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Current Issues in Strategic Human Resource Management

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 93 - 107, 18.01.2025


In the postmodern world we live in, classical perspectives are replaced by different paradigms that question and transform. Based on this trend, traditional human resources management has been replaced by strategic human resources management. This strategic understanding is critical for businesses to survive in today's competitive conditions, to be flexible to environmental conditions and to shape the future. Therefore, it is seen that academic studies and business practices that approach human resources management strategically are increasing rapidly. In this research, it is aimed to analyze the strategic human resource management issue, which tries to accurately evaluate the added value that employees provide to the business, in the context of the literature. The first of the research questions questions the ways in which the subject is addressed academically, while another question examines the current issues in strategic human resource management. Content analysis was carried out on the articles identified after searching the related researches in the relevant databases. The results are important in terms of guiding new studies to be conducted in the field and drawing attention to alternative approaches in the field of practice.


  • Alharty, A. A. H. & Bin Marni, N. (2020). Training impact on the human resources performance. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 55(3), 1-6.
  • Al-Khaled, A. A. S. & Fenn, C. J. (2020). The impact of strategic human resource management practices on organizational performance. Berjaya Journal of Services & Management, 14, 53-60.
  • Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page.
  • Bal, Y. (2011). The effect of competition strategies on human resources management practices, [Doctoral Dissertation, Istanbul University].
  • Barutçugil, İ. (2004). Strategic human resource management. Kariyer Publishing.
  • Becker, B. E., & Huselid, M. A. (2006). Strategic human resources management: Where do we go from here?. Journal of Management, 32(6), 898-925.
  • Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. (2000). Strategic human resource management: Where have we come from and where should we be going?. International Journal Of Management Reviews, 2 (2), 183-203.
  • Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. (2016). Strategy and human resource management. Palgrave Macmillan. Can, H., Kavuncubaşı, Ş. & Yıldırım, S. (2012). Human resources management in public and private sector. Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Coşkun, S. & Kayar, N. (2011). Strategic human resource management: Applications in public sector and recommendations for Turkish public administration. Journal of Economic and Social Research, 7(2), 69-95.
  • Çobanoğlu, F., Sertel, G. & Sarkaya, S. S. (2018). Human resource management practices in Turkish education system (Denizli case). European Journal of Educational Research, 7(4), 833-847.
  • Demirtaş, Ö. (2013). Strategic human resources management and organizational innovation. Marmara University Journal of I.İ.B., 35(2), 261-290.
  • Dessler, G. (2013). Strategic human resource management and the HR scorecard. New.
  • Erdoğdu A. & Salepçioğlu M. A. (2020). Talent management approach in strategic human resources management. Anadolu Bil Vocational School Journal, 15(59), 291-314.
  • Ersan A. (2013) The role of human resources in the efficiency of innovation strategies. [Master's Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University].
  • Garip, S. (2023). A theoretical review on quantitative research tradition in social sciences. International Journal of Social Field Research,12(1), 1-19, E-ISSN: 2146-8257.
  • Gupta, A. D. (2020). Strategic human resource management: Formulating and implementing HR strategies for a competitive advantage. CRC Press.
  • Güçlü, N. (2003). Strategic management. Journal of Gazi Faculty of Education, 23(6), 61-85.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2011). The effect of strategic human resources management on organizational commitment and job satisfaction: A research on human resources managers. Atatürk University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 15 (2), 397-418.
  • Hau, I. & Chow, S. (2005). High performance work system in asian companies. Thunderbird International Business Review, 47(5), 575-599.
  • Jackson, S.E. & Schuler, R.S. (1995). Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environment, Annual Review of Psychology, 46, 237-264.
  • Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S. & Werner, S. (2018). Managing human resources. Oxford University Press.
  • Kamoche K. (1996). Strategic human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. Journal of Management Studies, 33(2), 213-233,
  • Kaufman B. E. (2007). The development of HRM in historical and international perspective. In Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. & Wright, P. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of HRM (pp. 19-48), Oxford University Press.
  • Laursen K & Foss N.J. (2003) New human resource management practices, complimentarities, and the impact on innovation performance. Cambridge Journal of Economics, (27): 243-263.
  • Lawler, E. E. & Mohrman, S. A. (2003). Creating a strategic human resources organization: An assessment of trends and new directions. Stanford University Press. ISBN: 0-8047-4702-4
  • Öge, H. S. (2017). Human resources management. Education Publishing House.
  • Özçelik, A. O. (2006). A comparative study on the strategic role of human resources departments in Turkish and US organizations. Journal of Management Sciences, 4(1), 69-97.
  • Özçelik H. & Doğan A. (2021), Strategic human resources management from the perspective of human resources managers: A qualitative research. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 20(77), 289-312.
  • Özdevecioğlu M., Demirtaş Ö. & Ünlü O. (2009) The effects of human resources practices on innovation performance of enterprises. 17th National Management and Organization Congress, Eskisehir.
  • Özşahin & Öztürk (2024). Strategic human resource management and employee performance in private and public hospitals. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 13(1), 341-350.
  • Rasmussen, T. & Ulrich, D. (2015). Learning from practice: How HR analytics avoids being a management fad. Organizational Dynamics, 44(3), 236-242.
  • Schuler, R. S. (1992). Strategic human resources management: Linking the people with the strategic needs of the business. Organizational Dynamics, 21(1), 18-32.
  • Schuler, R. S. & Jackson, S. E. (1999). Strategic human resource management. Oxford.
  • Smilansky, J. (2002). New human resources. Translator: Derya Atakan, Epsilon Yay.
  • Wright, P. M. & Mcmahan, G. C. (1992). Theoretical perspectives for strategic human resource management. Journal of Management, 18 (2), 295-320.
  • Yeşilkuş, F., Özbozkurt, O. B., & Bahar, E. (2021). Stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi üzerine profesyonel uygulamalar: Nitel bir araştırma. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(4), 3044-3067.
  • Zamanzadeh, V., Valizadeh, L. & Neshat, H. (2020). Challenges of human resources management in nursing in Iran: A qualitative content analysis. Nursing Open, 7(1), 319-325.

Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminde Güncel Konular

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 93 - 107, 18.01.2025


İçinde yaşadığımız post modern dünyada klasik bakış açıları yerini sorgulayan, dönüştüren farklı paradigmalara bırakmaktadır. Bu eğilimden hareketle geleneksel insan kaynakları yönetimi de yerini stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimine bırakmıştır. İşletmelerin günümüz rekabet şartlarında ayakta kalabilmesi, çevresel şartlara esneklik gösterebilmesi ve geleceğe yön verebilmesinde stratejik bu anlayış kritik konumda yer almaktadır. Dolayısıyla insan kaynakları yönetimine stratejik olarak yaklaşan akademik çalışmalar ve işletme uygulamalarının hızla arttığı görülmektedir. Bu araştırmada çalışanların işletmeye sağladığı katma değeri doğru değerlendirmeye çalışan stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi konusunun literatür bağlamında analiz edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma sorularından ilki akademik olarak konunun ele alınış biçimlerini sorgularken, diğer bir soruda da stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminde konuşulan güncel konuları irdelemektedir. İlgili veri tabanlarında konu ile ilgili araştırmalar tarandıktan sonra tespit edilen makaleler üzerinden içerik analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar alanda yürütülecek yeni çalışmalara yön gösterme ve uygulama alanında alternatif yaklaşımlara dikkat çekme anlamında öneme sahiptir.


  • Alharty, A. A. H. & Bin Marni, N. (2020). Training impact on the human resources performance. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 55(3), 1-6.
  • Al-Khaled, A. A. S. & Fenn, C. J. (2020). The impact of strategic human resource management practices on organizational performance. Berjaya Journal of Services & Management, 14, 53-60.
  • Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page.
  • Bal, Y. (2011). The effect of competition strategies on human resources management practices, [Doctoral Dissertation, Istanbul University].
  • Barutçugil, İ. (2004). Strategic human resource management. Kariyer Publishing.
  • Becker, B. E., & Huselid, M. A. (2006). Strategic human resources management: Where do we go from here?. Journal of Management, 32(6), 898-925.
  • Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. (2000). Strategic human resource management: Where have we come from and where should we be going?. International Journal Of Management Reviews, 2 (2), 183-203.
  • Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. (2016). Strategy and human resource management. Palgrave Macmillan. Can, H., Kavuncubaşı, Ş. & Yıldırım, S. (2012). Human resources management in public and private sector. Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Coşkun, S. & Kayar, N. (2011). Strategic human resource management: Applications in public sector and recommendations for Turkish public administration. Journal of Economic and Social Research, 7(2), 69-95.
  • Çobanoğlu, F., Sertel, G. & Sarkaya, S. S. (2018). Human resource management practices in Turkish education system (Denizli case). European Journal of Educational Research, 7(4), 833-847.
  • Demirtaş, Ö. (2013). Strategic human resources management and organizational innovation. Marmara University Journal of I.İ.B., 35(2), 261-290.
  • Dessler, G. (2013). Strategic human resource management and the HR scorecard. New.
  • Erdoğdu A. & Salepçioğlu M. A. (2020). Talent management approach in strategic human resources management. Anadolu Bil Vocational School Journal, 15(59), 291-314.
  • Ersan A. (2013) The role of human resources in the efficiency of innovation strategies. [Master's Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University].
  • Garip, S. (2023). A theoretical review on quantitative research tradition in social sciences. International Journal of Social Field Research,12(1), 1-19, E-ISSN: 2146-8257.
  • Gupta, A. D. (2020). Strategic human resource management: Formulating and implementing HR strategies for a competitive advantage. CRC Press.
  • Güçlü, N. (2003). Strategic management. Journal of Gazi Faculty of Education, 23(6), 61-85.
  • Gürbüz, S. (2011). The effect of strategic human resources management on organizational commitment and job satisfaction: A research on human resources managers. Atatürk University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 15 (2), 397-418.
  • Hau, I. & Chow, S. (2005). High performance work system in asian companies. Thunderbird International Business Review, 47(5), 575-599.
  • Jackson, S.E. & Schuler, R.S. (1995). Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environment, Annual Review of Psychology, 46, 237-264.
  • Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S. & Werner, S. (2018). Managing human resources. Oxford University Press.
  • Kamoche K. (1996). Strategic human resource management within a resource-capability view of the firm. Journal of Management Studies, 33(2), 213-233,
  • Kaufman B. E. (2007). The development of HRM in historical and international perspective. In Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. & Wright, P. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of HRM (pp. 19-48), Oxford University Press.
  • Laursen K & Foss N.J. (2003) New human resource management practices, complimentarities, and the impact on innovation performance. Cambridge Journal of Economics, (27): 243-263.
  • Lawler, E. E. & Mohrman, S. A. (2003). Creating a strategic human resources organization: An assessment of trends and new directions. Stanford University Press. ISBN: 0-8047-4702-4
  • Öge, H. S. (2017). Human resources management. Education Publishing House.
  • Özçelik, A. O. (2006). A comparative study on the strategic role of human resources departments in Turkish and US organizations. Journal of Management Sciences, 4(1), 69-97.
  • Özçelik H. & Doğan A. (2021), Strategic human resources management from the perspective of human resources managers: A qualitative research. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 20(77), 289-312.
  • Özdevecioğlu M., Demirtaş Ö. & Ünlü O. (2009) The effects of human resources practices on innovation performance of enterprises. 17th National Management and Organization Congress, Eskisehir.
  • Özşahin & Öztürk (2024). Strategic human resource management and employee performance in private and public hospitals. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 13(1), 341-350.
  • Rasmussen, T. & Ulrich, D. (2015). Learning from practice: How HR analytics avoids being a management fad. Organizational Dynamics, 44(3), 236-242.
  • Schuler, R. S. (1992). Strategic human resources management: Linking the people with the strategic needs of the business. Organizational Dynamics, 21(1), 18-32.
  • Schuler, R. S. & Jackson, S. E. (1999). Strategic human resource management. Oxford.
  • Smilansky, J. (2002). New human resources. Translator: Derya Atakan, Epsilon Yay.
  • Wright, P. M. & Mcmahan, G. C. (1992). Theoretical perspectives for strategic human resource management. Journal of Management, 18 (2), 295-320.
  • Yeşilkuş, F., Özbozkurt, O. B., & Bahar, E. (2021). Stratejik insan kaynakları yönetimi üzerine profesyonel uygulamalar: Nitel bir araştırma. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(4), 3044-3067.
  • Zamanzadeh, V., Valizadeh, L. & Neshat, H. (2020). Challenges of human resources management in nursing in Iran: A qualitative content analysis. Nursing Open, 7(1), 319-325.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Organizasyon, Örgütsel Davranış, Strateji
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Güzin Kıyık Kıcır 0000-0002-6042-3422

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 18 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kıyık Kıcır, G. (2025). Current Issues in Strategic Human Resource Management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Review, 7(1), 93-107.

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