “New Autogenous Lime-Based Grouts Used in the Conservation of Lime-Based Wall Paintings”, Studies in Conservation, 42 (1): 43-54.
  • Baldi, Pio., Tharros Oristano, Sardinia. 1981. “Preservation of the Punic Ditch: Methodological Consideration, Mortars, Cements and Grouts Used in the Conservation of Historic Buildings = Mortiers, ciments et coulis utilisés dans la conservation des bâtiments historiques”, Symposium, 3-6.11.1981, Rome: ICCROM, 249-53.
  • Ballantyne, Anne. “Stabilising the Substrate: Grouting: the Options; Anne Ballantyne’s Contribution on 28th October 1995”, Conservation News 60: 43-45.
  • Bicer-Şimşir B., Griffin I., Palazzo-Bertholon B., Rainer L. 2009. “Lime-Based Injection Grouts for the Conservation of Architectural Surfaces”, Reviews in Conservation 10: 3–17
  • Bicer-Şimşir., Rainer Leslie. 2013. Evaluation of Lime Based Hydraulic Injection Grouts for the Conservation of Architectural Surfaces: A Manuel of Laboratory and Field Test Methods, The Getty Conservation Institute, CA, U.S.A.
  • Bicer-Şimşir B., Rainer Leslie. 2014. Evaluation of Injection Grouts for the Conservation of Wall Paintings and Plasters in Herculaneum, The Getty Conservation Institute, CA, U.S.A.
  • Binda, Luigia, Mario Berra, Giulia Baronio, Alberto Fontana. 1990. “Repair of Masonries by Injection Technique: Effectiveness, Bond and Durability Problems. in Structural Conservation of Stone Masonry”, International Technical Conference, Athens, 31.X.3.XI.1989 = Conservation structurelle de la maçonnerie en pierre: Conférence internationale technique, 31.X.-3.XI.1989, Athènes,. Rome: ICCROM, 431-441
  • Bryagin, D. E. 1975. “Some Experiments on Strengthening of Ancient Wall Painting Supports With Lime-Casein Solution”, ICOM Committee for Conservation 4th Triennial Meeting: Venice, October 1975, Vol. 1, 75-1/12-1 to 75-1/12-9, Paris: International Council of Museums, 13-16
  • Carturan, Giovanni, Gian Domenico Sorarù, Fabiano Vulcan. 1993. Relazione Tecnica Sulle Malte PLM-A, PLM-AL, PLM-I, PLM-M, PLM-SM e Sul Legante Per Stuccature PLM-S Della Ditta C.T.S. s.a.s Altavilla Vicentina (VI). Technical Report, Università Degli Studi de Trento, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali.
  • Ferragni, D., M. Forti, J. Malliet, J. M. Teutonico, G. Torraca. 1983. “In-situ Consolidation of Wall and Floor Mosaics by Means of Injection Grouting Techniques”, Mosaics: Conservation In-Situ, Aquileia, Rome: ICCROM., 3: 83-101.
  • Henriques, Fernando, Elena Charola: “Comparative Study of Standard Test Procedures for Mortars”: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, 30 Sept.- 4 October 1996, Berlin, ed. J. Riederer, III: 1521-1528, Berlin, Germany: Möller Druck und Verlag.
  • Özdemir, Adnan. 2002. “Bazı Yapı Malzemelerin Kapiler Su Emme Potansiyelleri, Capillary Water Absorption Potentials of Some Building Materials”: Selçuk Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Konya; Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 26 (1): 19
  • Karaveziroglou, M. 1986. “Traditional Mortars Grouts: Anasteloseis Vyzantinon Kai Metavyzantinon Mnemeion”, Praktika Tou Diethnous Symposiou Thessalonikes, 11-13 Dek. 1985 = Restoration of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments: Proceedings of the International Symposium of Thessaloniki, 11-13 December 1985, Thessalonike, ed. P. Astrinidou, 403-14.
  • Karaveziroglou, M. 1986. “Traditional Mortars Grouts: Anasteloseis Vyzantinon Kai Metavyzantinon Mnemeion”, Praktika Tou Diethnous Symposiou Thessalonikes, 11-13 Dek. 1985 = Restoration of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments: Proceedings of the İnternational Symposium of Thessaloniki, 11-13 December 1985, Thessalonike, ed. P. Astrinidou, 403-414.
  • Zajadacz, Karina, Stefan Simon. 2006. “Grouting of Architectural Surfaces: The Challenge of Testing. Theory And Practice in Conservation”, International Seminar, 1st, ed. J. Delgado Rodrigues, and J. Manuel Mimoso, Lisbon: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, 50917.


Yıl 2017, Sayı: 8, 153 - 179, 30.07.2017


Since the year 1973 the work to conserve the wall paintings in Cappadocia region has been in progress and in this process various types of commercial and noncommercial injection grouts have been used and are being used. The commercial and non-commercial injection grouts that are presently used in the conservation of wall paintings may have some disadvantages both in terms of their properties as well as performances. 

Injection grouts are irreversible for this reason, it is required to take care in regards to the chemical, physical properties of the grout used as well as its performance and consistency with the original material. This study aim to reveal the grouting and performans problems by means of performans analyses and tests of the injection grouts used in the conservation of wall paintings from Byzantine Era in Cappadocia region and therefore the ideal injection grouts that can be evaluate for to be used in grouting of the lime based wall paintings in the Rock Cut Churches of Ihlara Valley that have not yet been included within the scope of conservation efforts. 


  • American Society for Testing Materials. 1992 ASTM C294-92 (R1991) Standard Descriptive Nomenclature of Constituents of Natural Mineral Aggregates. Philadelphia: ASTM.
  • American Society for Testing Materials. 1996 ASTM C1180-96 Standard Terminology of Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry. Philadelphia: ASTM.
  • American Society for Testing Materials. 2008 ASTM C476-08 Standard Specification for Grout for Masonry Philadelphia: ASTM.
  • Asp, Misa. 2001. “Tests of Injectable Mortars in Laboratory and Field: Conservation of Mural Paintings”, National Heritage Board, Ulf Lindborg, Stockholm, 39-44.
  • Baglioni, P., L. Dei, F. Piqué, G. Sarti, E. Ferroni. 1997. “New Autogenous Lime-Based Grouts Used in the Conservation of Lime-Based Wall Paintings”, Studies in Conservation, 42 (1): 43-54.
  • Baldi, Pio., Tharros Oristano, Sardinia. 1981. “Preservation of the Punic Ditch: Methodological Consideration, Mortars, Cements and Grouts Used in the Conservation of Historic Buildings = Mortiers, ciments et coulis utilisés dans la conservation des bâtiments historiques”, Symposium, 3-6.11.1981, Rome: ICCROM, 249-53.
  • Ballantyne, Anne. “Stabilising the Substrate: Grouting: the Options; Anne Ballantyne’s Contribution on 28th October 1995”, Conservation News 60: 43-45.
  • Bicer-Şimşir B., Griffin I., Palazzo-Bertholon B., Rainer L. 2009. “Lime-Based Injection Grouts for the Conservation of Architectural Surfaces”, Reviews in Conservation 10: 3–17
  • Bicer-Şimşir., Rainer Leslie. 2013. Evaluation of Lime Based Hydraulic Injection Grouts for the Conservation of Architectural Surfaces: A Manuel of Laboratory and Field Test Methods, The Getty Conservation Institute, CA, U.S.A.
  • Bicer-Şimşir B., Rainer Leslie. 2014. Evaluation of Injection Grouts for the Conservation of Wall Paintings and Plasters in Herculaneum, The Getty Conservation Institute, CA, U.S.A.
  • Binda, Luigia, Mario Berra, Giulia Baronio, Alberto Fontana. 1990. “Repair of Masonries by Injection Technique: Effectiveness, Bond and Durability Problems. in Structural Conservation of Stone Masonry”, International Technical Conference, Athens, 31.X.3.XI.1989 = Conservation structurelle de la maçonnerie en pierre: Conférence internationale technique, 31.X.-3.XI.1989, Athènes,. Rome: ICCROM, 431-441
  • Bryagin, D. E. 1975. “Some Experiments on Strengthening of Ancient Wall Painting Supports With Lime-Casein Solution”, ICOM Committee for Conservation 4th Triennial Meeting: Venice, October 1975, Vol. 1, 75-1/12-1 to 75-1/12-9, Paris: International Council of Museums, 13-16
  • Carturan, Giovanni, Gian Domenico Sorarù, Fabiano Vulcan. 1993. Relazione Tecnica Sulle Malte PLM-A, PLM-AL, PLM-I, PLM-M, PLM-SM e Sul Legante Per Stuccature PLM-S Della Ditta C.T.S. s.a.s Altavilla Vicentina (VI). Technical Report, Università Degli Studi de Trento, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali.
  • Ferragni, D., M. Forti, J. Malliet, J. M. Teutonico, G. Torraca. 1983. “In-situ Consolidation of Wall and Floor Mosaics by Means of Injection Grouting Techniques”, Mosaics: Conservation In-Situ, Aquileia, Rome: ICCROM., 3: 83-101.
  • Henriques, Fernando, Elena Charola: “Comparative Study of Standard Test Procedures for Mortars”: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, 30 Sept.- 4 October 1996, Berlin, ed. J. Riederer, III: 1521-1528, Berlin, Germany: Möller Druck und Verlag.
  • Özdemir, Adnan. 2002. “Bazı Yapı Malzemelerin Kapiler Su Emme Potansiyelleri, Capillary Water Absorption Potentials of Some Building Materials”: Selçuk Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Konya; Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 26 (1): 19
  • Karaveziroglou, M. 1986. “Traditional Mortars Grouts: Anasteloseis Vyzantinon Kai Metavyzantinon Mnemeion”, Praktika Tou Diethnous Symposiou Thessalonikes, 11-13 Dek. 1985 = Restoration of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments: Proceedings of the International Symposium of Thessaloniki, 11-13 December 1985, Thessalonike, ed. P. Astrinidou, 403-14.
  • Karaveziroglou, M. 1986. “Traditional Mortars Grouts: Anasteloseis Vyzantinon Kai Metavyzantinon Mnemeion”, Praktika Tou Diethnous Symposiou Thessalonikes, 11-13 Dek. 1985 = Restoration of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments: Proceedings of the İnternational Symposium of Thessaloniki, 11-13 December 1985, Thessalonike, ed. P. Astrinidou, 403-414.
  • Zajadacz, Karina, Stefan Simon. 2006. “Grouting of Architectural Surfaces: The Challenge of Testing. Theory And Practice in Conservation”, International Seminar, 1st, ed. J. Delgado Rodrigues, and J. Manuel Mimoso, Lisbon: National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, 50917.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster