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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 37 - 46, 01.08.2019



  • References1.Klentrou N. Puberty and Athletic Sports in Female Adolescents. Ann Nestlé2006;64:85–94.2.Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, AAP. Intensive Training and SportsSpecialization in Young Athletes. Pediatrics 2000; Oliveira Kde J, Donangelo CM, de Oliveira AV Jr, da Silveira CL, Koury JC.Effect of zinc supplementation on the antioxidant, copper, and iron status of physicallyactive adolescents. Cell Biochem Funct 2009;27:162-166.4.Vallee BL, Falchuk KH. The biochemical basis of zinc physiology. Physiol Rev1993;73:79-118.5. Prasad AS. Zinc: An overview. Nutrition 1995;11:93-99.6. Heyneman CA. Zinc deficiency and taste disorders. Ann Pharmacother 1996;30:186-187.7.Crane FL. Biochemical functions of coenzyme Q10. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20: 591-598,.8.Jones K, Hughes K, Mischley L, McKenna DJ. Coenzyme Q-10: efficacy, safety, anduse. Altern Ther Health Med 2002; 8:42-55.9.Niki, E. Mechanisms and dynamics of antioxidant action of ubiquinol. Mol AspectsMed 1997;18: 63-70.10. Kon M, Kimura F, Akimoto T, Tanabe K, Murase Y, Ikemune S, Kono I. Effect ofCoenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise-induced muscular injury of rats. ExercImmunol Rev 2007;13:76-88.11. Eston R, Reilly T, eds. Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology LaboratoryManual: Tests, Procedures and Data. Volume 1: Anthropometry. 2nd ed., New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2001.12. Jelliffe EEP, Jelliffe DB. The arm circumference as a public health index of protein-calorie malnutrition of early childhood. J Trop Pediatr 1969;15:179-192.13. Lohman TG. The use of skinfold to estimate body fatness on children and youth.JPERD 1987;58:98-102.14. Carter JEL. The Heath-Carter Anthropometric Somatotype – Instruction Manual. SanDiego, CA, 2002. Available at: le Gall F, Carling C, Williams M, Reilly T. Anthropometric and fitness characteristicsof international, professional and amateur male graduate soccer players from an elite youthacademy. J Sci Med Sport 2010;13:90-5. Epub16. Canhadas IL, Silva RLP, Chaves CR, Portes LA. Anthropometric and physical fitnesscharacteristics of young male soccer players. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum2010,12:239-245.17. Ylikoski T, Piirainen J, Hanninen O, Penttinen J. The effect of coenzyme Q10 on theexercise performance of cross-country skiers. Mol Aspects Med 1997;18:283-290.18. Gokbel H, Gergerlioglu HS, Okudan N, Gul I, Buyukbas S, Belviranli M. Effects ofcoenzyme Q10 supplementation on plasma adiponectin, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosisfactor-alpha levels in men. J Med Food 2010;13:216-218.19. Mizuno K, Tanaka M, Nozaki S, Mizuma H, Ataka S, Tahara T, Sugino T, Shirai T,Kajimoto Y, Kuratsune H, Kajimoto O, Watanabe Y. Antifatigue effects of coenzyme Q10during physical fatigue. Nutrition 2008;24:293-299.20. Cooke M, Iosia M, Buford T, Shelmadine B, Hudson G, Kerksick C, Rasmussen C,Greenwood M, Leutholtz B, Willoughby D, Kreider R. Effects of acute and 14-daycoenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise performance in both trained and untrainedindividuals. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2008 Mar 4;5:8.21. Braun B, Clarkson PM, Freedson PS, Kohl RL. Effects of coenzyme Q10supplementation on exercise performance, VO2max, and lipid peroxidation in trainedcyclists. Int J Sport Nutr 1991, 1(4):353-365.22. Weston SB, Zhou S, Weatherby RP, Robson SJ: Does exogenous coenzyme Q10affect aerobic capacity in endurance athletes? Int J Sport Nutr 1997, 7:197-206.23. Zhou S, Zhang, Y, Davie, A, Marshall-Gradisnik, S, Hu, H,Wang, J, and Brushett, D.Muscle and plasma coenzyme Q10 concentration, aerobic power and exercise economy ofhealthy men in response to four weeks of supplementation. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 45:337–346, 2005.24. Cordova A, Alvarez-Mon M. Behaviour of zinc in physical exercise: a specialreference to immunity and fatigue. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 1995;19:439-445.25. Krotkiewski M, Gudmundsson M, Backstrom P, Mandroukas K. Zinc and musclestrength and endurance. Acta Physiol Scand 1982; 116:309–311.26. Malina RM. Anthropometry, strength and motor fitness. In: Ulijaszek SJ, Mascie-Taylor CGN, editors. Anthropometry: The Individual and the Population. Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press, 1994:160-177.27. Naughton G, Farpour-Lambert NJ, Carlson J, Bradney M, Van Praagh E.Physiological issues surrounding the performance of adolescent athletes. Sports Med2000;30:309-25.28. Stabelini Neto A, Mascarenhas LP, Bozza R, Ulbrich AZ, Vasconcelos IQ, CamposW. Antropemetric and physical fitness characteristics of young male soccers. Rev BrasCineantropom Desempenho Hum 2007;9:159-64.29. Hansen L, Bangsbo J, Twisk J, Klausen K. Development of muscle strength in relationto training level and testosterone in young male soccer players. J Appl Physiol1999;87:1141-1147.30. Vicente-Rodriguez G, Jimenez-Ramirez J, Ara I, Serrano- Sanchez JA, Dorado C,Calbet JA. Enhanced bone mass and physical fitness in prepubescent footballers. Bone2003;33:853-859.31. Lukaski HC. Vitamin and mineral status: effects on physical performance. Nutrition2004;20:632-644. Review.32. Mohr CR, Volpe SL. Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Plasma Zinc Statusand Resting Metabolic Rate in Physically Active Individuals. Medicine & Sciencein Sports & Exercise 2002;345:387.33. Witt EH, Reznick AZ, Viguie CA, Starke-Reed P, Packer L. Exercise, oxidativedamage and effects of antioxidant manipulation. J Nutr 1992;122:766-73. Review.34. Leibovitz B, Hu ML, Tappel AL. Dietary sup plements of vitamin E, beta-carotene,coenzyme QIO and selenium protect tissues against lipid peroxidation in rat tissue slices. JNutr 1990;120:97-104.35. Okamoto T, Kubota N, Takahata K, Takahashi T, Goshima K, Kishi T. Protectiveeffect of coenzyme Q10 on cultured skeletal muscle cell injury induced by continuouselectric field stimulation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1995;216:1006-1012.36. Shimomura Y, Suzuki M, Sugiyama S, Hanaki Y, .Ozawa T. Protective effect ofcoenzyme Q10 on exercise-induced muscular injury. Biochem Biophys Res Commun1991;176: 349-355.37. Zuliani U, Bonetti A, Campana M, Cerioli G, Solito F, Novarini A. The influence ofubiquinone (Co Q10) on the metabolic response to work. J Sports Med Physical Fitness1989;29: 57-62.38. Nagai S, Miyazaki Y, Ogawa K, Satake T, Sugiyama S, Ozawa T. The effect ofCoenzyme Q10 on reperfusion injury in canine myocardium. J Mol Cell Cardiol 1985;17:873-884.39. Kambara N, Takagi K, Satake T, Sugiyama S, Ozawa T. Mechanism responsible forendotoxin-induced lung microsomal dysfunction in rats. Lung 1983;161:361-368.40. Kon M, Tanabe K, Akimoto T, Kimura F, Tanimura Y, Shimizu K, Okamoto T, KonoI. Reducing exercise-induced muscular injury in kendo athletes with supplementation ofcoenzyme Q10. Br J Nutr 200841. Frei B, Kim MC, Ames BN. Ubiquinol-10 is an effective lipid-soluble antioxidant atphysiological concentrations. Proc Nati Aca Sci 1990;87: 4879-4883.42. Kagan V, Serbinova E, Packer L. Antioxidant ef fects of ubiquinones in microsomesand mitochondria are mediated by tocopherol recycling. Biochem Biophys Res Com1990:169:851-857.43. Koutedakis Y, Raafat A, Sharp NC, Rosmarin MN, Beard MJ, Robbins SW. Serumenzyme activities in individuals with different levels of physical fitness. J Sports Med PhysFitness 1993;33: 252-257.44. Olerud JE, Homer LD, Carroll HW. Incidence of acute exertional rhabdomyolysis.Serum myoglobin and enzyme levels as indicators of muscle injury. Arch Intern Med1976;136: 692-697.45. Ravel R. Clinical Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Application of Laboratory Data. ed 4;pp 564-56546. Rimbach G, Brandt K, Most E, Pallauf J. Supplemental phytic acid and microbialphytase change zinc bioavailability and cadmium accumulation in growing rats. J TraceElem Med Biol 1995;9:117-122.47. Zhou JR, Fordyce EJ, Raboy V, Dickinson DB, Wong MS, Burns RA, Erdman JW Jr.Reduction of phytic acid in soybean products improves zinc bioavailability in rats. J Nutr1992;122:2466-2473.48. Johns Cupp M, Tracy TS. Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone, Ubidecarenone). In: JohnsCupp M, Tracy TS, eds. Dietary Supplements, Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology.Totowa, NJ: Humana; 2002:74.49. Miles M, Horn P, Miles L, et al. Bioequivalence of coenzyme Q10 from over-the-counter supplements. Nutr Res 2002;22: 919-929.50. Tomono Y, Hasegawa J, Seki T, et al. Pharmacokinetic study of deuterium-labelledcoenzyme Q10 in man. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol. 1986;24:536-541.

Effects Of Exogenous Coenzyme Q 10 And Zinc Supplementation On Performance and Muscular Injury In Young Amateur Boxers

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 37 - 46, 01.08.2019


Bu çalışmada, genç boksörlerde çinko ve / veya CoQ10 ilavesinin fiziksel performans ve kas yaralanması parametreleri üzerindeki etkilerini göstermeyi amaçladık.Çalışmaya, temel egzersiz seansından sonra rastgele dört gruba ayrılan 12-14 yaşları arasında 64 sağlıklı erkek amatör rekabetçi boksör dahil edildi.Erkeklere sekiz hafta boyunca çinko veya CoQ10 veya her ikisi veya plasebo (sırasıyla Zn-SUP, CoQ10-SUP, Zn-CoQ10 SUP ve kontrol grupları) eklenmiştir.Dayanıklılık, hız, VO2max, anaerobik güç kapasitesi ve CK, CK-MB, LDH ve ALP gibi kas yaralanması gibi fiziksel uygunluk parametreleri ölçüldü.Zinc ve CoQ10'un her ikisi de farklı fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerini geliştirdi.Ayrıca her ikisi de, yorucu egzersiz sonrası düşük CK, CK-MB artış hızı ile gösterilen kas yaralanmasını azalttı (p <0,001).Bununla birlikte, yorgunluk CK, CK-MB artışları Zn-CoQ10 SUP grubunda hala daha yüksekti.Bu sonuçlar CoQ10 ve çinko desteğinin birlikte kas yaralanmasını azaltamadığını göstermektedir.


  • References1.Klentrou N. Puberty and Athletic Sports in Female Adolescents. Ann Nestlé2006;64:85–94.2.Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, AAP. Intensive Training and SportsSpecialization in Young Athletes. Pediatrics 2000; Oliveira Kde J, Donangelo CM, de Oliveira AV Jr, da Silveira CL, Koury JC.Effect of zinc supplementation on the antioxidant, copper, and iron status of physicallyactive adolescents. Cell Biochem Funct 2009;27:162-166.4.Vallee BL, Falchuk KH. The biochemical basis of zinc physiology. Physiol Rev1993;73:79-118.5. Prasad AS. Zinc: An overview. Nutrition 1995;11:93-99.6. Heyneman CA. Zinc deficiency and taste disorders. Ann Pharmacother 1996;30:186-187.7.Crane FL. Biochemical functions of coenzyme Q10. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20: 591-598,.8.Jones K, Hughes K, Mischley L, McKenna DJ. Coenzyme Q-10: efficacy, safety, anduse. Altern Ther Health Med 2002; 8:42-55.9.Niki, E. Mechanisms and dynamics of antioxidant action of ubiquinol. Mol AspectsMed 1997;18: 63-70.10. Kon M, Kimura F, Akimoto T, Tanabe K, Murase Y, Ikemune S, Kono I. Effect ofCoenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise-induced muscular injury of rats. ExercImmunol Rev 2007;13:76-88.11. Eston R, Reilly T, eds. Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology LaboratoryManual: Tests, Procedures and Data. Volume 1: Anthropometry. 2nd ed., New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2001.12. Jelliffe EEP, Jelliffe DB. The arm circumference as a public health index of protein-calorie malnutrition of early childhood. J Trop Pediatr 1969;15:179-192.13. Lohman TG. The use of skinfold to estimate body fatness on children and youth.JPERD 1987;58:98-102.14. Carter JEL. The Heath-Carter Anthropometric Somatotype – Instruction Manual. SanDiego, CA, 2002. Available at: le Gall F, Carling C, Williams M, Reilly T. Anthropometric and fitness characteristicsof international, professional and amateur male graduate soccer players from an elite youthacademy. J Sci Med Sport 2010;13:90-5. Epub16. Canhadas IL, Silva RLP, Chaves CR, Portes LA. Anthropometric and physical fitnesscharacteristics of young male soccer players. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum2010,12:239-245.17. Ylikoski T, Piirainen J, Hanninen O, Penttinen J. The effect of coenzyme Q10 on theexercise performance of cross-country skiers. Mol Aspects Med 1997;18:283-290.18. Gokbel H, Gergerlioglu HS, Okudan N, Gul I, Buyukbas S, Belviranli M. Effects ofcoenzyme Q10 supplementation on plasma adiponectin, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosisfactor-alpha levels in men. J Med Food 2010;13:216-218.19. Mizuno K, Tanaka M, Nozaki S, Mizuma H, Ataka S, Tahara T, Sugino T, Shirai T,Kajimoto Y, Kuratsune H, Kajimoto O, Watanabe Y. Antifatigue effects of coenzyme Q10during physical fatigue. Nutrition 2008;24:293-299.20. Cooke M, Iosia M, Buford T, Shelmadine B, Hudson G, Kerksick C, Rasmussen C,Greenwood M, Leutholtz B, Willoughby D, Kreider R. Effects of acute and 14-daycoenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise performance in both trained and untrainedindividuals. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2008 Mar 4;5:8.21. Braun B, Clarkson PM, Freedson PS, Kohl RL. Effects of coenzyme Q10supplementation on exercise performance, VO2max, and lipid peroxidation in trainedcyclists. Int J Sport Nutr 1991, 1(4):353-365.22. Weston SB, Zhou S, Weatherby RP, Robson SJ: Does exogenous coenzyme Q10affect aerobic capacity in endurance athletes? Int J Sport Nutr 1997, 7:197-206.23. Zhou S, Zhang, Y, Davie, A, Marshall-Gradisnik, S, Hu, H,Wang, J, and Brushett, D.Muscle and plasma coenzyme Q10 concentration, aerobic power and exercise economy ofhealthy men in response to four weeks of supplementation. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 45:337–346, 2005.24. Cordova A, Alvarez-Mon M. Behaviour of zinc in physical exercise: a specialreference to immunity and fatigue. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 1995;19:439-445.25. Krotkiewski M, Gudmundsson M, Backstrom P, Mandroukas K. Zinc and musclestrength and endurance. Acta Physiol Scand 1982; 116:309–311.26. Malina RM. Anthropometry, strength and motor fitness. In: Ulijaszek SJ, Mascie-Taylor CGN, editors. Anthropometry: The Individual and the Population. Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press, 1994:160-177.27. Naughton G, Farpour-Lambert NJ, Carlson J, Bradney M, Van Praagh E.Physiological issues surrounding the performance of adolescent athletes. Sports Med2000;30:309-25.28. Stabelini Neto A, Mascarenhas LP, Bozza R, Ulbrich AZ, Vasconcelos IQ, CamposW. Antropemetric and physical fitness characteristics of young male soccers. Rev BrasCineantropom Desempenho Hum 2007;9:159-64.29. Hansen L, Bangsbo J, Twisk J, Klausen K. Development of muscle strength in relationto training level and testosterone in young male soccer players. J Appl Physiol1999;87:1141-1147.30. Vicente-Rodriguez G, Jimenez-Ramirez J, Ara I, Serrano- Sanchez JA, Dorado C,Calbet JA. Enhanced bone mass and physical fitness in prepubescent footballers. Bone2003;33:853-859.31. Lukaski HC. Vitamin and mineral status: effects on physical performance. Nutrition2004;20:632-644. Review.32. Mohr CR, Volpe SL. Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Plasma Zinc Statusand Resting Metabolic Rate in Physically Active Individuals. Medicine & Sciencein Sports & Exercise 2002;345:387.33. Witt EH, Reznick AZ, Viguie CA, Starke-Reed P, Packer L. Exercise, oxidativedamage and effects of antioxidant manipulation. J Nutr 1992;122:766-73. Review.34. Leibovitz B, Hu ML, Tappel AL. Dietary sup plements of vitamin E, beta-carotene,coenzyme QIO and selenium protect tissues against lipid peroxidation in rat tissue slices. JNutr 1990;120:97-104.35. Okamoto T, Kubota N, Takahata K, Takahashi T, Goshima K, Kishi T. Protectiveeffect of coenzyme Q10 on cultured skeletal muscle cell injury induced by continuouselectric field stimulation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1995;216:1006-1012.36. Shimomura Y, Suzuki M, Sugiyama S, Hanaki Y, .Ozawa T. Protective effect ofcoenzyme Q10 on exercise-induced muscular injury. Biochem Biophys Res Commun1991;176: 349-355.37. Zuliani U, Bonetti A, Campana M, Cerioli G, Solito F, Novarini A. The influence ofubiquinone (Co Q10) on the metabolic response to work. J Sports Med Physical Fitness1989;29: 57-62.38. Nagai S, Miyazaki Y, Ogawa K, Satake T, Sugiyama S, Ozawa T. The effect ofCoenzyme Q10 on reperfusion injury in canine myocardium. J Mol Cell Cardiol 1985;17:873-884.39. Kambara N, Takagi K, Satake T, Sugiyama S, Ozawa T. Mechanism responsible forendotoxin-induced lung microsomal dysfunction in rats. Lung 1983;161:361-368.40. Kon M, Tanabe K, Akimoto T, Kimura F, Tanimura Y, Shimizu K, Okamoto T, KonoI. Reducing exercise-induced muscular injury in kendo athletes with supplementation ofcoenzyme Q10. Br J Nutr 200841. Frei B, Kim MC, Ames BN. Ubiquinol-10 is an effective lipid-soluble antioxidant atphysiological concentrations. Proc Nati Aca Sci 1990;87: 4879-4883.42. Kagan V, Serbinova E, Packer L. Antioxidant ef fects of ubiquinones in microsomesand mitochondria are mediated by tocopherol recycling. Biochem Biophys Res Com1990:169:851-857.43. Koutedakis Y, Raafat A, Sharp NC, Rosmarin MN, Beard MJ, Robbins SW. Serumenzyme activities in individuals with different levels of physical fitness. J Sports Med PhysFitness 1993;33: 252-257.44. Olerud JE, Homer LD, Carroll HW. Incidence of acute exertional rhabdomyolysis.Serum myoglobin and enzyme levels as indicators of muscle injury. Arch Intern Med1976;136: 692-697.45. Ravel R. Clinical Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Application of Laboratory Data. ed 4;pp 564-56546. Rimbach G, Brandt K, Most E, Pallauf J. Supplemental phytic acid and microbialphytase change zinc bioavailability and cadmium accumulation in growing rats. J TraceElem Med Biol 1995;9:117-122.47. Zhou JR, Fordyce EJ, Raboy V, Dickinson DB, Wong MS, Burns RA, Erdman JW Jr.Reduction of phytic acid in soybean products improves zinc bioavailability in rats. J Nutr1992;122:2466-2473.48. Johns Cupp M, Tracy TS. Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone, Ubidecarenone). In: JohnsCupp M, Tracy TS, eds. Dietary Supplements, Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology.Totowa, NJ: Humana; 2002:74.49. Miles M, Horn P, Miles L, et al. Bioequivalence of coenzyme Q10 from over-the-counter supplements. Nutr Res 2002;22: 919-929.50. Tomono Y, Hasegawa J, Seki T, et al. Pharmacokinetic study of deuterium-labelledcoenzyme Q10 in man. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol. 1986;24:536-541.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makale

Çiğdem Karakükçü 0000-0001-9858-3272

Yahya Polat Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5512-5869

Yasemin Altuner Torun 0000-0002-8961-5516

Adile İrfan Ortaköylüoğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0970-0033

Yavuz Katırcılar 0000-0002-4070-3697

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2019
Kabul Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Karakükçü Ç, Polat Y, Altuner Torun Y, Ortaköylüoğlu Aİ, Katırcılar Y. Effects Of Exogenous Coenzyme Q 10 And Zinc Supplementation On Performance and Muscular Injury In Young Amateur Boxers. JAMER. 2019;4(2):37-46.