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R515A soğutucu akışkanlı tek kompresör ve iki buharlaştırıcılı deneysel soğutma sisteminde ejektör sürüklenme oranının ve yoğuşma sıcaklığının performans parametrelerine etkisinin incelenmesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 53 - 66, 31.01.2023


Bu çalışmada, R515A soğutucu akışkanlı, tek kompresör ve farklı sıcaklıklarda çalışabilen iki buharlaştırıcı kullanılan deneysel soğutma sisteminde ejektör sürüklenme oranının (ER) ve kondenser sıcaklığının performans parametrelerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. İki evaporatörle çalışan sistemlerde, basınç dengesini sağlamak için sisteme bir genleşme cihazı ve bir karışım odasının eklenmesi gerekmektedir. Ejektör bu iki ekipman yerine tercih edilebilir ve ihtiyaç duyulan soğutma kapasitesini sağlayabilir. Laboratuvar ölçeğinde kurulan deneysel soğutma sistemi ejektörlü ve iki evaporatörlü olarak tasarlanmıştır. Ayrıca her evaporatör öncesinde, gerektiğinde by-pass olabilecek şekilde termostatik genleşme vanaları (TXV) konulmuştur. Sürüklenme oranına göre yapılan deneylerde; sürüklenme oranının 0,2’de 0,8’e artmasıyla toplam soğutma kapasitesinin ve COP değerinin sırasıyla %18 ve %15 azaldığı görülmüştür. Evaporaytör#1 ve evaporatör#2’nin soğutma kapasitesinin birbirine en yakın olduğu sürüklenme oranı, 0,5-0,6 aralığı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu aralığın sabit olarak alındığı ve kondenser sıcaklığının değişimiyle yapılan deneylerde; kondenser sıcaklığı 28 °C’ den 43 °C’ ye yükseldiğinde toplam soğutma kapasitesinin %11 arttığı, COP değerinin ise %23 azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak ejektörün iki evaporatörlü sistemlerde kullanılmasıyla klasik iki evaporatörlü sistemlere göre performansının iyileştiği görülmüştür.

Destekleyen Kurum

Yalova Üniversitesine Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Proje Numarası

2020/YL/0006 ve 2019/AP/0013


  • Dupont JL, Domanski P, Lebrun P, and Ziegler F (2009) 38th Note on Refrigeration Technologies: The Role of Refrigeration in the Global Economy, 38th IIR Informatory note.
  • Park KJ, Seo T, Jung D (2007) Performance of alternative refrigerants for residential air-conditioning applications. Appl Energy 84:10,
  • Direk M, Kelesoglu A, Akin A (2017) Drop-in performance analysis and effect of ihx for an automotive air conditioning system with R1234yf as a replacement of R134a. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63:5.
  • Direk M, Soylu E (2018) The effect of internal heat exchanger using R1234ze(E) as an alternative refrigerant in a mobile air-conditioning system. Journal of Mechanical Engineering 64:2.
  • Disawas S, Wongwises S (2004) Experimental investigation on the performance of the refrigeration cycle using a two-phase ejector as an expansion device. International Journal of Refrigeration, 27:6.
  • Jeon Y, Kim D, Jung J, Jang DS, and Y. Kim Y (2018) Comparative performance evaluation of conventional and condenser outlet split ejector-based domestic refrigerator-freezers using R600a. Energy
  • Lawrence N, Elbel S (2014) Experimental investigation of a two-phase ejector cycle suitable for use with low-pressure refrigerants R134a and R1234yf. International Journal of Refrigeration 38:1.
  • Yu J, Zhao H, Li Y (2008) Application of an ejector in autocascade refrigeration cycle for the performance improvement. International Journal of Refrigeration 31:2.
  • Elbel S, Hrnjak P (2008) Experimental validation of a prototype ejector designed to reduce throttling losses encountered in transcritical R744 system operation. International Journal of Refrigeration 31:3.
  • Zhou M, Wang X, Yu J, (2013) Theoretical study on a novel dual-nozzle ejector enhanced refrigeration cycle for household refrigerator-freezers. Energy Convers Manag.
  • Boumaraf L, Haberschill P, Lallemand A (2014) Investigation of a novel ejector expansion refrigeration system using the working fluid R134a and its potential substitute R1234yf. Energy Econ.
  • Li H, Cao F, Bu X, Wang L, Wang X (2014) Performance characteristics of R1234yf ejector-expansion refrigeration cycle. Appl Energy
  • Molés, F, Navarro-Esbrí J, Peris B, Mota-Babiloni A, Barragán-Cervera Á (2014) Theoretical energy performance evaluation of different single stage vapour compression refrigeration configurations using R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as working fluids. International Journal of Refrigeration
  • Sumeru K, Sulaimon S, Nasution H, Ani FN (2014) Numerical and experimental study of an ejector as an expansion device in split-type air conditioner for energy savings. Energy Build.
  • Lawrence N, Elbel S (2013) Experimental and analytical investigation of two-phase ejector air-conditioning cycles using low-pressure refrigerants R134a and R1234yf. SAE Technical Papers
  • Lawrence N, Elbel S (2016) Experimental investigation on the effect of evaporator design and application of work recovery on the performance of two-phase ejector liquid recirculation cycles with R410A. Appl Therm Eng.
  • Boccardi G, Botticella F, Lillo G, Mastrullo R, Mauro AW, Trinchieri R (2017) Étude expérimentale sur la performance d’une pompe à chaleur au CO2 transcritique équipée d’un système d’expansion multi-éjecteur. International Journal of Refrigeration
  • Kim S, Jeon Y, Chung HJ, Kim Y (2018) Performance optimization of an R410A air-conditioner with a dual evaporator ejector cycle based on cooling seasonal performance factor. Appl Therm Eng.
  • Liu J, Liu Y, Yu J,(2021) Performance analysis of a modified dual-ejector and dual-evaporator transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle for supermarket application. International Journal of Refrigeration 131:109-118.
  • Direk M, İşkan Ü, Tunçkal C, Mert MS, Yüksel F (2022) An experimental investigation of ejector employed a dual-evaporator vapor compression refrigeration system under various entrainment ratios using R134a as the refrigerant. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment 52, 102293.
  • İşkan Ü, Di̇rek M (2022) Experimental performance evaluation of the dual-evaporator ejector refrigeration system using environmentally friendly refrigerants of R1234ze(E), ND, R515a, R456a, and R516a as a replacement for R134a. J Clean Prod 352, 131612.
  • İşkan Ü, Üğüdür B, Kahraman MC, Direk M, Tunçkal C (2022) Evaluation of the impact of the temperature and mass flow rate of the water, utilized in the R516A refrigeration system with dual evaporator and ejector, on the performance parameters. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 44(3):7316–7329.
  • İşkan Ü, Direk M, Koyunoğlu C, Yüksel F (2021) Volumetric Efficiency Evaluation of the Use of Refrigerants R445a, R515a, R456a, ND, and R516a with Low GWP Instead of R134a. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 11(1):500–511.
  • Ünal Ş, Erdinç T, Kutlu Ç (2016) Çift buharlaştırıcılı ve ejektörlü bir soğutma sisteminin termodinamik analizi. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 31(4):1039–1047.
  • İşkan Ü, Direk M. (2022) Evaluation of the effects of entrainment ratios on the performance parameters of a refrigeration machine having dual evaporator ejector system with R134a and R456A. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 33, 101345.

Investigation of ejector entrainment ratio and condenser temperature effect on performance parameters of the experimental refrigeration system using dual evaporators and a single compressor with R515A refrigerant

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 53 - 66, 31.01.2023


In this paper, the effects of ejector entrainment ratio (ER) and condenser temperature on performance parameters such as COP, cooling capacity, etc. were investigated in an experimental refrigeration system using a single compressor with R515A refrigerant and two evaporators that can operate at different temperatures. An extra expansion valve and mixing chamber are necessary to ensure pressure balance in the two evaporator refrigeration systems. Alternatively, the ejector can be utilized instead of these two pieces of equipment and can provide the required cooling capacity. The experimental test system has two evaporators at two different evaporation temperatures and an expansion valve before each evaporator. First tests were carried out by altering the ER and it was observed that when ER increased from 0.2 to 0.8, the total cooling capacity and COP values dropped by 18% and 15%, respectively. When ER value was adjusted to range of 0.5-0.6, the cooling capacities of the two evaporators were closest to each other. Second tests were carried out by changing the condenser temperature but with a constant ER value (between 0.5-06); the results showed that as the condenser temperature increased from 28 °C to 43 °C, the total cooling capacity increased by 11% and the COP value dropped by 23%.

Proje Numarası

2020/YL/0006 ve 2019/AP/0013


  • Dupont JL, Domanski P, Lebrun P, and Ziegler F (2009) 38th Note on Refrigeration Technologies: The Role of Refrigeration in the Global Economy, 38th IIR Informatory note.
  • Park KJ, Seo T, Jung D (2007) Performance of alternative refrigerants for residential air-conditioning applications. Appl Energy 84:10,
  • Direk M, Kelesoglu A, Akin A (2017) Drop-in performance analysis and effect of ihx for an automotive air conditioning system with R1234yf as a replacement of R134a. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63:5.
  • Direk M, Soylu E (2018) The effect of internal heat exchanger using R1234ze(E) as an alternative refrigerant in a mobile air-conditioning system. Journal of Mechanical Engineering 64:2.
  • Disawas S, Wongwises S (2004) Experimental investigation on the performance of the refrigeration cycle using a two-phase ejector as an expansion device. International Journal of Refrigeration, 27:6.
  • Jeon Y, Kim D, Jung J, Jang DS, and Y. Kim Y (2018) Comparative performance evaluation of conventional and condenser outlet split ejector-based domestic refrigerator-freezers using R600a. Energy
  • Lawrence N, Elbel S (2014) Experimental investigation of a two-phase ejector cycle suitable for use with low-pressure refrigerants R134a and R1234yf. International Journal of Refrigeration 38:1.
  • Yu J, Zhao H, Li Y (2008) Application of an ejector in autocascade refrigeration cycle for the performance improvement. International Journal of Refrigeration 31:2.
  • Elbel S, Hrnjak P (2008) Experimental validation of a prototype ejector designed to reduce throttling losses encountered in transcritical R744 system operation. International Journal of Refrigeration 31:3.
  • Zhou M, Wang X, Yu J, (2013) Theoretical study on a novel dual-nozzle ejector enhanced refrigeration cycle for household refrigerator-freezers. Energy Convers Manag.
  • Boumaraf L, Haberschill P, Lallemand A (2014) Investigation of a novel ejector expansion refrigeration system using the working fluid R134a and its potential substitute R1234yf. Energy Econ.
  • Li H, Cao F, Bu X, Wang L, Wang X (2014) Performance characteristics of R1234yf ejector-expansion refrigeration cycle. Appl Energy
  • Molés, F, Navarro-Esbrí J, Peris B, Mota-Babiloni A, Barragán-Cervera Á (2014) Theoretical energy performance evaluation of different single stage vapour compression refrigeration configurations using R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as working fluids. International Journal of Refrigeration
  • Sumeru K, Sulaimon S, Nasution H, Ani FN (2014) Numerical and experimental study of an ejector as an expansion device in split-type air conditioner for energy savings. Energy Build.
  • Lawrence N, Elbel S (2013) Experimental and analytical investigation of two-phase ejector air-conditioning cycles using low-pressure refrigerants R134a and R1234yf. SAE Technical Papers
  • Lawrence N, Elbel S (2016) Experimental investigation on the effect of evaporator design and application of work recovery on the performance of two-phase ejector liquid recirculation cycles with R410A. Appl Therm Eng.
  • Boccardi G, Botticella F, Lillo G, Mastrullo R, Mauro AW, Trinchieri R (2017) Étude expérimentale sur la performance d’une pompe à chaleur au CO2 transcritique équipée d’un système d’expansion multi-éjecteur. International Journal of Refrigeration
  • Kim S, Jeon Y, Chung HJ, Kim Y (2018) Performance optimization of an R410A air-conditioner with a dual evaporator ejector cycle based on cooling seasonal performance factor. Appl Therm Eng.
  • Liu J, Liu Y, Yu J,(2021) Performance analysis of a modified dual-ejector and dual-evaporator transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle for supermarket application. International Journal of Refrigeration 131:109-118.
  • Direk M, İşkan Ü, Tunçkal C, Mert MS, Yüksel F (2022) An experimental investigation of ejector employed a dual-evaporator vapor compression refrigeration system under various entrainment ratios using R134a as the refrigerant. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment 52, 102293.
  • İşkan Ü, Di̇rek M (2022) Experimental performance evaluation of the dual-evaporator ejector refrigeration system using environmentally friendly refrigerants of R1234ze(E), ND, R515a, R456a, and R516a as a replacement for R134a. J Clean Prod 352, 131612.
  • İşkan Ü, Üğüdür B, Kahraman MC, Direk M, Tunçkal C (2022) Evaluation of the impact of the temperature and mass flow rate of the water, utilized in the R516A refrigeration system with dual evaporator and ejector, on the performance parameters. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 44(3):7316–7329.
  • İşkan Ü, Direk M, Koyunoğlu C, Yüksel F (2021) Volumetric Efficiency Evaluation of the Use of Refrigerants R445a, R515a, R456a, ND, and R516a with Low GWP Instead of R134a. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 11(1):500–511.
  • Ünal Ş, Erdinç T, Kutlu Ç (2016) Çift buharlaştırıcılı ve ejektörlü bir soğutma sisteminin termodinamik analizi. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 31(4):1039–1047.
  • İşkan Ü, Direk M. (2022) Evaluation of the effects of entrainment ratios on the performance parameters of a refrigeration machine having dual evaporator ejector system with R134a and R456A. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 33, 101345.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Makine Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ümit İşkan 0000-0001-6236-2339

Gizem Çetin Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6862-8756

Mahmut Cüneyt Kahraman 0000-0002-1535-3832

Mehmet Direk 0000-0001-5868-6381

Proje Numarası 2020/YL/0006 ve 2019/AP/0013
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA İşkan, Ü., Çetin, G., Kahraman, M. C., Direk, M. (2023). R515A soğutucu akışkanlı tek kompresör ve iki buharlaştırıcılı deneysel soğutma sisteminde ejektör sürüklenme oranının ve yoğuşma sıcaklığının performans parametrelerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science, 3(1), 53-66.

Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science by İdris Karagöz is licensed under CC BY 4.0