Research Article
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Investigation of publications on the use of technology in music education

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2022 Special Issue, 795 - 807, 10.12.2022


The aim of the study is to determine the research tendencies of publications on music education and technology. Constructed as a mixed methods research, this study follows an exploratory sequential explanatory design. One of the types of data collection technique, document analysis technique was used in the study. The study group of this research consists of articles on music education and technology searched in international databases. The "Publication Evaluation Form" developed by the researcher was used to collect the data of the study. During the data collection phase of the research, databases such as TR Index, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Springer Link, ResearchGate and ProQuest were used. In the search, 213 publications meeting the criteria were reached. As the result of the study, it is determined that usually the studies that are; few-authored, constructed with data collected through survey and observation forms, made with the sample groups selected with regards to availability, made with relatively easier statistical techniques. It is among the findings of the research that the necessary information was not specified in most of the studies examined.

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  • Adelsberger, H. H., Collis, B. & Pawlowski, J. M. (2013). Handbook on information technologies for education and training. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Ajjan, H. & Hartshorne, R. (2008). Investigating faculty decisions to adopt Web 2.0 technologies: Theory and empirical tests. The internet and higher education, 11(2), 71-80.
  • Alper, A. & Gulbahar, Y. (2009). Trends and issues in educational technologies: A review of recent research in TOJET. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), 124-135.
  • Arik, R. S. & Turkmen, M. (2009, May). Examination of articles in scientific journals published in the field of educational sciences. In I. Turkey First International Congress of Educational Research, Canakkale, Turkey
  • Ataman, O. G., Parasiz, G. & Kardes, B. (2021). Research tendencies of the ERIC indexed music education publications made in Turkey. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 13(3).
  • Ayhan, A. & Goktas, M. (2015, October). The place and importance of music in the digital dimension in people's social life. International Art Symposium and Exhibition, Malatya, Turkey.
  • Baltaci, A. (2019). The qualitative research process: how to conduct a qualitative research?. Ahi Evran University Journal of the Social Sciences Institute, 5(2), 368-388.
  • Burunkaya, M. & Yorulmaz, F. (2009, May). Design and construction of a microcontroller based electronic note education set. 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’09), Karabuk, Turkey.
  • Bush, T. & Crawford, M. (2012). Mapping the field over 40 years: A historical review. Educational Management Administration and Leadership. 40 (5), 537-543.
  • Buyukozturk, S., Kilic Cakmak, E., Akgun, O. E., Karadeniz, S. & Demirel, F. (2016). Scientific research methods. Pegem Academy.
  • Cain, T. (2004). Theory, technology and the music curriculum. British Journal of Music Education, 21(2), 215-221.
  • Comber, C., Colley, A., Hargreaves, D. J. & Dorn, L. (1997). The effects of age, gender and computer experience upon computer attitudes. Educational Research, 39(2), 123-133.
  • Connelly, L. M. (2016). Trustworthiness in qualitative research. Medsurg Nursing, 25(6), 435-437.
  • Crabtree, B. F. & Miller, W. L. (1999). Doing qualitative research. Sage Publications.
  • Cubukcu, Z., Yilmaz, B. Y. & Inci, T. (2016). Determination of comparative curriculum research trends -a content analysis. International Journal of Turkish Literature Culture Education, 5(1), 446-468.
  • Dogan, C. D. & Demir, E. (2017). Examination of academic articles published in educational science field in Turkey regarding number of citation and h index. The Journal of Academic Social Science, 5(60), 110-123
  • Erdem, D. (2011). Examining some of the features in terms of science education articles from the journals published between 2005-2006 in Turkey: A descriptive analysis. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 2(1), 140-147.
  • Grzybowski, A. (2009). The journal impact factor: how to interpret its true value and importance. Medical Science Monitor, 15(2), SR1-SR4.
  • Gurbuz, S. & Sahin, F. (2016). Research methods in social sciences. Seckin Publications.
  • Hertzberg, S. & Rudner, L. (1999). Quality of researchers' searches of the ERIC database. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 7, 25
  • Ho, W. C. (2004). Use of information technology and music learning in the search for quality education. British journal of educational technology, 35(1), 57-67.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Scientific research method. Nobel Publications.
  • Kemiksiz, O. (2017). Evaluation of articles on listening skills. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 5(1). 511-531.
  • Kerman, J. (2009). Contemplating music: Challenges to musicology. Harvard University Press.
  • Kurt, A. & Erdogan, M. (2015). Content analysis and trends of curriculum evaluation research: 2004-2013. Education and Science, 40 (178), 199-224.
  • Lorenzo, O., Herrera-Torres, L. & Hernández-Candelas, M. (2007). Scientific production in music education at the international level: an analysis of the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) database. Research Perspectives in Music Education, 11(1), 12-21.
  • Marshall, C. & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research. Sage Publications.
  • Nelson, P. (1991). New Instruments for the Performance of Electronic Music – Introduction, Contemporary Music Review, Harwood Academic Pub. GmbH, U.K, Vol. 6, Part 1, pp. 1-2.
  • Savage, J. (2005). Information communication technologies as a tool for re-imagining music education in the 21st century. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 6(2), 1-13.
  • Savage, J. (2007). Reconstructing music education through ICT. Research in Education, 78(1), 65-77.
  • Seyidoglu, H. (1995). Handbook of scientific research and writing. Guzem Publications.
  • Secer, I., Ay, I. Ozan, C. & Yilmaz, B.Y. (2014). Research trends in the field of guidance and psychological counseling: a content analysis. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 5(41), 49-60.
  • Sonmez, V. & Alacapinar, F. G. (2014).Scientific research methods. Ani Publications.
  • Tess, P. A. (2013). The role of social media in higher education classes (real and virtual)–A literature review. Computers in human behavior, 29(5), A60-A68.
  • Yildirim, A. & Simsek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Seckin Publications.
  • Yildiz, D. (2016). Examination of articles published in ınternational language journals in terms of object/subject and method. Gazi University Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 36(2): 399-425.
Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2022 Special Issue, 795 - 807, 10.12.2022


Project Number



  • Adelsberger, H. H., Collis, B. & Pawlowski, J. M. (2013). Handbook on information technologies for education and training. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Ajjan, H. & Hartshorne, R. (2008). Investigating faculty decisions to adopt Web 2.0 technologies: Theory and empirical tests. The internet and higher education, 11(2), 71-80.
  • Alper, A. & Gulbahar, Y. (2009). Trends and issues in educational technologies: A review of recent research in TOJET. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), 124-135.
  • Arik, R. S. & Turkmen, M. (2009, May). Examination of articles in scientific journals published in the field of educational sciences. In I. Turkey First International Congress of Educational Research, Canakkale, Turkey
  • Ataman, O. G., Parasiz, G. & Kardes, B. (2021). Research tendencies of the ERIC indexed music education publications made in Turkey. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 13(3).
  • Ayhan, A. & Goktas, M. (2015, October). The place and importance of music in the digital dimension in people's social life. International Art Symposium and Exhibition, Malatya, Turkey.
  • Baltaci, A. (2019). The qualitative research process: how to conduct a qualitative research?. Ahi Evran University Journal of the Social Sciences Institute, 5(2), 368-388.
  • Burunkaya, M. & Yorulmaz, F. (2009, May). Design and construction of a microcontroller based electronic note education set. 5th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’09), Karabuk, Turkey.
  • Bush, T. & Crawford, M. (2012). Mapping the field over 40 years: A historical review. Educational Management Administration and Leadership. 40 (5), 537-543.
  • Buyukozturk, S., Kilic Cakmak, E., Akgun, O. E., Karadeniz, S. & Demirel, F. (2016). Scientific research methods. Pegem Academy.
  • Cain, T. (2004). Theory, technology and the music curriculum. British Journal of Music Education, 21(2), 215-221.
  • Comber, C., Colley, A., Hargreaves, D. J. & Dorn, L. (1997). The effects of age, gender and computer experience upon computer attitudes. Educational Research, 39(2), 123-133.
  • Connelly, L. M. (2016). Trustworthiness in qualitative research. Medsurg Nursing, 25(6), 435-437.
  • Crabtree, B. F. & Miller, W. L. (1999). Doing qualitative research. Sage Publications.
  • Cubukcu, Z., Yilmaz, B. Y. & Inci, T. (2016). Determination of comparative curriculum research trends -a content analysis. International Journal of Turkish Literature Culture Education, 5(1), 446-468.
  • Dogan, C. D. & Demir, E. (2017). Examination of academic articles published in educational science field in Turkey regarding number of citation and h index. The Journal of Academic Social Science, 5(60), 110-123
  • Erdem, D. (2011). Examining some of the features in terms of science education articles from the journals published between 2005-2006 in Turkey: A descriptive analysis. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 2(1), 140-147.
  • Grzybowski, A. (2009). The journal impact factor: how to interpret its true value and importance. Medical Science Monitor, 15(2), SR1-SR4.
  • Gurbuz, S. & Sahin, F. (2016). Research methods in social sciences. Seckin Publications.
  • Hertzberg, S. & Rudner, L. (1999). Quality of researchers' searches of the ERIC database. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 7, 25
  • Ho, W. C. (2004). Use of information technology and music learning in the search for quality education. British journal of educational technology, 35(1), 57-67.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Scientific research method. Nobel Publications.
  • Kemiksiz, O. (2017). Evaluation of articles on listening skills. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 5(1). 511-531.
  • Kerman, J. (2009). Contemplating music: Challenges to musicology. Harvard University Press.
  • Kurt, A. & Erdogan, M. (2015). Content analysis and trends of curriculum evaluation research: 2004-2013. Education and Science, 40 (178), 199-224.
  • Lorenzo, O., Herrera-Torres, L. & Hernández-Candelas, M. (2007). Scientific production in music education at the international level: an analysis of the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) database. Research Perspectives in Music Education, 11(1), 12-21.
  • Marshall, C. & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research. Sage Publications.
  • Nelson, P. (1991). New Instruments for the Performance of Electronic Music – Introduction, Contemporary Music Review, Harwood Academic Pub. GmbH, U.K, Vol. 6, Part 1, pp. 1-2.
  • Savage, J. (2005). Information communication technologies as a tool for re-imagining music education in the 21st century. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 6(2), 1-13.
  • Savage, J. (2007). Reconstructing music education through ICT. Research in Education, 78(1), 65-77.
  • Seyidoglu, H. (1995). Handbook of scientific research and writing. Guzem Publications.
  • Secer, I., Ay, I. Ozan, C. & Yilmaz, B.Y. (2014). Research trends in the field of guidance and psychological counseling: a content analysis. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 5(41), 49-60.
  • Sonmez, V. & Alacapinar, F. G. (2014).Scientific research methods. Ani Publications.
  • Tess, P. A. (2013). The role of social media in higher education classes (real and virtual)–A literature review. Computers in human behavior, 29(5), A60-A68.
  • Yildirim, A. & Simsek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Seckin Publications.
  • Yildiz, D. (2016). Examination of articles published in ınternational language journals in terms of object/subject and method. Gazi University Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 36(2): 399-425.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Barış Kardeş 0000-0002-4802-5202

Project Number -
Early Pub Date October 18, 2022
Publication Date December 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 4 - ICETOL 2022 Special Issue


APA Kardeş, B. (2022). Investigation of publications on the use of technology in music education. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 5(4), 795-807.