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Yıl 2020, , 36 - 55, 30.09.2020


Ağ biliminin kökleri 17. Yüzyıla dayanmakta olup, gelişimi 1970'lerden sonra yapılan araştırmalar ile hız kazanmıştır. Etrafımızda birçok alanda ağlar mevcut olup, önemli olan bunları tespit edip, analiz yapabilmek, yorumlayabilmek ve örtük bilgileri ortaya çıkarabilmektir. Bu nedenle ağları tanımak önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın en temel amacı, ağları ve ağ bilimini detaylı olarak tanıtabilmek ve ağ biliminin tarihsel gelişimini kronolojik açıdan ele almaktır. Ağlar belirli kurallar dizini içerisinde işleyişlerini sürdürmektedirler. Bu işleyiş kurallarını belirlemeye yönelik olarak da ağ modelleri geliştirilmiş olup, çalışmada ayrıca bu modeller tanıtılmış ve modellerin esasları sergilenmiştir.


  • Ağcasulu, Hülya. 2017. “Ağ Yaklaşımı ve Sosyal Sermaye Kuramı Perspektifinden Formel Örgütlerde İlişkiler: Belediye Meclisi Sosyal Ağ Analizi İncelemesi.” Doktora Tezi: Süleyman Demiral Üniversitesi, Isparta.
  • Albert, Réka, Hawoong Jeong, and Albert-László Barabási. 1999. “Diameter of the World-Wide Web.” Nature 401: 130–31.
  • Backstrom, Lars, Paolo Boldi, Marco Rosa, Johan Ugander, and Sebastiano Vigna. 2012. “Four Degrees of Separation.” In WebSci ’12: Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, 33–42.
  • Barabási, A. L. 2003. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life. Penguin Group, New York.
  • Barabási, Albert-László. 2016. Network Science. Cambridge University Press.
  • Barabási, Albert-László, and Réka Albert. 1999. “Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks.” Science 286 (5439): 509–512.
  • Barabási, Albert-László, and M. Pósfai. 2016. “The Scale Free Property.” In Network Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Barnes, J A. 1954. “Human Relations.” Human Relations 7: 39–58.
  • Bollobas, Bela. 2001. Random Graphs. Cambridge University Press.
  • Borgatti, Stephen P., Ajay Mehra, Daniel J. Brass, and Giuseppe Labianca. 2009. “Network Analysis in The Social Sciences.” Science 323: 892–895.
  • Butts, Carter T. 2001. “The Complexity of Social Networks: Theoretical and Empirical Findings.” Social Networks 23: 31–71.
  • Carvalho, Rui, Lubos Buzna, Flavio Bono, Eugenio Gutiérrez, Wolfram Just, and David Arrowsmith. 2009. “Robustness of Trans-European Gas Networks.” Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics.
  • Coleman, James, Elihu Katz, and Herbert Menzel. 1957. “The Diffusion of an Innovation Among Physicians.” Socimetry 20 (4): 253–270.
  • Erdӧs, Paul, and Alfréd Rėnyi. 1959. “On Random Graphs.” Publicationes Mathematicae 6: 290–297.
  • Eteman, Fatma Sert, Necmi Gürsakal, and Selim Tüzüntürk. 2014. “NodeXL Ile Sosyal Ağ Analizi : # Akademikzam Örneği.” In 15. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırmaları ve İstatistik Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 464–482. Isparta.
  • Freeman, Linton C., R. White Douglas, and Romney Kimball. 1989. Research Methods in Social Network Analysis. Fairfax: George Mason University Press.
  • Freeman, Linton C. 2004. The Development of Social Network Analysis. Vancouver: Empirical Press.
  • Gastner, M.T. 2011. Networks: Theory and Applications. Imperial College.
  • Gell-Mann, Murray. 2002. What Is Complexity? Contributions to Economics. Physica-Verlag HD.
  • Goh, Kwang-Il, Michael E Cusick, David Valle, Barton Childs, Marc Vidal, and Albert-László Barabási. 2007. “The Human Disease Network.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (21): 8685–90.
  • Gopal, S. 2007. “The Evolving Social Geography of Blogs.” In Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access, 275–294. Berlin: Springer.
  • Granovetter, M.S. 1982. The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited. Social Structure and Network Analysis. CA: Sage Publications.
  • Granovetter, Mark S. 1973. “The Strength of Weak Ties.” The American Journal of Sociology 78 (6): 1360–1380.
  • Gürsakal, Necmi. 2007. Sosyal Bilimlerde Karmaşıklık ve Kaos. Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Gürsakal, Necmi. 2009. Sosyal Ağ Analizi: Pajek, Ucinet ve Gmine Uygulamalı. 1. Baskı. Bursa: Dora Yayınları.
  • Gürsakal, Necmi. 2016. Sosyal Ağ Analizi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Gürsakal, Necmi, Selim Tüzüntürk, and Fatma Sert Eteman. 2014. “Sosyal Ağ Verilerinin Kuvvet Yasası Olasılık Dağılımına Uygunluk Analizi: Twitter Örneği.” In 15. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırması ve İstatistik Bildiriler Kitabı, 501–523. Isparta: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.
  • Harary, F., Norman R.Z., and Cartwright D. 1965. Structure Models: An Introduction to the Theory of Directed Graphs. Wiley, New York.
  • Huberman, B. A. 2001. The Laws of the Web. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Katz, Nancy, Holly Arrow, David Lazer, and Noshir Contractor. 2004. “Network Theory and Small Groups.” Small Group Research 35 (3): 307–332.
  • Kjos, Andrea Lee. 2009. “The Role Of Social Networks In Medication Information Seeking Behavior.” (Doktora Tezi). Minnesota: University Of Minnesota.
  • Kolaczyk, Eric D. 2009. Statistical Analysis of Network Data: Methods and Models. New York: Springer, New York.
  • Leinhardt, Samuel. 1977. Social Networks: A Developing Paradigm. Behavirol Science. London: Academic Press.
  • Luke, Douglas A., and Jenine K. Harris. 2007. “Network Analysis in Public Health: History, Methods, and Applications.” Annual Review of Public Health 28 (1): 69–93.
  • Marsden, Peter V., and Lin. Nan. 1982. Social Structure and Network Analysis. Beverly Hills: Sage.
  • Milgram, Stanley. 1967. “The Small World Problem.” Psychology Today 1 (1): 60–67.
  • Moreno, J. L. 1934. Who Shall Survive. Washington, DC,: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company.
  • Newman, M.E.J. 2003. “The Structure and Function of Complex Networks.” SIAM Review 45 (2): 167–256.
  • Newman, M.E.J. 2010. Networks An Introduction. England: Oxford University Press.
  • Newman, Mark, Albert-László Barabási, and Duncan J. Watts. 2006. The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. Princeton: NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Pool, Ithiel de Sola, and Manfred Kochen. 1978. “Contacts and Influence.” Social Networks 1: 5–51.
  • Price, Derek J. De Solla. 1965. “Networks of Scientific Papers.” American Association for the Advancement of Science 149 (3683): 510–515.
  • Scott, John. 1999. Social Network Analysis. Newbury Park: SAGE Publications.
  • Solomonoff, R., and Anatol Rapoport. 1951. “Connectivity of Random Nets.” Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 13 (2): 107–117.
  • Tuğal, İhsan. 2013. “Sosyal Ağlarda Hastalık İlaç Bağlantı Tahmini.” (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Elazığ: Fırat Üniversitesi.
  • Tüzüntürk, Selim. 2012. Ağ Bilimi. Bursa: Dora Yayınları.
  • Wasserman, Stanley, and Katherine Faust. 1994. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Watts, Duncan J., and Steven H. Strogatz. 1998. “Collective Dynamics of ‘small-World’ Networks.” Nature 393: 440–442.
  • White, Howard D., Barry Wellman, and Nancy Nazer. 2004. “Does Citation Reflect Social Structure?” Journal of the American Society For Information Science And Technology 55 (2): 111–126.
  • Zachary, Wayne W. 1977. “An Information Flow Model for Conflict and Fission in Small Groups.” Journal of Anthropological Research 33 (4): 452–73.
  • Zhang, Mingxin. 2010. “Social Network Analysis: History, Concepts and Research.” In Handbook of Social Network Technologies and Applications, 3–21. Springer, Boston, MA.


Yıl 2020, , 36 - 55, 30.09.2020


The roots of network science date back to the 17th century and its development accelerated with the researches made after the 1970s. There are networks in many areas around us, and the important thing is to identify, analyze, interpret and reveal implicit information. Therefore, it is important to know the networks. The main purpose of this study is to introduce networks and network science in detail and to discuss the historical development of network science in chronological terms. Networks continue to operate within a specific set of rules. In order to determine these operating rules, network models have been developed, these models are also introduced in the study and the principles of the models are exhibited.


  • Ağcasulu, Hülya. 2017. “Ağ Yaklaşımı ve Sosyal Sermaye Kuramı Perspektifinden Formel Örgütlerde İlişkiler: Belediye Meclisi Sosyal Ağ Analizi İncelemesi.” Doktora Tezi: Süleyman Demiral Üniversitesi, Isparta.
  • Albert, Réka, Hawoong Jeong, and Albert-László Barabási. 1999. “Diameter of the World-Wide Web.” Nature 401: 130–31.
  • Backstrom, Lars, Paolo Boldi, Marco Rosa, Johan Ugander, and Sebastiano Vigna. 2012. “Four Degrees of Separation.” In WebSci ’12: Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, 33–42.
  • Barabási, A. L. 2003. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life. Penguin Group, New York.
  • Barabási, Albert-László. 2016. Network Science. Cambridge University Press.
  • Barabási, Albert-László, and Réka Albert. 1999. “Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks.” Science 286 (5439): 509–512.
  • Barabási, Albert-László, and M. Pósfai. 2016. “The Scale Free Property.” In Network Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Barnes, J A. 1954. “Human Relations.” Human Relations 7: 39–58.
  • Bollobas, Bela. 2001. Random Graphs. Cambridge University Press.
  • Borgatti, Stephen P., Ajay Mehra, Daniel J. Brass, and Giuseppe Labianca. 2009. “Network Analysis in The Social Sciences.” Science 323: 892–895.
  • Butts, Carter T. 2001. “The Complexity of Social Networks: Theoretical and Empirical Findings.” Social Networks 23: 31–71.
  • Carvalho, Rui, Lubos Buzna, Flavio Bono, Eugenio Gutiérrez, Wolfram Just, and David Arrowsmith. 2009. “Robustness of Trans-European Gas Networks.” Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics.
  • Coleman, James, Elihu Katz, and Herbert Menzel. 1957. “The Diffusion of an Innovation Among Physicians.” Socimetry 20 (4): 253–270.
  • Erdӧs, Paul, and Alfréd Rėnyi. 1959. “On Random Graphs.” Publicationes Mathematicae 6: 290–297.
  • Eteman, Fatma Sert, Necmi Gürsakal, and Selim Tüzüntürk. 2014. “NodeXL Ile Sosyal Ağ Analizi : # Akademikzam Örneği.” In 15. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırmaları ve İstatistik Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 464–482. Isparta.
  • Freeman, Linton C., R. White Douglas, and Romney Kimball. 1989. Research Methods in Social Network Analysis. Fairfax: George Mason University Press.
  • Freeman, Linton C. 2004. The Development of Social Network Analysis. Vancouver: Empirical Press.
  • Gastner, M.T. 2011. Networks: Theory and Applications. Imperial College.
  • Gell-Mann, Murray. 2002. What Is Complexity? Contributions to Economics. Physica-Verlag HD.
  • Goh, Kwang-Il, Michael E Cusick, David Valle, Barton Childs, Marc Vidal, and Albert-László Barabási. 2007. “The Human Disease Network.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (21): 8685–90.
  • Gopal, S. 2007. “The Evolving Social Geography of Blogs.” In Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access, 275–294. Berlin: Springer.
  • Granovetter, M.S. 1982. The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited. Social Structure and Network Analysis. CA: Sage Publications.
  • Granovetter, Mark S. 1973. “The Strength of Weak Ties.” The American Journal of Sociology 78 (6): 1360–1380.
  • Gürsakal, Necmi. 2007. Sosyal Bilimlerde Karmaşıklık ve Kaos. Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Gürsakal, Necmi. 2009. Sosyal Ağ Analizi: Pajek, Ucinet ve Gmine Uygulamalı. 1. Baskı. Bursa: Dora Yayınları.
  • Gürsakal, Necmi. 2016. Sosyal Ağ Analizi. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Gürsakal, Necmi, Selim Tüzüntürk, and Fatma Sert Eteman. 2014. “Sosyal Ağ Verilerinin Kuvvet Yasası Olasılık Dağılımına Uygunluk Analizi: Twitter Örneği.” In 15. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırması ve İstatistik Bildiriler Kitabı, 501–523. Isparta: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.
  • Harary, F., Norman R.Z., and Cartwright D. 1965. Structure Models: An Introduction to the Theory of Directed Graphs. Wiley, New York.
  • Huberman, B. A. 2001. The Laws of the Web. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Katz, Nancy, Holly Arrow, David Lazer, and Noshir Contractor. 2004. “Network Theory and Small Groups.” Small Group Research 35 (3): 307–332.
  • Kjos, Andrea Lee. 2009. “The Role Of Social Networks In Medication Information Seeking Behavior.” (Doktora Tezi). Minnesota: University Of Minnesota.
  • Kolaczyk, Eric D. 2009. Statistical Analysis of Network Data: Methods and Models. New York: Springer, New York.
  • Leinhardt, Samuel. 1977. Social Networks: A Developing Paradigm. Behavirol Science. London: Academic Press.
  • Luke, Douglas A., and Jenine K. Harris. 2007. “Network Analysis in Public Health: History, Methods, and Applications.” Annual Review of Public Health 28 (1): 69–93.
  • Marsden, Peter V., and Lin. Nan. 1982. Social Structure and Network Analysis. Beverly Hills: Sage.
  • Milgram, Stanley. 1967. “The Small World Problem.” Psychology Today 1 (1): 60–67.
  • Moreno, J. L. 1934. Who Shall Survive. Washington, DC,: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company.
  • Newman, M.E.J. 2003. “The Structure and Function of Complex Networks.” SIAM Review 45 (2): 167–256.
  • Newman, M.E.J. 2010. Networks An Introduction. England: Oxford University Press.
  • Newman, Mark, Albert-László Barabási, and Duncan J. Watts. 2006. The Structure and Dynamics of Networks. Princeton: NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Pool, Ithiel de Sola, and Manfred Kochen. 1978. “Contacts and Influence.” Social Networks 1: 5–51.
  • Price, Derek J. De Solla. 1965. “Networks of Scientific Papers.” American Association for the Advancement of Science 149 (3683): 510–515.
  • Scott, John. 1999. Social Network Analysis. Newbury Park: SAGE Publications.
  • Solomonoff, R., and Anatol Rapoport. 1951. “Connectivity of Random Nets.” Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 13 (2): 107–117.
  • Tuğal, İhsan. 2013. “Sosyal Ağlarda Hastalık İlaç Bağlantı Tahmini.” (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Elazığ: Fırat Üniversitesi.
  • Tüzüntürk, Selim. 2012. Ağ Bilimi. Bursa: Dora Yayınları.
  • Wasserman, Stanley, and Katherine Faust. 1994. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Watts, Duncan J., and Steven H. Strogatz. 1998. “Collective Dynamics of ‘small-World’ Networks.” Nature 393: 440–442.
  • White, Howard D., Barry Wellman, and Nancy Nazer. 2004. “Does Citation Reflect Social Structure?” Journal of the American Society For Information Science And Technology 55 (2): 111–126.
  • Zachary, Wayne W. 1977. “An Information Flow Model for Conflict and Fission in Small Groups.” Journal of Anthropological Research 33 (4): 452–73.
  • Zhang, Mingxin. 2010. “Social Network Analysis: History, Concepts and Research.” In Handbook of Social Network Technologies and Applications, 3–21. Springer, Boston, MA.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Dilek Gönçer Demiral 0000-0001-7400-1899

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Gönçer Demiral, D. (2020). AĞ BİLİMİ VE MODELLERİ. Uygulamalı Ekonomi Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(2), 36-55.