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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 84 Sayı: 2, 237 - 244, 25.04.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmada hematolojik kanser tanısı alan bireylerde distres ve aleksitimi düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve bu iki değişken arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı nitelikteki bu araştırma, bir eğitim araştırma hastanesinin hematoloji kliniğinde yatarak ve ayaktan tedavi görmekte olan hematolojik kanser tanısına sahip, 18-65 yaşları arasında, araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 135 birey ile Şubat- Haziran 2018 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın verileri, tanıtıcı bilgi formu, James Destekleyici Bakım Gereksinimlerini Belirleme Ölçeği ve Toronto Aleksitimi Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Bulgular: Bu çalışmada James Destekleyici Bakım Gereksinimlerini Belirleme Ölçeği ortalama puanı 50,2±21,2; Toronto Aleksitimi Ölçeği ortalama puanı 52,3±10,2 olarak bulunmuştur. Yapılan korelasyon analizi sonucunda, hematolojik kanser tanısı alan bireylerin distres ve aleksitimi seviyeleri arasında orta şiddette, pozitif yönlü anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur (r=0,412; p<0,001). Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile hematolojik kanser tanısı olan bireylerde distres seviyeleri arttıkça aleksitimik özellikler gözlenebildiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda sağlık hizmetleri sunumunda bireylerin stresle başetme, duygularını tanıma ve ifade etme gibi konularda sağlık profesyonelleri tarafından desteklenmesi ve psikososyal müdahalelerin yapılması önerilmektedir.


  • 1. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. Türkiye onkoloji hizmetleri yeniden yapılanma programı 2010-2023. 2010;
  • 2. Çalışkan E, Gürhan N, Tekgündüz AİE. Distress, anxiety and depression in patients Who have received hematologic cancer diagnosis. Acta Oncol Turc 2017;50(3):207-17. [CrossRef]
  • 3. Albrecht TA, Rosenzweig M. Distress in patients with acute Leukemia: A concept analysis. Cancer Nurs 2014;37(3):218- 26. [CrossRef]
  • 4. Liao MN, Chen SC, Chen SC, Lin YC, Chen MF, Wang CH, et al. Change and predictors of symptom distress in breast cancer patients following the first 4 months after diagnosis. J Formos Med Assoc [Internet]. 2015;114(3):246- 53. [CrossRef]
  • 5. Gök F, Kabu Hergül F. cerrahi kliniklerinde yatan hastaların anksiyete ve depresyon düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Sağlık Bilim İleri Araştırmalar Derg 2020;3(3):195-206. [CrossRef]
  • 6. Çırpan Kantarcıoğlu A, Demirkaya M, Sevinir BB. An Investigation of illness perception and emotional status in newly cancer-diagnosed adolescents. Turkish J Child Adolesc Ment Heal 2019;26(2):81-8. [CrossRef]
  • 7. Karayağmurlu A, Coşkun M, Pekpak E, Akbayram TH, Karayağmurlu E, Öğütlü H, et al. The assessment of quality of life, depression and anxiety in siblings of children with cancer: A case-control study. Turkish J Oncol 2021;36(1):521- 9. [CrossRef]
  • 8. Karabulutlu EY, Bilici M, Çayir K, Tekin SB, Kantarci R. Coping, anxiety and depression in Turkish patients with cancer. Eur J Gen Med 2010;7(3):296-302. [CrossRef]
  • 9. Vardar-Yagli N, Sener G, Saglam M, Calik-Kutukcu E, Arikan H, Inal-Ince D, et al. Associations among physical activity, comorbidity, functional capacity, peripheral muscle strength and depression in breast cancer survivors. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2015;16(2):585-9. [CrossRef]
  • 10. Demirkol H. Kanser hastalarında James destekleyici bakım gereksinimlerini belirleme ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması [Internet]. Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2016. Available from: files/pdf/kanser-hastalarinda-james-destekleyici-bakimgereksinimlerini- belirleme-olcegi-toad.pdf
  • 11. NCCN. Distress during cancer care. 2020; Available from: distress-patient.pdf
  • 12. Miller MF, Mullins CD, Onukwugha E, Golant M, Buzaglo JS. Discriminatory power of a 25-item distress screening tool: a cross-sectional survey of 251 cancer survivors. Qual Life Res 2014;23(10):2855-63. [CrossRef]
  • 13. Gregorio SW-D, Porensky EK, Minotti M, Brown S, Snapp J, Taylor RM, et al. The James supportive care screening: integrating science and practice to meet the NCCN guidelines for distress management at a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Psychooncology 2013;22(9):1-18. [CrossRef]
  • 14. Güleç G, Büyükkınacı A. Kanser hastalarında psikiyatrik semptomlar. Psikiyatr Güncel Yaklaşımlar 2011;3(2):343-67.
  • 15. Jensen-Johansen MB, Christensen S, Valdimarsdottir H, Zakowski S, Jensen AB, Bovbjerg DH, et al. Effects of an expressive writing intervention on cancer-related distress in Danish breast cancer survivors - Results from a nationwide randomized clinical trial. Psychooncology 2013;22(7):1492- 500. [CrossRef]
  • 16. Messina A, Fogliani AM, Paradiso S. Alexithymia in oncologic disease: Association with cancer invasion and hemoglobin levels. Ann Clin Psychiatry 2011;23(2):125-30.
  • 17. Güleç H, Köse S, Güleç MY, Çitak S, Evren C, Borckardt J, et al. Reliability and factorial validity of the Turkish version of the 20-item Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS-20). Klin Psikofarmakol Bul 2009;19(3):215-21.
  • 18. Şaşıoglu M, Gülol Ç, Tosun A. The Concept of alexithymia. Psikiyatr Güncel Yaklaşımlar -Curr Approaches Psychiatry 2013;5(4):507. [CrossRef]
  • 19. Freyberg H. Supportive psychotherapeutic tecniques in primary and secondary alexithymia 1977;28:337-42. [CrossRef]
  • 20. Hintistan S. Aleksitimi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Derg 2012;1(4):333-46.
  • 21. Marrazzo G, Sideli L, Rizzo R, Marinaro AM, Mulè A, Marrazzo A, et al. Quality of life, alexithymia, and defence mechanisms in patients affected by breast cancer across different stages of illness. J Psychopathol 2016;22(2):141-8.
  • 22. De Vries AMM, Forni V, Voellinger R, Stiefel F. Alexithymia in cancer patients: Review of the literature. Psychother Psychosom 2012;81(2):79-86. [CrossRef]
  • 23. Taylor GJ, Bagby RM, Parker JDA. The 20-Item Toronto alexithymia scale: IV. Reliability and factorial validity in different languages and cultures. J Psychosom Res 2003;55(3):277-83. [CrossRef]
  • 24. Güleç H, Yenel A. 20 maddelik Toronto aleksitimi ölçeği Türkçe uyarlamasının kesme noktalarına göre psikometrik özellikleri. Klin Psikiyatr [Internet]. 2010;13:108-12. Available from: KPD_13_3_108_112.pdf
  • 25. Karakas SA. Investigating alexithymia and social support in patients with hypertension and asthma. J Psychiatr Nurs 2016;7(2):68-74. [CrossRef]
  • 26. Orejuela-Dávila AI, Cann A, Tedeschi RG. Alexithymia predicts posttraumatic growth and distress after trauma. J Loss Trauma 2017;22(3):171-82. [CrossRef]
  • 27. Conti C, Di Francesco G, Severo M, Lanzara R, Richards K, Guagnano MT, et al. Alexithymia and metabolic syndrome: the mediating role of binge eating. Eat Weight Disord 2020;(0123456789). [CrossRef]
  • 28. Di Tella M, Ghiggia A, Tesio V, Romeo A, Colonna F, Fusaro E, et al. Pain experience in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: The role of alexithymia and psychological distress. J Affect Disord [Internet]. 2017;208(October 2016):87-93. [CrossRef]
  • 29. Marchi L, Marzetti F, Orrù G, Lemmetti S, Miccoli M, Ciacchini R, et al. Alexithymia and psychological distress in patients with fibromyalgia and rheumatic disease. Front Psychol 2019;10:1735. [CrossRef]
  • 30. McGillivray L, Becerra R, Harms C. Prevalence and demographic correlates of alexithymia: A comparison between Australian psychiatric and community samples. J Clin Psychol. 2017;73(1):76-87. [CrossRef]
  • 31. Preece DA, Becerra R, Boyes ME, Northcott C, McGillivray L, Hasking PA. Do self-report measures of alexithymia measure alexithymia or general psychological distress? A factor analytic examination across five samples. Pers Individ Dif 2020;155:1-8. [CrossRef]
  • 32. Vuillier L, Carter Z, Teixeira AR, Moseley RL. Alexithymia may explain the relationship between autistic traits and eating disorder psychopathology. Mol Autism 2020;11(1):63 [CrossRef]
  • 33. Taylor GJ, Bagby RM, Taylor GJ, Bagby RM. The Alexithymia personality dimension. The Oxford Handbook of Personality Disorders 2012. P. 647-73. [CrossRef]


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 84 Sayı: 2, 237 - 244, 25.04.2021


Objective: This study aimed to examine the levels of distress and alexithymia and the relationship between these two variables in individuals diagnosed with hematological cancer. Material and Method: This descriptive study was conducted between February and June 2018 with 135 individuals between the ages of 18 and 65 who were diagnosed with hematological cancer, who were undergoing inpatient and outpatient treatment in the hematology clinic of a training and research hospital, and who agreed to participate in the study. The data of the study were collected by introductory information form in line with the James Supportıve Care Screenıng and Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Results: In this study, the mean score of James Supportıve Care Screenıng was 50.2±21.2 and the mean score of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale was found to be 52.3±10.2. As a result of the correlation analysis, a moderate, positively significant correlation was found between the distress and alexithymia levels of individuals diagnosed with hematological cancer (r=0.412; p<0.001). Conclusion: This study concluded that alexithymic features could be observed in individuals diagnosed with hematological cancer as their distress levels increased. According to these results, it is suggested that healthcare professionals should support patients and intervene with regard to coping with stress, recognizing and expressing their feelings at the health service delivery.


  • 1. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. Türkiye onkoloji hizmetleri yeniden yapılanma programı 2010-2023. 2010;
  • 2. Çalışkan E, Gürhan N, Tekgündüz AİE. Distress, anxiety and depression in patients Who have received hematologic cancer diagnosis. Acta Oncol Turc 2017;50(3):207-17. [CrossRef]
  • 3. Albrecht TA, Rosenzweig M. Distress in patients with acute Leukemia: A concept analysis. Cancer Nurs 2014;37(3):218- 26. [CrossRef]
  • 4. Liao MN, Chen SC, Chen SC, Lin YC, Chen MF, Wang CH, et al. Change and predictors of symptom distress in breast cancer patients following the first 4 months after diagnosis. J Formos Med Assoc [Internet]. 2015;114(3):246- 53. [CrossRef]
  • 5. Gök F, Kabu Hergül F. cerrahi kliniklerinde yatan hastaların anksiyete ve depresyon düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Sağlık Bilim İleri Araştırmalar Derg 2020;3(3):195-206. [CrossRef]
  • 6. Çırpan Kantarcıoğlu A, Demirkaya M, Sevinir BB. An Investigation of illness perception and emotional status in newly cancer-diagnosed adolescents. Turkish J Child Adolesc Ment Heal 2019;26(2):81-8. [CrossRef]
  • 7. Karayağmurlu A, Coşkun M, Pekpak E, Akbayram TH, Karayağmurlu E, Öğütlü H, et al. The assessment of quality of life, depression and anxiety in siblings of children with cancer: A case-control study. Turkish J Oncol 2021;36(1):521- 9. [CrossRef]
  • 8. Karabulutlu EY, Bilici M, Çayir K, Tekin SB, Kantarci R. Coping, anxiety and depression in Turkish patients with cancer. Eur J Gen Med 2010;7(3):296-302. [CrossRef]
  • 9. Vardar-Yagli N, Sener G, Saglam M, Calik-Kutukcu E, Arikan H, Inal-Ince D, et al. Associations among physical activity, comorbidity, functional capacity, peripheral muscle strength and depression in breast cancer survivors. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2015;16(2):585-9. [CrossRef]
  • 10. Demirkol H. Kanser hastalarında James destekleyici bakım gereksinimlerini belirleme ölçeğinin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması [Internet]. Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2016. Available from: files/pdf/kanser-hastalarinda-james-destekleyici-bakimgereksinimlerini- belirleme-olcegi-toad.pdf
  • 11. NCCN. Distress during cancer care. 2020; Available from: distress-patient.pdf
  • 12. Miller MF, Mullins CD, Onukwugha E, Golant M, Buzaglo JS. Discriminatory power of a 25-item distress screening tool: a cross-sectional survey of 251 cancer survivors. Qual Life Res 2014;23(10):2855-63. [CrossRef]
  • 13. Gregorio SW-D, Porensky EK, Minotti M, Brown S, Snapp J, Taylor RM, et al. The James supportive care screening: integrating science and practice to meet the NCCN guidelines for distress management at a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Psychooncology 2013;22(9):1-18. [CrossRef]
  • 14. Güleç G, Büyükkınacı A. Kanser hastalarında psikiyatrik semptomlar. Psikiyatr Güncel Yaklaşımlar 2011;3(2):343-67.
  • 15. Jensen-Johansen MB, Christensen S, Valdimarsdottir H, Zakowski S, Jensen AB, Bovbjerg DH, et al. Effects of an expressive writing intervention on cancer-related distress in Danish breast cancer survivors - Results from a nationwide randomized clinical trial. Psychooncology 2013;22(7):1492- 500. [CrossRef]
  • 16. Messina A, Fogliani AM, Paradiso S. Alexithymia in oncologic disease: Association with cancer invasion and hemoglobin levels. Ann Clin Psychiatry 2011;23(2):125-30.
  • 17. Güleç H, Köse S, Güleç MY, Çitak S, Evren C, Borckardt J, et al. Reliability and factorial validity of the Turkish version of the 20-item Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS-20). Klin Psikofarmakol Bul 2009;19(3):215-21.
  • 18. Şaşıoglu M, Gülol Ç, Tosun A. The Concept of alexithymia. Psikiyatr Güncel Yaklaşımlar -Curr Approaches Psychiatry 2013;5(4):507. [CrossRef]
  • 19. Freyberg H. Supportive psychotherapeutic tecniques in primary and secondary alexithymia 1977;28:337-42. [CrossRef]
  • 20. Hintistan S. Aleksitimi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Derg 2012;1(4):333-46.
  • 21. Marrazzo G, Sideli L, Rizzo R, Marinaro AM, Mulè A, Marrazzo A, et al. Quality of life, alexithymia, and defence mechanisms in patients affected by breast cancer across different stages of illness. J Psychopathol 2016;22(2):141-8.
  • 22. De Vries AMM, Forni V, Voellinger R, Stiefel F. Alexithymia in cancer patients: Review of the literature. Psychother Psychosom 2012;81(2):79-86. [CrossRef]
  • 23. Taylor GJ, Bagby RM, Parker JDA. The 20-Item Toronto alexithymia scale: IV. Reliability and factorial validity in different languages and cultures. J Psychosom Res 2003;55(3):277-83. [CrossRef]
  • 24. Güleç H, Yenel A. 20 maddelik Toronto aleksitimi ölçeği Türkçe uyarlamasının kesme noktalarına göre psikometrik özellikleri. Klin Psikiyatr [Internet]. 2010;13:108-12. Available from: KPD_13_3_108_112.pdf
  • 25. Karakas SA. Investigating alexithymia and social support in patients with hypertension and asthma. J Psychiatr Nurs 2016;7(2):68-74. [CrossRef]
  • 26. Orejuela-Dávila AI, Cann A, Tedeschi RG. Alexithymia predicts posttraumatic growth and distress after trauma. J Loss Trauma 2017;22(3):171-82. [CrossRef]
  • 27. Conti C, Di Francesco G, Severo M, Lanzara R, Richards K, Guagnano MT, et al. Alexithymia and metabolic syndrome: the mediating role of binge eating. Eat Weight Disord 2020;(0123456789). [CrossRef]
  • 28. Di Tella M, Ghiggia A, Tesio V, Romeo A, Colonna F, Fusaro E, et al. Pain experience in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: The role of alexithymia and psychological distress. J Affect Disord [Internet]. 2017;208(October 2016):87-93. [CrossRef]
  • 29. Marchi L, Marzetti F, Orrù G, Lemmetti S, Miccoli M, Ciacchini R, et al. Alexithymia and psychological distress in patients with fibromyalgia and rheumatic disease. Front Psychol 2019;10:1735. [CrossRef]
  • 30. McGillivray L, Becerra R, Harms C. Prevalence and demographic correlates of alexithymia: A comparison between Australian psychiatric and community samples. J Clin Psychol. 2017;73(1):76-87. [CrossRef]
  • 31. Preece DA, Becerra R, Boyes ME, Northcott C, McGillivray L, Hasking PA. Do self-report measures of alexithymia measure alexithymia or general psychological distress? A factor analytic examination across five samples. Pers Individ Dif 2020;155:1-8. [CrossRef]
  • 32. Vuillier L, Carter Z, Teixeira AR, Moseley RL. Alexithymia may explain the relationship between autistic traits and eating disorder psychopathology. Mol Autism 2020;11(1):63 [CrossRef]
  • 33. Taylor GJ, Bagby RM, Taylor GJ, Bagby RM. The Alexithymia personality dimension. The Oxford Handbook of Personality Disorders 2012. P. 647-73. [CrossRef]
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi

Didem Ayhan Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6687-6564

Neşe Mercan 0000-0003-3378-6786

Reyhan Doğan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5392-1175

Çiğdem Yüksek Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6563-343X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 84 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ayhan, D., Mercan, N., Doğan, R., Yüksek, Ç. (2021). HEMATOLOJİK KANSER TANISI ALAN BİREYLERDE DİSTRES VE ALEKSİTİMİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 84(2), 237-244.
AMA Ayhan D, Mercan N, Doğan R, Yüksek Ç. HEMATOLOJİK KANSER TANISI ALAN BİREYLERDE DİSTRES VE ALEKSİTİMİNİN İNCELENMESİ. İst Tıp Fak Derg. Nisan 2021;84(2):237-244. doi:10.26650/IUITFD.2020.0089
Chicago Ayhan, Didem, Neşe Mercan, Reyhan Doğan, ve Çiğdem Yüksek. “HEMATOLOJİK KANSER TANISI ALAN BİREYLERDE DİSTRES VE ALEKSİTİMİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84, sy. 2 (Nisan 2021): 237-44.
EndNote Ayhan D, Mercan N, Doğan R, Yüksek Ç (01 Nisan 2021) HEMATOLOJİK KANSER TANISI ALAN BİREYLERDE DİSTRES VE ALEKSİTİMİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84 2 237–244.
IEEE D. Ayhan, N. Mercan, R. Doğan, ve Ç. Yüksek, “HEMATOLOJİK KANSER TANISI ALAN BİREYLERDE DİSTRES VE ALEKSİTİMİNİN İNCELENMESİ”, İst Tıp Fak Derg, c. 84, sy. 2, ss. 237–244, 2021, doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.2020.0089.
ISNAD Ayhan, Didem vd. “HEMATOLOJİK KANSER TANISI ALAN BİREYLERDE DİSTRES VE ALEKSİTİMİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84/2 (Nisan 2021), 237-244.
MLA Ayhan, Didem vd. “HEMATOLOJİK KANSER TANISI ALAN BİREYLERDE DİSTRES VE ALEKSİTİMİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, c. 84, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 237-44, doi:10.26650/IUITFD.2020.0089.

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