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Yıl 2014, Sayı: 2, 51 - 79, 20.07.2014


Sogdians were a community that was very influential in the Antiquity and Middle Ages in Central Asia in cultural, political and economic terms. They were economically and politically powerful in the early Middle Ages in the Silk Road, extending from the China to the Central Asia, and left significant works of art behind. Sogdians, despite different beliefs existed within their geography, practised Zoroastrianism and reflected the religion to their works of art. In this study zoomorphic attributes that are in Sogdian art are interpreted in terms of iconography and their meanings are analysed according to deities they symbolise. These zoomorphic attributes and deities associated with them are not only taken from Zoroastrian pantheon but also from Hindu and Mesopotamian examples.


  • Albaum, L.İ. 1975. Jivopis Afrasiaba, , Taşkent: FAN.
  • Anklesaria, B. T. 1956. Zand-Akasih, Iranian or Greater Bundahishn, Bombay.
  • Azarpay, G. 1976. “Nana, The Sumero-Akkadian Goddess of Transoxiana”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 96 (4): 536-542.
  • Azarpay, G. 1981. Sogdian Painting: The Pictorial Epic in Oriental Art, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London: University of California Press.
  • Belenizki, A. M., 1980, Mittelasien Kunst der Sogden, ,Leipzig: E. A. Seeman.
  • Belenitskiy, A. M. and B. İ. Marşak. 1976. “Çertı Mirovozzreniya Sogdiytsev 7-8 vv. v İsskustve Pendjikenta”, İstoriya i Kultura Narodov Sredney Azii, Moskova, 75-89.
  • Berdimuradov, A. E., G. İ. Bogomolov and N. O. Huşbakov. 2012. “Novaya Nahodka Ştampovannıh Ossuariev v Okrestnostyah Şahrisyabza”, O’zbekiston Arheologiyası (Arheologiya Uzbekistana), 2(5): 20-26.
  • Boyce, M. 1975 A History of Zoroastrianism, The Early Period, Vol. 1, Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  • Boyce, M., 1982, A History of Zoroastrianism, Under the Achaemenians, Vol. 2, Leiden-Köln: E. J. Brill.
  • Çeşmeli, İ. 2008. “Sogdlularda Cenaze Töreni ve Cennete Yükseliş Sahneleri”, Mimarlık & Dekorasyon, 173: 88-94.
  • Darkeviç, V. P. 1976. Hudojestvennıy Metall Vostoka VIII-XIII vv., Moskva: Nauka.
  • Darmesteter, J. (Çev.). 1898 Avesta: Khorda Avesta, Book of Common Prayer, Sacred Book of the East, American Edition, New York.
  • Darmesteter, J. (Çev.). 1898. Avesta: Vendidad, Sacred Book of the East, American Edition, New York.
  • Dhalla, M. N. 1938. History of Zoroastrianism, New York.
  • Grenet, F. 1993. “Trois Nouveaux d’Iconographie Religieuse Sogdienne”, Studia Iranica, 22: 49-6
  • Grenet, F. 2001. “Mitra, Dieu Iranien: Nouvelles Donnees”, Topoi, 11(1): 35-58.
  • Grenet, F, P. Riboud and J. Yang. 2004. “Zoroastrian Scenes on Newly Discovered Sogdian Tomb in Xi’an Northern China”, Studia Iranica, 33 (2): 273-284.
  • Grenet, F. 2007, “The 7th Century AD ‘Ambassadors Painting’at Samarkand”, Mural Paintings of Silk Road, Ed. K. Yamauchi, Y. Taniguchi, T. Uno, Tokyo, 9-19.
  • Humbach, H. 1975. “Vayu, Siva und der Spiritus Vivans im Ostiranischen Synkretismus”, Monumentum H. S. Neyberg I, Acta Iranica, 4:397-408.
  • Ilyasov, Dj. and A. Khakimov.2012. “Uzbekistan”, The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9th-15th Centuries, Toreutics, 3: 216-265.
  • Kızlasov, L. R. 1959. “Arheologiçeskie İssledovaniya na Gorodişçe Ak-beşim v 1953-1954 gg.” Trudı Kirgizskoy Arheologo-Etnografiçeskoy Ekspeditsii II, Moskova, 155-241.
  • Litvinskiy B. A. and M. I., Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya. 1996. “Religions and Religions Movements II”, History of Civilization of Central Asia, The Cross-Roads of Civilizations AD 250 to 750, Ed. Litvinsky, Paris: Unesco, III:420-448.
  • Marshak, B. I. and V. I. Raspopova, 1990, “Wall Paintings from a House with a Granary. Panjikant, 1st Quarter of the Eighth Century A.D.”, Silk Road Art and Archaeology, 1: 12317
  • Maršak, B. M. 1990. “Les Fouilles de Pendjikent”, Comptes Rendus, 286-313.
  • Marshak, B. I. 1994. “Le Programme Iconographique des Peintures de la ‘Salle des Ambassadeurs’ a Afrasiab (Samarkand)”, Arts Asiatiques, XLIX: 5-20.
  • Marshak, M. I. and N. N. Negmatov. 1996. “Sogdiana”, History of Civilization of Central Asia , The Cross-Roads of Civilizations AD 250 to 750, Ed. A. Litvinskiy, Paris: Unesco, III: 233-280. Marshak, B. I. 2004. “The Miho Couch and the Other Sino-Sogdian Works of Art of the Second Half of the 6th Century”, Miho Museum, 4: 16-32.
  • Marşak, B. İ. 1971. Sogdiyskoe Serebro, Nauka, Moskva.
  • Mode, M. 1991/92. “Sogdian Gods in Exile-Some Iconographic Evidence from Khotan in the Light of Recently Excavated Material from Sogdiana” Silk Road Art and Archaeology, 2: 179-2
  • Negmatov, N. N. 1973. “O Jivopisi Dvortsa Afşinov Ustruşanı”, Sovestkaya Arheologiya, 3, 183-20
  • Negmatov, N. N. 1984. “Bojetsvennıy i Demoniçeskiy Panteonı Ustruşanı i ih İndoiranskie Paralleli”, Drevnie Kulturı Sredney Azii i İndii, Nauka, Leningrad, 146-164.
  • Shanxi Archeological Institute. 2001. “Taiyuan Suidai Yu Hong mu qingli jianbao (Excavation of Yu Hong of the Sui Dynasty Taiyuan)”, Wenwu, 1: 27-52.
  • Shanxi Archeological Institute. 2001. “Xi’an faxian de Bei Zhou An Jia mu (Excavation of the An Jia’s Tomb of the Northern Zhou in Xi’an)”,Wenwu, 1: 4-26.
  • Sims-Williams, N. 1985. “Ancient Letters”, Encyclopaedia Iranica, II: 7-9.
  • Smirnova, O. İ. 1981. Svodniy Katalog Sogdiyskih Monet, Nauk, Moskva.
  • Şişkin, V. A. 1963. Varahşa, İzdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moskva.
  • Xianjiang, R. 2004. “Daily Life in Sogdians Colonies Along the Silk Road”, Miho Museum, 4: 6


Yıl 2014, Sayı: 2, 51 - 79, 20.07.2014



Sogdlar, Antik Çağ ve Orta Çağ’da Orta Asya’da kültürel, siyasi ve ekonomik açıdan etkili olmuş bir topluluktu. Sogdlar, ekonomik ve siyasi açıdan güçlü olduğu erken Orta Çağ’da Çin’den Orta Asya’yaya uzanan İpek Yolu’nda önemli sanat eserleri bıraktılar. İran’la yakından bağları olan Sogdlar üzerinde, değişik inançların etkileri olmasına karşın özellikle Zerdüştlüğü benimsediler ve bu inancı sanat eserlerine yansıttılar. Bu çalışmada, Sogd sanatında görülen zoomorfik atribüler ikonografik açıdan değerlendirildi ve bu atribülerin anlamları ile hangi ilahları simgeledikleri üzerinde duruldu. Bu zoomorfik atribüler ve onlarla ilişkili ilahlar, ağırlıklı olarak Zerdüştlük panteonundan alınmasına karşın Hindu ve Mezopotamya gibi değişik inançların panteonlarından da alınmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Orta Asya, Sogdlar, Sogdiana, sanat, atribü, zoomorfik.


Sogdians were a community that was very influential in the Antiquity, Middle Ages and  Central Asia in in cultural, political and economic terms. They were economically and politically powerful in the early Middle Ages in the Silk Road, extending from the China to the Central Asia, and left significant works of art behind. Sogdians, despite different beliefs existed within their geography, practised Zoroastrianism and reflected the religion to their works of art. In this study zoomorphic attributes that are in Sogdian art are  interpreted in terms of iconography and their meanings are analysed according to deities they symbolise. These zoomorphic attributes and deities associated with them are not only taken from Zoroastrian pantheon but also from Hindu and Mesopotamian examples.

Key Words: Central Asia, Sogdians, Sogdiana, art, attribute, zoomorphic


  • Albaum, L.İ. 1975. Jivopis Afrasiaba, , Taşkent: FAN.
  • Anklesaria, B. T. 1956. Zand-Akasih, Iranian or Greater Bundahishn, Bombay.
  • Azarpay, G. 1976. “Nana, The Sumero-Akkadian Goddess of Transoxiana”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 96 (4): 536-542.
  • Azarpay, G. 1981. Sogdian Painting: The Pictorial Epic in Oriental Art, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London: University of California Press.
  • Belenizki, A. M., 1980, Mittelasien Kunst der Sogden, ,Leipzig: E. A. Seeman.
  • Belenitskiy, A. M. and B. İ. Marşak. 1976. “Çertı Mirovozzreniya Sogdiytsev 7-8 vv. v İsskustve Pendjikenta”, İstoriya i Kultura Narodov Sredney Azii, Moskova, 75-89.
  • Berdimuradov, A. E., G. İ. Bogomolov and N. O. Huşbakov. 2012. “Novaya Nahodka Ştampovannıh Ossuariev v Okrestnostyah Şahrisyabza”, O’zbekiston Arheologiyası (Arheologiya Uzbekistana), 2(5): 20-26.
  • Boyce, M. 1975 A History of Zoroastrianism, The Early Period, Vol. 1, Leiden: E. J. Brill.
  • Boyce, M., 1982, A History of Zoroastrianism, Under the Achaemenians, Vol. 2, Leiden-Köln: E. J. Brill.
  • Çeşmeli, İ. 2008. “Sogdlularda Cenaze Töreni ve Cennete Yükseliş Sahneleri”, Mimarlık & Dekorasyon, 173: 88-94.
  • Darkeviç, V. P. 1976. Hudojestvennıy Metall Vostoka VIII-XIII vv., Moskva: Nauka.
  • Darmesteter, J. (Çev.). 1898 Avesta: Khorda Avesta, Book of Common Prayer, Sacred Book of the East, American Edition, New York.
  • Darmesteter, J. (Çev.). 1898. Avesta: Vendidad, Sacred Book of the East, American Edition, New York.
  • Dhalla, M. N. 1938. History of Zoroastrianism, New York.
  • Grenet, F. 1993. “Trois Nouveaux d’Iconographie Religieuse Sogdienne”, Studia Iranica, 22: 49-6
  • Grenet, F. 2001. “Mitra, Dieu Iranien: Nouvelles Donnees”, Topoi, 11(1): 35-58.
  • Grenet, F, P. Riboud and J. Yang. 2004. “Zoroastrian Scenes on Newly Discovered Sogdian Tomb in Xi’an Northern China”, Studia Iranica, 33 (2): 273-284.
  • Grenet, F. 2007, “The 7th Century AD ‘Ambassadors Painting’at Samarkand”, Mural Paintings of Silk Road, Ed. K. Yamauchi, Y. Taniguchi, T. Uno, Tokyo, 9-19.
  • Humbach, H. 1975. “Vayu, Siva und der Spiritus Vivans im Ostiranischen Synkretismus”, Monumentum H. S. Neyberg I, Acta Iranica, 4:397-408.
  • Ilyasov, Dj. and A. Khakimov.2012. “Uzbekistan”, The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9th-15th Centuries, Toreutics, 3: 216-265.
  • Kızlasov, L. R. 1959. “Arheologiçeskie İssledovaniya na Gorodişçe Ak-beşim v 1953-1954 gg.” Trudı Kirgizskoy Arheologo-Etnografiçeskoy Ekspeditsii II, Moskova, 155-241.
  • Litvinskiy B. A. and M. I., Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya. 1996. “Religions and Religions Movements II”, History of Civilization of Central Asia, The Cross-Roads of Civilizations AD 250 to 750, Ed. Litvinsky, Paris: Unesco, III:420-448.
  • Marshak, B. I. and V. I. Raspopova, 1990, “Wall Paintings from a House with a Granary. Panjikant, 1st Quarter of the Eighth Century A.D.”, Silk Road Art and Archaeology, 1: 12317
  • Maršak, B. M. 1990. “Les Fouilles de Pendjikent”, Comptes Rendus, 286-313.
  • Marshak, B. I. 1994. “Le Programme Iconographique des Peintures de la ‘Salle des Ambassadeurs’ a Afrasiab (Samarkand)”, Arts Asiatiques, XLIX: 5-20.
  • Marshak, M. I. and N. N. Negmatov. 1996. “Sogdiana”, History of Civilization of Central Asia , The Cross-Roads of Civilizations AD 250 to 750, Ed. A. Litvinskiy, Paris: Unesco, III: 233-280. Marshak, B. I. 2004. “The Miho Couch and the Other Sino-Sogdian Works of Art of the Second Half of the 6th Century”, Miho Museum, 4: 16-32.
  • Marşak, B. İ. 1971. Sogdiyskoe Serebro, Nauka, Moskva.
  • Mode, M. 1991/92. “Sogdian Gods in Exile-Some Iconographic Evidence from Khotan in the Light of Recently Excavated Material from Sogdiana” Silk Road Art and Archaeology, 2: 179-2
  • Negmatov, N. N. 1973. “O Jivopisi Dvortsa Afşinov Ustruşanı”, Sovestkaya Arheologiya, 3, 183-20
  • Negmatov, N. N. 1984. “Bojetsvennıy i Demoniçeskiy Panteonı Ustruşanı i ih İndoiranskie Paralleli”, Drevnie Kulturı Sredney Azii i İndii, Nauka, Leningrad, 146-164.
  • Shanxi Archeological Institute. 2001. “Taiyuan Suidai Yu Hong mu qingli jianbao (Excavation of Yu Hong of the Sui Dynasty Taiyuan)”, Wenwu, 1: 27-52.
  • Shanxi Archeological Institute. 2001. “Xi’an faxian de Bei Zhou An Jia mu (Excavation of the An Jia’s Tomb of the Northern Zhou in Xi’an)”,Wenwu, 1: 4-26.
  • Sims-Williams, N. 1985. “Ancient Letters”, Encyclopaedia Iranica, II: 7-9.
  • Smirnova, O. İ. 1981. Svodniy Katalog Sogdiyskih Monet, Nauk, Moskva.
  • Şişkin, V. A. 1963. Varahşa, İzdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moskva.
  • Xianjiang, R. 2004. “Daily Life in Sogdians Colonies Along the Silk Road”, Miho Museum, 4: 6
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

İbrahim Çeşmeli

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster