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Differences in Fear of Falling, Risk of Falling, Behavior of Falling and Dependence on Care among Older People Living in Nursing Homes and Homes: Descriptive Comparative Research

Yıl 2022, , 28 - 42, 18.04.2022


Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the fear of falling, the risk of falling, the behaviour of falling and the dependence on care in older people living in nursing homes and homes and to evaluate the relationship between them.
Material and Method: The study was a comparative-descriptive design. It was conducted in Nursing Home (64) and Family Health Center (64) with 128 elderly individuals. In the study, Tinetti Falls Efficacy Scale, The In-Home Safety Conditions Assessment Form for Falls, The Falls Behavioral Scale for Older People, The Care Dependency Scale were used. The data was collected by the researcher using the face-to-face interview technique and observation method by making home and nursing home visits.
Results: The Tinetti Fall Activity Scale scores of the elderly living in the home were higher than the scale scores of the elderly living in the nursing home but the difference between them was not significant (p>0.05). The total falls risk scores and the falling behaviour scale scores of the older people living in the home were higher than the total falls risk scores of the older people living in the nursing home (p<0.05). For older people living at home and nursing home, a positive and strong relationship was found between care addiction and fear of falling (r=0.777, p=0.001). It was found in the study that 40% of care dependence in the elderly was explained by the fear of falling.
Conclusion: It is recommended that nurses should evaluate the fall situations and risk factors of individuals living in their homes, and then, they should make plans to reduce risks and falls without increasing care dependency.

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The authors are grateful to the elderly people for their participation in this study.


  • Akdeniz, M., Yaman, A., Kılıç, S. & Yaman, H. (2010). Preventable problems in family medicine: Falls in the older people. Gero Fam Journal, 1,117-132.
  • Akgör, M. (2017). Simple Fall Incidence of Elderly People and Definition of Inside Home Environmental Features for Simple Fall. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Near East University, Health Science Institude, Nursing Program, Lefkoşa.
  • Akgül, A. (2005). Tıbbi araştırmalarda istatistiksel analiz teknikleri ‘SPSS’ uygulamaları’ (3. Baskı), Ankara: Emek Ofset.
  • Akın, B. & Lök, N. (2012). Validity and reliability of home environment conditions evaluation form for falls in older people. Academic Geriatrics Journal, 4, 142-151.
  • Akın Korhan, E., Hakverdioğlu, G., Tokem, Y., Karadağ, Ö., Sarıoğlu, E. & Yıldız, K. (2013). Determination of care dependency level of patients staying in medical and surgical clinics. Anadolu Nursing and Health Sciences Journal. 16(4),199-204.
  • Altıparmak, S., Horasan, G. (2012). Accident prevalence and accident associated risk factors among elderly people living in nursing homes. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 15(3), 292-8.
  • Beyazay, S., Durna, Z. & Akın, S. (2014). Assessment of risk of falls in the elderly and associated factors with falls. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal Nursery Sci., 6(1), 1-12.
  • Boğa, NM., Özdelikara, A. & Ağaçdiken, S. (2015). Determination of falling behaviors in older people patients in the nursing home. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(3), 364-368.
  • Bulu, G. (2018). The Investigation Of The Daily Life Activities And Falling Effectiveness Of The Feedback Geriatric İndividuals. Master’s Thesis, Gaziantep University, Health Science Institude, Gaziantep.
  • Bulut Doğan, Z. (2014). The Risk Factors Associated With Falls İn The Older People Living İn Nursing Homes And Their Own Homes. Master's Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara.
  • Butler, M., Kesre, N. & Todd, M. (2004). Circumstances and consequences of falls in residential care: the New Zeal and Story. The New Zeal and Medical Journal, 117, 1202.
  • Cuevas-Trisan, R. (2017). Balance problems and fall risks in the elderly. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am., 28(4), 727-37.
  • Clemson, L., Cumming, R.G. & Heard, R. (2003). The development of an assessment to validate behavioral factors associated with falling. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57(4), 380–388.
  • Çubukçu, M. (2018). Evaluation of fall risk in home carees. Turkish Journal of Family Physicians, 22 (2), 50-57.
  • Damian, J., Barriuso, R., Gama, E. & Coesta, J. (2013). Factors associated with falls among older adults living in institutions. BMC Geriatrics, 13 (6), 2-9.
  • Dijkstra, A., Buist, G. & Dassen, T. (1996). Nursing-Care dependency. Development of an assessment scale for demented and mentally handicapped patients. Scand J Caring Sci ,10(3), 137–43.
  • Erdem. M. & Emel, F.H. (2004). Mobility level and fear of fall in the older people. Journal of Atatürk University School of Nursing, 1, 1-10.
  • Gülhan Güner, S. & Nural, N. (2016). Falls in Elderly and Protections. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Internal Medicine Nursing-Special Topics, 2(1), 30-37.
  • Göçer, S. & Günay, O. (2018). Daily living activities and depression symptom levels of older people living in a nursing home in Kayseri. Euras Journal Fam Med, 7(3), 116-24.
  • Kahraman, S. (2013). Concerns and experiences experienced by male student nurses in public health intern ship: Case of Şanlıurfa. Turk Journal Public Health, 11(3), 207-211.
  • Kaya, Ç.A., Kırımlı, E., Kalaça, Ç., Çifçili, S., Ünalan, P.C. & Kalaça, S. (2012). The incidence of falls and related factors in the elderly living in residential homes. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 15(1), 40-6.
  • Kissel, EJ., Dassen, T., Kottner, J. & Lohrmann, C. (2010). Psychometric testing of the modified care dependency scale for rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation. 24, 363–372.
  • Lök, N. (2010). Home Environment Risk Factors Cousing Fallings İn Older People And İts Relation Ship With Falling. Master’s Thesis, Selcuk University Institute of Health Sciences, Konya.
  • Lohrmann, C. & Dijkstra Dassen, T. (2003). The care dependency scale/an assessment instrument for older people patients in germen hospitals. Geriatric Nursing, 1(24), 40-43.
  • Meriç, M. & Oflaz, F. (2007). A qualitative study on perception of elderly about fear of falling and it's impact on daily life. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 10(1): 19-23.
  • Tinetti, M.E., Richman, D. & Powell, L. (1990). Falls efficacy as a measure of fear of falling. Journal of Gerontology Psychological Sciences, 45 (6), 239-282.
  • Tunçay Uz, S. & Özdinçler A.R. (2011). The effect of risk factors for falls on activities of daily living and quality of life in geriatric patients. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 14(3), 245-252.
  • Todd, C. & Skelton, D. (2022, 20 Ocak). What are The Main Risk Factors for Falls Among Older People and What are the Most Effective Interventions to Prevent These Falls? 2004 Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe (Health EvidenceNetwork report;
  • Uymaz, P. & Nahcivan, N. (2013). Reliability and validity of fall behavioral scale for older people. F N Nursing Journal, (21) 1, 22-32.
  • Uymaz, P. (2012). Evaluation Of Fall Prevention Program İn Older People Nursing Home Residents. Ph.D. Thesis, Istanbul University, Institute of Health Sciences Public Health Nursing, İstanbul.
  • Ünver, B., Bek, N. & Çiçek, A. (2017). Comparison of plantarsensation, postural oscillation and fear of falling in the older people with and without a fall history. Turkish J Physiother Rehabil, 28(1) , 19-26.
  • Yeşilbalkan, U.Ö. & Karadakovan, A. (2005). Fall frequency and factor saffecting fall in older people individuals living in Narlıdere rest and nursing home.Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 8(2), 72–77.
  • Zijlstra, G.A.R., Van, Haastregt. J.C.M. &Van, T.M. (2007). Prevalence and corralates of fear of falling, and associated avoidance of activity in the general population of community-living older people. Age Aging, 36(3): 304-309.

Evde ve Huzurevlerinde Yaşayan Yaşlılar Arasında Düşme Korkusu, Düşme Riski, Düşme Davranışı ve Bakım Bağımlılığı Açısından Farklılıklar: Karşılaştırmalı-Tanımlayıcı Araştırma

Yıl 2022, , 28 - 42, 18.04.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışma huzurevlerinde ve kendi evlerinde yaşayan yaşlılarda; düşme korkusu, düşme riski, düşme davranışı ve bakım bağımlılığını belirlemek ve aralarındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma karşılaştırmalı-tanımlayıcı çalışmadır. Huzurevinde kalan (64) ve Aile Sağlığı Merkezi'ne kayıtlı (64) toplam 128 yaşlı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada; Tinetti Düşme Etkinlik Ölçeği, Ev İçi Güvenlik Koşulları Değerlendirme Formu, Yaşlılar için Düşme Davranışları Ölçeği ve Bakım Bağımlılığı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Veriler araştırmacı tarafından, yüz yüze görüşme tekniği ve ev ve huzurevi ziyaretleri yapılarak gözlem yöntemi kullanılarak toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Evde yaşayan yaşlıların Tinetti Düşme Aktivite Ölçeği puanı, huzurevinde yaşayan yaşlıların puanından yüksek olduğu ancak aralarındaki farkın anlamlı olmadığı belirlenmiştir (p>0.05). Evde yaşayan yaşlıların düşme riski toplam puanları ve düşme davranışları ölçeği toplam puanları, huzurevinde yaşayan yaşlıların toplam puanlarından daha yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Evde ve huzurevinde yaşayan yaşlılarda bakım bağımlılığı ile düşme korkusu arasında pozitif yönde ve güçlü bir ilişki bulunmuştur (r=0.777, p=0.001). Araştırmada yaşlılarda bakım bağımlılığının %40'ının düşme korkusu ile açıklandığı bulunmuştur.
Sonuç: Çalışma sonucunda hemşirelerin özellikle evde yaşayan bireylerin düşme durumları ve risk faktörlerini değerlendirmeleri ve bunun sonucunda bakım bağımlılığını arttıran riskleri belirlemeleri ve düşmeleri azaltmaya yönelik planlar yapmaları önerilmektedir.

Proje Numarası



  • Akdeniz, M., Yaman, A., Kılıç, S. & Yaman, H. (2010). Preventable problems in family medicine: Falls in the older people. Gero Fam Journal, 1,117-132.
  • Akgör, M. (2017). Simple Fall Incidence of Elderly People and Definition of Inside Home Environmental Features for Simple Fall. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Near East University, Health Science Institude, Nursing Program, Lefkoşa.
  • Akgül, A. (2005). Tıbbi araştırmalarda istatistiksel analiz teknikleri ‘SPSS’ uygulamaları’ (3. Baskı), Ankara: Emek Ofset.
  • Akın, B. & Lök, N. (2012). Validity and reliability of home environment conditions evaluation form for falls in older people. Academic Geriatrics Journal, 4, 142-151.
  • Akın Korhan, E., Hakverdioğlu, G., Tokem, Y., Karadağ, Ö., Sarıoğlu, E. & Yıldız, K. (2013). Determination of care dependency level of patients staying in medical and surgical clinics. Anadolu Nursing and Health Sciences Journal. 16(4),199-204.
  • Altıparmak, S., Horasan, G. (2012). Accident prevalence and accident associated risk factors among elderly people living in nursing homes. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 15(3), 292-8.
  • Beyazay, S., Durna, Z. & Akın, S. (2014). Assessment of risk of falls in the elderly and associated factors with falls. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal Nursery Sci., 6(1), 1-12.
  • Boğa, NM., Özdelikara, A. & Ağaçdiken, S. (2015). Determination of falling behaviors in older people patients in the nursing home. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 4(3), 364-368.
  • Bulu, G. (2018). The Investigation Of The Daily Life Activities And Falling Effectiveness Of The Feedback Geriatric İndividuals. Master’s Thesis, Gaziantep University, Health Science Institude, Gaziantep.
  • Bulut Doğan, Z. (2014). The Risk Factors Associated With Falls İn The Older People Living İn Nursing Homes And Their Own Homes. Master's Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Ankara.
  • Butler, M., Kesre, N. & Todd, M. (2004). Circumstances and consequences of falls in residential care: the New Zeal and Story. The New Zeal and Medical Journal, 117, 1202.
  • Cuevas-Trisan, R. (2017). Balance problems and fall risks in the elderly. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am., 28(4), 727-37.
  • Clemson, L., Cumming, R.G. & Heard, R. (2003). The development of an assessment to validate behavioral factors associated with falling. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57(4), 380–388.
  • Çubukçu, M. (2018). Evaluation of fall risk in home carees. Turkish Journal of Family Physicians, 22 (2), 50-57.
  • Damian, J., Barriuso, R., Gama, E. & Coesta, J. (2013). Factors associated with falls among older adults living in institutions. BMC Geriatrics, 13 (6), 2-9.
  • Dijkstra, A., Buist, G. & Dassen, T. (1996). Nursing-Care dependency. Development of an assessment scale for demented and mentally handicapped patients. Scand J Caring Sci ,10(3), 137–43.
  • Erdem. M. & Emel, F.H. (2004). Mobility level and fear of fall in the older people. Journal of Atatürk University School of Nursing, 1, 1-10.
  • Gülhan Güner, S. & Nural, N. (2016). Falls in Elderly and Protections. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Internal Medicine Nursing-Special Topics, 2(1), 30-37.
  • Göçer, S. & Günay, O. (2018). Daily living activities and depression symptom levels of older people living in a nursing home in Kayseri. Euras Journal Fam Med, 7(3), 116-24.
  • Kahraman, S. (2013). Concerns and experiences experienced by male student nurses in public health intern ship: Case of Şanlıurfa. Turk Journal Public Health, 11(3), 207-211.
  • Kaya, Ç.A., Kırımlı, E., Kalaça, Ç., Çifçili, S., Ünalan, P.C. & Kalaça, S. (2012). The incidence of falls and related factors in the elderly living in residential homes. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 15(1), 40-6.
  • Kissel, EJ., Dassen, T., Kottner, J. & Lohrmann, C. (2010). Psychometric testing of the modified care dependency scale for rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation. 24, 363–372.
  • Lök, N. (2010). Home Environment Risk Factors Cousing Fallings İn Older People And İts Relation Ship With Falling. Master’s Thesis, Selcuk University Institute of Health Sciences, Konya.
  • Lohrmann, C. & Dijkstra Dassen, T. (2003). The care dependency scale/an assessment instrument for older people patients in germen hospitals. Geriatric Nursing, 1(24), 40-43.
  • Meriç, M. & Oflaz, F. (2007). A qualitative study on perception of elderly about fear of falling and it's impact on daily life. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 10(1): 19-23.
  • Tinetti, M.E., Richman, D. & Powell, L. (1990). Falls efficacy as a measure of fear of falling. Journal of Gerontology Psychological Sciences, 45 (6), 239-282.
  • Tunçay Uz, S. & Özdinçler A.R. (2011). The effect of risk factors for falls on activities of daily living and quality of life in geriatric patients. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 14(3), 245-252.
  • Todd, C. & Skelton, D. (2022, 20 Ocak). What are The Main Risk Factors for Falls Among Older People and What are the Most Effective Interventions to Prevent These Falls? 2004 Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe (Health EvidenceNetwork report;
  • Uymaz, P. & Nahcivan, N. (2013). Reliability and validity of fall behavioral scale for older people. F N Nursing Journal, (21) 1, 22-32.
  • Uymaz, P. (2012). Evaluation Of Fall Prevention Program İn Older People Nursing Home Residents. Ph.D. Thesis, Istanbul University, Institute of Health Sciences Public Health Nursing, İstanbul.
  • Ünver, B., Bek, N. & Çiçek, A. (2017). Comparison of plantarsensation, postural oscillation and fear of falling in the older people with and without a fall history. Turkish J Physiother Rehabil, 28(1) , 19-26.
  • Yeşilbalkan, U.Ö. & Karadakovan, A. (2005). Fall frequency and factor saffecting fall in older people individuals living in Narlıdere rest and nursing home.Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 8(2), 72–77.
  • Zijlstra, G.A.R., Van, Haastregt. J.C.M. &Van, T.M. (2007). Prevalence and corralates of fear of falling, and associated avoidance of activity in the general population of community-living older people. Age Aging, 36(3): 304-309.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Halk Sağlığı, Çevre Sağlığı
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Dilek Bozotkayasan 0000-0002-5526-8800

Filiz Özkan 0000-0002-7286-3548

Proje Numarası -
Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozotkayasan, D., & Özkan, F. (2022). Differences in Fear of Falling, Risk of Falling, Behavior of Falling and Dependence on Care among Older People Living in Nursing Homes and Homes: Descriptive Comparative Research. Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, 4(1), 28-42.