Year 2025,
Volume: 03, 1 - 11, 26.03.2025
Cüneyt Karaarslan
Arzu Coşkun
- 1. Aggarwal, A., & Gupta, A. (2011, Janu-ary). Effect of electromagnetic radiations on humans: A study. In IEEE Technology Stu-dents' Symposium (pp. 75-80). IEEE.
- 2. National Institute of Environmental Health Science, Available from: 21.03.2024.
- 3. Bostancı B. Digital Eye Strain Syndrome and Dry Eye. MN Ophthalmology, (1):96-9, 2023.
- 4. Günes F. From Paper to Screen Devel-opments in the Field of Reading. Bartin University Faculty of Education Journal. 2016;5(1):1.
- 5. Heus P, Verbeek JH, Tikka C. Optical correction of refractive error for preventing and treating eye symptoms in computer us-ers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;4(4): Cd009877. Epub 2018/04/11. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009877.pub2.
- 6. Computer vision syndrome: American Optometric Associa-tion; (Available from:18.12.2023).
- 7. MA Lemp. Basic principles and classifi-cation of dry eye disorders. The dry eye: a comprehensive guide, 101-131, 1992.
- 8. Kazuo Tsubota, Norihiko Yokoi. A new perspective on dry eye classification: a pro-posal by the Asia dry eye society. Eye & contact lens 46, S2-S13, 2020.
- 9. Joseph R Grubbs Jr, Sue Tolle-son-Rinehart, A review of quality of life measures in dry eye questionnaires. Cornea 33 (2), 215-218, 2014.
- 10. Mazyar Yazdani, Xiangjun Chen, Eva-luation of the ocular surface disease index questionnaire as a discriminative test for clinical findings in dry eye disease patients Current Eye Research 44 (9), 941-947, 2019.
- 11. Tanja Kalezić, Ivana Vuković. Dry eye examination-benefits of Ocular Surface Di-sease Index (OSDI) questionnaire with cli-nical testing Srpski arhiv za celokupno le-karstvo 150 (7-8), 451-455, 2022.
- 12. R Emanuel, R Bell, C Cotton, J Craig. The truth about smartphone addic-tion. College student journal 49 (2), 291-299, 2015.
- 13. Çelik T. Evaluation of the tear film layer in computer users with dry eye symptoms using ocular surface disease index, tear breakup time, and Schirmer test. 2017.
- 14. Wu H, Wang Y, Dong N, Yang F, Lin Z, Shang X, et al. Meibomian gland dys-function determines the severity of the dry eye conditions in visual display terminal workers. PLoSOne. 2014;9(8):e105575. Epub 2014/08/22. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105575.
- 15. Sağlan R, Atay E, Demirtaş Z, Öcal Ee, Arslantaş D, Ünsal A. Evaluation of Inter-net Addiction and Dry Eye Disease Among Secondary and High School Students. Eu-rasian Journal of Family Medicine. 2017;6(3):117-26.
As a Featured ‘Cause of Dry Eye Syndrome ‘Digital Screens
Year 2025,
Volume: 03, 1 - 11, 26.03.2025
Cüneyt Karaarslan
Arzu Coşkun
As digital screens have become more indispensable in our lives, the health problems they induce have become more frequent. Dry eye syndrome may be the most common and preventable of these health issues. In this study, we investigated the adversity of digital screens on tear function. This study evaluated the possible negative and potentially harmful effects of digital screens on the lacrimal system and tear functions with the voluntary participation of 221 patients who applied to a private eye hospital in March and April 2024. While the ocular surface conditions of the participating volunteers were evaluated with Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) scores, lacrimal activity functions were measured with the Schirmer test. The cases were 25-50 years old. The Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) evaluated the severity of dryness in the eyes. We found a reciprocal and statistically significant difference between dry eye symptoms and OSDI scores. Smartphone usage for more than 5 years, especially with higher screen brightnesses, has been attributed to a higher risky behavior for dry eye syndrome.
Ethical Statement
Supporting Institution
- 1. Aggarwal, A., & Gupta, A. (2011, Janu-ary). Effect of electromagnetic radiations on humans: A study. In IEEE Technology Stu-dents' Symposium (pp. 75-80). IEEE.
- 2. National Institute of Environmental Health Science, Available from: 21.03.2024.
- 3. Bostancı B. Digital Eye Strain Syndrome and Dry Eye. MN Ophthalmology, (1):96-9, 2023.
- 4. Günes F. From Paper to Screen Devel-opments in the Field of Reading. Bartin University Faculty of Education Journal. 2016;5(1):1.
- 5. Heus P, Verbeek JH, Tikka C. Optical correction of refractive error for preventing and treating eye symptoms in computer us-ers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;4(4): Cd009877. Epub 2018/04/11. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009877.pub2.
- 6. Computer vision syndrome: American Optometric Associa-tion; (Available from:18.12.2023).
- 7. MA Lemp. Basic principles and classifi-cation of dry eye disorders. The dry eye: a comprehensive guide, 101-131, 1992.
- 8. Kazuo Tsubota, Norihiko Yokoi. A new perspective on dry eye classification: a pro-posal by the Asia dry eye society. Eye & contact lens 46, S2-S13, 2020.
- 9. Joseph R Grubbs Jr, Sue Tolle-son-Rinehart, A review of quality of life measures in dry eye questionnaires. Cornea 33 (2), 215-218, 2014.
- 10. Mazyar Yazdani, Xiangjun Chen, Eva-luation of the ocular surface disease index questionnaire as a discriminative test for clinical findings in dry eye disease patients Current Eye Research 44 (9), 941-947, 2019.
- 11. Tanja Kalezić, Ivana Vuković. Dry eye examination-benefits of Ocular Surface Di-sease Index (OSDI) questionnaire with cli-nical testing Srpski arhiv za celokupno le-karstvo 150 (7-8), 451-455, 2022.
- 12. R Emanuel, R Bell, C Cotton, J Craig. The truth about smartphone addic-tion. College student journal 49 (2), 291-299, 2015.
- 13. Çelik T. Evaluation of the tear film layer in computer users with dry eye symptoms using ocular surface disease index, tear breakup time, and Schirmer test. 2017.
- 14. Wu H, Wang Y, Dong N, Yang F, Lin Z, Shang X, et al. Meibomian gland dys-function determines the severity of the dry eye conditions in visual display terminal workers. PLoSOne. 2014;9(8):e105575. Epub 2014/08/22. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105575.
- 15. Sağlan R, Atay E, Demirtaş Z, Öcal Ee, Arslantaş D, Ünsal A. Evaluation of Inter-net Addiction and Dry Eye Disease Among Secondary and High School Students. Eu-rasian Journal of Family Medicine. 2017;6(3):117-26.