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Sexual Health Education at Home and at School

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 152 - 159, 25.08.2021


World Health Organization (WHO) defines sexual health not only as absence of functional disorder or disability, but also as a state of complete sexual well-being in a physical, emotional, mental, and social sense. Regarding sexuality, which is an instinct and a necessity of being human, providing education at the right time by individuals with sufficient information and training may play a significant role in reducing and/or preventing issues which may arise among the youth. Since sexual health education may be different for every country and every culture, it may be appropriate to start with families by educating parents in the most appropriate way and including relevant subjects in school programs with professional educators. As public health professionals, school nurses are responsible for protecting sexual/sexual health rights given by the laws, having a say in changes in such laws, and sharing their knowledge and skills with students in a proper manner. School nurses should take the lead in raising awareness by informing parents, teachers and students about the necessity and importance of sexual health education. The aim of the current study is to emphasize the importance of sexual health education for adolescents both in the family and educational institutions.


  • Ashraah, M. M., Gmaian, I., & Al-Shudaifat, S. (2013). Sex education as viewed by Islam education. European Journal of Scientific Research, 95(1), 5-16.
  • Astle, S., McAllister, P., Emanuels, S., Rogers, J., Toews, M., & Yazedjian, A. (2021). College students’ suggestions for improving sex education in schools beyond ‘blah blah blah condoms and STDs’. Sex Education, 21(1), 91-105.
  • Barratt, B. B. (2008). Evaluating brief group interventions in sexuality education and enhancement: Do workshops really work?. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 3(4), 323-343.
  • Bouclaous,C.H., Alrazim,A., Chababi,J., Jamaleddine,W., Nassar,E., Maalouf,A., Aridy, S.D., Naccache,M., Abboud,D.M., Assi,M., & Slika,M. (2021) Association between sources of sexuality education, sexual beliefs and behaviours in Lebanese young adults: a university-based cross-sectional study, Sex Education, 21:1, 1-12,
  • Brayboy, L. M., Sepolen, A., Mezoian, T., Schultz, L., Landgren-Mills, B. S., Spencer, N., Wheeler, C., & Clark, M. A. (2017). Girl Talk: A Smartphone Application to Teach Sexual Health Education to Adolescent Girls. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 30(1), 23–28.
  • Buston, K., Wight, D., & Hart, G. (2002). Inside the sex education classroom: the importance of context in engaging pupils. Culture, health & sexuality, 4(3), 317-335.
  • Byers, E. S., Sears, H. A., Voyer, S. D., Thurlow, J. L., Cohen, J. N., & Weaver, A. D. (2003). An adolescent perspective on sexual health education at school and at home: I. High school students. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 12(1), 1–17.
  • Çuhadaroğlu, A. (2017). The effects of sex education on psychological counselling students in Turkey. Sex Education, 17(2), 209-219.
  • Gonzalez, R., & Maryland, M. (2012). Patient advocacy in the community and legislative arenas. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(1).
  • Grose, R. G., Grabe, S., & Kohfeldt, D. (2014). Sexual education, gender ideology, and youth sexual empowerment. Journal of sex research, 51(7), 742–753.
  • Haruna, H., Hu, X., Chu, S., Mellecker, R. R., Gabriel, G., & Ndekao, P. S. (2018). Improving Sexual Health Education Programs for Adolescent Students through Game-Based Learning and Gamification. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(9), 2027.
  • Kohler, P. K., Manhart, L. E., & Lafferty, W. E. (2008). Abstinence-only and comprehensive sex education and the initiation of sexual activity and teen pregnancy. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 42(4), 344–351.
  • Leung, H., Shek, D. T., Leung, E., & Shek, E. Y. (2019). Development of contextually-relevant sexuality education: lessons from a comprehensive review of adolescent sexuality education across cultures. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(4), 621.
  • Lin, Y. L., & Lin, Y. C. (2018). Effectiveness of the sexual attitude restructuring curriculum amongst Taiwanese graduate students. Sex Education, 18(2), 140-156.
  • Nadeem, A., Cheema, M. K., & Zameer, S. (2021). Perceptions of Muslim parents and teachers towards sex education in Pakistan. Sex Education, 21(1), 106-118.
  • Narushima, M., Wong, J. P. H., Li, A. T. W., Bhagat, D., Bisignano, A., Fung, K. P. L., & Poon, M. K. L. (2020). Youth perspectives on sexual health education: Voices from the YEP study in Toronto. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 291(1), 32–44.
  • Oosterhoff, P., Müller, C., & Shephard, K. (2017). Introduction: Sex education in the digital era. IDS Bulletin,, 48(1), 1-6
  • Robinson, K. H., Smith, E., & Davies, C. (2017). Responsibilities, tensions and ways forward: Parents’ perspectives on children’s sexuality education. Sex Education, 17(3), 333-347.
  • Seiler-Ramadas, R., Mosor, E., Omara, M., Grabovac, I., Schindler, K., Niederkrotenthaler, T., & Dorner, T. E. (2021). ‘We’re going around the subject’improving sex education and adolescents’ awareness of sexually transmitted infections: a qualitative study. Sex Education, 21(1), 119-132.
  • Shams, M., Parhizkar, S., Mousavizadeh, A., & Majdpour, M. (2017). Mothers' views about sexual health education for their adolescent daughters: a qualitative study. Reproductive health, 14(1), 24.
  • Sommart, J., & Sota, C. (2013). The effectiveness of a school-based sexual health education program for junior high school students in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 91, 208-214.
  • Sprecher, S., Harris, G., & Meyers, A. (2008). Perceptions of sources of sex education and targets of sex communication: sociodemographic and cohort effects. Journal of sex research, 45(1), 17–26.
  • Stephenson, J. M., Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., Copas, A., Allen, E., Babiker, A., Black, S., Ali, M., Monteiro, H., Johnson, A. M., & RIPPLE study team (2004). Pupil-led sex education in England (RIPPLE study): cluster-randomised intervention trial. Lancet (London, England), 364(9431), 338–346.
  • UNFPA (2018), Implementation of sexuality education in middle schools in China, Retrieved February 10, 2021, from
  • Wanje, G., Masese, L., Avuvika, E., Baghazal, A., Omoni, G., & Scott McClelland, R. (2017). Parents' and teachers' views on sexual health education and screening for sexually transmitted infections among in-school adolescent girls in Kenya: a qualitative study. Reproductive health, 14(1), 95.
  • Wong, T., Pharr, J. R., Bungum, T., Coughenour, C., & Lough, N. L. (2019). Effects of peer sexual health education on college campuses: a systematic review. Health promotion practice, 20(5), 652-666.
  • World Health Organization. (1975). Education and treatment in human sexuality: the training of health professionals, report of a WHO meeting [‎‎ held in Geneva from 6 to 12 February 1974]‎‎. World Health Organization.
  • World Health Organization. (2006). Defining sexual health: report of a technical consultation on sexual health, 28-31 January 2002, Geneva. World Health Organization.

Sexual Health Education at Home and at School

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 152 - 159, 25.08.2021


Cinsel sağlık; Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün ifadesiyle; sadece hastalık, işlev bozukluğu veya sakatlığın olmaması değil, cinsellikle ilişkili olarak fiziksel, duygusal, zihinsel ve sosyal olarak tam bir iyilik halidir. İnsan olmanın gerekliliklerinden olan içgüdüsel olarak bulunan cinselliğin eğitim olarak doğru zamanda uygun bir şekilde yeterli bilgi ve donanıma sahip kişiler tarafından verilmesi gençlerde gelişebilecek sorunların azalmasında ve/veya önlenmesinde büyük rol oynayabilir. Cinsel sağlık eğitimi her ülke ve her kültür için farklı olabileceğinden, profesyonel eğitimcilerle birlikte okul programlarına ebeveynleri en uygun şekilde eğiterek ailelerle başlamak uygun olabilir. Halk sağlığı profesyonelleri olarak, okul hemşireleri, öğrencilerin yasada verilen cinsel/cinsel sağlık haklarını savunma ve bu yasaların değişikliği ile ilgili söz sahibi olma ve edindiği bilgi ve beceriyi uygun bir şekilde öğrencilere aktarma sorumluluğuna sahiptirler. Okul hemşireleri, cinsel sağlık eğitiminin gerekliliği ve önemi ile ilgili ebeveynler, öğretmenler ve öğrencilere bilgi vererek farkındalık yaratmada liderlik etmelidir. Cinsel sağlık eğitimi her ülkede ve her kültürde farklılar gösterebileceğinden en uygun şekilde gerek ebeveynlerin eğitilerek ailede başlanması, gerekse profesyonel eğitmenler ile okul programlarına konularak anlatılması uygun olabilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hem ailede hem de eğitim kurumlarında ergenler için cinsel sağlık eğitiminin önemini vurgulamaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hem ailede hem de eğitim kurumlarında adölesanlar için cinsel sağlık eğitiminin önemini vurgulamaktır.


  • Ashraah, M. M., Gmaian, I., & Al-Shudaifat, S. (2013). Sex education as viewed by Islam education. European Journal of Scientific Research, 95(1), 5-16.
  • Astle, S., McAllister, P., Emanuels, S., Rogers, J., Toews, M., & Yazedjian, A. (2021). College students’ suggestions for improving sex education in schools beyond ‘blah blah blah condoms and STDs’. Sex Education, 21(1), 91-105.
  • Barratt, B. B. (2008). Evaluating brief group interventions in sexuality education and enhancement: Do workshops really work?. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 3(4), 323-343.
  • Bouclaous,C.H., Alrazim,A., Chababi,J., Jamaleddine,W., Nassar,E., Maalouf,A., Aridy, S.D., Naccache,M., Abboud,D.M., Assi,M., & Slika,M. (2021) Association between sources of sexuality education, sexual beliefs and behaviours in Lebanese young adults: a university-based cross-sectional study, Sex Education, 21:1, 1-12,
  • Brayboy, L. M., Sepolen, A., Mezoian, T., Schultz, L., Landgren-Mills, B. S., Spencer, N., Wheeler, C., & Clark, M. A. (2017). Girl Talk: A Smartphone Application to Teach Sexual Health Education to Adolescent Girls. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 30(1), 23–28.
  • Buston, K., Wight, D., & Hart, G. (2002). Inside the sex education classroom: the importance of context in engaging pupils. Culture, health & sexuality, 4(3), 317-335.
  • Byers, E. S., Sears, H. A., Voyer, S. D., Thurlow, J. L., Cohen, J. N., & Weaver, A. D. (2003). An adolescent perspective on sexual health education at school and at home: I. High school students. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 12(1), 1–17.
  • Çuhadaroğlu, A. (2017). The effects of sex education on psychological counselling students in Turkey. Sex Education, 17(2), 209-219.
  • Gonzalez, R., & Maryland, M. (2012). Patient advocacy in the community and legislative arenas. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(1).
  • Grose, R. G., Grabe, S., & Kohfeldt, D. (2014). Sexual education, gender ideology, and youth sexual empowerment. Journal of sex research, 51(7), 742–753.
  • Haruna, H., Hu, X., Chu, S., Mellecker, R. R., Gabriel, G., & Ndekao, P. S. (2018). Improving Sexual Health Education Programs for Adolescent Students through Game-Based Learning and Gamification. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(9), 2027.
  • Kohler, P. K., Manhart, L. E., & Lafferty, W. E. (2008). Abstinence-only and comprehensive sex education and the initiation of sexual activity and teen pregnancy. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 42(4), 344–351.
  • Leung, H., Shek, D. T., Leung, E., & Shek, E. Y. (2019). Development of contextually-relevant sexuality education: lessons from a comprehensive review of adolescent sexuality education across cultures. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(4), 621.
  • Lin, Y. L., & Lin, Y. C. (2018). Effectiveness of the sexual attitude restructuring curriculum amongst Taiwanese graduate students. Sex Education, 18(2), 140-156.
  • Nadeem, A., Cheema, M. K., & Zameer, S. (2021). Perceptions of Muslim parents and teachers towards sex education in Pakistan. Sex Education, 21(1), 106-118.
  • Narushima, M., Wong, J. P. H., Li, A. T. W., Bhagat, D., Bisignano, A., Fung, K. P. L., & Poon, M. K. L. (2020). Youth perspectives on sexual health education: Voices from the YEP study in Toronto. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 291(1), 32–44.
  • Oosterhoff, P., Müller, C., & Shephard, K. (2017). Introduction: Sex education in the digital era. IDS Bulletin,, 48(1), 1-6
  • Robinson, K. H., Smith, E., & Davies, C. (2017). Responsibilities, tensions and ways forward: Parents’ perspectives on children’s sexuality education. Sex Education, 17(3), 333-347.
  • Seiler-Ramadas, R., Mosor, E., Omara, M., Grabovac, I., Schindler, K., Niederkrotenthaler, T., & Dorner, T. E. (2021). ‘We’re going around the subject’improving sex education and adolescents’ awareness of sexually transmitted infections: a qualitative study. Sex Education, 21(1), 119-132.
  • Shams, M., Parhizkar, S., Mousavizadeh, A., & Majdpour, M. (2017). Mothers' views about sexual health education for their adolescent daughters: a qualitative study. Reproductive health, 14(1), 24.
  • Sommart, J., & Sota, C. (2013). The effectiveness of a school-based sexual health education program for junior high school students in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 91, 208-214.
  • Sprecher, S., Harris, G., & Meyers, A. (2008). Perceptions of sources of sex education and targets of sex communication: sociodemographic and cohort effects. Journal of sex research, 45(1), 17–26.
  • Stephenson, J. M., Strange, V., Forrest, S., Oakley, A., Copas, A., Allen, E., Babiker, A., Black, S., Ali, M., Monteiro, H., Johnson, A. M., & RIPPLE study team (2004). Pupil-led sex education in England (RIPPLE study): cluster-randomised intervention trial. Lancet (London, England), 364(9431), 338–346.
  • UNFPA (2018), Implementation of sexuality education in middle schools in China, Retrieved February 10, 2021, from
  • Wanje, G., Masese, L., Avuvika, E., Baghazal, A., Omoni, G., & Scott McClelland, R. (2017). Parents' and teachers' views on sexual health education and screening for sexually transmitted infections among in-school adolescent girls in Kenya: a qualitative study. Reproductive health, 14(1), 95.
  • Wong, T., Pharr, J. R., Bungum, T., Coughenour, C., & Lough, N. L. (2019). Effects of peer sexual health education on college campuses: a systematic review. Health promotion practice, 20(5), 652-666.
  • World Health Organization. (1975). Education and treatment in human sexuality: the training of health professionals, report of a WHO meeting [‎‎ held in Geneva from 6 to 12 February 1974]‎‎. World Health Organization.
  • World Health Organization. (2006). Defining sexual health: report of a technical consultation on sexual health, 28-31 January 2002, Geneva. World Health Organization.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derlemeler

Nergiz Eryılmaz 0000-0001-5286-8539

Barış Kösretaş 0000-0001-9474-8586

Safa Ataman Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9304-2650

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ağustos 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Şubat 2021
Kabul Tarihi 6 Mayıs 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Eryılmaz, N., Kösretaş, B., & Ataman, S. (2021). Sexual Health Education at Home and at School. Genel Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 152-159.

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