Yaşlı Bireylerle Çalışmak: X ve Y Kuşağındaki Hemşirelerin Algılarının Nitel Değerlendirilmesi
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 6, 853 - 858, 20.11.2021
Neşe Uysal
Filiz Ünal Toprak
Ayşegül Koç
Amaç: Bu çalışma, hemşirelerin iki yaş grubundaki hemşirelerin yaşlıların bakımı hakkındaki algılarını ve çalışma deneyimlerini karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Materyal ve metodlar: Nitel tanımlayıcı araştırma deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini X ve Y kuşaklarını temsil eden 68 dahiliye ve cerrahi hemşiresi oluşturmuştur. Veriler, demografik bilgi formu ve yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde tematik analiz yapılmıştır.
Bulgular: X kuşağı için genel temalar; bakım süresi, duygusal tepkiler ve yaşlı hastalar için kaynaklar sağlamadır. Y kuşağının genel temaları; artan iş yükü ve zaman sorunları, yaşlıların sınıflandırılması ve bütünsel bakıma duyulan ihtiyaçlardır.
Sonuç: Tüm hemşireler yaşlılara bakmanın zor olduğunu belirtmekle birlikte yaşlıların ihtiyaçlarını vurguladılar. Bu, yaşlı insanların bakımını organize etmenin önemli bir bileşeni olabilir. Yaşlıların bakımında hemşirelerin yaşadıkları zorlukları azaltmak için çalışma koşullarının düzenlenmesi tavsiye edilir.
- 1. World Health Organization. Aging and health. Published 2018. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ageing-and-health.
- 2. Kalınkara V. Geleneksel toplumdan modern topluma yaşlı: Yaşlının statüsü ve geleceği. İnternational Symposium on Relations of Turkey Belgium and Co -Exhibition of Turkish Arts. Brussels Belgium. 2012.
- 3. World Health Statistics. 2012. http://www.who.int/gho/ publications/world_health_statistics/EN_WHS2012_Full. Pdf.
- 4. Turkish Statistical Institute Population Projections, 2013–2075. http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=15844 [updated 10 Nov 2015; cited 12 Nov 2018].
- 5. Canatan A. Social values and elderly people. Elderly Problems Research Journal. 2008; 71.
- 6. Wold GH. Basic geriatric nursing. 3. ed. Philadelphia: Mosby. 2004; 3-20.
- 7. Hayes LJ, O’Brien-Pallas L, Duffield C, Shamian J, Buchan J, Hughes F.… North N. Nurse turnover: A literature review - an update. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2012; 49(7).
- 8. Heinen MM, Van Achterberg T, Schwendimann R, Zander B, Matthews A, Kózka .…Schoonhoven L. Nurses’ intention to leave their profession: A cross sectional observational study in 10 European countries. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2013; 50: 174–184.
- 9. Higgins I, Riet DVP, Slater L, Peek C. The negative attitudes of nurses towards older patients in the acute hospital setting: A qualitative descriptive study. Contemporary Nurse. 2007; 26(2): 225-237.
- 10. Coffey A, Whitehead N. Healthcare assistants’ attitudes towards older people and their knowledge about ageing. Nursing Older People. 2015; 27 (1): 24-30.
- 11. Kagan SH, Melendez-Torres GJ. Ageism in Nursing. Journal of Nursing Management. 2015; 23:
- 12. Kupperschmidt B. Multigenerational employees: strategies for effective management. Health Care Manager. 2000; 19: 65–76.
- 13. Weston M. Coaching generations in the workplace. Nursing Administration Quarterly. 2001; 25: 11-21.
- 14. Takase M, Oba K, Yamashita N. Generational differences in factors influencing job turnover among Japanese nurses: An exploratory comparative design. İnternational Journal of Nursing Studies. 2007; 46: 957-967.
- 15. Ministry of Family and Social Policy. The status of the elderly in Turkey and aging national action plan implementation program. Ankara. Published 2013. Accessed June 20,2018. https://eyh.aile.gov.tr
- 16. Bloom DE, Jımenez E, Rosenberg L. Social protection of older people global population ageing: peril or promise? World Economic Forum. 2012; 83-88.
17. Riley MW, Riley JW. Age integration: conceptual and historical background. Gerontologist. 2000; 40.
- 18. Courtney M, Tong S, Walsh A. Acute-care nurse’s attitudes toward older patients: a literature review. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2000; 6(2): 62-69.
- 19. Allan LJ, Johnson JA, Emerson SD. The role of individual difference variables in ageism. Personality and Individual Differences. 2014; 59: 32-37.
- 20. Lou B, Zhou K, Jin EJ, Newman A, Liang J. Ageism among College Students: A Comparative Study between U.S. and China. J Cross Cult Gerontol. 2013; 28: 49–63.
- 21. Ünalan D, Soyuer F, Elmalı F. Evaluation of the attitudes of the geriatric care center workers towards elderly patients. Kafkas J Med Science. 2012; 2(3): 115-119.
- 22. Betz CL. Generations X, Y, and Z. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2019; 44:7-8.
- 23. Türnüklü A. Eğitim bilim araştırmalarında etkin olarak kullanılabilecek nitel bir araştırma tekniği: görüşme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 2000;24(24):543-559.
- 24. Braun V, Clarke V. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 2006; 3, 77–101.
- 25. Akdemir N, Çınar Fİ, Görgülü Ü. Perception of ageing and ageism. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 2007; 10: 215–222.
- 26. Kang Y, Moyle W, Venturato L. Korean nurses' attitudes towards older people with dementia in acute care settings. International Journal of Older People Nursing. 2011; 6 (2): 143–152.
- 27. Smythe A, Jenkins C, Galant-Miecznikowska M, Benthamc P, Oyebode J. A qualitative study investigating training requirements of nurses working with people with dementia in nursing homes. Nurse Education Today. 2017; 50: 119–123.
- 28. Blomberg K, James I, Kihlgren A. Meanings over time of working as a nurse in elderly care. The Open Nursing Journal. 2013; 7:107-113.
- 29. Kae-Hwa Jo, Gyeong-Ju An. Perception of aging among Korean undergraduate nursing students. Acta Paul Enferm. 2012; 25(1): 35-40.
- 30. Rush KL, Hickey S, Epp S, Janke R. Nurses' attitudes towards older people care: An integrative review. J Clin Nurs. 2017; 26(23-24): 4105-4116.
- 31. Hunter PV, Hadjıstavropoulos T, Sharon K. A qualitative study of nursing assistants' awareness of person-centred approaches to dementia care. Ageing and Society. 2016; 36 (6): 1211-1237.
Working With Older People: A Qualitative Study of X and Y Generation Nurses’ Perceptions
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 6, 853 - 858, 20.11.2021
Neşe Uysal
Filiz Ünal Toprak
Ayşegül Koç
Aim: This study aimed to compare the perceptions and working experiences of two age cohorts of nurses' about care of older people.
Material and Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was used. The research sample consisted of 68 internal medicine and surgery nurses representing X and Y generations. Data were collected using a demographic form and a semi-structured interview form. Data were subjected to thematic analysis.
Results: The general themes for generation X were: care time, emotional responses, and provide resources for older patients. The general themes for generation Y were: increasing workload and time problems, categorization of older people, and finally, the need for holistic care.
Conclusions: All nurses experienced that caring for elderly is difficult. However, they emphasized the needs of older people. This may be an essential component in organizing older people care. It is recommended regulation of working conditions to reduce the difficulties experienced by nurses in care of older people.
- 1. World Health Organization. Aging and health. Published 2018. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ageing-and-health.
- 2. Kalınkara V. Geleneksel toplumdan modern topluma yaşlı: Yaşlının statüsü ve geleceği. İnternational Symposium on Relations of Turkey Belgium and Co -Exhibition of Turkish Arts. Brussels Belgium. 2012.
- 3. World Health Statistics. 2012. http://www.who.int/gho/ publications/world_health_statistics/EN_WHS2012_Full. Pdf.
- 4. Turkish Statistical Institute Population Projections, 2013–2075. http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=15844 [updated 10 Nov 2015; cited 12 Nov 2018].
- 5. Canatan A. Social values and elderly people. Elderly Problems Research Journal. 2008; 71.
- 6. Wold GH. Basic geriatric nursing. 3. ed. Philadelphia: Mosby. 2004; 3-20.
- 7. Hayes LJ, O’Brien-Pallas L, Duffield C, Shamian J, Buchan J, Hughes F.… North N. Nurse turnover: A literature review - an update. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2012; 49(7).
- 8. Heinen MM, Van Achterberg T, Schwendimann R, Zander B, Matthews A, Kózka .…Schoonhoven L. Nurses’ intention to leave their profession: A cross sectional observational study in 10 European countries. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2013; 50: 174–184.
- 9. Higgins I, Riet DVP, Slater L, Peek C. The negative attitudes of nurses towards older patients in the acute hospital setting: A qualitative descriptive study. Contemporary Nurse. 2007; 26(2): 225-237.
- 10. Coffey A, Whitehead N. Healthcare assistants’ attitudes towards older people and their knowledge about ageing. Nursing Older People. 2015; 27 (1): 24-30.
- 11. Kagan SH, Melendez-Torres GJ. Ageism in Nursing. Journal of Nursing Management. 2015; 23:
- 12. Kupperschmidt B. Multigenerational employees: strategies for effective management. Health Care Manager. 2000; 19: 65–76.
- 13. Weston M. Coaching generations in the workplace. Nursing Administration Quarterly. 2001; 25: 11-21.
- 14. Takase M, Oba K, Yamashita N. Generational differences in factors influencing job turnover among Japanese nurses: An exploratory comparative design. İnternational Journal of Nursing Studies. 2007; 46: 957-967.
- 15. Ministry of Family and Social Policy. The status of the elderly in Turkey and aging national action plan implementation program. Ankara. Published 2013. Accessed June 20,2018. https://eyh.aile.gov.tr
- 16. Bloom DE, Jımenez E, Rosenberg L. Social protection of older people global population ageing: peril or promise? World Economic Forum. 2012; 83-88.
17. Riley MW, Riley JW. Age integration: conceptual and historical background. Gerontologist. 2000; 40.
- 18. Courtney M, Tong S, Walsh A. Acute-care nurse’s attitudes toward older patients: a literature review. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2000; 6(2): 62-69.
- 19. Allan LJ, Johnson JA, Emerson SD. The role of individual difference variables in ageism. Personality and Individual Differences. 2014; 59: 32-37.
- 20. Lou B, Zhou K, Jin EJ, Newman A, Liang J. Ageism among College Students: A Comparative Study between U.S. and China. J Cross Cult Gerontol. 2013; 28: 49–63.
- 21. Ünalan D, Soyuer F, Elmalı F. Evaluation of the attitudes of the geriatric care center workers towards elderly patients. Kafkas J Med Science. 2012; 2(3): 115-119.
- 22. Betz CL. Generations X, Y, and Z. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2019; 44:7-8.
- 23. Türnüklü A. Eğitim bilim araştırmalarında etkin olarak kullanılabilecek nitel bir araştırma tekniği: görüşme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 2000;24(24):543-559.
- 24. Braun V, Clarke V. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 2006; 3, 77–101.
- 25. Akdemir N, Çınar Fİ, Görgülü Ü. Perception of ageing and ageism. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 2007; 10: 215–222.
- 26. Kang Y, Moyle W, Venturato L. Korean nurses' attitudes towards older people with dementia in acute care settings. International Journal of Older People Nursing. 2011; 6 (2): 143–152.
- 27. Smythe A, Jenkins C, Galant-Miecznikowska M, Benthamc P, Oyebode J. A qualitative study investigating training requirements of nurses working with people with dementia in nursing homes. Nurse Education Today. 2017; 50: 119–123.
- 28. Blomberg K, James I, Kihlgren A. Meanings over time of working as a nurse in elderly care. The Open Nursing Journal. 2013; 7:107-113.
- 29. Kae-Hwa Jo, Gyeong-Ju An. Perception of aging among Korean undergraduate nursing students. Acta Paul Enferm. 2012; 25(1): 35-40.
- 30. Rush KL, Hickey S, Epp S, Janke R. Nurses' attitudes towards older people care: An integrative review. J Clin Nurs. 2017; 26(23-24): 4105-4116.
- 31. Hunter PV, Hadjıstavropoulos T, Sharon K. A qualitative study of nursing assistants' awareness of person-centred approaches to dementia care. Ageing and Society. 2016; 36 (6): 1211-1237.