Geri Çekilen Makale: Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Müzik Tercihleri
Yazar: Mustafa Kabataş
Sayı /Yıl: 8 / 2017
Online yayın tarihi: Temmuz 2017
Geri çekme tarihi: 16 Temmuz 2024
Bu makale, intihal yapıldığına dair mahkeme kararının ardından 16 Eylül 2024 tarihinde geri
çekilmiş ve yayından kaldırılmıştır. Editörler, bu durumu makale gönderim sürecinde tespit edemedikleri için dergi okuyucularından özür dilerler.
Makalenin Geri Çekilmesine İlişkin İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi’nin benimsemiş olduğu politikalara şuradan erişebilirsiniz:
Bu makale, intihal yapıldığına dair mahkeme kararının ardından 16 Eylül 2024 tarihinde geri çekilmiş ve yayından kaldırılmıştır. Editörler, bu durumu makale gönderim sürecinde tespit edemedikleri için dergi okuyucularından özür dilerler.
Makalenin Geri Çekilmesine İlişkin İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi’nin benimsemiş olduğu politikalara şuradan erişebilirsiniz:
Berg, H. C., Fierros, M. D., & Pérez, P.C. 2015. Cultural habits in teenagers and young adults in Galicia. Observatorio Da Cultura Galega. Retrieved from h p:// statistiques/culture/pratiques-culturelles/pratiques-galicie. pdf
Boal-Palheiros, G. M., & Hargreaves, D. J. 2004. Children’s modes of listening to music at home and at school. Bulle n of the Council for Research in Music Educa on, 161/162, 39–46.
DeNora, T. 2000. Music in everyday life. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from h p://catdir.loc. gov/catdir/samples/cam032/99052606.pdf
Erdal, B. 2009. Müzik tercihi ve kişilik ilişkisi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 35(2), 188-196. Retrieved from h p:// cle/ viewFile/1008000408/1008000336
Erdal, B. 2012. Müzik tercihlerinde inanç biçimlerinin rolü. III. Uluslararası Hisarlı Ahmet Sempozyumu, Müziği Algılamak, Sempozyum Tam Me n Kitabı, Kütahya.
Ginocchio, J. F. 2009. The effects of different amounts and types of music training on music style preference. Bulle n of the Council for Research in Music Educa on, 182, 7-18.
Gürgen, E. T. 2015. Musical preference and music educa on: Musical preferences of Turkish university students and their levels in genre iden fica on, Interna onal Journal of Music Educa on, Published online before print December 31, 2015, doi: 10.1177/0255761415619390
Herbert, R. 2012a. Young people’s use and subjec ve experience of music outside school. Proceedings of the 12th Interna onal Conference on Music Percep on and Cogni on, Thessaloniki, Greece, 424-431.
Herbert, R. 2012b. Modes of Music listening and modes of subjec vity in everyday life. Journal of Sonic Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from h p:// a05
Helsing, M. 2012. Everyday music listening: The importance of individual and situa onal factors for musical emo ons and stress reduc on. Proceedings of the 12th Interna onal Conference on Music Percep on and Cogni on, Thessaloniki, Greece, 414-418.
Juslin, P.N., & Laukka, P. 2004. Expression, percep on, and induc on of musical emo ons: A review and a ques onnaire study of everyday listening. Journal of New Music Research, 3(33), 217-238.
Karasar, N. 2002. Bilimsel araş rma yöntemi (11. Baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
Konecni, V. J. 1982. Social interac on and musical preference. In Deutsch D. (Ed.), The psychology of music. New York: Academic Press.
Lamont, A., Hargreaves, D. J., Marshall, N. A., & Tarrant, M. 2003. Young people’s music in and out of school. Bri sh Journal of Music Educa on, 20(3), 229-241.
North, A. C., & Hargreaves, D. J. 2008. The social and applied psychology of music. NewYork: Oxford University Press.
North, A. C., Hargreaves, D. J., & Hargreaves J. J. 2004. Uses of music in everyday life. Music Percep on: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22(1), 41-77.
Geri Çekildi:
Retracted Article: Music Preferences of the Faculty of Fine Arts Students
Retracted Article: Music Preferences of the Faculty of Fine Arts Students
Author: Mustafa Kabataş
Issue / Year: 8 / 2017
Published online: July 2017
Retraction date: 16 September 2024
This article has been retracted and removed from publication on September 16, 2024 following
court decision that plagiarism has been committed. The editors apologise to the readers of the
journal for not having detected this situation during the submission process.
You can access the policies adopted by Istanbul University Press regarding Article Retraction here:
This article has been retracted and removed from publication on September 16, 2024 following court decision that plagiarism has been committed. The editors apologise to the readers of the journal for not having detected this situation during the submission process.
You can access the policies adopted by Istanbul University Press regarding Article Retraction here:
Berg, H. C., Fierros, M. D., & Pérez, P.C. 2015. Cultural habits in teenagers and young adults in Galicia. Observatorio Da Cultura Galega. Retrieved from h p:// statistiques/culture/pratiques-culturelles/pratiques-galicie. pdf
Boal-Palheiros, G. M., & Hargreaves, D. J. 2004. Children’s modes of listening to music at home and at school. Bulle n of the Council for Research in Music Educa on, 161/162, 39–46.
DeNora, T. 2000. Music in everyday life. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from h p://catdir.loc. gov/catdir/samples/cam032/99052606.pdf
Erdal, B. 2009. Müzik tercihi ve kişilik ilişkisi. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 35(2), 188-196. Retrieved from h p:// cle/ viewFile/1008000408/1008000336
Erdal, B. 2012. Müzik tercihlerinde inanç biçimlerinin rolü. III. Uluslararası Hisarlı Ahmet Sempozyumu, Müziği Algılamak, Sempozyum Tam Me n Kitabı, Kütahya.
Ginocchio, J. F. 2009. The effects of different amounts and types of music training on music style preference. Bulle n of the Council for Research in Music Educa on, 182, 7-18.
Gürgen, E. T. 2015. Musical preference and music educa on: Musical preferences of Turkish university students and their levels in genre iden fica on, Interna onal Journal of Music Educa on, Published online before print December 31, 2015, doi: 10.1177/0255761415619390
Herbert, R. 2012a. Young people’s use and subjec ve experience of music outside school. Proceedings of the 12th Interna onal Conference on Music Percep on and Cogni on, Thessaloniki, Greece, 424-431.
Herbert, R. 2012b. Modes of Music listening and modes of subjec vity in everyday life. Journal of Sonic Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from h p:// a05
Helsing, M. 2012. Everyday music listening: The importance of individual and situa onal factors for musical emo ons and stress reduc on. Proceedings of the 12th Interna onal Conference on Music Percep on and Cogni on, Thessaloniki, Greece, 414-418.
Juslin, P.N., & Laukka, P. 2004. Expression, percep on, and induc on of musical emo ons: A review and a ques onnaire study of everyday listening. Journal of New Music Research, 3(33), 217-238.
Karasar, N. 2002. Bilimsel araş rma yöntemi (11. Baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
Konecni, V. J. 1982. Social interac on and musical preference. In Deutsch D. (Ed.), The psychology of music. New York: Academic Press.
Lamont, A., Hargreaves, D. J., Marshall, N. A., & Tarrant, M. 2003. Young people’s music in and out of school. Bri sh Journal of Music Educa on, 20(3), 229-241.
North, A. C., & Hargreaves, D. J. 2008. The social and applied psychology of music. NewYork: Oxford University Press.
North, A. C., Hargreaves, D. J., & Hargreaves J. J. 2004. Uses of music in everyday life. Music Percep on: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22(1), 41-77.