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Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56, 468 - 488, 31.10.2019


2016 yılında Türkiye’de yaşanan turizm krizi özellikle
Rusya pazarı odaklı hizmet sunan otel işletmelerini etkilemiş ve otel
yöneticilerini krizden sağ kurtulmaya yönelik çözüm yolları aramaya itmiştir. Otel
yöneticileri düşen doluluk oranlarını makul düzeylere taşıyabilmek ve işletme
faaliyetlerini olağan şekilde sürdürebilmek adına bir takım önlemler almışlardır.
Bu çalışmada, son yıllarda Türkiye’nin karşılaştığı en şiddetli turizm krizi
süresince otel işletmelerinin uyguladığı kriz yönetimi uygulamalarını ortaya
koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Antalya’da faaliyet gösteren 112 otel
yöneticisine ulaşılarak yöneticilerin kriz ortamında işletmelerinin kriz
durumundan etkilenmesini önlemek amacıyla uyguladıkları kriz yönetimi uygulamaları
içerik analizi metoduyla incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre krize
hazırlık olarak otel işletmeleri tarafından alınan önlemlerde en çok
“Pazarlama” çalışmaları (%54,8) yapılmakta, bunu sırasıyla “İnsan Kaynakları”
(%18,9), “Maliyet” (%14,2), “Kalite” (%7,4) ve “Müşteri”ye (%4,7) yönelik
uygulamalar takip etmektedir.


  • Adıgüzel, Beyza, ve Tuna, Muharrem. 2018. “Downsizing Processes of Hotel Managements During 2016 Turkey Tourism Crisis.” International Journal of Professional Business Review, 3 (2): 153-171.
  • Aksu, Akın A., ve Ehtiyar, Rüya, V. 2007. Turizm İşletmelerinde Çağdaş Yönetim Teknikleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Anson, Caroline. 1999. “Planning for Peace: The Role of Tourism in the Aftermath of Violence.” Journal of Travel Research, 38 (August): 57–61.
  • Armstrong, Elizabeth, Kate. 2008. Tourism Destination Recovery after the 2003 Canberra Fires. Australia: Faculty of Business and Government, University of Canberra.
  • Atay, Hakan, ve Tanrısevdi, Abdullah. 2008. “İçsel Kaynaklı Krizlerde Kriz Öncesi Aşamaların Yönetilmesi.” Turizm İşletmelerinde Çağdaş Yönetim Teknikleri edited by Okumuş, Fevzi, ve Avcı, Umut., Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Augustine, Norman, R. 1995. “Business Crises: Guaranteed Preventatives—and What to do After They Fail.” Executive Speeches, 9 (6): 28–42.
  • Aziz, Heba. 1995. “Understanding Terrorist Attacks on Tourists in Egypt.” Tourism Management, 16 (2): 91-95.
  • Beirman, David, ve Van Walbeek, B. 2011. “Bounce Back: Tourism Risk, Crisis and Recovery Management Guide.” The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PETA), Bangkok.
  • Bilić, Ivana, Pivčević, Smiljana, ve Čevra, Ana. 2017. “Crisis Management in Hotel Business–Insights from Croatia.” Communication Management Review, 2 (2): 100-118.
  • Blackman, Deborah, ve Ritchie, Brent, W. 2008. “Tourism Crisis Management and Organizational Learning.” Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 23 (2): 45–57.
  • Blake, Adam, ve Sinclair, Thea, M. 2003. “Tourism Crisis Management: US Response to September 11.” Annals of Tourism Research, 30 (4): 813-832.
  • Booth, Simon, A. 1993. Crisis Management Strategy, Competition and Changes in Modern Enterprises. London: Routledge.
  • Buhalis, Dimitrios. 2000. “Relationships in the Distribution Channel of Tourism: Conflicts Between Hoteliers and Tour Operators in the Mediterranean Region.” International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 1 (1): 113-139.
  • Burnett, John, J. 1998. “A Strategic Approach to Managing Crises.” Public Relations Review, 24 (4): 475–488.
  • Butler, Richard, W., ve Baum, Tom. 1999. “The Tourism Potential of The Peace Dividend.” Journal of Travel Research, 38 (August): 24–29.
  • Chien, Grace, CL., ve Law, Rob. 2003. “The Impact of The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on Hotels: A Case Study of Hong Kong.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22 (3): 327-332.
  • Cohn, R. 2001. “The PR Crisis Bible.” The Competitive Destination: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective edited by Ritchie, Brent, JR., Crouch, Geoffrey, Ian, Cabi Publishing.
  • Coombs, Timothy, W. 1995. “The Development of Guidelines for the Selection of the ‘Appropriate’ Crisis Response Strategies.” Management Communication Quarterly, 4: 447–476.
  • Coombs, Timothy, W. 2001. “Teaching the Crisis Management/Communication Course.” Public Relations Review, 27 (1): 89-101.
  • Cosgrave, John. 1996. “Decision Making in Emergencies.” Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 5 (4): 28-35.
  • Creswell, John, W. 2016. Araştırma Deseni, Nitel, Nicel ve Karma Yöntem Yaklaşımları. (Çev. Selçuk Beşir Demir). Ankara: Eğiten Kitap Yayıncılık.
  • D’Amore, Louis, J. ve Teresa, Anuza, E. 1986. “International Terrorism: Implications and Challange for Global Tourism.” The Business Quarterly, 51 (4): 20-29.
  • Darling, John, R. 1994. “Crises Management in International Business: Keys to Effective Decision Making.” Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 15 (8): 3–8.
  • Davies, Hilary, ve Walters, Megan. 1998. “Do All Crises Have to Become Disasters? Risk and Risk Mitigation.” Property Management, 7 (5): 396–400.
  • Devlin, Edward, S. 2007. Crisis Management Planning and Execution. New York: Auerbach Publications.
  • Drummond, Helga, ve Chell, Elizabeth. 1994. “Crises Management in a Small Business: A Tale of Two Solicitors’ Firms.” Management Decision, 32 (1): 37–40.
  • Ekşili, Nisa, Ünal, Zeynep, ve Çetin, Emre, I. 2017. “Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Kriz Dönemlerinde Uygulanan Tasarruf Stratejilerinin Bulanık DEMATEL Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi.” Business and Economics Research Journal, 8 (2): 259-273.
  • Evans, Nigel, ve Elphick, Sarah. 2005. “Models of Crisis Management: An Evaluation of Their Value for Strategic Planning in the International Travel Industry.” International Journal of Tourism Research, 7 (3): 135-150.
  • Faulkner, Bill, ve Russell, Roslyn. 2000. “Turbulence, Chaos, and Complexity in Tourism Systems: A Research Direction for the New Millennium.” Tourism in the 21st Century: Reflections on Experience edited by Faulkner, Bill, Moscardo, G., Laws, E., London: Continuum.
  • Faulkner, Bill, ve Vikulov, Svetlana. 2001. “Katherine, Washed Out One Day, Back on Track the Next: A Post-Mortem of a Tourism Disaster.” Tourism Management, 22 (4): 331-344.
  • Faulkner, Bill. 2001. “Towards a Framework for Tourism Disaster Management.” Tourism Management, 22 (2): 135–147.
  • Fink, Steven. 1986. Crises Management: Planning for the Inevitable. New York: American Management Association.
  • Gülbahar, Yasemin, ve Alper, Ayfer. 2009. “Öğretim Teknolojileri Alanında Yapılan Araştırmalar.” Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 42 (2): 93-111.
  • Günbayı, İlhan, ve Taşdöğen, Bilge. 2012. “İlköğretim Okullarında Çalışan Öğretmenlerin Hizmet İçi Eğitim Programları Üzerine Görüşleri: Bir Durum Çalışması.” İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1 (3): 87-117.
  • Gurtner, Yetta. 2016. “Returning to Paradise: Investigating Issues of Tourism Crisis and Disaster Recovery on the Island of Bali.” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 28 (September): 11-19.
  • Hall, Michael, C. 2010. “Crisis Events in Tourism: Subjects of Crisis in Tourism.” Current Issues in Tourism, 13 (5): 401-417.
  • Heath, Robert. 1998. “Looking for Answers: Suggestions for Improving How We Evaluate Crisis Management.” Safety Science, 30 (1-2): 151-163.
  • Henderson, Joan. C., ve Ng, Alex. 2004. “Responding to Crisis: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Hotels in Singapore.” International Journal of Tourism Research, 6 (6): 411-419.
  • Hope, Christine, A., ve Klemm, Mary, S. 2001. “Tourism in Difficult Areas Revisited: The Case of Bradford.” Tourism Management, 22 (4): 629–655.
  • Israeli, Aviad, A., Mohsin, Asad, ve Kumar, Bhupesh. 2011. “Hospitality Crisis Management Practices: The Case of Indian Luxury Hotels.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30 (2): 367-374.
  • Israeli, Aviad, A., ve Reichel, Arie. 2003. “Hospitality Crisis Management Practices: The Israeli Case.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22 (4): 353-372.
  • Johnson Tew, Paula, Lu, Zhen, Tolomiczenko, George, ve Gellatly, Joanne. 2008. “SARS: Lessons in Strategic Planning for Hoteliers and Destination Marketers.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20 (3): 332-346.
  • Kash, Toby, J., ve Darling, John, R., 1988. “Crises Management: Prevention, Diagnosis and Intervention.” Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 19 (4): 179–186.
  • Kılıçdere, Sibel, ve Çolakoğlu, Osman, Eralp 2017. “Seyahat Acentalarında Kriz Yönetimi Kapsamında 2016 Turizm Sezonunun Değerlendirilmesi.” Journal of Travel and Tourism Research, 12 (2017): 19-45.
  • Kovoor-Misra, Sarah, Clair, Judith A., ve Bettenhausen, Kenneth, L. 2001. “Clarifying the Attributes of Organizational Crises.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 67 (1): 77–91.Landis, Richard, J., ve Koch, Gary, G. 1977. “The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data.” Biometrics, 159-174.
  • Lerbinger, Otto. 1997. The Crisis Manager: Facing Risk and Responsibility. New Jersey: Lawrence Eribaum Associates.
  • Leslie, David. 1996. “Northern Ireland, Tourism and Peace.” Tourism Management, 17 (1): 51–55.
  • Leung, Paul, ve Lam, Terry. 2004. “Crisis Management During the SARS Threat: A Case Study of the Metropole Hotel in Hong Kong.” Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 3 (1): 47-57.
  • Lynch, Mary. 2004. “Weathering the Storm. A Crisis Management Guide for the Tourism Business.” Leicester: Troubador Publishing Ltd.
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Crisis Management Practices and Predictions of Hotel Managers Concerning the 2016 Tourism Crisis in Turkey

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56, 468 - 488, 31.10.2019


In 2016, the tourism crisis realized in Turkey has had
an impact upon hotel businesses, rendering notably Russian market-oriented
service and obliged managers of the hotels to seek solutions to survive in the
crisis. Hotel managers have taken a number of measures in an effort to increase
the occupancy rates to reasonable levels and maintain their operating
activities in the usual way.
The aim of this study
is to reveal the crisis management implementations of hotel managers during the
most severe tourism crisis that Turkey faced for the last two decades. To that
end, crisis management implementations of 112 hotel managers in Antalya, which
were supposed to prevent hotels from adverse impacts of crisis, were examined
by content analysis method. According to the findings of the study, implementations
of “Marketing” (54.8%) are the most extensive measures taken by hotel
enterprises in preparation for crisis followed by “Human Resource” (18.9%), “Cost”
(14.2%), “Quality”, (7.4%), and “Customer” (4.7%).


  • Adıgüzel, Beyza, ve Tuna, Muharrem. 2018. “Downsizing Processes of Hotel Managements During 2016 Turkey Tourism Crisis.” International Journal of Professional Business Review, 3 (2): 153-171.
  • Aksu, Akın A., ve Ehtiyar, Rüya, V. 2007. Turizm İşletmelerinde Çağdaş Yönetim Teknikleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Anson, Caroline. 1999. “Planning for Peace: The Role of Tourism in the Aftermath of Violence.” Journal of Travel Research, 38 (August): 57–61.
  • Armstrong, Elizabeth, Kate. 2008. Tourism Destination Recovery after the 2003 Canberra Fires. Australia: Faculty of Business and Government, University of Canberra.
  • Atay, Hakan, ve Tanrısevdi, Abdullah. 2008. “İçsel Kaynaklı Krizlerde Kriz Öncesi Aşamaların Yönetilmesi.” Turizm İşletmelerinde Çağdaş Yönetim Teknikleri edited by Okumuş, Fevzi, ve Avcı, Umut., Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Augustine, Norman, R. 1995. “Business Crises: Guaranteed Preventatives—and What to do After They Fail.” Executive Speeches, 9 (6): 28–42.
  • Aziz, Heba. 1995. “Understanding Terrorist Attacks on Tourists in Egypt.” Tourism Management, 16 (2): 91-95.
  • Beirman, David, ve Van Walbeek, B. 2011. “Bounce Back: Tourism Risk, Crisis and Recovery Management Guide.” The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PETA), Bangkok.
  • Bilić, Ivana, Pivčević, Smiljana, ve Čevra, Ana. 2017. “Crisis Management in Hotel Business–Insights from Croatia.” Communication Management Review, 2 (2): 100-118.
  • Blackman, Deborah, ve Ritchie, Brent, W. 2008. “Tourism Crisis Management and Organizational Learning.” Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 23 (2): 45–57.
  • Blake, Adam, ve Sinclair, Thea, M. 2003. “Tourism Crisis Management: US Response to September 11.” Annals of Tourism Research, 30 (4): 813-832.
  • Booth, Simon, A. 1993. Crisis Management Strategy, Competition and Changes in Modern Enterprises. London: Routledge.
  • Buhalis, Dimitrios. 2000. “Relationships in the Distribution Channel of Tourism: Conflicts Between Hoteliers and Tour Operators in the Mediterranean Region.” International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 1 (1): 113-139.
  • Burnett, John, J. 1998. “A Strategic Approach to Managing Crises.” Public Relations Review, 24 (4): 475–488.
  • Butler, Richard, W., ve Baum, Tom. 1999. “The Tourism Potential of The Peace Dividend.” Journal of Travel Research, 38 (August): 24–29.
  • Chien, Grace, CL., ve Law, Rob. 2003. “The Impact of The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on Hotels: A Case Study of Hong Kong.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22 (3): 327-332.
  • Cohn, R. 2001. “The PR Crisis Bible.” The Competitive Destination: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective edited by Ritchie, Brent, JR., Crouch, Geoffrey, Ian, Cabi Publishing.
  • Coombs, Timothy, W. 1995. “The Development of Guidelines for the Selection of the ‘Appropriate’ Crisis Response Strategies.” Management Communication Quarterly, 4: 447–476.
  • Coombs, Timothy, W. 2001. “Teaching the Crisis Management/Communication Course.” Public Relations Review, 27 (1): 89-101.
  • Cosgrave, John. 1996. “Decision Making in Emergencies.” Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 5 (4): 28-35.
  • Creswell, John, W. 2016. Araştırma Deseni, Nitel, Nicel ve Karma Yöntem Yaklaşımları. (Çev. Selçuk Beşir Demir). Ankara: Eğiten Kitap Yayıncılık.
  • D’Amore, Louis, J. ve Teresa, Anuza, E. 1986. “International Terrorism: Implications and Challange for Global Tourism.” The Business Quarterly, 51 (4): 20-29.
  • Darling, John, R. 1994. “Crises Management in International Business: Keys to Effective Decision Making.” Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 15 (8): 3–8.
  • Davies, Hilary, ve Walters, Megan. 1998. “Do All Crises Have to Become Disasters? Risk and Risk Mitigation.” Property Management, 7 (5): 396–400.
  • Devlin, Edward, S. 2007. Crisis Management Planning and Execution. New York: Auerbach Publications.
  • Drummond, Helga, ve Chell, Elizabeth. 1994. “Crises Management in a Small Business: A Tale of Two Solicitors’ Firms.” Management Decision, 32 (1): 37–40.
  • Ekşili, Nisa, Ünal, Zeynep, ve Çetin, Emre, I. 2017. “Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Kriz Dönemlerinde Uygulanan Tasarruf Stratejilerinin Bulanık DEMATEL Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi.” Business and Economics Research Journal, 8 (2): 259-273.
  • Evans, Nigel, ve Elphick, Sarah. 2005. “Models of Crisis Management: An Evaluation of Their Value for Strategic Planning in the International Travel Industry.” International Journal of Tourism Research, 7 (3): 135-150.
  • Faulkner, Bill, ve Russell, Roslyn. 2000. “Turbulence, Chaos, and Complexity in Tourism Systems: A Research Direction for the New Millennium.” Tourism in the 21st Century: Reflections on Experience edited by Faulkner, Bill, Moscardo, G., Laws, E., London: Continuum.
  • Faulkner, Bill, ve Vikulov, Svetlana. 2001. “Katherine, Washed Out One Day, Back on Track the Next: A Post-Mortem of a Tourism Disaster.” Tourism Management, 22 (4): 331-344.
  • Faulkner, Bill. 2001. “Towards a Framework for Tourism Disaster Management.” Tourism Management, 22 (2): 135–147.
  • Fink, Steven. 1986. Crises Management: Planning for the Inevitable. New York: American Management Association.
  • Gülbahar, Yasemin, ve Alper, Ayfer. 2009. “Öğretim Teknolojileri Alanında Yapılan Araştırmalar.” Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 42 (2): 93-111.
  • Günbayı, İlhan, ve Taşdöğen, Bilge. 2012. “İlköğretim Okullarında Çalışan Öğretmenlerin Hizmet İçi Eğitim Programları Üzerine Görüşleri: Bir Durum Çalışması.” İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1 (3): 87-117.
  • Gurtner, Yetta. 2016. “Returning to Paradise: Investigating Issues of Tourism Crisis and Disaster Recovery on the Island of Bali.” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 28 (September): 11-19.
  • Hall, Michael, C. 2010. “Crisis Events in Tourism: Subjects of Crisis in Tourism.” Current Issues in Tourism, 13 (5): 401-417.
  • Heath, Robert. 1998. “Looking for Answers: Suggestions for Improving How We Evaluate Crisis Management.” Safety Science, 30 (1-2): 151-163.
  • Henderson, Joan. C., ve Ng, Alex. 2004. “Responding to Crisis: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Hotels in Singapore.” International Journal of Tourism Research, 6 (6): 411-419.
  • Hope, Christine, A., ve Klemm, Mary, S. 2001. “Tourism in Difficult Areas Revisited: The Case of Bradford.” Tourism Management, 22 (4): 629–655.
  • Israeli, Aviad, A., Mohsin, Asad, ve Kumar, Bhupesh. 2011. “Hospitality Crisis Management Practices: The Case of Indian Luxury Hotels.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30 (2): 367-374.
  • Israeli, Aviad, A., ve Reichel, Arie. 2003. “Hospitality Crisis Management Practices: The Israeli Case.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22 (4): 353-372.
  • Johnson Tew, Paula, Lu, Zhen, Tolomiczenko, George, ve Gellatly, Joanne. 2008. “SARS: Lessons in Strategic Planning for Hoteliers and Destination Marketers.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20 (3): 332-346.
  • Kash, Toby, J., ve Darling, John, R., 1988. “Crises Management: Prevention, Diagnosis and Intervention.” Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 19 (4): 179–186.
  • Kılıçdere, Sibel, ve Çolakoğlu, Osman, Eralp 2017. “Seyahat Acentalarında Kriz Yönetimi Kapsamında 2016 Turizm Sezonunun Değerlendirilmesi.” Journal of Travel and Tourism Research, 12 (2017): 19-45.
  • Kovoor-Misra, Sarah, Clair, Judith A., ve Bettenhausen, Kenneth, L. 2001. “Clarifying the Attributes of Organizational Crises.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 67 (1): 77–91.Landis, Richard, J., ve Koch, Gary, G. 1977. “The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data.” Biometrics, 159-174.
  • Lerbinger, Otto. 1997. The Crisis Manager: Facing Risk and Responsibility. New Jersey: Lawrence Eribaum Associates.
  • Leslie, David. 1996. “Northern Ireland, Tourism and Peace.” Tourism Management, 17 (1): 51–55.
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Toplam 85 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Yildirim Yılmaz

Caner Ünal 0000-0002-2591-3389

Aslihan Dursun Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9794-4627

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, Y., Ünal, C., & Dursun, A. (2019). Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 14(56), 468-488.
AMA Yılmaz Y, Ünal C, Dursun A. Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Ekim 2019;14(56):468-488.
Chicago Yılmaz, Yildirim, Caner Ünal, ve Aslihan Dursun. “Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri Ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14, sy. 56 (Ekim 2019): 468-88.
EndNote Yılmaz Y, Ünal C, Dursun A (01 Ekim 2019) Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 56 468–488.
IEEE Y. Yılmaz, C. Ünal, ve A. Dursun, “Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 56, ss. 468–488, 2019.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Yildirim vd. “Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri Ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14/56 (Ekim 2019), 468-488.
JAMA Yılmaz Y, Ünal C, Dursun A. Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:468–488.
MLA Yılmaz, Yildirim vd. “Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri Ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 56, 2019, ss. 468-8.
Vancouver Yılmaz Y, Ünal C, Dursun A. Otel Yöneticilerinin 2016 Türkiye Turizm Krizine İlişkin Öngörüleri ve Kriz Yönetim Uygulamaları. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14(56):468-8.