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Hemşirelikte Kitlesel Açık Çevrimiçi Kurslar: Retrospektif Tanımlayıcı Bir Çalışma

Yıl 2024, , 194 - 203, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Kitlesel açık çevrimiçi kurslar, hemşirelik eğitiminde sürekli öğrenme ve bilgi güncelleme süreçlerini kolaylaştıran, kolay erişilebilir ve esnek öğrenme ortamlarıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hemşirelikle ilgili var olan kitlesel açık çevrimiçi kursların özelliklerini incelemektir.
Yöntem: Retrospektif tanımlayıcı yöntem kullanılan araştırmada, online eğitim veren kursların web sitelerinde "nursing" anahtar kelimesi ile tarama yapıldı. Tarama sonunda Edx (n=12), Udemy (n=268), Coursera (n=64), Alison (n=25), Future Learn (n=57), Class Central (n=189), Mooc List (n=35), My Education Path (n=34) ve Skill Share (n=10) platformlarında 694 kurs belirlendi. Dışlama kriterleri uygulanarak, tekrarlayan, hemşirelik bilimi ile ilgisi olmayan, İngilizce dışındaki dillerde olan ve süresi dolmuş kurslar elendi ve nihai örneklem 149 kurs olarak belirlendi. Veriler, Mart-Haziran 2023 tarihleri arasında 19 maddelik veri toplama formu kullanılarak toplandı ve IBM SPSS 25 programı ile analiz edildi.
Bulgular: Taranan 149 kursun %55'inin ücretsiz olduğu, %51,7'sinin 1-3 hafta sürdüğü ve %71,1'inin kurs izlencelerinin bulunduğu tespit edildi. Ayrıca, kursların yalnızca %8,1'inin akredite olduğu, %79,9'unun tamamlayan katılımcılara sertifika verdiği belirlendi. Eğitim materyalleri genellikle çoklu materyal kullanımı (%57) ile sunulmakta olup, kursların %53'ü üniversiteler tarafından organize edilmekteydi. En çok kurs düzenlenen alan ise hemşirelik esasları alanıydı (%32,9).
Sonuç: İncelenen kitlesel açık çevrimiçi kursların çoğunun üniversiteler tarafından organize edilen, kayıtlı ve ücretsiz kurslar olması hemşirelerin erişimini ve sürekli eğitim fırsatlarını artırabilir.


  • Daniel SJ. Education and the COVID-19 pandemic. Prospects. 2020;49(1):91-6.
  • Lai JW, Bower M. How is the use of technology in education evaluated? A systematic review. Comput Educ. 2019;133:27-42.
  • Gültekin M. Değişen toplumda eğitim ve öğretmen nitelikleri. Anadolu J Educ Sci Int. 2020;10(1):654-700.
  • Sá MJ, Serpa S. The COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to foster the sustainable development of teaching in higher education. Sustainability. 2020;12(20):8525.
  • Smirnova EA, Stolyarova AN, Surnina KS, Denenberg YM, Dikova TV. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of digital technologies in academic education. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(1-2021):207-13.
  • Waldrop MM. Campus 2.0. Nature. 2013;495(7440):160.
  • Maxwell WD, Fabel PH, Diaz V, Walkow JC, Kwiek NC, Kanchanaraksa S, et al. Massive open online courses in US healthcare education: practical considerations and lessons learned from implementation. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2018;10(6):736-43.
  • Quintana RM, Hearn CS, Peurach DJ, Gabriele K. Self-directed/community-supported learning: design principles to support learner engagement at scale. In: Handbook of Research on Online Discussion-Based Teaching Methods. IGI Global; 2020. p. 1-21.
  • Bindon SL. Professional development strategies to enhance nurses’ knowledge and maintain safe practice. AORN J. 2017;106(2):99-110.
  • Öztürk H, Kurt Y, Özkan ÇG, Tor E, Kavgacı A. Hemşirelerin hastanedeki eğitim fırsatları, eğitimlerde bilgisayar ve teknoloji ürünlerini kullanımına ilişkin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Dergisi. 2019;15:69-83.
  • Yüksekdağ BB. Uzaktan hemşirelik eğitimine ilişkin algılar. Eğitim Teknol Kuram ve Uygulama. 2020;10(2):490-503.
  • Bellack JP. MOOCs: the future is here. SLACK Incorporated Thorofare, NJ; 2013. p.3-4.
  • Aung KT, Razak RA, Nazry NNM, Ali NAM. Evaluating the readiness of nurses for massive open online courses (MOOCs) in continuing nursing education. J Contemp Soc Sci Educ Stud. 2023;3(1):1-15.
  • Padilha JM, Machado PP, Ribeiro AL, Ribeiro R, Vieira F, Costa P. Easiness, usefulness and intention to use a MOOC in nursing. Nurse Educ Today. 2021;97:104705.
  • Longhini J, De Colle B, Rossettini G, Palese A. What knowledge is available on massive open online courses in nursing and academic healthcare sciences education? A rapid review. Nurse Educ Today. 2021;99:104812.
  • Guo X. Design and application of online teaching system of infectious disease nursing based on MOOC. Proc 3rd Int Conf New Media Dev Modern Educ. 2024; October 13–15, 2023, Xi’an, China.
  • Atik A, Ata A. Alternatif dijital eğitim platformu olarak kitlesel çevrimiçi açık ders (MOOC) uygulamaları. Soc Sci. 2018;13(4):144-54.
  • Ucha CR. Role of course relevance and course content quality in MOOCs acceptance and use. Comput Educ Open. 2023;5:100147.
  • Afang L, Zain NM, Yusuf A, Haiyan D, Qi H. Development and effectiveness of online teaching on practical skills among nursing students: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nurse Educ Pract. 2024:103988.
  • Salas-Rueda RA, Castañeda-Martínez R, Eslava-Cervantes AL, Alvarado-Zamorano C. Teachers’ perception about MOOCs and ICT during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contemp Educ Technol. 2022;14(1):ep343.
  • Kimura R, Matsunaga M, Barroga E, Hayashi N. Asynchronous e-learning with technology-enabled and enhanced training for continuing education of nurses: a scoping review. BMC Med Educ. 2023;23(1):505.
  • Blaser B, Ladner RE, editors. Why is data on disability so hard to collect and understand? 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT); 2020: IEEE.
  • Voudoukis N, Pagiatakis G. Massive open online courses (MOOCs): practices, trends, and challenges for the higher education. Eur J Educ Pedag. 2022;3(3):288-95.
  • Despujol I, Castañeda L, Marín VI, Turró C. What do we want to know about MOOCs? Results from a machine learning approach to a systematic literature mapping review. Int J Educ Technol High Educ. 2022;19(1):53.
  • Purnama Y. Exploring the psychological impact of machine translation on improving english vocabulary proficiency among university students. J ReAttach Ther Dev Divers. 2023;6(7s):549-54.
  • Colas JF, Sloep PB, Garreta-Domingo M. The effect of multilingual facilitation on active participation in MOOCs. Int Rev Res Open Distrib Learn. 2016;17(4):280-314.
  • Malaquias FFD, Junior RJDS. Understanding cultural determinants of MOOCs offering: A cross-country study. Turk Online J Distance Educ. 2020;21(4):195-205.
  • Arpaci I, Al-Emran M, Al-Sharafi MA. The impact of knowledge management practices on the acceptance of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) by engineering students: A cross-cultural comparison. Telemat Inform. 2020;54:101468.
  • İlaslan E, Adıbelli D, Teskereci G, Cura ŞÜ. Development of nursing students' critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills. Teach Learn Nurs. 2023;18(1):152-9.
  • Li Y, Li X, Liu Y, Li Y. Application effect of BOPPPS teaching model on fundamentals of nursing education: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Front Med. 2024;11:1319711.
  • Luo Y, Xu T. Practices and strategies of online teaching of fundamentals of nursing for higher vocational medical college students. World Sci Res J. 2022;8(9):53-63.

Massive Open Online Courses in Nursing: A Retrospective Descriptive Study

Yıl 2024, , 194 - 203, 31.12.2024


Aim: Massive open online courses are easily accessible and flexible learning environments that facilitate continuous learning and knowledge updating processes in nursing education. The purpose of this study is to examine the features of existing massive open online courses related to nursing.
Method: In this retrospective descriptive study, online course websites were searched using the keyword "nursing." The search identified 694 courses on platforms such as Edx (n=12), Udemy (n=268), Coursera (n=64), Alison (n=25), Future Learn (n=57), Class Central (n=189), Mooc List (n=35), My Education Path (n=34), and Skill Share (n=10). Exclusion criteria were applied to eliminate duplicate, courses unrelated to nursing, courses in languages other than English, and expired courses. The final sample consisted of 149 courses. Data were collected between March and June 2023 using a 19-item data collection form and analyzed with IBM SPSS 25.
Results: It was found that 55% of the 149 courses scanned were free, 51.7% lasted 1-3 weeks and 71.1% had course syllabuses. Additionally, it was determined that only 8.1% of the courses were accredited, and 79.9% issued certificates to participants who completed them. Training materials were generally presented with the use of multiple materials (57%), and 53% of the courses were organized by universities. The field where the most courses were held was the field of nursing principles (32.9%).
Conclusion: The fact that most of the examined massive open online courses are organized by universities, registered, and free of charge can increase accessibility and continuous education opportunities for nurses.


  • Daniel SJ. Education and the COVID-19 pandemic. Prospects. 2020;49(1):91-6.
  • Lai JW, Bower M. How is the use of technology in education evaluated? A systematic review. Comput Educ. 2019;133:27-42.
  • Gültekin M. Değişen toplumda eğitim ve öğretmen nitelikleri. Anadolu J Educ Sci Int. 2020;10(1):654-700.
  • Sá MJ, Serpa S. The COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to foster the sustainable development of teaching in higher education. Sustainability. 2020;12(20):8525.
  • Smirnova EA, Stolyarova AN, Surnina KS, Denenberg YM, Dikova TV. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of digital technologies in academic education. J Adv Pharm Educ Res. 2021;11(1-2021):207-13.
  • Waldrop MM. Campus 2.0. Nature. 2013;495(7440):160.
  • Maxwell WD, Fabel PH, Diaz V, Walkow JC, Kwiek NC, Kanchanaraksa S, et al. Massive open online courses in US healthcare education: practical considerations and lessons learned from implementation. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2018;10(6):736-43.
  • Quintana RM, Hearn CS, Peurach DJ, Gabriele K. Self-directed/community-supported learning: design principles to support learner engagement at scale. In: Handbook of Research on Online Discussion-Based Teaching Methods. IGI Global; 2020. p. 1-21.
  • Bindon SL. Professional development strategies to enhance nurses’ knowledge and maintain safe practice. AORN J. 2017;106(2):99-110.
  • Öztürk H, Kurt Y, Özkan ÇG, Tor E, Kavgacı A. Hemşirelerin hastanedeki eğitim fırsatları, eğitimlerde bilgisayar ve teknoloji ürünlerini kullanımına ilişkin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Dergisi. 2019;15:69-83.
  • Yüksekdağ BB. Uzaktan hemşirelik eğitimine ilişkin algılar. Eğitim Teknol Kuram ve Uygulama. 2020;10(2):490-503.
  • Bellack JP. MOOCs: the future is here. SLACK Incorporated Thorofare, NJ; 2013. p.3-4.
  • Aung KT, Razak RA, Nazry NNM, Ali NAM. Evaluating the readiness of nurses for massive open online courses (MOOCs) in continuing nursing education. J Contemp Soc Sci Educ Stud. 2023;3(1):1-15.
  • Padilha JM, Machado PP, Ribeiro AL, Ribeiro R, Vieira F, Costa P. Easiness, usefulness and intention to use a MOOC in nursing. Nurse Educ Today. 2021;97:104705.
  • Longhini J, De Colle B, Rossettini G, Palese A. What knowledge is available on massive open online courses in nursing and academic healthcare sciences education? A rapid review. Nurse Educ Today. 2021;99:104812.
  • Guo X. Design and application of online teaching system of infectious disease nursing based on MOOC. Proc 3rd Int Conf New Media Dev Modern Educ. 2024; October 13–15, 2023, Xi’an, China.
  • Atik A, Ata A. Alternatif dijital eğitim platformu olarak kitlesel çevrimiçi açık ders (MOOC) uygulamaları. Soc Sci. 2018;13(4):144-54.
  • Ucha CR. Role of course relevance and course content quality in MOOCs acceptance and use. Comput Educ Open. 2023;5:100147.
  • Afang L, Zain NM, Yusuf A, Haiyan D, Qi H. Development and effectiveness of online teaching on practical skills among nursing students: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nurse Educ Pract. 2024:103988.
  • Salas-Rueda RA, Castañeda-Martínez R, Eslava-Cervantes AL, Alvarado-Zamorano C. Teachers’ perception about MOOCs and ICT during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contemp Educ Technol. 2022;14(1):ep343.
  • Kimura R, Matsunaga M, Barroga E, Hayashi N. Asynchronous e-learning with technology-enabled and enhanced training for continuing education of nurses: a scoping review. BMC Med Educ. 2023;23(1):505.
  • Blaser B, Ladner RE, editors. Why is data on disability so hard to collect and understand? 2020 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT); 2020: IEEE.
  • Voudoukis N, Pagiatakis G. Massive open online courses (MOOCs): practices, trends, and challenges for the higher education. Eur J Educ Pedag. 2022;3(3):288-95.
  • Despujol I, Castañeda L, Marín VI, Turró C. What do we want to know about MOOCs? Results from a machine learning approach to a systematic literature mapping review. Int J Educ Technol High Educ. 2022;19(1):53.
  • Purnama Y. Exploring the psychological impact of machine translation on improving english vocabulary proficiency among university students. J ReAttach Ther Dev Divers. 2023;6(7s):549-54.
  • Colas JF, Sloep PB, Garreta-Domingo M. The effect of multilingual facilitation on active participation in MOOCs. Int Rev Res Open Distrib Learn. 2016;17(4):280-314.
  • Malaquias FFD, Junior RJDS. Understanding cultural determinants of MOOCs offering: A cross-country study. Turk Online J Distance Educ. 2020;21(4):195-205.
  • Arpaci I, Al-Emran M, Al-Sharafi MA. The impact of knowledge management practices on the acceptance of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) by engineering students: A cross-cultural comparison. Telemat Inform. 2020;54:101468.
  • İlaslan E, Adıbelli D, Teskereci G, Cura ŞÜ. Development of nursing students' critical thinking and clinical decision-making skills. Teach Learn Nurs. 2023;18(1):152-9.
  • Li Y, Li X, Liu Y, Li Y. Application effect of BOPPPS teaching model on fundamentals of nursing education: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Front Med. 2024;11:1319711.
  • Luo Y, Xu T. Practices and strategies of online teaching of fundamentals of nursing for higher vocational medical college students. World Sci Res J. 2022;8(9):53-63.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Hemşirelik Eğitimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mahmut Dağcı 0000-0003-0883-9129

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Dağcı M. Massive Open Online Courses in Nursing: A Retrospective Descriptive Study. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Klinik Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2024;3(3):194-203.