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Review of the cadaver infectious diseases from past to present

Yıl 2023, , 47 - 51, 31.08.2023


Background: The target of this study is to identify the infectious microbial organisms that may encountered from during handling the cadaver and find the various methods of protection for the anatomists and the students in the dissection room.
Materials and Methods: This study is a historical review of the previous studies between the years 2002 and 2022 taken from the database of Pubmed and Google Scholar by using the following keywords (infectious diseases, cadaver diseases, anatomists hazards, Cadavers; risk of disease transmission, anatomical dissection).
Results: As a result of the literature review, it was concluded that every cadaver should be considered infectious material until proven otherwise.
Conclusions: As a result of this article, it was concluded that the fixation of the cadaver does not prevent infectivity. And the only method to reduce morbidity and mortality resulted from handling cadavers is by following protective measures according to the guidelines. Both the proper preparation of the cadaver and the knowledge of the medical history of the cadaver play an important role in minimizing the risks associated with the procedure.


I thank all the authors of the study.


  • Billette de Villemeur, T., Gelot, A., Deslys, J.P., Dormont, D., Duyckaerts, C., Jardin, L., … Robain, O. (1994). Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in three growth hormone recipients: A neuropathological study. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 20(2), 111–117.
  • Bradford, B. M., Piccardo, P., Ironside, J.W. & Mabbott, N.A. (2014). Human prion diseases and the risk of their transmission during anatomical dissection: Risk of Pion Disease Transmission During Dissection. Clinical Anatomy, 27(6), 821–832.
  • Demiryürek, D., Bayramoǧlu, A. & Ustaçelebi, Ş. (2002). Infective agents in fixed human cadavers: A brief review and suggested guidelines. The Anatomical Record, 269(4),194–197.
  • Perre, P. Van de (2018). Hıv infection & aids in low- and middle-income countries. Guide to Infection Control in the Healthcare Setting. Retrieved from
  • Kaufman, M.H. (2005). Dangerous dissections: The hazard from bodies supplied to Edinburgh anatomists, winter session, 1848-9. The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 35(3), 268–274.
  • Lassek AM. (1959). Human Dissection: Its Drama and Struggle. Medical Journal of Australia, 2(4), 123–123.
  • Owolabi, J. O., Tijani, A.A. & Ihunwo, A. (2022). A need to protect the health and rights of anatomists working in dissection laboratories. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 15,889–893.
  • Shoja, M.M., Benninger, B., Agutter, P., Loukas, M., & Tubbs, R.S. (2013). A historical perspective: infection from cadaveric dissection from the 18th to 20th centuries. Clinical Anatomy, 26(2),154–160.
  • Tabaac, B., Goldberg, G., Alvarez, L., Amin, M., Shupe-Ricksecker, K. & Gomez, F. (2013). Bacteria detected on surfaces of formalin fixed anatomy cadavers. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology = Archivio Italiano Di Anatomia Ed Embriologia, 118(1), 1–5.

Geçmişten günümüze kadavra enfeksiyon hastalıklarının gözden geçirilmesi

Yıl 2023, , 47 - 51, 31.08.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, kadavranın işlenmesi sırasında karşılaşılabilecek enfeksiyöz mikrobiyal organizmaları tespit etmek ve diseksiyon odasında anatomistler ve öğrenciler için çeşitli korunma yöntemlerini bulmaktır.
Materyal ve Metot: Bu çalışma, Pubmed ve Google Scholar veri tabanından alınan 2002-2022 yılları arasındaki önceki çalışmaların ilgili anahtar kelimeler (bulaşıcı hastalıklar, kadavra hastalıkları, anatomist tehlikeleri, Kadavralar; hastalık bulaşma riski, anatomik diseksiyon) kullanılarak tarihsel bir derlemesidir.
Bulgular: Literatür taraması sonucunda, aksi ispatlanana kadar her kadavranın enfeksiyöz materyal olarak kabul edilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.
Sonuç: Bu yazı sonucunda kadavranın fiksasyonunun enfektiviteye engel olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Kadavraların işlenmesinden kaynaklanan hastalık ve ölüm oranlarını azaltmanın tek yolu da kılavuzlara göre koruyucu önlemlerin alınmasıdır. Hem kadavranın uygun şekilde hazırlanması hem de kadavranın tıbbi geçmişine sahip olunması, işlemle ilgili risklerini en aza indirilmesinde önemli bir rol oynar.


  • Billette de Villemeur, T., Gelot, A., Deslys, J.P., Dormont, D., Duyckaerts, C., Jardin, L., … Robain, O. (1994). Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in three growth hormone recipients: A neuropathological study. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 20(2), 111–117.
  • Bradford, B. M., Piccardo, P., Ironside, J.W. & Mabbott, N.A. (2014). Human prion diseases and the risk of their transmission during anatomical dissection: Risk of Pion Disease Transmission During Dissection. Clinical Anatomy, 27(6), 821–832.
  • Demiryürek, D., Bayramoǧlu, A. & Ustaçelebi, Ş. (2002). Infective agents in fixed human cadavers: A brief review and suggested guidelines. The Anatomical Record, 269(4),194–197.
  • Perre, P. Van de (2018). Hıv infection & aids in low- and middle-income countries. Guide to Infection Control in the Healthcare Setting. Retrieved from
  • Kaufman, M.H. (2005). Dangerous dissections: The hazard from bodies supplied to Edinburgh anatomists, winter session, 1848-9. The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 35(3), 268–274.
  • Lassek AM. (1959). Human Dissection: Its Drama and Struggle. Medical Journal of Australia, 2(4), 123–123.
  • Owolabi, J. O., Tijani, A.A. & Ihunwo, A. (2022). A need to protect the health and rights of anatomists working in dissection laboratories. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 15,889–893.
  • Shoja, M.M., Benninger, B., Agutter, P., Loukas, M., & Tubbs, R.S. (2013). A historical perspective: infection from cadaveric dissection from the 18th to 20th centuries. Clinical Anatomy, 26(2),154–160.
  • Tabaac, B., Goldberg, G., Alvarez, L., Amin, M., Shupe-Ricksecker, K. & Gomez, F. (2013). Bacteria detected on surfaces of formalin fixed anatomy cadavers. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology = Archivio Italiano Di Anatomia Ed Embriologia, 118(1), 1–5.
Toplam 9 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Derlemeler

Melike Tatlı 0000-0001-8548-2421

Yusuf Seçgin 0000-0002-0118-6711

Şeyma Toy 0000-0002-6067-0087

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Tatlı, M., Seçgin, Y., & Toy, Ş. (2023). Review of the cadaver infectious diseases from past to present. Journal of Medical Topics and Updates, 2(2), 47-51.