Sistematik Derlemeler ve Meta Analiz
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Yıl 2024, , 32 - 52, 15.05.2024



  • Aggarwal, A. (2019). SEZs and economic transformation: towards a developmental approach. Transnational Corporations Journal, 26(2).
  • Badraoui, M., & Dahan, R. (2011). The Green Morocco Plan about food security and climate change. Food Security and Climate Change in Dry Areas, 61.
  • Bakucs, Z., Fertő, I., & Benedek, Z. (2019). Success or waste of taxpayer money? Impact assessment of rural development programs in Hungary. Sustainability, 11(7), 2158.
  • Baldwin, R. E., & Martin, P. (2004). Agglomeration and regional growth. In Handbook of regional and urban economics (Vol. 4, pp. 2671-2711). Elsevier.
  • Becheikh, N. (2021). Political stability and economic growth in developing economies: Lessons from Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt ten years after the Arab Spring. Insights into Regional Development, 3(2), 229-251.
  • Benkada, A., & Belouchi, M. (2022). Financial divergences of equalization and their impact on regional development in Morocco. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 88(1), 225-239.
  • Bruno, M., Ravallion, M., & Squire, L. (1996). Equity and growth in developing countries: old and new perspectives on the policy issues.
  • Buchholz, M., Bathelt, H., & Cantwell, J. A. (2020). Income divergence and global connectivity of US urban regions. Journal of International Business Policy, 3(3), 229-248.
  • Cheshire, P., & Magrini, S. (2000). Endogenous processes in European regional growth: convergence and policy. Growth and change, 31(4), 455-479.
  • Dash, M., Liu, H., Scheuermann, P., & Tan, K. L. (2003). Fast hierarchical clustering and its validation. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 44(1), 109-138.
  • Dawkins, C. J. (2003). Regional development theory: conceptual foundations, classic works, and recent developments. Journal of planning literature, 18(2), 131-172.
  • de Castro, L. N., & Von Zuben, F. J. (2002). aiNet: an artificial immune network for data analysis. In Data mining: a heuristic approach (pp. 231-260). IGI Global.
  • De Haas, H. (2009). International migration and regional development in Morocco: A review. Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 35(10), 1571-1593.
  • Deraniyagala, S. (2005). The political economy of civil conflict in Nepal. Oxford Development Studies, 33(1), 47-62.
  • Eddelani, O., El Idrissi, N. E. A., & Monni, S. (2019). Territorialized forms of production in Morocco: provisional assessment for an own model in gestation. Insights into Regional Development, 1(1), 6-18.
  • Emmendorfer, L. R., & de Paula Canuto, A. M. (2021). A generalized average linkage criterion for Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering. Applied Soft Computing, 100, 106990.
  • Guha, S., Meyerson, A., Mishra, N., Motwani, R., & O'Callaghan, L. (2003). Clustering data streams: Theory and practice. IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 15(3), 515-528.
  • Iammarino, S. (2018). FDI and regional development policy. Journal of International Business Policy, 1(3), 157-183.
  • Kassambara, A. (2017). A practical guide to cluster analysis in R: Unsupervised machine learning (Vol. 1). Sthda.
  • MacCallum, D. (Ed.). (2009). Social innovation and territorial development. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..
  • Madhulatha, T. S. (2012). An overview on clustering methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.1117.
  • Maithri, C., & Chandramouli, H. (2022). Parallel Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Implementation with Hadoop MapReduce. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Advances in Computing, Renewable Energy and Communication (pp. 115-126). Springer, Singapore.
  • Marsal-Llacuna, M. L., Colomer-Llinàs, J., & Meléndez-Frigola, J. (2015). Lessons in urban monitoring taken from sustainable and livable cities to better address the Smart Cities initiative. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, 611-622.
  • Martin, P. (1998). Can regional policies affect growth and geography in Europe?. The world economy, 21(6), 757-774.
  • Martin, R., & Sunley, P. (1996). Paul Krugman's geographical economics and its implications for regional development theory: a critical assessment. Economic geography, 72(3), 259-292.
  • Martin, R., & Sunley, P. (1998). Slow convergence? The new endogenous growth theory and regional development. Economic geography, 74(3), 201-227.
  • Monastiriotis, V. (2011). Making geographical sense of the Greek austerity measures: compositional effects and long-run implications. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 4(3), 323-337.
  • Monastiriotis, V. (2014). Regional growth and national development: transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the regional Kuznets curve in the East and the West. Spatial Economic Analysis, 9(2), 142-161.
  • Montanari, B., & Bergh, S. I. (2019). A gendered analysis of the income generating activities under the Green Morocco Plan: Who profits?. Human Ecology, 47(3), 409-417.
  • Moumen, Z., El Idrissi, N. E. A., Tvaronavičienė, M., & Lahrach, A. (2019). Water security and sustainable development. Insights into Regional Development, 1(4), 301-317.
  • Munga, M. A., & Mæstad, O. (2009). Measuring inequalities in the distribution of health workers: the case of Tanzania. Human resources for health, 7(1), 1-12.
  • Nijkamp, P. (2009). Regional development as self-organized converging growth. Spatial disparities and development policy, 265-282.
  • Palekiene, O., Simanaviciene, Z., & Bruneckiene, J. (2015). The application of resilience concept in the regional development context. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 179-184.
  • Pan-Long, T. (1995). Foreign direct investment and income inequality: Further evidence. World development, 23(3), 469-483.
  • Pike, A., Rodríguez-Pose, A., & Tomaney, J. (2007). What kind of local and regional development and for whom?. Regional studies, 41(9), 1253-1269.
  • Qin, X., Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y., & Huang, X. (2022). Regional development and inequality within city regions: A study of the Yangtze River delta, China. Geographical Review, 1-27.
  • Sghaier, A., Guizani, A., Ben Jabeur, S., & Nurunnabi, M. (2019). Tourism development, energy consumption and environmental quality in Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco: A trivariate analysis. GeoJournal, 84(3), 593-609.
  • Sherhod, R., Judson, P. N., Hanser, T., Vessey, J. D., Webb, S. J., & Gillet, V. J. (2014). Emerging pattern mining to aid toxicological knowledge discovery. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 54(7), 1864-1879.
  • Storper, M. (1997). The regional world: territorial development in a global economy. Guilford press.
  • Tekken, V., & Kropp, J. P. (2015). Sustainable water management-perspectives for tourism development in north-eastern Morocco. Tourism Management Perspectives, 16, 325-334.
  • Yau, C. (2016). pcaReduce: hierarchical clustering of single cell transcriptional profiles. BMC bioinformatics, 17(1), 1-11.
  • Zhong, S., Wang, M., Zhu, Y., Chen, Z., & Huang, X. (2022). Urban expansion and the urban–rural income gap: Empirical evidence from China. Cities, 129, 103831.


Yıl 2024, , 32 - 52, 15.05.2024


This article examines the distributional divergence of the pillars of regional development in Morocco using a new hierarchical clustering algorithm from the unsupervised machine learning literature. The study utilizes a unique dataset of regional indicators to identify the major clusters of development and differences in regional performance in terms of economic transformation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. Results from the hierarchical clustering algorithm show that the Moroccan regions are highly differentiated and the clusters identified do not necessarily coincide with the traditional administrative divisions. This suggests that the policies implemented in Morocco have not been effective in achieving balanced development across all regions. The findings of this study provide important insights into the challenges of regional development in Morocco and the potential of using machine learning algorithms to better identify and address regional disparities.


  • Aggarwal, A. (2019). SEZs and economic transformation: towards a developmental approach. Transnational Corporations Journal, 26(2).
  • Badraoui, M., & Dahan, R. (2011). The Green Morocco Plan about food security and climate change. Food Security and Climate Change in Dry Areas, 61.
  • Bakucs, Z., Fertő, I., & Benedek, Z. (2019). Success or waste of taxpayer money? Impact assessment of rural development programs in Hungary. Sustainability, 11(7), 2158.
  • Baldwin, R. E., & Martin, P. (2004). Agglomeration and regional growth. In Handbook of regional and urban economics (Vol. 4, pp. 2671-2711). Elsevier.
  • Becheikh, N. (2021). Political stability and economic growth in developing economies: Lessons from Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt ten years after the Arab Spring. Insights into Regional Development, 3(2), 229-251.
  • Benkada, A., & Belouchi, M. (2022). Financial divergences of equalization and their impact on regional development in Morocco. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 88(1), 225-239.
  • Bruno, M., Ravallion, M., & Squire, L. (1996). Equity and growth in developing countries: old and new perspectives on the policy issues.
  • Buchholz, M., Bathelt, H., & Cantwell, J. A. (2020). Income divergence and global connectivity of US urban regions. Journal of International Business Policy, 3(3), 229-248.
  • Cheshire, P., & Magrini, S. (2000). Endogenous processes in European regional growth: convergence and policy. Growth and change, 31(4), 455-479.
  • Dash, M., Liu, H., Scheuermann, P., & Tan, K. L. (2003). Fast hierarchical clustering and its validation. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 44(1), 109-138.
  • Dawkins, C. J. (2003). Regional development theory: conceptual foundations, classic works, and recent developments. Journal of planning literature, 18(2), 131-172.
  • de Castro, L. N., & Von Zuben, F. J. (2002). aiNet: an artificial immune network for data analysis. In Data mining: a heuristic approach (pp. 231-260). IGI Global.
  • De Haas, H. (2009). International migration and regional development in Morocco: A review. Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 35(10), 1571-1593.
  • Deraniyagala, S. (2005). The political economy of civil conflict in Nepal. Oxford Development Studies, 33(1), 47-62.
  • Eddelani, O., El Idrissi, N. E. A., & Monni, S. (2019). Territorialized forms of production in Morocco: provisional assessment for an own model in gestation. Insights into Regional Development, 1(1), 6-18.
  • Emmendorfer, L. R., & de Paula Canuto, A. M. (2021). A generalized average linkage criterion for Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering. Applied Soft Computing, 100, 106990.
  • Guha, S., Meyerson, A., Mishra, N., Motwani, R., & O'Callaghan, L. (2003). Clustering data streams: Theory and practice. IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 15(3), 515-528.
  • Iammarino, S. (2018). FDI and regional development policy. Journal of International Business Policy, 1(3), 157-183.
  • Kassambara, A. (2017). A practical guide to cluster analysis in R: Unsupervised machine learning (Vol. 1). Sthda.
  • MacCallum, D. (Ed.). (2009). Social innovation and territorial development. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..
  • Madhulatha, T. S. (2012). An overview on clustering methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.1117.
  • Maithri, C., & Chandramouli, H. (2022). Parallel Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Implementation with Hadoop MapReduce. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning, Advances in Computing, Renewable Energy and Communication (pp. 115-126). Springer, Singapore.
  • Marsal-Llacuna, M. L., Colomer-Llinàs, J., & Meléndez-Frigola, J. (2015). Lessons in urban monitoring taken from sustainable and livable cities to better address the Smart Cities initiative. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, 611-622.
  • Martin, P. (1998). Can regional policies affect growth and geography in Europe?. The world economy, 21(6), 757-774.
  • Martin, R., & Sunley, P. (1996). Paul Krugman's geographical economics and its implications for regional development theory: a critical assessment. Economic geography, 72(3), 259-292.
  • Martin, R., & Sunley, P. (1998). Slow convergence? The new endogenous growth theory and regional development. Economic geography, 74(3), 201-227.
  • Monastiriotis, V. (2011). Making geographical sense of the Greek austerity measures: compositional effects and long-run implications. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 4(3), 323-337.
  • Monastiriotis, V. (2014). Regional growth and national development: transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the regional Kuznets curve in the East and the West. Spatial Economic Analysis, 9(2), 142-161.
  • Montanari, B., & Bergh, S. I. (2019). A gendered analysis of the income generating activities under the Green Morocco Plan: Who profits?. Human Ecology, 47(3), 409-417.
  • Moumen, Z., El Idrissi, N. E. A., Tvaronavičienė, M., & Lahrach, A. (2019). Water security and sustainable development. Insights into Regional Development, 1(4), 301-317.
  • Munga, M. A., & Mæstad, O. (2009). Measuring inequalities in the distribution of health workers: the case of Tanzania. Human resources for health, 7(1), 1-12.
  • Nijkamp, P. (2009). Regional development as self-organized converging growth. Spatial disparities and development policy, 265-282.
  • Palekiene, O., Simanaviciene, Z., & Bruneckiene, J. (2015). The application of resilience concept in the regional development context. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213, 179-184.
  • Pan-Long, T. (1995). Foreign direct investment and income inequality: Further evidence. World development, 23(3), 469-483.
  • Pike, A., Rodríguez-Pose, A., & Tomaney, J. (2007). What kind of local and regional development and for whom?. Regional studies, 41(9), 1253-1269.
  • Qin, X., Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y., & Huang, X. (2022). Regional development and inequality within city regions: A study of the Yangtze River delta, China. Geographical Review, 1-27.
  • Sghaier, A., Guizani, A., Ben Jabeur, S., & Nurunnabi, M. (2019). Tourism development, energy consumption and environmental quality in Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco: A trivariate analysis. GeoJournal, 84(3), 593-609.
  • Sherhod, R., Judson, P. N., Hanser, T., Vessey, J. D., Webb, S. J., & Gillet, V. J. (2014). Emerging pattern mining to aid toxicological knowledge discovery. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 54(7), 1864-1879.
  • Storper, M. (1997). The regional world: territorial development in a global economy. Guilford press.
  • Tekken, V., & Kropp, J. P. (2015). Sustainable water management-perspectives for tourism development in north-eastern Morocco. Tourism Management Perspectives, 16, 325-334.
  • Yau, C. (2016). pcaReduce: hierarchical clustering of single cell transcriptional profiles. BMC bioinformatics, 17(1), 1-11.
  • Zhong, S., Wang, M., Zhu, Y., Chen, Z., & Huang, X. (2022). Urban expansion and the urban–rural income gap: Empirical evidence from China. Cities, 129, 103831.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Abderrahım Kerkouch 0000-0002-5091-6813

Intıssar Seyagh 0000-0002-2096-2712

Azız Bensbahou 0009-0003-4966-369X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Kerkouch, A., Seyagh, I., & Bensbahou, A. (2024). TESTING THE DISTRIBUTIONAL DIVERGENCE IN THE PILLARS OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN MOROCCO. Uygulamalı Ekonomi Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 32-52.