Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56, 507 - 521, 31.10.2019



  • Araç-Öztürk, Yeşim. 2016. “Turkey Enterprise Applications Software Market 2016–2020 forecast and 2015 vendor shares”, International Data Corporation (IDC), Tech. Rep.
  • Abdurahman, Dini. 2016. “Modeling and simulation of an IoT enabled cold chain logistics Management System”. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Alfalla-Luque, Rafaela, Carmen Medina-Lopez, and Prasanta Kumar Dey.2013. "Supply chain integration framework using literature review." Production Planning & Control 24.(8-9): 800-817.
  • Al-Momani, Adai Mohammad, Moamin A. Mahmoud, and S. Ahmad. 2016 "Modeling the adoption of internet of things services: A conceptual framework." International Journal of Applied Research 2.(5): 361-367.
  • Ashton, Kevin. 2009. "That ‘internet of things’ thing." RFID journal 22(7):97-114.
  • Attaran, Mohsen. 2017."The internet of things: Limitless Opportunities for business and society." Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability 12(1), 10-29.
  • Bejlegaard, Mads, Brunoe, Thomas D. Jacob Bossen, Andersen, Ann-Louise, Nielsen, Kjeld. 2016. "Reconfigurable manufacturing potential in small and medium enterprises with low volume and high variety: pre-design evaluation of RMS." Procedia CIRP 51: 32-37.
  • Botta, Alessio., De Donato, Walter de, Persico, Valerio, Pescapé, Antonio. 2016.” Integration of cloud computing and Internet of Things: A survey”. Future Generation Computer Systems 56: 684-700.
  • CISCO Systems (2018). VNI Global fixed and mobile ınternet traffic forecasts - Complete visual networking index (VNI) Forecast, Erişim Tarihi: 27.06.2018,
  • Civerchia, Federico, Bocchino, Stefano, Salvadori, Claudio, Rossi, Enrico, Maggiani, Luca & Petracca, Matteo. 2017. “Industrial Internet of Things monitoring solution for advanced predictive maintenance applications”. Journal of Industrial Information Integration. 7: 4-12.
  • Columbus, Louis. 2017. 2017 Roundup Of Internet Of Things forecasts, Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2018,
  • Çokluk, Ömay, Yılmaz, Kürşad ve Oğuz, Ebru. 2011. “Nitel bir görüşme yöntemi: Odak grup görüşmesi”. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim, 4(1): 95 - 107.
  • Del Giudice, Manlio. 2016. “Discovering The Internet of Things (Iot). Technology and business process management, inside and outside the innovative firms”. Business Process Management Journal, 22(2): 263-270.
  • Dominici, Gandolfo, Roblek, Vasja, Abbate, Tindara, & Tani, Mario. 2016. “Click and drive: Consumer attitude to product development: Towards future transformations of the driving experience”. Business Process Management Journal, 22(2): 420-434.
  • Erragcha, Nozha, and Rabiaa Romdhane. 2014. “New faces of marketing in the era of the web: From marketing 1.0 to marketing 3.0”. Journal of Research in Marketing, 2(2), 137-142.
  • Falkenreck, Christine, and Ralf Wagner. 2017. “The Internet of Things – Chance and challenge in industrial business relationships”. Industrial Marketing Management, 66, 181-195.
  • Frankenberger, Karolin, Weiblen, Tobias, Csik, Michaela & Gassmann, Oliver. 2013. “The 4I-Framework of business model innovation: An analysis of the process phases and challenges”. International Journal of Product Development, 18(3-4): 249-273.
  • Gandhi, Suketu, and Eric Gervet. 2016. “Now that your products can talk, what will they tell you?”, MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(3): 49.
  • Gregory, Jonathan. 2015.”The Internet of Things: Revolutionizing the retail industry”. Accenture Strategy.
  • Grube, David, Ali A. Malik, and Arne Bilberg. 2017. “Generic challenges and automation solutions in manufacturing SMEs”. 28th DAAAM International Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 1161-1169.
  • Jara, Antonio J., María Concepción Parra, and Antonio F. Skarmeta. 2012. "Marketing 4.0: A new value added to the Marketing through the Internet of Things." Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2012 Sixth International Conference on. IEEE.
  • Jara, Antonio J., María Concepción Parra, and Antonio F. Skarmeta. 2014. "Participative marketing: extending social media marketing through the identification and interaction capabilities from the Internet of things." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 18(4): 997-1011.
  • Karahan, Kasım., Özçiftçi, Vesile. 2008. “Pazar Yönlülük: Aksaray İli Perakende Hizmet İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20: 479-492
  • Kim, Ki Joon, and Dong-Hee Shin. 2015). “An acceptance model for smart watches: implications for the adoption of future wearable technology”. Internet Research. 25(4): 527-541.
  • Kohli, Ajay K., and Bernard J. Jaworski. 1990. “Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial İmplications”, The Journal of Marketing, 1-18.
  • Kotler, Philip, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan. 2010. Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kotler, Philip, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan. 2016. Marketing 4.0: Moving from traditional to digital. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kowatsch, Tobias, and Wolfgang Maass. 2012. “Critical privacy factors of internet of things services: An empirical investigation with domain experts”. In H. Rahman, A. Mesquita, I. Ramos, B. Pernici (Eds.), Knowledge and Technologies in Innovative Information Systems, 129 LNBIP, 200-211, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  • Krämer, Andreas, Thomas Tachilzik, and Robert Bongaerts. 2017. “Technology and disruption: How the new customer relationship influences the corporate strategy”, In A. Khare, B. Stewart, R. Schatz (Eds.), Phantom Ex Machina, 53-70, Springer, Cham.
  • Lee, In, and Kyoochun Lee. 2015. "The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises." Business Horizons 58(4): 431-440.
  • Leiponen, Aija. 2006. "Managing knowledge for innovation: the case of business‐to‐business services." Journal of Product Innovation Management 23(3): 238-258.
  • Lucero, Sam. 2016. “IoT platforms: enabling the Internet of Things”. IHS Technology White paper.
  • Lund, Denise, MacGillivray, Carrie, Turner, Vernon, & Morales, Mario. 2014. “Worldwide and regional internet of things (iot) 2014–2020 forecast: A virtuous circle of proven value and demand”. International Data Corporation (IDC), Tech. Rep, 1.
  • Maier, Max V. 2016. “The Internet of Things (Iot). What is the potential of Internet of Things applications for consumer marketing?”, 7th IBA Bachelor Thesis Conference, July 1st, 2016, Enschede, The Netherlands.
  • Marquier, J., Lee, N.-C., Jeon, Y.-G., Kemos, A., & van der Berg, R. 2016. “The Internet of Things - Seizing the benefits and addressing the challenges”, Ministerial meeting on the digital economy. OECD digital economy papers, 252, 1-57
  • Miorandi, Daniele, Sicari, Sabrina, De Pellegrini, Francesco, & Chlamtac, Imrich. 2012. Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges”. Ad Hoc Networks, 10(7). 1497-1516.
  • Montgomery, Alan L., and Michael D. Smith. 2009. "Prospects for Personalization on the Internet." Journal of Interactive Marketing 23(2): 130-137.
  • Morgan, Jacob. 2014. “A Simple Explanation Of 'The Internet Of Things” Erişim Tarihi: 28.06.2018,
  • Narver, John C., and Stanley F. Slater. 1990. "The effect of a market orientation on business profitability." The Journal of marketing, 20-35.
  • Openshaw, Eric, Wigginton, Craig, Hagel, John, Brown, John Seely, Wooll, Maggie, & Banerjee, Preeta. 2014. “The internet of things ecosystem: Unlocking the business value of connected devices”. Deloitte.
  • Porter, Michael E., and James E. Heppelmann. 2014. “How Smart, connected products are transforming competition”. Harvard Business Review, 92(11): 64-88.
  • Roblek, Vasja, Maja Meško, and Alojz Krapež. 2016. "A complex view of industry 4.0." Sage Open” 6(2),1-11.
  • Ruan, Junhu, and Yan Shi. 2016. “Monitoring and assessing fruit freshness in IOT-based e-commerce delivery using scenario analysis and interval number approaches”. Information Sciences, 373: 557-570.
  • Shahzad, Khurram, and Mattias O'Nils. 2018. "Condition Monitoring in Industry 4.0-Design Challenges and Possibilities: A Case Study." Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT. IEEE, 101-106.
  • Sicari, Sabrina, Rizzardi, Alessandra, Grieco, Luigi Alfredo & Coen-Porisini, Alberto. 2015. "Security, privacy and trust in Internet of Things: The road ahead." Computer networks, 76: 146-164.
  • Soldatos John K., Gusmeroli, Sergio, Malo, Pedro & Di Orio, Giovanni. 2016. “Internet of Things Applications in Future Manufacturing”. In O.Vermesan, P. Friess (Eds.), Digitising Industry - Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds, 153-183, River Publishers.
  • Sommer, Lutz. 2015. Industrial revolution-industry 4.0: Are German manufacturing SMEs the first victims of this revolution?, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 8 (5), 1512-1532.
  • Stojkic, Zeljko, Ivica Veza, and Igor Bosnjak. 2015. "A concept of information system implementation (CRM and ERP) within industry 4.0." Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings, 912-920.
  • TÜSİAD. 2016. Türkiye'nin küresel rekabetçiliği için bir gereklilik olarak Sanayi 4.0: gelişmekte olan ekonomi perspektifi raporu, Mart: Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2016-03/576
  • De Vass, Tharaka, and Himanshu Shee. 2018. “The effect of Internet of Things on supply chain integration and performance: An organisational capability perspective”. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22: 1-29.
  • Vassileva, Bistra, and Yordan Ivanov. 2017. "“3G” Business Model for Marketing 4.0: Implications for Circular Economy." Journal of Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management 1(1): 124-134.
  • Ventura, Keti. 2018. “Potentials of IoT as a marketing tool: Opportunities vs. challenges”, In E. E. Başar, A. Erciş and S Ünal (Eds.), The Virtual World and Marketing, 67-83, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Westerlund, Mika, Seppo Leminen, and Mervi Rajahonka. 2014. “Designing business models for the Internet of Things”. Technology Innovation Management Review, 4(7): 5-14.
  • Wortmann, Felix and Flüchter, Kristina. 2015. Internet of Things. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(3): 221-224.
  • Xia, Feng, Yang, Laurence T., Wang, Lizhe, & Vinel, Alexey. 2012. “Internet of Things”. International Journal of Communication Systems, 25(9): 1101-1102.
  • Xiaoyu Yu, Bang Nguyen, Yi Chen. 2016. "Internet of things capability and alliance: Entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and product and process innovation", Internet Research, Vol. 26(2), 402-434.
  • Yang, Chen, Lan, Shulin, Shen, Weiming, Huang, George Q., Wang, Xianbin, Lin, Tingyu. 2017. “Towards product customization and personalization in IoT-enabled cloud manufacturing”. Cluster Computing, 20(2): 1717-1730.
  • Yıldırım, Ali, & Şimşek, Hasan. 2008. Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, 7. Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Yu, Xiaoyu, Bang Nguyen, and Yi Chen. 2016. "Internet of things capability and alliance: entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and product and process innovation." Internet Research 26(2): 402-434.
  • Yükselen, Cemal. 2006. Pazarlama Araştırmaları. 3. Baskı, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Zaslavsky, Arkady, Charith Perera, and Dimitrios Georgakopoulos. 2013. “Sensing as a Service and Big Data”. International Conference on Advances in Cloud Computing (ACC), Bangalore, India, 21-29.
  • Zhong, Hongye, and Jitian Xiao. 2015. “Big Data Analytics On Customer Behaviors with Kinect Sensor Network”. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), 6(2), 36-47.

Pazar ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56, 507 - 521, 31.10.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı
Sanayi 4.0 dönüşümü bağlamında pazar ve müşteri yönlü IoT uygulamalarının
kapsamını değerlendirmek, bu uygulamalara ilişkin olarak kurumsal yenilik ve
girişimcilik stratejileri kapsamında düşünsel bir altyapı oluşturmak ve bunları
Türk iş yazılımı sektörü bağlamında analiz etmektir. Keşifsel nitelikte
tasarlanan bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de iş yazılımları alanında faaliyet gösteren
işletmelerle yapılan odak grup çalışmaları ve derinlemesine görüşmelerle, bu
işletmelerin sunduğu yeni nesil müşteri odaklı çözümler incelenmiştir. Çalışma
bulgularında, iş yazılımları pazarında Sanayi 4.0 dönüşümü için hazır
bulunuşluk seviyesinin düşük seyrettiği; bu teknolojilerin kullanımının daha
çok perakende ve lojistik gibi alanlarla sınırlı olduğu ve bu alanların daha
çok gelişime açık olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışmada, Türk İş Yazılım Sektöründe
faaliyet gösteren işletmeler ve müşterileri de dâhil olmak üzere paydaşlar
arasında Sanayi 4.0 ve IoT tabanlı rekabetçi stratejilerin geliştirilebilmesi
için bir işbirliği modeli önerilmiştir.


  • Araç-Öztürk, Yeşim. 2016. “Turkey Enterprise Applications Software Market 2016–2020 forecast and 2015 vendor shares”, International Data Corporation (IDC), Tech. Rep.
  • Abdurahman, Dini. 2016. “Modeling and simulation of an IoT enabled cold chain logistics Management System”. Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Alfalla-Luque, Rafaela, Carmen Medina-Lopez, and Prasanta Kumar Dey.2013. "Supply chain integration framework using literature review." Production Planning & Control 24.(8-9): 800-817.
  • Al-Momani, Adai Mohammad, Moamin A. Mahmoud, and S. Ahmad. 2016 "Modeling the adoption of internet of things services: A conceptual framework." International Journal of Applied Research 2.(5): 361-367.
  • Ashton, Kevin. 2009. "That ‘internet of things’ thing." RFID journal 22(7):97-114.
  • Attaran, Mohsen. 2017."The internet of things: Limitless Opportunities for business and society." Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability 12(1), 10-29.
  • Bejlegaard, Mads, Brunoe, Thomas D. Jacob Bossen, Andersen, Ann-Louise, Nielsen, Kjeld. 2016. "Reconfigurable manufacturing potential in small and medium enterprises with low volume and high variety: pre-design evaluation of RMS." Procedia CIRP 51: 32-37.
  • Botta, Alessio., De Donato, Walter de, Persico, Valerio, Pescapé, Antonio. 2016.” Integration of cloud computing and Internet of Things: A survey”. Future Generation Computer Systems 56: 684-700.
  • CISCO Systems (2018). VNI Global fixed and mobile ınternet traffic forecasts - Complete visual networking index (VNI) Forecast, Erişim Tarihi: 27.06.2018,
  • Civerchia, Federico, Bocchino, Stefano, Salvadori, Claudio, Rossi, Enrico, Maggiani, Luca & Petracca, Matteo. 2017. “Industrial Internet of Things monitoring solution for advanced predictive maintenance applications”. Journal of Industrial Information Integration. 7: 4-12.
  • Columbus, Louis. 2017. 2017 Roundup Of Internet Of Things forecasts, Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2018,
  • Çokluk, Ömay, Yılmaz, Kürşad ve Oğuz, Ebru. 2011. “Nitel bir görüşme yöntemi: Odak grup görüşmesi”. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim, 4(1): 95 - 107.
  • Del Giudice, Manlio. 2016. “Discovering The Internet of Things (Iot). Technology and business process management, inside and outside the innovative firms”. Business Process Management Journal, 22(2): 263-270.
  • Dominici, Gandolfo, Roblek, Vasja, Abbate, Tindara, & Tani, Mario. 2016. “Click and drive: Consumer attitude to product development: Towards future transformations of the driving experience”. Business Process Management Journal, 22(2): 420-434.
  • Erragcha, Nozha, and Rabiaa Romdhane. 2014. “New faces of marketing in the era of the web: From marketing 1.0 to marketing 3.0”. Journal of Research in Marketing, 2(2), 137-142.
  • Falkenreck, Christine, and Ralf Wagner. 2017. “The Internet of Things – Chance and challenge in industrial business relationships”. Industrial Marketing Management, 66, 181-195.
  • Frankenberger, Karolin, Weiblen, Tobias, Csik, Michaela & Gassmann, Oliver. 2013. “The 4I-Framework of business model innovation: An analysis of the process phases and challenges”. International Journal of Product Development, 18(3-4): 249-273.
  • Gandhi, Suketu, and Eric Gervet. 2016. “Now that your products can talk, what will they tell you?”, MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(3): 49.
  • Gregory, Jonathan. 2015.”The Internet of Things: Revolutionizing the retail industry”. Accenture Strategy.
  • Grube, David, Ali A. Malik, and Arne Bilberg. 2017. “Generic challenges and automation solutions in manufacturing SMEs”. 28th DAAAM International Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 1161-1169.
  • Jara, Antonio J., María Concepción Parra, and Antonio F. Skarmeta. 2012. "Marketing 4.0: A new value added to the Marketing through the Internet of Things." Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2012 Sixth International Conference on. IEEE.
  • Jara, Antonio J., María Concepción Parra, and Antonio F. Skarmeta. 2014. "Participative marketing: extending social media marketing through the identification and interaction capabilities from the Internet of things." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 18(4): 997-1011.
  • Karahan, Kasım., Özçiftçi, Vesile. 2008. “Pazar Yönlülük: Aksaray İli Perakende Hizmet İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20: 479-492
  • Kim, Ki Joon, and Dong-Hee Shin. 2015). “An acceptance model for smart watches: implications for the adoption of future wearable technology”. Internet Research. 25(4): 527-541.
  • Kohli, Ajay K., and Bernard J. Jaworski. 1990. “Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial İmplications”, The Journal of Marketing, 1-18.
  • Kotler, Philip, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan. 2010. Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kotler, Philip, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan. 2016. Marketing 4.0: Moving from traditional to digital. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kowatsch, Tobias, and Wolfgang Maass. 2012. “Critical privacy factors of internet of things services: An empirical investigation with domain experts”. In H. Rahman, A. Mesquita, I. Ramos, B. Pernici (Eds.), Knowledge and Technologies in Innovative Information Systems, 129 LNBIP, 200-211, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  • Krämer, Andreas, Thomas Tachilzik, and Robert Bongaerts. 2017. “Technology and disruption: How the new customer relationship influences the corporate strategy”, In A. Khare, B. Stewart, R. Schatz (Eds.), Phantom Ex Machina, 53-70, Springer, Cham.
  • Lee, In, and Kyoochun Lee. 2015. "The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises." Business Horizons 58(4): 431-440.
  • Leiponen, Aija. 2006. "Managing knowledge for innovation: the case of business‐to‐business services." Journal of Product Innovation Management 23(3): 238-258.
  • Lucero, Sam. 2016. “IoT platforms: enabling the Internet of Things”. IHS Technology White paper.
  • Lund, Denise, MacGillivray, Carrie, Turner, Vernon, & Morales, Mario. 2014. “Worldwide and regional internet of things (iot) 2014–2020 forecast: A virtuous circle of proven value and demand”. International Data Corporation (IDC), Tech. Rep, 1.
  • Maier, Max V. 2016. “The Internet of Things (Iot). What is the potential of Internet of Things applications for consumer marketing?”, 7th IBA Bachelor Thesis Conference, July 1st, 2016, Enschede, The Netherlands.
  • Marquier, J., Lee, N.-C., Jeon, Y.-G., Kemos, A., & van der Berg, R. 2016. “The Internet of Things - Seizing the benefits and addressing the challenges”, Ministerial meeting on the digital economy. OECD digital economy papers, 252, 1-57
  • Miorandi, Daniele, Sicari, Sabrina, De Pellegrini, Francesco, & Chlamtac, Imrich. 2012. Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges”. Ad Hoc Networks, 10(7). 1497-1516.
  • Montgomery, Alan L., and Michael D. Smith. 2009. "Prospects for Personalization on the Internet." Journal of Interactive Marketing 23(2): 130-137.
  • Morgan, Jacob. 2014. “A Simple Explanation Of 'The Internet Of Things” Erişim Tarihi: 28.06.2018,
  • Narver, John C., and Stanley F. Slater. 1990. "The effect of a market orientation on business profitability." The Journal of marketing, 20-35.
  • Openshaw, Eric, Wigginton, Craig, Hagel, John, Brown, John Seely, Wooll, Maggie, & Banerjee, Preeta. 2014. “The internet of things ecosystem: Unlocking the business value of connected devices”. Deloitte.
  • Porter, Michael E., and James E. Heppelmann. 2014. “How Smart, connected products are transforming competition”. Harvard Business Review, 92(11): 64-88.
  • Roblek, Vasja, Maja Meško, and Alojz Krapež. 2016. "A complex view of industry 4.0." Sage Open” 6(2),1-11.
  • Ruan, Junhu, and Yan Shi. 2016. “Monitoring and assessing fruit freshness in IOT-based e-commerce delivery using scenario analysis and interval number approaches”. Information Sciences, 373: 557-570.
  • Shahzad, Khurram, and Mattias O'Nils. 2018. "Condition Monitoring in Industry 4.0-Design Challenges and Possibilities: A Case Study." Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT. IEEE, 101-106.
  • Sicari, Sabrina, Rizzardi, Alessandra, Grieco, Luigi Alfredo & Coen-Porisini, Alberto. 2015. "Security, privacy and trust in Internet of Things: The road ahead." Computer networks, 76: 146-164.
  • Soldatos John K., Gusmeroli, Sergio, Malo, Pedro & Di Orio, Giovanni. 2016. “Internet of Things Applications in Future Manufacturing”. In O.Vermesan, P. Friess (Eds.), Digitising Industry - Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds, 153-183, River Publishers.
  • Sommer, Lutz. 2015. Industrial revolution-industry 4.0: Are German manufacturing SMEs the first victims of this revolution?, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 8 (5), 1512-1532.
  • Stojkic, Zeljko, Ivica Veza, and Igor Bosnjak. 2015. "A concept of information system implementation (CRM and ERP) within industry 4.0." Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings, 912-920.
  • TÜSİAD. 2016. Türkiye'nin küresel rekabetçiliği için bir gereklilik olarak Sanayi 4.0: gelişmekte olan ekonomi perspektifi raporu, Mart: Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2016-03/576
  • De Vass, Tharaka, and Himanshu Shee. 2018. “The effect of Internet of Things on supply chain integration and performance: An organisational capability perspective”. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22: 1-29.
  • Vassileva, Bistra, and Yordan Ivanov. 2017. "“3G” Business Model for Marketing 4.0: Implications for Circular Economy." Journal of Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management 1(1): 124-134.
  • Ventura, Keti. 2018. “Potentials of IoT as a marketing tool: Opportunities vs. challenges”, In E. E. Başar, A. Erciş and S Ünal (Eds.), The Virtual World and Marketing, 67-83, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Westerlund, Mika, Seppo Leminen, and Mervi Rajahonka. 2014. “Designing business models for the Internet of Things”. Technology Innovation Management Review, 4(7): 5-14.
  • Wortmann, Felix and Flüchter, Kristina. 2015. Internet of Things. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(3): 221-224.
  • Xia, Feng, Yang, Laurence T., Wang, Lizhe, & Vinel, Alexey. 2012. “Internet of Things”. International Journal of Communication Systems, 25(9): 1101-1102.
  • Xiaoyu Yu, Bang Nguyen, Yi Chen. 2016. "Internet of things capability and alliance: Entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and product and process innovation", Internet Research, Vol. 26(2), 402-434.
  • Yang, Chen, Lan, Shulin, Shen, Weiming, Huang, George Q., Wang, Xianbin, Lin, Tingyu. 2017. “Towards product customization and personalization in IoT-enabled cloud manufacturing”. Cluster Computing, 20(2): 1717-1730.
  • Yıldırım, Ali, & Şimşek, Hasan. 2008. Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, 7. Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Yu, Xiaoyu, Bang Nguyen, and Yi Chen. 2016. "Internet of things capability and alliance: entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and product and process innovation." Internet Research 26(2): 402-434.
  • Yükselen, Cemal. 2006. Pazarlama Araştırmaları. 3. Baskı, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Zaslavsky, Arkady, Charith Perera, and Dimitrios Georgakopoulos. 2013. “Sensing as a Service and Big Data”. International Conference on Advances in Cloud Computing (ACC), Bangalore, India, 21-29.
  • Zhong, Hongye, and Jitian Xiao. 2015. “Big Data Analytics On Customer Behaviors with Kinect Sensor Network”. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), 6(2), 36-47.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Keti Ventura 0000-0002-6422-0518

İnanç Kabasakal 0000-0003-0098-0144

Fatma Demircan Keskin 0000-0002-7000-4731

Haluk Soyuer Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3038-0828

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 56

Kaynak Göster

APA Ventura, K., Kabasakal, İ., Demircan Keskin, F., Soyuer, H. (2019). Pazar ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 14(56), 507-521.
AMA Ventura K, Kabasakal İ, Demircan Keskin F, Soyuer H. Pazar ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. Ekim 2019;14(56):507-521.
Chicago Ventura, Keti, İnanç Kabasakal, Fatma Demircan Keskin, ve Haluk Soyuer. “Pazar Ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14, sy. 56 (Ekim 2019): 507-21.
EndNote Ventura K, Kabasakal İ, Demircan Keskin F, Soyuer H (01 Ekim 2019) Pazar ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14 56 507–521.
IEEE K. Ventura, İ. Kabasakal, F. Demircan Keskin, ve H. Soyuer, “Pazar ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 56, ss. 507–521, 2019.
ISNAD Ventura, Keti vd. “Pazar Ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi 14/56 (Ekim 2019), 507-521.
JAMA Ventura K, Kabasakal İ, Demircan Keskin F, Soyuer H. Pazar ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14:507–521.
MLA Ventura, Keti vd. “Pazar Ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi”. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, c. 14, sy. 56, 2019, ss. 507-21.
Vancouver Ventura K, Kabasakal İ, Demircan Keskin F, Soyuer H. Pazar ve Müşteri Yönlü IoT (Internet of Things-Nesnelerin İnterneti) Uygulamalarının İş Yazılımları Kapsamında Analizi. Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi. 2019;14(56):507-21.