Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 73 - 81, 30.06.2023



  • Akca Baştürk, E., & Ergül, S. (2016). Kitle iletişim çalışmaları alanında toplumsal cinsiyet çalışmalarının gelişimi; temel yaklaşımlar ve çalışmalar üzerinden bir çerçeve çizme çabası (The development of gender studies in the field of mass communication studies; an effort to draw a framework over basic approaches and studies). Toplumsal Cinsiyet & Medya Temsilleri (Gender and Media Representations) (pp.17-40).Heyamola
  • Ersoy Çak, Ş. (2017). Toplumsal cinsiyet teorileri bağlamında türkiye deki reklam filmleri ve müzik videoları (Advertising films and music videos in Turkey in the context of gender theories). Müzikte Temsil & Müziksel Temsil II (Representation in Music & Musical Representation II), Istanbul/Turkiye, 19 October 2010, pp. 397-403
  • Ersoy Çak, Ş. (2017). Toplumsal cinsiyet kuramlarının müzikoloji ve etnomüzikoloji araştırmalarındaki izleri (Traces of gender theories in musicology and ethnomusicology research). International Journal of Social Science, 62, 213-227.
  • Ersoy Çak, Ş. (2018). Toplumsal cinsiyet ve müziğe dair (On gender and music). Journal of Ethnomusicology, 1(1), 68-80 .
  • Kucukgokce, O. (2020). Women composers in turkish traditional art music. Women and Art Through The Ages (pp.209-216). Izmir: Ege University Publishing
  • Makal, A. (2020). Toplumsal cinsiyet açısından müzik ve kadın: dünyada ve türkiye’de kadın müzisyenler ve cinsiyete dayalı ayrımcılık (Music and women from the gender perspective: women musicians in the world and in Turkey and gender-based discrimination). Çalışma ve Toplum (Work and Society), 2(65) , 739-790 .
  • Web sites Web 1:
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Güledâ and Aşk-ı Nevâ Turkish Music Ensembles in the context of gender

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 73 - 81, 30.06.2023


As of 2023, it has been determined that there are about 210 Turkish classical music ensembles in İzmir. This article mainly focuses on the gender equality, women's labor, women's place in society, the importance of women for democratic futures, the place and importance of women in social life and special days, the representation of modern Turkish women, and the Güledâ Turkish Music Women's Ensemble. and Aşk-ı Nevâ Turkish Music Ensemble in the context of the concept of gender. These ensembles have been chosen among the ensembles in Izmir, in that everyone performing in the ensemble is a woman, the repertoire they have chosen, and the issues that focus on women. In this study, the questioning of the place of women in the field of Turkish classical music has been examined in parallel with the subjects of female composers, female orchestral artists, female conductors, and female soloists that Makal (2020) mentioned in her work. This study is suitable for qualitative research techniques as it is based on the analysis of the data obtained from the choir conductor (also soloist), the interviews with the instrumentalists, the data obtained as a result of netnography, and the data obtained from the audio and video archives. The focus of this article is that both choirs mainly perform at scientific meetings in the field of women's studies, special days for women, women's festivals, and are a stakeholder in platforms where positive actions and discourses towards women take place, thus contributing to the studies on women.


  • Akca Baştürk, E., & Ergül, S. (2016). Kitle iletişim çalışmaları alanında toplumsal cinsiyet çalışmalarının gelişimi; temel yaklaşımlar ve çalışmalar üzerinden bir çerçeve çizme çabası (The development of gender studies in the field of mass communication studies; an effort to draw a framework over basic approaches and studies). Toplumsal Cinsiyet & Medya Temsilleri (Gender and Media Representations) (pp.17-40).Heyamola
  • Ersoy Çak, Ş. (2017). Toplumsal cinsiyet teorileri bağlamında türkiye deki reklam filmleri ve müzik videoları (Advertising films and music videos in Turkey in the context of gender theories). Müzikte Temsil & Müziksel Temsil II (Representation in Music & Musical Representation II), Istanbul/Turkiye, 19 October 2010, pp. 397-403
  • Ersoy Çak, Ş. (2017). Toplumsal cinsiyet kuramlarının müzikoloji ve etnomüzikoloji araştırmalarındaki izleri (Traces of gender theories in musicology and ethnomusicology research). International Journal of Social Science, 62, 213-227.
  • Ersoy Çak, Ş. (2018). Toplumsal cinsiyet ve müziğe dair (On gender and music). Journal of Ethnomusicology, 1(1), 68-80 .
  • Kucukgokce, O. (2020). Women composers in turkish traditional art music. Women and Art Through The Ages (pp.209-216). Izmir: Ege University Publishing
  • Makal, A. (2020). Toplumsal cinsiyet açısından müzik ve kadın: dünyada ve türkiye’de kadın müzisyenler ve cinsiyete dayalı ayrımcılık (Music and women from the gender perspective: women musicians in the world and in Turkey and gender-based discrimination). Çalışma ve Toplum (Work and Society), 2(65) , 739-790 .
  • Web sites Web 1:
  • Web 2:
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  • Web 4:
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  • Web 6:
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Journal Section Music

Emin Yıldırım 0000-0002-9767-7880

Early Pub Date June 29, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Yıldırım, E. (2023). Güledâ and Aşk-ı Nevâ Turkish Music Ensembles in the context of gender. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 4(2), 73-81.
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