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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 45 - 60, 02.01.2024


Covid-19 pandemisi dünyada küresel anlamda etnosentrik eğilimlerin ateşini körüklemiştir. Etnosentrik eğilimlerin kendini en çok gösterdiği sektörlerden biri de turizm sektörüdür. Tüketici etnosentrizmi yaygın bir biçimde araştırılmış olmasına rağmen turizm etnosentrizmi henüz yaygın olarak araştırılmamış bir konudur. Bu bakımdan, bu çalışmanın en temel amacı pandemi sürecinde turistik tüketim davranışında bulunan yerli turistlerin yer bağlılığı ile turizm etnosentrizmi tutumlarını, bu tutumlar arasında korelasyon olup olmadığını ve bu tutumların farklı gruplarda kümelenip kümelenmediğini tespit etmektir. Bu amaçla Edirne’de ikamet eden ve pandemi sürecinde turistik tüketim davranışında bulunan 1304 katılımcıdan veri toplanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, yerli halkın turizm etnosentrizmi ve yer bağlılığı tutumlarının oluştuğunu, yer bağlılığının turizm etnosentrizmini etkilediğini ve yerli halkın bu tutumlarının 3 grupta kümelendiğini göstermektedir. Bu kümeler ise turizm etnosentrizmi ve yer bağlılığı en yüksekten en düşüğe doğru (1) Adanmışlar, (2) Sadık olanlar ve (3) Ait olanlar şeklindedir. Turizm işletmeleri bu kümeleri hedef alarak hedefleme ve pazar bölümlendirme yapmalı ve her pazar segmenti için ayrı pazarlama karması geliştirmelidirler.


  • Albayrak, T., & Caber, M. (2018). A motivation-based segmentation of holiday tourists participating in white-water rafting. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 64-71.
  • Altemeyer, B. (1988). Enemies of Freedom: Understanding Right-Wing Authoritarianism. San Franciso: Jossey-Bass.
  • Andersen, M. L. and Taylor, H. F. (2006). Sociology: Understanding a Diverce Society. Thomson Learning: USA.
  • Anton, Lawrence, C. (2016). The relationship between place attachment, the theory of planned behaviour and residents’ response to place change. Journal of Enviromental Psychology, 47,145-154.
  • Ayar, H. (2021). Park Rekreasyonu Faaliyetlerine Katılımda Rekreasyon Deneyim Tercihleri, Yer Bağlılığı, Çevresel Tutum ve Çevre Dostu Rekreasyon Davranışları Arasındaki İlişki (Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Ayar, H. Durhan, T. A. & Karaküçük, S. (2022). Yer Bağlılık Ölçeği Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlilik Çalışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 81(21): 229-241.
  • Ayberk, C. (2018). Yer bağlılığı açısından Ters Yüz (Inside Out) filminin nitel analizi. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 16(2), 273-287.
  • Balabanis, G., & Siamagka, N. T. (2017). Inconsistencies in the behavioural effects of consumer ethnocentrism: The role of brand, product category and country of origin. International Marketing Review.
  • Boukamba, H. K. (2020). Do birds of a feather flock together? Empirical evidence from the Generalized Approach to Tourist Ethnocentrism (GATE).
  • Boukamba, H. K., Oi, T., & Sano, K. (2021). A generalized approach to tourist ethnocentrism (GATE): analysis of the GenE scale for application in tourism research. Journal of Travel Research, 60(1), 65-85.
  • Bremser, K., & Abraham, V. (2022). Exploring the influence of tourist ethnocentrism and risk perception on the hospitality and tourism industry. EuroMed Journal of Business, (ahead-of-print).
  • Brown, B., Perkins, D. D., & Brown, G. (2003). “Place Attachment In A Revitalizing Neighborhood: Individual And Block Levels Of Analysis”. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23(3), 259-271.
  • Buzluk.u, C. ve Avcıkurt, C. (2020). Yavaş Şehirlerde Yerel Halkın Yer Kimliği ve Topluluğa Bağlılıklarının Sürdürülebilir Turizm Tutumlarına Etkisi: Seferihisar’da Bir Araştırma. Pamukkkale Üniverstesi.
  • Camarena, D. M., Sanjuán, A. I., & Philippidis, G. (2011). Influence of ethnocentrism and neo-phobia on ethnic food consumption in Spain. Appetite, 57(1), 121-130.
  • Carvalho, S. W., Luna, D., & Goldsmith, E. (2019). The role of national identity in consumption: An integrative framework. Journal of Business Research, 103, 310-318.
  • Chandrasen, A. (2016). Sojourner consumer behaviour: The influence of nostalgia, ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and place attachment. Lancaster University (United Kingdom).
  • Chow K. ve Healey, M. (2008). Place attachment and place identity: first-year undergraduates making the transition from home to university. Journal of Enviromental Psychology, 28(4), 362-372.
  • Croucher, S., Nguyen, T., Ashwell, D., Spencer, A., Permyakova, T., & Gomez, O. (2022). COVID-19 prejudice towards Afro-Brazilians. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 51(4), 383-399.
  • Etimolojiturkce (2020). Yer, (, Erişim tarihi: 21.06.2023)
  • Gautam, T., Van Dick, R., & Wagner, U. (2004). Organizational identification and organizational commitment: Distinct aspects of two related concepts. Asian Journal of social psychology, 7(3), 301-315.
  • Gu, H. ve Ryan, C. (2008). Place attachment, identity and community impacts of tourism-the case of Beijing Hutong. Tourism Management, 29(4), 637-647.
  • Hidalgo, M. C. ve Hernandez B. (2001). Place attachment: conceptual and empirical questions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21(3), 273-281.
  • Hogg, M.A., & Vaughan, G. M. (2005). Social psychology. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Hummon, D. M. (1992). Community attachment: Local sentiment and sense of place (pp. 253-278). Springer US.
  • Jackson, J. W. (1993). Realistic group conflict theory: A review and evaluation of the theoretical and empirical literature. Psychological Record, 43, 395-414.
  • Jonas, A., Mansfeld, Y., Paz, S., & Potasman, I. (2011). Determinants of health risk perception among low-risk-taking tourists traveling to developing countries. Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 87-99.
  • Kasarda, J. D., and Janowitz, M. (1974). Community attachment in mass society. American Sociological Review, 39, 328–339.
  • Kock F, Josiassen A, Assaf AG, Karpen I, Farrelly F. (2019). Tourism Ethnocentrism and Its Effects on Tourist and Resident Behavior. Journal of Travel Research. 2019;58(3):427-439. doi:10.1177/0047287518755504
  • Kuo, H. I., Chen, C. C., Tseng, W. C., Ju, L. F., & Huang, B. W. (2008). Assessing impacts of SARS and Avian Flu on international tourism demand to Asia. Tourism Management, 29(5), 917-928.
  • Kyle, G., Graefe, A.R., Manning, R. (2005). Testing The Dimensionality of Place Attachment In Recreational Settings Environment And Behavior, 37(2), 153-177.
  • Ledson, A. (2019a), The Venice Cruise Ship Crash Has Reignited Calls for Limiting Tourist Entry, Forbes, available at:
  • Ledson, A. (2019b), Barcelona Is Threatening to Shut Out Tourists, Forbes, available at:
  • Lepp A. and Gibson H. (2003). Tourist roles, perceived risk and international tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 30 (3), 606-624
  • Low, S. M., & Altman, I. (1992). Place attachment: A conceptual inquiry (pp. 1-12). Springer US.
  • Manzo, L. C. (2005). For better or worse: exploring multiple dimensions of place meaning. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25(1), 67–86.
  • Ordiz, E. (2017), Turismofobia en Espana: dònde se producen las protestas y cuál es su objetivo, 20minutos, available at:
  • Plog, S. C. (1974). Why destination areas rise and fall in popularity. Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly, 14(4), 55-58.
  • Proshansky, H. M. (1976). Environmental psychology and the real world. Americann Psychologist, 31(4), 303-310.
  • Saatçı, G. & Türkmen, S. (2020). Yer Bağlılığı, Turizmin Algılanan Etkileri ve Turizmin Gelişimine Destek Olma Tutumu Arasındaki İlişki: Mordoğan Örneği. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 237-255.
  • Scannel, L., and Gifford, R. (2010). Defining place attachment: a tripartite organizing framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(1), 1–10.
  • Selçuk, F., & Doğrusoy, İ. T. (2021). Kamusal açık mekânlarda “yer bağlılığı”: İzmir-Bostanlı kıyı düzenlemesi örneği. Tasarım Kuram Journal, 17(33), 1.
  • Shamai, S. (1991). Sense of place: An empirical measurement. Geoforum, 22(3), 347-358.
  • Sidanius J, Feshbach S, Levin S, et al. (1997) The interface between ethnic and national attachment: ethnic pluralism or ethnic dominance? Public Opinion Quarterly 61: 102-133.
  • Stepchenkova, S., L. Su, and E. Shichkova. 2019. Marketing to Tourists from Unfriendly Countries: Should We Even Try? Journal of Travel Research 58 (2): 266-82.
  • Stepchenkova, S., Shichkova, E., Kim, M., & Rykhtik, M. I. (2018). Do strained bilateral relations affect tourists’ desire to visit a country that is a target of animosity? Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(5), 553-566.
  • Stokols, D., and Shumaker, S. A. (1981). People in places: a transactional view of settings.
  • Sumner, W. G. (1906). Folkways: A study of the sociological importance of usages, manners, customs, mores, and morals. Boston: Ginn and Co.
  • Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C. (2004). The social identity theory of intergroup behavior. In Political psychology (276-293). Psychology Press.
  • Tomić, M., & Alfnes, F. (2018). Effect of normative and affective aspects on willingness to pay for domestic food products-a multiple price list experiment. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 24(6), 681-696.
  • Tung, V., B. King, and S. Tse. 2020. “The Tourist Stereotype Model: Positive and Negative Dimensions.” Journal of Travel Research 59 (1): 37-51.
  • Watson, J. J., & Wright, K. (2000). Consumer ethnocentrism and attitudes toward domestic and foreign products. European journal of Marketing.
  • Zhang, K., Hou, Y., & Li, G. (2020). Threat of infectious disease during an outbreak: Influence on tourists' emotional responses to disadvantaged price inequality. Annals of Tourism Research, 84, 102993.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 45 - 60, 02.01.2024


The Covid-19 pandemic has fanned the flame of global ethnocentric tendencies in the world. One of the sectors in which ethnocentric tendencies is most experienced is the tourism sector. Although consumer ethnocentrism has been widely researched, tourism ethnocentrism has not yet been widely researched. In this respect, the main purpose of this study is to determine the place attachment and tourism ethnocentrism attitudes of domestic tourists had touristic consumption behavior during the pandemic process whether there is a correlation between these attitudes and whether these attitudes are clustered in different groups. For this purpose, data were collected from 1304 participants residing in Edirne and having touristic consumption behavior during the pandemic. The results of the analysis show that tourism ethnocentrism and place attachment attitudes of the local people are formed, place attachment affects tourism ethnocentrism and these attitudes of the local people are clustered in 3 groups. These clusters are respectively (1) Sacrifice, (2) Attachment, and (3) Belonging. Tourism businesses should make segmentation and targeting in regards to these clusters, also develop a separate marketing mix for each market segment.


  • Albayrak, T., & Caber, M. (2018). A motivation-based segmentation of holiday tourists participating in white-water rafting. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 64-71.
  • Altemeyer, B. (1988). Enemies of Freedom: Understanding Right-Wing Authoritarianism. San Franciso: Jossey-Bass.
  • Andersen, M. L. and Taylor, H. F. (2006). Sociology: Understanding a Diverce Society. Thomson Learning: USA.
  • Anton, Lawrence, C. (2016). The relationship between place attachment, the theory of planned behaviour and residents’ response to place change. Journal of Enviromental Psychology, 47,145-154.
  • Ayar, H. (2021). Park Rekreasyonu Faaliyetlerine Katılımda Rekreasyon Deneyim Tercihleri, Yer Bağlılığı, Çevresel Tutum ve Çevre Dostu Rekreasyon Davranışları Arasındaki İlişki (Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Ayar, H. Durhan, T. A. & Karaküçük, S. (2022). Yer Bağlılık Ölçeği Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlilik Çalışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 81(21): 229-241.
  • Ayberk, C. (2018). Yer bağlılığı açısından Ters Yüz (Inside Out) filminin nitel analizi. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi, 16(2), 273-287.
  • Balabanis, G., & Siamagka, N. T. (2017). Inconsistencies in the behavioural effects of consumer ethnocentrism: The role of brand, product category and country of origin. International Marketing Review.
  • Boukamba, H. K. (2020). Do birds of a feather flock together? Empirical evidence from the Generalized Approach to Tourist Ethnocentrism (GATE).
  • Boukamba, H. K., Oi, T., & Sano, K. (2021). A generalized approach to tourist ethnocentrism (GATE): analysis of the GenE scale for application in tourism research. Journal of Travel Research, 60(1), 65-85.
  • Bremser, K., & Abraham, V. (2022). Exploring the influence of tourist ethnocentrism and risk perception on the hospitality and tourism industry. EuroMed Journal of Business, (ahead-of-print).
  • Brown, B., Perkins, D. D., & Brown, G. (2003). “Place Attachment In A Revitalizing Neighborhood: Individual And Block Levels Of Analysis”. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23(3), 259-271.
  • Buzluk.u, C. ve Avcıkurt, C. (2020). Yavaş Şehirlerde Yerel Halkın Yer Kimliği ve Topluluğa Bağlılıklarının Sürdürülebilir Turizm Tutumlarına Etkisi: Seferihisar’da Bir Araştırma. Pamukkkale Üniverstesi.
  • Camarena, D. M., Sanjuán, A. I., & Philippidis, G. (2011). Influence of ethnocentrism and neo-phobia on ethnic food consumption in Spain. Appetite, 57(1), 121-130.
  • Carvalho, S. W., Luna, D., & Goldsmith, E. (2019). The role of national identity in consumption: An integrative framework. Journal of Business Research, 103, 310-318.
  • Chandrasen, A. (2016). Sojourner consumer behaviour: The influence of nostalgia, ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism and place attachment. Lancaster University (United Kingdom).
  • Chow K. ve Healey, M. (2008). Place attachment and place identity: first-year undergraduates making the transition from home to university. Journal of Enviromental Psychology, 28(4), 362-372.
  • Croucher, S., Nguyen, T., Ashwell, D., Spencer, A., Permyakova, T., & Gomez, O. (2022). COVID-19 prejudice towards Afro-Brazilians. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 51(4), 383-399.
  • Etimolojiturkce (2020). Yer, (, Erişim tarihi: 21.06.2023)
  • Gautam, T., Van Dick, R., & Wagner, U. (2004). Organizational identification and organizational commitment: Distinct aspects of two related concepts. Asian Journal of social psychology, 7(3), 301-315.
  • Gu, H. ve Ryan, C. (2008). Place attachment, identity and community impacts of tourism-the case of Beijing Hutong. Tourism Management, 29(4), 637-647.
  • Hidalgo, M. C. ve Hernandez B. (2001). Place attachment: conceptual and empirical questions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 21(3), 273-281.
  • Hogg, M.A., & Vaughan, G. M. (2005). Social psychology. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Hummon, D. M. (1992). Community attachment: Local sentiment and sense of place (pp. 253-278). Springer US.
  • Jackson, J. W. (1993). Realistic group conflict theory: A review and evaluation of the theoretical and empirical literature. Psychological Record, 43, 395-414.
  • Jonas, A., Mansfeld, Y., Paz, S., & Potasman, I. (2011). Determinants of health risk perception among low-risk-taking tourists traveling to developing countries. Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 87-99.
  • Kasarda, J. D., and Janowitz, M. (1974). Community attachment in mass society. American Sociological Review, 39, 328–339.
  • Kock F, Josiassen A, Assaf AG, Karpen I, Farrelly F. (2019). Tourism Ethnocentrism and Its Effects on Tourist and Resident Behavior. Journal of Travel Research. 2019;58(3):427-439. doi:10.1177/0047287518755504
  • Kuo, H. I., Chen, C. C., Tseng, W. C., Ju, L. F., & Huang, B. W. (2008). Assessing impacts of SARS and Avian Flu on international tourism demand to Asia. Tourism Management, 29(5), 917-928.
  • Kyle, G., Graefe, A.R., Manning, R. (2005). Testing The Dimensionality of Place Attachment In Recreational Settings Environment And Behavior, 37(2), 153-177.
  • Ledson, A. (2019a), The Venice Cruise Ship Crash Has Reignited Calls for Limiting Tourist Entry, Forbes, available at:
  • Ledson, A. (2019b), Barcelona Is Threatening to Shut Out Tourists, Forbes, available at:
  • Lepp A. and Gibson H. (2003). Tourist roles, perceived risk and international tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 30 (3), 606-624
  • Low, S. M., & Altman, I. (1992). Place attachment: A conceptual inquiry (pp. 1-12). Springer US.
  • Manzo, L. C. (2005). For better or worse: exploring multiple dimensions of place meaning. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25(1), 67–86.
  • Ordiz, E. (2017), Turismofobia en Espana: dònde se producen las protestas y cuál es su objetivo, 20minutos, available at:
  • Plog, S. C. (1974). Why destination areas rise and fall in popularity. Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly, 14(4), 55-58.
  • Proshansky, H. M. (1976). Environmental psychology and the real world. Americann Psychologist, 31(4), 303-310.
  • Saatçı, G. & Türkmen, S. (2020). Yer Bağlılığı, Turizmin Algılanan Etkileri ve Turizmin Gelişimine Destek Olma Tutumu Arasındaki İlişki: Mordoğan Örneği. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 237-255.
  • Scannel, L., and Gifford, R. (2010). Defining place attachment: a tripartite organizing framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(1), 1–10.
  • Selçuk, F., & Doğrusoy, İ. T. (2021). Kamusal açık mekânlarda “yer bağlılığı”: İzmir-Bostanlı kıyı düzenlemesi örneği. Tasarım Kuram Journal, 17(33), 1.
  • Shamai, S. (1991). Sense of place: An empirical measurement. Geoforum, 22(3), 347-358.
  • Sidanius J, Feshbach S, Levin S, et al. (1997) The interface between ethnic and national attachment: ethnic pluralism or ethnic dominance? Public Opinion Quarterly 61: 102-133.
  • Stepchenkova, S., L. Su, and E. Shichkova. 2019. Marketing to Tourists from Unfriendly Countries: Should We Even Try? Journal of Travel Research 58 (2): 266-82.
  • Stepchenkova, S., Shichkova, E., Kim, M., & Rykhtik, M. I. (2018). Do strained bilateral relations affect tourists’ desire to visit a country that is a target of animosity? Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(5), 553-566.
  • Stokols, D., and Shumaker, S. A. (1981). People in places: a transactional view of settings.
  • Sumner, W. G. (1906). Folkways: A study of the sociological importance of usages, manners, customs, mores, and morals. Boston: Ginn and Co.
  • Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C. (2004). The social identity theory of intergroup behavior. In Political psychology (276-293). Psychology Press.
  • Tomić, M., & Alfnes, F. (2018). Effect of normative and affective aspects on willingness to pay for domestic food products-a multiple price list experiment. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 24(6), 681-696.
  • Tung, V., B. King, and S. Tse. 2020. “The Tourist Stereotype Model: Positive and Negative Dimensions.” Journal of Travel Research 59 (1): 37-51.
  • Watson, J. J., & Wright, K. (2000). Consumer ethnocentrism and attitudes toward domestic and foreign products. European journal of Marketing.
  • Zhang, K., Hou, Y., & Li, G. (2020). Threat of infectious disease during an outbreak: Influence on tourists' emotional responses to disadvantaged price inequality. Annals of Tourism Research, 84, 102993.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Çiğdem Unurlu 0000-0001-5653-6013

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 2 Ocak 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Unurlu, Ç. (2024). YER BAĞLILIĞININ TURİZM ETNOSENTRİZMİ ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Journal of Applied Tourism Research, 4(2), 45-60.


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