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Deniz Konteyner Limanları Perspektifinde Terminal Seçimi için Entegre bir AHP TOPSIS Yaklaşımı Türkiye’nin Konteyner Liman ve Terminalleri İçin Örnek bir Uygulama

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14, 33 - 47, 27.03.2019


Bu çalışma konteyner operatörleri, lojistik işletmeler ve tedarik
zincirinin diğer aktörleri açısından konteyner liman seçiminin stratejik
önemine odaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın ana odak noktası iki önemli soruyla
ilgilidir: Bir konteyner limanı ve terminali, lojistik ve deniz konteyner
operatörleri tarafından nasıl seçilir ve karar vericiler için en önemli
faktörler nelerdir. Bu sorulara cevap ararken, başlangıçta seçim kriterlerinin
ve karar alternatiflerinin ayrıntılı olarak belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Uygun
ve optimal konteyner limanı ve terminali seçebilmek için Analitik Hiyerarşi
Prosesi (AHP) teorisi ve TOPSIS yöntemi seçilmiştir ve bu metodolojiler
konteyner limanı seçimiyle ilgili karar verme problemini çözmek için entegre
edilmiştir. Bu çalışma beş aşamadan oluşmaktadır. İlk aşamada bir literatür
taraması yapıldı. optimal konteyner liman ve terminalini seçmek için AHP ve
TOPSIS yöntemleri tanımlanmış ve bu entegre yöntemin adımları bu çalışmanın
ikinci aşamasında gösterilmiştir. Üçüncü aşamada, hibrid yöntem olarak entegre
bir AHP-TOPSIS yöntemi kullanılarak sayısal analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Dördüncü aşamada elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirilmiş ve uzmanlar kurulu
tarafından derinlemesine analiz yapılmıştır. Son aşamada bu çalışma özetlenmiş
ve son sonuçlar gösterilmiş ve bu hibrid yöntemin konteyner liman seçim süreci
ile ilgili literatüre katkısı değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada yedi üyeden
oluşan uzmanlar kurulu oluşturulmuş ve kurul üyeleri şirketlerinde karar verme
süreçlerinde önemli rol oynayan profesyonellerdir. Bu nedenle, uzmanlar kurulu
tarafından araştırmacı tarafından seçilirken, deniz taşımacılığı sektöründe üst
düzey yönetici veya şirket sahibi olmak ana kural olarak belirlenmiştir. Tüm
seçim kriterleri, karar alternatifleri ve bu çalışmanın temel amacı, uzmanlar
kurulu ile birlikte gerçekleştirilen yuvarlak masa toplantılarında
belirlenmiştir. Çift yönlü karşılaştırma soruları araştırmacı tarafından
hazırlanmıştır ve üst düzey yönetici olarak denizcilik alanında çalışan
seçilmiş otuz karar vericiye yönlendirilmiştir.


  • Referans1 Slack, Brian. 1985. “Containerization: Inter-Port Competition and Port Selection”. Maritime Policy and Management, 12, 4.: 293-303.
  • Referans2 Hayuth, Yehuda. 1980. “Container Traffic in Ocean Shipping Policy,” in: International Conference on Ports for Europe, Brugge.
  • Referans3 Jansson, Jan. O., Shneers, Daniel. 1987. Liner Shipping Economics. Chapman and Hall Ltd, New York.
  • Referans4 James, Bicheno Francis, Gail, Saltz. 1988 “The Perception of Route Competition Via Seaports in The European Communities.” Maritime Policy and Management, 15: 35-55.
  • Referans5 Thomson, Brian. 1998. “Structure Changes in The Maritime Industry’s Impact on the Inter-Port Competition in Container Trade.” International conference on shipping development and port management.
  • Referans6 Sternberg, Richard W. 2000. “The Successful Factors of an Ocean Transshipment Center, the Case Study of One Italian Port,” The Journal of Chinese Ports, 29, 2.: 13-18.
  • Referans7 Malchow, Matthew Brian, Kanafani, Adib. 2004. “A Disaggregate Analysis of Port Selection,” Transportation Research Part E, 40: 317-337.
  • Referans8 Murphy, Paul R., Daley, James, M., Dalenberg, Douglas R. 1992. “Port Selection Criteria: An Application of a Transport Research Framework.” Logistics and Transportation Review, 28: 237-255.
  • Referans9 Lirn, Tae. C., Thanopoulou, H. A., Beresford, Anthony K. C. 2003. “Transshipment Port Selection and Decision-Making Behaviour: Analyzing the Taiwanese Case.” International Journal of Logistics - Research and Applications, 6: 229-244.
  • Referans10 Lirn, T. C., Thanopoutou, H.A., Beynon, M. J., Beresford, A.K.C. 2004. An Application of AHP on Transshipment Port Selection: A Global Perspective. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 6: 70-91.
  • Referans11 Ha, Myung-Shin. 2003. “A Comparison of Service Quality at Major Container Ports: Implications for Korean Ports.” Journal of Transport Geography, 112: 131-137.
  • Referans12 Chou, Chien-Chang. 2007. “A Fuzzy MCDM Method for Solving Marine Transshipment Container Port Selection Problems.” Applied Mathematics and Computation, 186, 1: 435-444.
  • Referans13 Yeo, Gi-Tae., Ng, Adolf K.Y., Lee, Tae-Woo and Yang, Zaili. 2014. “Modelling Port Choice in an Uncertain Environment.” Maritime Policy & Management, 41, 3: 251-267.
  • Referans14 Tongzon, Jose. L. 2009. “Port Choice and Freight Forwarders.” Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 45, 1: 186-195.
  • Referans15 Ernst, Fred. G. 2001. “Economics of Transportation in Container Shipping Logistics,” in: International Conference on Port and Maritime R&D and Technology, Singapore.
  • Referans16 Bird, James. 1988. “Freight Forwarders Speak: The Perception of Route Competition via Seaports in The European Communities Research Project.” Maritime Policy and Management, 15, 1: 12-27.
  • Referans17 Willingale, Michael, C. 1984. “Ship-Operator Port-Routing Behavior and the Development Process.” In: Hoyle, B.S. and Hilling, D. eds. Seaport Systems and Spatial Change. John Wiley & Sons: New York, 43-59.
  • Referans18 Murphy, Paul R., Daley, James M., Dalenberg. 1991. “Selecting Links and Nodes İn İnternational Transportation: An Intermediary’s Perspective.” Transportation Journal, 31: 33-40.
  • Referans19 Saleh, Al-Dhahri, LaLonde, Bernard J. 1972. “Industrial Buying Behavior and The Motor Carrier Selection Decision.” Journal of Purchasing, 8: 18-33.
  • Referans20 Brooks, Mary R. 2004. “The Governance Structure of Ports.” Review of Network Economics, 3, 2: 168-183.D’Este, Glen, Meyrick, Samuel. 1992. “Carrier Selection in A RO/RO Ferry Trade Part 1. Decision Factors and Attitudes.” Maritime Policy and Management, 19, 2: 115–126.
  • Referans21 D’Este, Glen. 1992. “Carrier Selection in A Ro/Ro Ferry Trade Part 2: Conceptual Framework for The Decision Process.” Maritime Policy and Management, 19, 2: 127–138.
  • Referans22 McGinnis, Michael. 1979. “Shipper Attitudes Towards Freight Transport Choice. A Factor Analytic Study.” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials, Management, 10: 25–34.
  • Referans23 Ogden, Kenneth W., Rattray, Anna. 1982. “Analysis of Freight Mode Choice”. In: Proceedings of the 7th Australian Transport Research Forum, Hobart, Australia: 249–276.
  • Referans24 Gilmour, Peter. 1976. “Some Policy Implications of Subjective Factors in the Modal Choice for Freight Movements.” The Logistics and Transportation Review, 12: 39–57.
  • Referans25 Wilson, Fred R., Bisson, Brain J., Kobia, Klein B. 1986. “Factors that Determine Mode Choice in The Transportation of General Freight” Transportation Research Record, 1061: 26–31.
  • Referans26 Cook, William R. 1967. “Transportation Decisions of Certain Firms İn The Black Country.” Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 1: 325–344.
  • Referans27 Bayliss, Eddie J., Edwards, Samuel L. 1970. Industrial Demand for Transport. Ministry of Transport: London.
  • Referans28 Chang, T.S. 2008. “Best Routes Selection in İnternational Intermodal Networks.” Computers & Operations Research, 35, 9: 2877-2891.
  • Referans29 Rimmer, Peter J. 1998. “Ocean Liner Shipping Services: Corporate Restructuring and Port Selection/Competition.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 39, 2: 193-208.
  • Referans30 Heaver, Trevor, Meersman, Hilda, Voorde Eddy Van D. 2001. “Co-Operation and Competition in International Container Transport: Strategies for Ports.” Maritime Policy & Management, 28, 3: 293-305.
  • Referans31 Nir, An-Shuen, Lin, Kuang, Liang, Gin-Shuh. 2003. “Port Choice Behavior – From The Perspective of the Shipper.” Maritime Policy and Management, 30, 2: 165–173.
  • Referans32 Tiwari, Piyush, Itoh, Hidekazu, Doi, Masayuki. 2003. “Shippers’ Containerized Cargo Transportation Behavior in China: A Discrete Choice Analysis.” Journal of Transportation Economics and Statistics, 6 1: 71–87.
  • Referans33 Barysienė Jurgita. 2012. “A Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Container Terminal Technologies Applying the Copras-G Method.” Transport, 274: 364–372.
  • Referans34 Ergin, Ayfer, Eker, İpek, Alkan, Güler. 2015. “Selection of Container Port Using ELECTRE Technique.” International Journal of Operations and Logistics Management, 4, 4: 268-275.
  • Referans35 Sayareh, Jafar., Alizmini, Hamed Rezaee. 2014. Hybrid Decision-Making Model for Selecting Container Seaport in the Persian Gulf.” The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 30, 1: 75-95.

An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14, 33 - 47, 27.03.2019


This study focuses on the strategic
importance of container port selection with regard to container operator
companies, logistics firms and other actors of a supply chain. The main focal
point of this paper deals with two important questions: how a container port
and terminal is selected by logistics and marine container operators and what
is the most important factors for decision makers. When an answer is seeking to
these questions, initially it should be necessary to determine the selection
criteria and decision alternatives in detail. In order to select proper and
optimal container port and terminal, the Analytic Hierarchy Process theory and
TOPSIS method were selected and these methodologies were integrated to solve
decision-making problem that related to container port selection. This study
consists of five stages. In the first stage, a literature review was made. AHP
and TOPSIS methods were defined and their steps of these methodologies were
shown in the second stage of this study. In the third stage, numerical analysis
was realized by using an integrated AHP-TOPSIS methods as a hybrid method. In
the fourth stage, the obtained results were evaluated and depth analysis was
made by the member of the board of experts. In the final stage, this study was
summarized and final results were shown and the contribution of this hybrid
method to the literature concerning with the container port selection process was
evaluated. In this study, the board of experts that consisted of seven members
was constructed and they are professionals who play an important role in the
decision making processes in their companies. Therefore, while the members of
the board of experts were selected by the researcher, to be the senior
executive or company owner in the field of the maritime transportation sector
was determined as the main rule. All selection criteria, decision alternatives
and the main goal of this study were determined in the roundtable meetings that
realized with together the board of experts. Pairwise comparison questions were
prepared by the researcher and were directed to the selected thirty decision
makers who work in the field of maritime as the senior executive. 


  • Referans1 Slack, Brian. 1985. “Containerization: Inter-Port Competition and Port Selection”. Maritime Policy and Management, 12, 4.: 293-303.
  • Referans2 Hayuth, Yehuda. 1980. “Container Traffic in Ocean Shipping Policy,” in: International Conference on Ports for Europe, Brugge.
  • Referans3 Jansson, Jan. O., Shneers, Daniel. 1987. Liner Shipping Economics. Chapman and Hall Ltd, New York.
  • Referans4 James, Bicheno Francis, Gail, Saltz. 1988 “The Perception of Route Competition Via Seaports in The European Communities.” Maritime Policy and Management, 15: 35-55.
  • Referans5 Thomson, Brian. 1998. “Structure Changes in The Maritime Industry’s Impact on the Inter-Port Competition in Container Trade.” International conference on shipping development and port management.
  • Referans6 Sternberg, Richard W. 2000. “The Successful Factors of an Ocean Transshipment Center, the Case Study of One Italian Port,” The Journal of Chinese Ports, 29, 2.: 13-18.
  • Referans7 Malchow, Matthew Brian, Kanafani, Adib. 2004. “A Disaggregate Analysis of Port Selection,” Transportation Research Part E, 40: 317-337.
  • Referans8 Murphy, Paul R., Daley, James, M., Dalenberg, Douglas R. 1992. “Port Selection Criteria: An Application of a Transport Research Framework.” Logistics and Transportation Review, 28: 237-255.
  • Referans9 Lirn, Tae. C., Thanopoulou, H. A., Beresford, Anthony K. C. 2003. “Transshipment Port Selection and Decision-Making Behaviour: Analyzing the Taiwanese Case.” International Journal of Logistics - Research and Applications, 6: 229-244.
  • Referans10 Lirn, T. C., Thanopoutou, H.A., Beynon, M. J., Beresford, A.K.C. 2004. An Application of AHP on Transshipment Port Selection: A Global Perspective. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 6: 70-91.
  • Referans11 Ha, Myung-Shin. 2003. “A Comparison of Service Quality at Major Container Ports: Implications for Korean Ports.” Journal of Transport Geography, 112: 131-137.
  • Referans12 Chou, Chien-Chang. 2007. “A Fuzzy MCDM Method for Solving Marine Transshipment Container Port Selection Problems.” Applied Mathematics and Computation, 186, 1: 435-444.
  • Referans13 Yeo, Gi-Tae., Ng, Adolf K.Y., Lee, Tae-Woo and Yang, Zaili. 2014. “Modelling Port Choice in an Uncertain Environment.” Maritime Policy & Management, 41, 3: 251-267.
  • Referans14 Tongzon, Jose. L. 2009. “Port Choice and Freight Forwarders.” Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 45, 1: 186-195.
  • Referans15 Ernst, Fred. G. 2001. “Economics of Transportation in Container Shipping Logistics,” in: International Conference on Port and Maritime R&D and Technology, Singapore.
  • Referans16 Bird, James. 1988. “Freight Forwarders Speak: The Perception of Route Competition via Seaports in The European Communities Research Project.” Maritime Policy and Management, 15, 1: 12-27.
  • Referans17 Willingale, Michael, C. 1984. “Ship-Operator Port-Routing Behavior and the Development Process.” In: Hoyle, B.S. and Hilling, D. eds. Seaport Systems and Spatial Change. John Wiley & Sons: New York, 43-59.
  • Referans18 Murphy, Paul R., Daley, James M., Dalenberg. 1991. “Selecting Links and Nodes İn İnternational Transportation: An Intermediary’s Perspective.” Transportation Journal, 31: 33-40.
  • Referans19 Saleh, Al-Dhahri, LaLonde, Bernard J. 1972. “Industrial Buying Behavior and The Motor Carrier Selection Decision.” Journal of Purchasing, 8: 18-33.
  • Referans20 Brooks, Mary R. 2004. “The Governance Structure of Ports.” Review of Network Economics, 3, 2: 168-183.D’Este, Glen, Meyrick, Samuel. 1992. “Carrier Selection in A RO/RO Ferry Trade Part 1. Decision Factors and Attitudes.” Maritime Policy and Management, 19, 2: 115–126.
  • Referans21 D’Este, Glen. 1992. “Carrier Selection in A Ro/Ro Ferry Trade Part 2: Conceptual Framework for The Decision Process.” Maritime Policy and Management, 19, 2: 127–138.
  • Referans22 McGinnis, Michael. 1979. “Shipper Attitudes Towards Freight Transport Choice. A Factor Analytic Study.” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials, Management, 10: 25–34.
  • Referans23 Ogden, Kenneth W., Rattray, Anna. 1982. “Analysis of Freight Mode Choice”. In: Proceedings of the 7th Australian Transport Research Forum, Hobart, Australia: 249–276.
  • Referans24 Gilmour, Peter. 1976. “Some Policy Implications of Subjective Factors in the Modal Choice for Freight Movements.” The Logistics and Transportation Review, 12: 39–57.
  • Referans25 Wilson, Fred R., Bisson, Brain J., Kobia, Klein B. 1986. “Factors that Determine Mode Choice in The Transportation of General Freight” Transportation Research Record, 1061: 26–31.
  • Referans26 Cook, William R. 1967. “Transportation Decisions of Certain Firms İn The Black Country.” Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 1: 325–344.
  • Referans27 Bayliss, Eddie J., Edwards, Samuel L. 1970. Industrial Demand for Transport. Ministry of Transport: London.
  • Referans28 Chang, T.S. 2008. “Best Routes Selection in İnternational Intermodal Networks.” Computers & Operations Research, 35, 9: 2877-2891.
  • Referans29 Rimmer, Peter J. 1998. “Ocean Liner Shipping Services: Corporate Restructuring and Port Selection/Competition.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 39, 2: 193-208.
  • Referans30 Heaver, Trevor, Meersman, Hilda, Voorde Eddy Van D. 2001. “Co-Operation and Competition in International Container Transport: Strategies for Ports.” Maritime Policy & Management, 28, 3: 293-305.
  • Referans31 Nir, An-Shuen, Lin, Kuang, Liang, Gin-Shuh. 2003. “Port Choice Behavior – From The Perspective of the Shipper.” Maritime Policy and Management, 30, 2: 165–173.
  • Referans32 Tiwari, Piyush, Itoh, Hidekazu, Doi, Masayuki. 2003. “Shippers’ Containerized Cargo Transportation Behavior in China: A Discrete Choice Analysis.” Journal of Transportation Economics and Statistics, 6 1: 71–87.
  • Referans33 Barysienė Jurgita. 2012. “A Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Container Terminal Technologies Applying the Copras-G Method.” Transport, 274: 364–372.
  • Referans34 Ergin, Ayfer, Eker, İpek, Alkan, Güler. 2015. “Selection of Container Port Using ELECTRE Technique.” International Journal of Operations and Logistics Management, 4, 4: 268-275.
  • Referans35 Sayareh, Jafar., Alizmini, Hamed Rezaee. 2014. Hybrid Decision-Making Model for Selecting Container Seaport in the Persian Gulf.” The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 30, 1: 75-95.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Ömer Faruk Görçün 0000-0003-3850-6755

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Mart 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 14

Kaynak Göster

APA Görçün, Ö. F. (2019). An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 14, 33-47.
AMA Görçün ÖF. An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Mart 2019;14:33-47.
Chicago Görçün, Ömer Faruk. “An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14, Mart (Mart 2019): 33-47.
EndNote Görçün ÖF (01 Mart 2019) An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 33–47.
IEEE Ö. F. Görçün, “An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, ss. 33–47, 2019.
ISNAD Görçün, Ömer Faruk. “An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 (Mart 2019), 33-47.
JAMA Görçün ÖF. An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:33–47.
MLA Görçün, Ömer Faruk. “An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, 2019, ss. 33-47.
Vancouver Görçün ÖF. An Integrated AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: A Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:33-47.