Enhancing Production Processes in The Medical Industry: A Six Sigma Case Study with Industry 4.0 Integration
Yıl 2024,
, 363 - 373, 31.12.2024
M. Paşa Gültaş
This article investigates a successful case study of a medical industry company implementing Six Sigma methodologies. Focused on steel cutting operations, the study utilized the DMAIC approach, revealing a process operating at a sigma level of 3.4. Embracing the core principles of the Six Sigma approach and statistical problem-solving techniques, the company aimed for continuous improvement.
The initial phase involved a meticulous analysis of the existing process, identifying and rectifying errors and defects. Utilizing appropriate statistical tools for data collection and analysis, the study then pinpointed root causes within the process and developed improvement strategies. The article highlights Six Sigma as a powerful tool for enhancing product and process quality. This paper showcases how the Six Sigma approach was implemented in a medical industry company, demonstrating successful outcomes through improved steel cutting processes
Etik Beyan
This research was conducted with the utmost integrity and adherence to ethical standards.
Destekleyen Kurum
Thanks to the contributions of the professionals at the company for their valuable input in the implementation.
I would like to express my gratitude to the editors of Journal of Turkish Operations Management for considering my article worthy of evaluation.
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