Research Article
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A qualitative study on the effect of the Kahramanmaraş earthquake on the musical climate

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 135 - 152, 30.06.2024


Ecomusicology examines the relationship between music and the environment, adopting an interdisciplinary approach. This study aims to explore the impact of an earthquake on the musical preferences of survivors in Kahramanmaraş. This research is significant as it represents the first field study in this area. It aims to determine the changes in musical preferences of earthquake victims before and after the disaster, addressing how the earthquake influenced Kahramanmaraş’s musical climate. This qualitative study uses a case study design to evaluate the environmental effects on musical practices post-earthquake by examining the city’s musical identity and history. The participants include 18 individuals, split evenly between genders and age groups, with some having lost relatives in the earthquake. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and documents, focusing on how music listening habits and preferences evolved before and after the earthquake. The study found that before the earthquake, music served as a means of relaxation and stress relief. After the earthquake, however, music’s role shifted towards desensitization. Participants, who frequently engaged with music and social media before the disaster, continued these practices post-earthquake, but with noticeable changes in their tendencies. Emotionality, sensitivity, and melancholy became more prominent in their musical preferences. The study revealed that post-earthquake, participants preferred more emotional and slow-tempo music, particularly arabesque. Music helped them forget their traumatic experiences and boosted their motivation. These findings suggest the need to diversify studies on natural disasters and music. The results can inform and improve musical approaches and practices, providing insights for future projects, research, and publications related to music in earthquake-affected regions, particularly Kahramanmaraş.

Ethical Statement

Before proceeding to the data collection stage, ethical approval was obtained from the KSU Social and Human Sciences Ethics Committee in a session held on July 7, 2023, under protocol number 2023-25.

Supporting Institution

KSU Institute of Social Sciences for supporting our research, and to the Rectorate of KSU.


We extend my wishes for a speedy recovery to all individuals affected by the earthquake. We express our gratitude to the people of Kahramanmaraş for their voluntary participation in our study, to the Department of Music at the KSU Institute of Social Sciences for supporting our research, and to the Rectorate of KSU


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  • Araf Tan Bilir [@araftanbilir]. (2023, February 22). My friend donkey. [Video]. Instagram.
  • Brisson, R. and Bianchi, R. (2019). On the relevance of music genre-based analysis in research on musical tastes. Psychology of Music, 48(6), 777-794.
  • Çetinkaya, Y. (1999). Earthquake folk songs. Y. Çetinkaya (editor), Music Writings. (pp.199-201) Kaknüs Publications.
  • DiCicco-Bloom, B. and Crabtree, B. (2006). The qualitative research interview. Medical Education, 40(4), 314-321.
  • Dunn, P., Ruyter, B., & Bouwhuis, D. (2011). Toward a better understanding of the relation between music preference, listening behavior, and personality. Psychology of Music, 40(4), 411-428.
  • Dunoyer, C. (1986). The Paris Conservatoire: Its political and musical climate in the nineteenth century, American Music Teacher , Vol. 36, No. 1, 24 – 41.
  • Erdal, B. and Tepe, Y. (2021). Relationships between mood, introverted-extroverted personality traits and music preferences of individuals. Studies in Psychology, 41(2), 549-580.
  • Fetters, M. and Rubinstein, E. (2019). The 3 Cs of content, context, and concepts: a practical approach to recording unstructured field observations. The Annals of Family Medicine, 17(6), 554-560.
  • Gabrielsson, A. (2001). Emotion perceived and emotion felt: same or different?. Musicae Scientiae, 5(1), 123-147.
  • Hsieh, H.-F., & Shannon, S. E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 15(9), 1277–1288.
  • Hunter, P. G., Schellenberg, E. G., & Griffith, A. T. (2011). Misery loves company: mood-congruent emotional responding to music. Emotion, 11(5), 1068-1072.
  • Jamshed, S. (2014). Qualitative research method-interviewing and observation. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, 5(4), 87.
  • Jong, Y. and Jung, C. (2015). The development of interview techniques in language studies: facilitating the researchers’ views on interactive encounters. English Language Teaching, 8(7), 30-39.
  • KSU. (2022). Institution internal evaluation report. KSU Strategy and Quality Coordinatorship
  • Kallinen, K. and Ravaja, N. (2006). Emotion perceived and emotion felt: same and different. Musicae Scientiae, 10(2), 191-213.
  • Karp, C. (1982). Storage climates for musical instruments, Early Music, 10 (4), 469-476.
  • Kızıldağ, H. (2023). Earthquake laments in the language of minstrels and minstrels, Nobel Scientific Pub.
  • Kozlovskiy, V. and Тkachuk, D. (2018). Vectors of musical tastes reconfiguration in consumer society. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), Vol.184, 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Economic Management (ICESEM 2018), Atlantis Press, 38-41.
  • Lee, C. J., Andrade, E. B., & Palmer, S. (2013). Interpersonal relationships and preferences for mood-congruency in aesthetic experiences. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 382-391.
  • Lusk, J. L. and Andre, R. (2017). Aid relief in haiti after the earthquake: haitians’ preferences for food and other basic commodities. Development Policy Review, 35(2), 303-321.
  • Mulcahy, L., Rossner, M., & Tsalapatanis, A. (2021). It's about time: investigating the temporal in socio‐legal studies through unstructured interviews. Journal of Law and Society, 48(1), 1104-1117.
  • Mulhall, A. (2003). In the field: notes on observation in qualitative research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 41(3), 306-313.
  • Nhan, N. T. (2020, July 28). An appoarch to case study method.
  • Pezalla, A., Pettigrew, J., & Miller-Day, M. (2012). Researching the researcher-as-instrument: an exercise in interviewer self-reflexivity. Qualitative Research, 12(2), 165-185.
  • Robinson, J. (2007). Music and emotions. JLT 1: 2, 395–419.
  • Savage, M. (2006). The musical field. Cultural Trends, 15(2-3), 159-174.
  • Sundberg, F., Kirk, S., & Lindahl, B. (2021). Qualitative observational research in the intensive care setting: a personal reflection on navigating ethical and methodological issues. Inquiry the Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing, 58.
  • Stuckey, H. (2014). The first step in data analysis: transcribing and managing qualitative research data. Journal of Social Health and Diabetes, 02(01), 006-008.
  • Shoray on the Long Road. (2021, October 24). How is a Circassian wedding in Kahramanmaraş? (YouTube channel). Canal 7 Tv Program, YouTube. Retrived from 1 November 2023 hfnNC5p6no
  • Tanaka, H., Shiiba, N., & Huang, M. C. (2021). Tsunami impact assessment and vulnerability index development using computable general equilibrium (cge) model and geographic information system (gis) – a study on mie prefecture, japan. IDRiM Journal, 11(1).
  • Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi. (2023, 9 Şubat). State of Emergency decree covering ten earthquake-affected provinces approved by the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Parliament News.
  • Varner, E. (2019). General music learning is also social and emotional learning. General Music Today, 33(2), 74- 78.
  • Warrenburg, L. and Huron, D. (2019). Fitness and musical taste: do physically fit listeners prefer more stressful music?. Empirical Musicology Review, 13(1-2), 21-38.
  • Xu, L., Wen, X., Shi, J., Li, S., Xiao, Y., Wan, Q. & Qian, X. (2020). Effects of individual factors on perceived emotion and felt emotion of music: based on machine learning methods. Psychology of Music, 49(5), 1069-1087.
  • Zarifoğlu, M. A. (2022). Kahramanmaraş Abdallık tradition. Music and social identity. Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality Culture Publications.
  • Zentner, M., Grandjean, D., & Scherer, K. (2008). Emotions evoked by the sound of music: characterization, classification, and measurement. Emotion, 8(4), 494-521.
Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 135 - 152, 30.06.2024



  • Aaron, S., A., Titon, J., T., & Glahn, D., V. (2014). Sustainability and sound: ecomusicology inside and outside the academy. Music & Politics, 8, (2), 1-26.
  • Araf Tan Bilir [@araftanbilir]. (2023, February 22). My friend donkey. [Video]. Instagram.
  • Brisson, R. and Bianchi, R. (2019). On the relevance of music genre-based analysis in research on musical tastes. Psychology of Music, 48(6), 777-794.
  • Çetinkaya, Y. (1999). Earthquake folk songs. Y. Çetinkaya (editor), Music Writings. (pp.199-201) Kaknüs Publications.
  • DiCicco-Bloom, B. and Crabtree, B. (2006). The qualitative research interview. Medical Education, 40(4), 314-321.
  • Dunn, P., Ruyter, B., & Bouwhuis, D. (2011). Toward a better understanding of the relation between music preference, listening behavior, and personality. Psychology of Music, 40(4), 411-428.
  • Dunoyer, C. (1986). The Paris Conservatoire: Its political and musical climate in the nineteenth century, American Music Teacher , Vol. 36, No. 1, 24 – 41.
  • Erdal, B. and Tepe, Y. (2021). Relationships between mood, introverted-extroverted personality traits and music preferences of individuals. Studies in Psychology, 41(2), 549-580.
  • Fetters, M. and Rubinstein, E. (2019). The 3 Cs of content, context, and concepts: a practical approach to recording unstructured field observations. The Annals of Family Medicine, 17(6), 554-560.
  • Gabrielsson, A. (2001). Emotion perceived and emotion felt: same or different?. Musicae Scientiae, 5(1), 123-147.
  • Hsieh, H.-F., & Shannon, S. E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative Health Research, 15(9), 1277–1288.
  • Hunter, P. G., Schellenberg, E. G., & Griffith, A. T. (2011). Misery loves company: mood-congruent emotional responding to music. Emotion, 11(5), 1068-1072.
  • Jamshed, S. (2014). Qualitative research method-interviewing and observation. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, 5(4), 87.
  • Jong, Y. and Jung, C. (2015). The development of interview techniques in language studies: facilitating the researchers’ views on interactive encounters. English Language Teaching, 8(7), 30-39.
  • KSU. (2022). Institution internal evaluation report. KSU Strategy and Quality Coordinatorship
  • Kallinen, K. and Ravaja, N. (2006). Emotion perceived and emotion felt: same and different. Musicae Scientiae, 10(2), 191-213.
  • Karp, C. (1982). Storage climates for musical instruments, Early Music, 10 (4), 469-476.
  • Kızıldağ, H. (2023). Earthquake laments in the language of minstrels and minstrels, Nobel Scientific Pub.
  • Kozlovskiy, V. and Тkachuk, D. (2018). Vectors of musical tastes reconfiguration in consumer society. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), Vol.184, 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Economic Management (ICESEM 2018), Atlantis Press, 38-41.
  • Lee, C. J., Andrade, E. B., & Palmer, S. (2013). Interpersonal relationships and preferences for mood-congruency in aesthetic experiences. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 382-391.
  • Lusk, J. L. and Andre, R. (2017). Aid relief in haiti after the earthquake: haitians’ preferences for food and other basic commodities. Development Policy Review, 35(2), 303-321.
  • Mulcahy, L., Rossner, M., & Tsalapatanis, A. (2021). It's about time: investigating the temporal in socio‐legal studies through unstructured interviews. Journal of Law and Society, 48(1), 1104-1117.
  • Mulhall, A. (2003). In the field: notes on observation in qualitative research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 41(3), 306-313.
  • Nhan, N. T. (2020, July 28). An appoarch to case study method.
  • Pezalla, A., Pettigrew, J., & Miller-Day, M. (2012). Researching the researcher-as-instrument: an exercise in interviewer self-reflexivity. Qualitative Research, 12(2), 165-185.
  • Robinson, J. (2007). Music and emotions. JLT 1: 2, 395–419.
  • Savage, M. (2006). The musical field. Cultural Trends, 15(2-3), 159-174.
  • Sundberg, F., Kirk, S., & Lindahl, B. (2021). Qualitative observational research in the intensive care setting: a personal reflection on navigating ethical and methodological issues. Inquiry the Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing, 58.
  • Stuckey, H. (2014). The first step in data analysis: transcribing and managing qualitative research data. Journal of Social Health and Diabetes, 02(01), 006-008.
  • Shoray on the Long Road. (2021, October 24). How is a Circassian wedding in Kahramanmaraş? (YouTube channel). Canal 7 Tv Program, YouTube. Retrived from 1 November 2023 hfnNC5p6no
  • Tanaka, H., Shiiba, N., & Huang, M. C. (2021). Tsunami impact assessment and vulnerability index development using computable general equilibrium (cge) model and geographic information system (gis) – a study on mie prefecture, japan. IDRiM Journal, 11(1).
  • Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi. (2023, 9 Şubat). State of Emergency decree covering ten earthquake-affected provinces approved by the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Parliament News.
  • Varner, E. (2019). General music learning is also social and emotional learning. General Music Today, 33(2), 74- 78.
  • Warrenburg, L. and Huron, D. (2019). Fitness and musical taste: do physically fit listeners prefer more stressful music?. Empirical Musicology Review, 13(1-2), 21-38.
  • Xu, L., Wen, X., Shi, J., Li, S., Xiao, Y., Wan, Q. & Qian, X. (2020). Effects of individual factors on perceived emotion and felt emotion of music: based on machine learning methods. Psychology of Music, 49(5), 1069-1087.
  • Zarifoğlu, M. A. (2022). Kahramanmaraş Abdallık tradition. Music and social identity. Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality Culture Publications.
  • Zentner, M., Grandjean, D., & Scherer, K. (2008). Emotions evoked by the sound of music: characterization, classification, and measurement. Emotion, 8(4), 494-521.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Journal Section Music

Günsu Yılma Şakalar 0000-0002-6635-5010

Şaziye Nur Yurdalan 0009-0004-8616-4985

Early Pub Date July 1, 2024
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date April 8, 2024
Acceptance Date June 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Yılma Şakalar, G., & Yurdalan, Ş. N. (2024). A qualitative study on the effect of the Kahramanmaraş earthquake on the musical climate. Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education, 5(2), 135-152.
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