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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 63 - 75, 29.06.2020


The rapid development of social networks and technology has led to major changes in the way businesses communicate with consumers. Internet and digital marketing have become important factors in campaigns to attract and retain customers. Digital marketing involves all marketing efforts made through an electronic device or the Internet. Digital marketing makes significant differences in the marketing of products / services and advertising activities compared to traditional methods, and also strengthens the key player role to enhance a strong corporate image and customer satisfaction. The adoption of digital marketing is critical for small businesses to reach customers at more competitive costs in tough competitive conditions in the markets, and to compete with competitors and larger businesses. The purpose of this article is to create a broad conceptual framework related to digital marketing. It is also to create a guide for business managers about digital marketing strategies, digital marketing channels and digital marketing advantages.


  • Ahmad, S., Abu Bakar, A., ve Ahmad, N. (2019). Social Media Adoption And Its Impact On Firm Performance: The Case Of The UAE, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 1-29.
  • Ajina, A. (2019). The Perceived Value Of Social Media Marketing: An Empirical Study Of Online Word-Of-Mouth In Saudi Arabian Context, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 6(3), 1512-1527.
  • Bala , M., ve Verma, D. (2018). A Critical Review of Digital Marketing, International Journal Of Management, IT & Engineering, Vol: 8(10) , 321-339.
  • Baum, D., Spann, M., Füller, J. ve Thürridl, C. (2019). The Impact Of Social Media Campaigns On The Success Of New Product Introductions, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50, 289-297.
  • Behera, R., Gunasekaran, A., Gupta, S., Kamboj, S. ve Bala, P. (2020). Personalized Digital Marketing Recommender Engine, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53, 1-24.
  • Berman, R., ve Katona, Z. (2013). The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Search Marketing. Marketing Science, 32(4), 644-651.
  • Bezhovski , Z. (2015). Inbound Marketing-A New Concept In Digital Business, SELTH 2015 - International Scientific Conference of the Romanian-German University of Sibiu, 27-34.
  • Dahiya, R. ve Gayatri. (2018). A Research Paper on Digital Marketing Communication and Consumer Buying Decision Process: An Empirical Study in the Indian Passenger Car Market. Journal Of Global Marketing, Vol. 31(2), 73-95.
  • Desai, V. (2019). Fostering Innovation, Integration and Inclusion Through Interdisciplinary Practices in Management, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), Conference Issue, 196-200.
  • Diez-Martin, F., Blanco-Gonzalez, A. ve Prado-Roman, C. (2019). Research Challenges in Digital Marketing: Sustainability, Sustainability, 11, 2839 ; doi:10.3390/su11102839, 1-13.
  • Ebrahim, R. (2019). The Role of Trust in Understanding the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty, Journal Of Relationship Marketing, 1-22. Ellis-Chadwick, F. ve Doherty, N. (2012). Web Advertising: The Role Of E-mail Marketing, Journal of Business Research, 65(6), 843–848.
  • Fierro, I., Arbelaez, D. ve Gavilanez, J. (2017). Digital marketing: A New Tool For International Education, Pensamiento & Gestion, Issue 43, 240-260.
  • Hudak, M., Kianickova, E. ve Madlenak, R. (2017). The Importance Of E-mail Marketing In E-commerce, Procedia Engineering, 192 , 342-347.
  • Ivanov, M. (2019). The Digital marketing With The Application Of Cloud Technologies, SHS Web of Conferences, 65, 04019, 1-6.
  • Jarvinen, J. ve Karjaluoto, H. (2015). The Use Of Web Analytics For Digital Marketing Performance Measurement, Industrial Marketing Management, 50, 117-127.
  • Kannan, P. ve Li, H. (2017). Digital Marketing: A Famework, Review And Research Agenda, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34, 22-45.
  • Kapoor, K., Dwivedi, Y. ve Piercy, N. (2016). Pay-Per-Click Advertising: A Literature Review, The Marketing Review, 16(2), , 183-202.
  • Key, T. (2017). Domains of Digital Marketing Channels in the Sharing Economy, Journal Of Marketing Channels, 24, 27-38.
  • Khanna, M. (2020). Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing, Studies in Indian Place Names, 40(3), 6894-6897.
  • Kotane, I., Znotina, D. ve Hushko, S. (2019). Assessment Of Trends In The Application Of Digital Marketing, Scientific Journal Of Polonia University, 33(2), 28-35.
  • Kumar, S. (2020). Impact Of Digital Marketing–Strategies And Challenges, Studies in Indian Place Names, 40(18), 1362-1371.
  • Leskovec, J., Adamic, L. ve Huberman, B. (2007). The Dynamics Of Viral Marketing, ACM Transactions On The Web, Vol. (1), Article 5, 1-39.
  • Libai, B., Biyalogorsky, E. ve Gerstner, E. (2003). Setting Referral Fees in Affiliate Marketing, Journal Of Service Research, 5(4), 303-315.
  • López García, J., Lizcano, D., Ramos, C. ve Matos, N. (2019). Digital Marketing Actions That Achieve a Better Attraction and Loyalty of Users: An Analytical Study, Future Internet, 11, 130, 1-16.
  • Merisavo, M. ve Raulas, M. (2004). The Impact Of E-mail Marketing On Brand Loyalty, Journal Of Product & Brand Management, Vol:13 (7), 498-505.
  • Moreno , L. ve Martinez, P. (2013). Overlapping Factors In Search Engine Optimization And Web Accessibility, Online Information Review 37, 4, 564-580.
  • Nair, H. (2016). Digital Marketing: A Phenomenon That Rules The Modern World, Reflections Journal Of Management (RJOM), Volume 6, 1-9.
  • Olbrich, R., Schultz, C. ve Bormann, P. (2019). The Effect Of Social Media And Advertising Activities On Affiliate Marketing, Int. J. Internet Marketing and Advertising, Vol. 13 (1), 47-72.
  • Patrutiu Baltes, L. (2015). Content Marketing - The Fundamental Tool Of Digital Marketing, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series V: Economic Sciences, Vol: 8 (57), No:2, 111-118.
  • Peterson, E. (2009). Competing On Web Analytics, Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol:10, 214–222.
  • Raja, S. (2020). Marketing And Technology: Role Of Technology In Modern Marketing, Sustainability, Transformation, Development In Business And Management, 494-506.
  • Richardson, M. ve Domingos, P. (2002). Mining Knowledge-Sharing Sites For Viral Marketing, Proceedings Of The Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference On Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining, 61-70.
  • Saura, J., Sanchez, P. ve Suarez, L. (2017). Understanding the Digital Marketing Environment with KPIs and Web Analytics, Future Internet, 9, 76, doi:10.3390/fi9040076, 1-13.
  • Serohina, N., Petryshchenko, N. ve Andrlic, B. (2019). Digital Marketing in Hotels, Marketing and Digital Technologies, Vol: 3(3), 35-42.
  • Shih, B.-Y., Chen, C.-Y. ve Chen, Z.-S. (2013). An Empirical Study of an Internet Marketing Strategy for Search Engine Optimization, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 23 (6), 528–540.
  • Smith, K. (2011). Digital Marketing Strategies That Millennials Find Appealing, Motivating, Or Just Annoying, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 19 (6), 489–499.
  • Taiminen, H. ve Karjaluoto, H. (2015). The Usage Of Digital Marketing Channels in SMEs, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol: 22 (4), 633-651.
  • Todor, R. (2016). Blending Traditional And Digital Marketing, Bulletin Of The Transilvania University of Braşov Series V: Economic Sciences, Vol: 9 (58), No: 1, 51-56.
  • Yasmin, A., Tasneem, S. ve Fatema, K. (2015). Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in the Challenging Age: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, Volume 1 (5), 69-80.
  • (2020). What Are The Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies?, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). Digital Versus Traditional Marketing: What Today’s C-Suite Needs to Know, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). Traditional vs Digital Marketing - Complete Comparison Guide, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2018). The Difference Between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing, Juan Yelle, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2016). Your Digital Marketing Strategy Template (AKA The Customer Value Journey), Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing, Erşim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2012). Search Marketing, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). What is Online PR?, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2018). 10 Strategies for Marketing Your Business Online, Laura Lake, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). 7 Digital Marketing Strategies for Your Campaign, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 63 - 75, 29.06.2020


Sosyal ağların ve teknolojinin hızla gelişmesi, işletmelerin tüketicilerle iletişim kurma biçimlerinde büyük değişikliklere gitmesine neden olmuştur. İnternet ve dijital pazarlama, müşterileri cezbetmek ve elde tutmak için kampanyalarda önemli faktörler haline gelmiştir. Dijital pazarlama bir elektronik cihaz veya internet aracılığıyla yapılan tüm pazarlama çabalarını içermektedir. Dijital pazarlama, ürün/hizmetlerin pazarlanmasında ve reklam faaliyetlerinde, geleneksel yöntemlere göre önemli farklar yaratmaktadır ve ayrıca güçlü bir kurumsal imaj ve müşteri memnuniyetini arttırmak için kilit oyuncu rolünü güçlendirmektedir. Dijital pazarlamanın benimsenmesi, özellikle küçük işletmelerin pazarlardaki zorlu rekabet şartlarında daha uygun maliyetlerle müşterilere ulaşması, rakipleriyle ve daha büyük işletmelerle rekabet etmesi için kritiktir. Bu makalenin amacı, dijital pazarlamayla ilgili geniş bir kavramsal çerçeve oluşturmaktır. Ayrıca işletme yöneticilerine dijital pazarlama stratejileri, dijital pazarlama kanalları ve dijital pazarlama avantajlarıyla ilgili bir rehber oluşturmaktır.


  • Ahmad, S., Abu Bakar, A., ve Ahmad, N. (2019). Social Media Adoption And Its Impact On Firm Performance: The Case Of The UAE, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 1-29.
  • Ajina, A. (2019). The Perceived Value Of Social Media Marketing: An Empirical Study Of Online Word-Of-Mouth In Saudi Arabian Context, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 6(3), 1512-1527.
  • Bala , M., ve Verma, D. (2018). A Critical Review of Digital Marketing, International Journal Of Management, IT & Engineering, Vol: 8(10) , 321-339.
  • Baum, D., Spann, M., Füller, J. ve Thürridl, C. (2019). The Impact Of Social Media Campaigns On The Success Of New Product Introductions, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50, 289-297.
  • Behera, R., Gunasekaran, A., Gupta, S., Kamboj, S. ve Bala, P. (2020). Personalized Digital Marketing Recommender Engine, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53, 1-24.
  • Berman, R., ve Katona, Z. (2013). The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Search Marketing. Marketing Science, 32(4), 644-651.
  • Bezhovski , Z. (2015). Inbound Marketing-A New Concept In Digital Business, SELTH 2015 - International Scientific Conference of the Romanian-German University of Sibiu, 27-34.
  • Dahiya, R. ve Gayatri. (2018). A Research Paper on Digital Marketing Communication and Consumer Buying Decision Process: An Empirical Study in the Indian Passenger Car Market. Journal Of Global Marketing, Vol. 31(2), 73-95.
  • Desai, V. (2019). Fostering Innovation, Integration and Inclusion Through Interdisciplinary Practices in Management, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), Conference Issue, 196-200.
  • Diez-Martin, F., Blanco-Gonzalez, A. ve Prado-Roman, C. (2019). Research Challenges in Digital Marketing: Sustainability, Sustainability, 11, 2839 ; doi:10.3390/su11102839, 1-13.
  • Ebrahim, R. (2019). The Role of Trust in Understanding the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty, Journal Of Relationship Marketing, 1-22. Ellis-Chadwick, F. ve Doherty, N. (2012). Web Advertising: The Role Of E-mail Marketing, Journal of Business Research, 65(6), 843–848.
  • Fierro, I., Arbelaez, D. ve Gavilanez, J. (2017). Digital marketing: A New Tool For International Education, Pensamiento & Gestion, Issue 43, 240-260.
  • Hudak, M., Kianickova, E. ve Madlenak, R. (2017). The Importance Of E-mail Marketing In E-commerce, Procedia Engineering, 192 , 342-347.
  • Ivanov, M. (2019). The Digital marketing With The Application Of Cloud Technologies, SHS Web of Conferences, 65, 04019, 1-6.
  • Jarvinen, J. ve Karjaluoto, H. (2015). The Use Of Web Analytics For Digital Marketing Performance Measurement, Industrial Marketing Management, 50, 117-127.
  • Kannan, P. ve Li, H. (2017). Digital Marketing: A Famework, Review And Research Agenda, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34, 22-45.
  • Kapoor, K., Dwivedi, Y. ve Piercy, N. (2016). Pay-Per-Click Advertising: A Literature Review, The Marketing Review, 16(2), , 183-202.
  • Key, T. (2017). Domains of Digital Marketing Channels in the Sharing Economy, Journal Of Marketing Channels, 24, 27-38.
  • Khanna, M. (2020). Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing, Studies in Indian Place Names, 40(3), 6894-6897.
  • Kotane, I., Znotina, D. ve Hushko, S. (2019). Assessment Of Trends In The Application Of Digital Marketing, Scientific Journal Of Polonia University, 33(2), 28-35.
  • Kumar, S. (2020). Impact Of Digital Marketing–Strategies And Challenges, Studies in Indian Place Names, 40(18), 1362-1371.
  • Leskovec, J., Adamic, L. ve Huberman, B. (2007). The Dynamics Of Viral Marketing, ACM Transactions On The Web, Vol. (1), Article 5, 1-39.
  • Libai, B., Biyalogorsky, E. ve Gerstner, E. (2003). Setting Referral Fees in Affiliate Marketing, Journal Of Service Research, 5(4), 303-315.
  • López García, J., Lizcano, D., Ramos, C. ve Matos, N. (2019). Digital Marketing Actions That Achieve a Better Attraction and Loyalty of Users: An Analytical Study, Future Internet, 11, 130, 1-16.
  • Merisavo, M. ve Raulas, M. (2004). The Impact Of E-mail Marketing On Brand Loyalty, Journal Of Product & Brand Management, Vol:13 (7), 498-505.
  • Moreno , L. ve Martinez, P. (2013). Overlapping Factors In Search Engine Optimization And Web Accessibility, Online Information Review 37, 4, 564-580.
  • Nair, H. (2016). Digital Marketing: A Phenomenon That Rules The Modern World, Reflections Journal Of Management (RJOM), Volume 6, 1-9.
  • Olbrich, R., Schultz, C. ve Bormann, P. (2019). The Effect Of Social Media And Advertising Activities On Affiliate Marketing, Int. J. Internet Marketing and Advertising, Vol. 13 (1), 47-72.
  • Patrutiu Baltes, L. (2015). Content Marketing - The Fundamental Tool Of Digital Marketing, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series V: Economic Sciences, Vol: 8 (57), No:2, 111-118.
  • Peterson, E. (2009). Competing On Web Analytics, Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, Vol:10, 214–222.
  • Raja, S. (2020). Marketing And Technology: Role Of Technology In Modern Marketing, Sustainability, Transformation, Development In Business And Management, 494-506.
  • Richardson, M. ve Domingos, P. (2002). Mining Knowledge-Sharing Sites For Viral Marketing, Proceedings Of The Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference On Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining, 61-70.
  • Saura, J., Sanchez, P. ve Suarez, L. (2017). Understanding the Digital Marketing Environment with KPIs and Web Analytics, Future Internet, 9, 76, doi:10.3390/fi9040076, 1-13.
  • Serohina, N., Petryshchenko, N. ve Andrlic, B. (2019). Digital Marketing in Hotels, Marketing and Digital Technologies, Vol: 3(3), 35-42.
  • Shih, B.-Y., Chen, C.-Y. ve Chen, Z.-S. (2013). An Empirical Study of an Internet Marketing Strategy for Search Engine Optimization, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 23 (6), 528–540.
  • Smith, K. (2011). Digital Marketing Strategies That Millennials Find Appealing, Motivating, Or Just Annoying, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 19 (6), 489–499.
  • Taiminen, H. ve Karjaluoto, H. (2015). The Usage Of Digital Marketing Channels in SMEs, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol: 22 (4), 633-651.
  • Todor, R. (2016). Blending Traditional And Digital Marketing, Bulletin Of The Transilvania University of Braşov Series V: Economic Sciences, Vol: 9 (58), No: 1, 51-56.
  • Yasmin, A., Tasneem, S. ve Fatema, K. (2015). Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in the Challenging Age: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, Volume 1 (5), 69-80.
  • (2020). What Are The Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies?, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). Digital Versus Traditional Marketing: What Today’s C-Suite Needs to Know, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). Traditional vs Digital Marketing - Complete Comparison Guide, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2018). The Difference Between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing, Juan Yelle, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2016). Your Digital Marketing Strategy Template (AKA The Customer Value Journey), Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing, Erşim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2012). Search Marketing, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). What is Online PR?, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2018). 10 Strategies for Marketing Your Business Online, Laura Lake, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
  • (2020). 7 Digital Marketing Strategies for Your Campaign, Erişim Tarihi: 14.04.2020
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Derleme

Yasemin Gedik 0000-0002-1166-3227

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gedik, Y. (2020). PAZARLAMADA YENİ BİR PENCERE: DİJİTAL PAZARLAMA. Journal of Business in The Digital Age, 3(1), 63-75.
AMA Gedik Y. PAZARLAMADA YENİ BİR PENCERE: DİJİTAL PAZARLAMA. JOBDA. Haziran 2020;3(1):63-75. doi:10.46238/jobda.726408
Chicago Gedik, Yasemin. “PAZARLAMADA YENİ BİR PENCERE: DİJİTAL PAZARLAMA”. Journal of Business in The Digital Age 3, sy. 1 (Haziran 2020): 63-75.
EndNote Gedik Y (01 Haziran 2020) PAZARLAMADA YENİ BİR PENCERE: DİJİTAL PAZARLAMA. Journal of Business in The Digital Age 3 1 63–75.
IEEE Y. Gedik, “PAZARLAMADA YENİ BİR PENCERE: DİJİTAL PAZARLAMA”, JOBDA, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 63–75, 2020, doi: 10.46238/jobda.726408.
ISNAD Gedik, Yasemin. “PAZARLAMADA YENİ BİR PENCERE: DİJİTAL PAZARLAMA”. Journal of Business in The Digital Age 3/1 (Haziran 2020), 63-75.
MLA Gedik, Yasemin. “PAZARLAMADA YENİ BİR PENCERE: DİJİTAL PAZARLAMA”. Journal of Business in The Digital Age, c. 3, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 63-75, doi:10.46238/jobda.726408.

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