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Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century)

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 930 - 941, 31.12.2023


The article provides a retrospective analysis of the ways, mechanisms, and methods of development of atheism in Uzbekistan in the 30s of the twentieth century. It is explained how in the complex process of the formation of the communist worldview it influenced the consciousness of people and what an important role the atheistic education of the peoples of the former states of the USSR played. The struggle against religion is a necessary circumstance for building a socialist society. Modern Soviet atheist literature included studies aimed at a deeper understanding of the issue of scientific atheism and a precise definition of its place in the system of social and natural sciences, especially in the system of philosophical knowledge. Currently, the study of the connection between the theory and practice of atheism and the development of general problems of communist education is intensifying. Soviet philosophers who study the problems of the theory of scientific atheism face a difficult consequently: to find out how the content of scientific atheism, the forms and methods of its dissemination reflected those profound transformations in all spheres of people’s lives that took place in a developed socialist society. One of the results of the development of our country along the socialist path, which predetermined enormous socio-economic and cultural transformations, is the formation and steady growth of mass atheism. The disappearance of antagonistic classes in Soviet Union has led to the fact that the edge of the class struggle is turned outward. An enormous role in the spread of scientific atheism is played by the ideological activity of the Communist Party. Finally, the nature of the development of mass atheism, the content, forms, and methods of its propaganda has been and is being exerted and continues to be exerted by the political position of religious organizations. Questions of the formation of the Marxist-Leninist worldview are constantly at the center of the Party’s ideological and educational work, an important part of which is atheistic education. During the development of atheism, it? was associated with the activities of the Union of Militant Atheists, which arose from the cells of the society of friends of the newspaper "Bezbozhnik". The Union of Militant Atheists made a great contribution to the development of the theory and practice of anti-religious propaganda. Problem statement: The article focuses on the main question: what was the goal of the Communist Party for the development of atheistic ideology? With the help of what methods and mechanisms did they want to degrade the ideological worldview of the peoples of Central Asia? What role did the intelligentsia of Uzbekistan play in the spread of atheistic ideologies? Goal: study and analysis of the socio-political consequences of the spread of atheist ideology in Uzbekistan. Investigating the psychological impact of atheist ideology on the consciousness of the people of Uzbekistan. The aim of the study is to determine the concept of Atheism itself and to establish its relationship and mutual influence with the concepts of secular and religious culture, science, philosophy, religious tolerance, free thought, humanism, skepticism, and materialism, which have not been studied sufficiently to date. Method and outputs: Analysis with the help of what methods and mechanisms the leadership of the Communist Party propagated the ataxic worldview and ideology. To clarify this, methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, and deduction were used.


  • Aliyev, Ismail Zoda. “Uraza &Ramazan”. Journal the Atheist 9/10 (1932), 45- 46.
  • Aliyev, Shuxrat. “Uraza is a Weapon of the Class Enemy”. Journal the Atheist 3 (1933), 16- 24.
  • Aliyev, Shuxrat. “October and Religion”. Journal the Atheists 9/10, (1932), 45-46.
  • Bagaev, Xurshid. “Religion and the Danger of War”. Journal the Atheist 2 (1932), 12 - 20.
  • Gordleyevsky, Igor. “The Cult of Saints in Islam”. Journal the Atheist 1 (1938), 46-47.
  • Kadyrov, Xamid. “The Sufism (Mysticism) and Bourgeois-Nationalist Counter-Revolution”. Journal the Atheist 8 (1932), 3-7.
  • Klimovich, Ilya. Islam. Moscow: Publishing House, Knowledge, 1962.
  • Lepeshkin, Alexander. “Program of the CPSU and Some Questions of the Theory of The Socialist State”. Journal Soviet state and law 2 (1932), 12-13.
  • Mazitova, Tamara. The Highest Standard of Living. Tashkent: Publishing house, Knowledge, 1962.
  • Mukhammedov, Anvar. “Islamism is a Tool for the Exploitation of Labor Power in the Hands of the Imperialists”. Journal the Atheist 4 (1932), 31 - 33.
  • Volkov, Mixail. On the Ideological Work of the CPSU: Collection, Documents. Moscow: Politizdat. 1977.
  • Quartz, Peter. Questions of the Political Organization of Soviet Society. Moscow: Publishing house, Knowledge, 1962.
  • Petrov, Ivan. “Scientific Atheism”. Questions of history 58/9 (1967), 3-11.
  • Shahranı, M. Nazıf. “Islam and the Political Culture of “Scientific atheism” in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Future Predıcament.” Islamic Studies 33/2-3 (1994), 4.
  • Tannenbaum, Vladimir. “About the Features of the Nationwide State”. Jounal Soviet state and law 2 (1932), 32-33.
  • Tokarev, Sergei Alexandrovich. Religions of Different Peoples in the Past and Present. Moscow: Publishing house, Knowledge, 1961.
  • Tokhtamyshev, Xakim. “October and Religion”. Journal the Atheist 1 (1931), 17-18.
  • Uzbekistan Archive (CCCPU). “Party Archive Under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan”. Communist Party Archive of Uzbekistan, Fund 58, no 629. (1929), 78.
  • Uzbekistan Archive (CCCPU). “Party Archive Under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan”. Communist Party Archive of Uzbekistan, Fund number 58, no 629. (1931), 79.
  • William K. Medlin et al.. Education and Development in Central Asia: A Case Study of Social Change in Uzbekistan. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1971.
  • Yur, Arbat. “Counter-Revolutionary Under the Mask of “Jakhriya”. Newspaper Pravda Vostoka 1 (1935). 32.

Özbekistan'da Bilimsel Ateizm Gelişiminin Retrospektif Analizi (XX. Yüzyılın 30'larında)

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3, 930 - 941, 31.12.2023


Makale, yirminci yüzyılın 30’lu yıllarında Özbekistan’da ateizmin gelişme yollarının, mekanizmalarının ve yöntemlerinin geriye dönük bir analizini sunmaktadır. Özellikle o dönemin komünist dünya görüşünün insanların bilincini nasıl etkilediği ve SSCB'nin eski devletlerinin halklarının ateist eğitiminin ne kadar önemli bir rol oynadığı makalenin ana içeriğini oluşturmaktadır. Dinle mücadele, sosyalist bir toplum inşa etmek için gerekli bir durumdur. O dönemde dini fanatizm ve hurafeler kitlelerin siyasi bilincinin yükselmesine ve sosyalist inşaya aktif katılımlarına engel oluyormuş gibi gösteriliyordu. Modern Sovyet ateist literatüründe, bilimsel ateizm konusunun daha derinlemesine anlaşılması ve sosyal ve doğa bilimleri sistemindeki, özellikle felsefi bilgi sistemindeki yerinin kesin bir tanımına yönelik çalışmalar yer almaktaydı. Bilimsel ateizm teorisinin sorunlarını inceleyen Sovyet filozofları sonuç olarak zor bir zorlukla karşı karşıyadır: Bilimsel ateizmin içeriğinin, yayılma biçimlerinin ve yöntemlerinin, gelişmiş bir dünyada meydana gelen insanların yaşamlarının tüm alanlarındaki derin dönüşümleri nasıl yansıttığını bulmak sosyalist toplum için önemliydi. Ülkemizin muazzam sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel dönüşümleri önceden belirleyen sosyalist yolda gelişmesinin sonuçlarından biri de kitlesel ateizmin oluşması ve istikrarlı bir şekilde büyümesidir. Sovyetler Birliği'nde karşıt sınıfların ortadan kalkması, sınıf mücadelesinin sınırlarının dışa dönük olmasına yol açmıştır. Bilimsel ateizmin yayılmasında Komünist Partinin ideolojik faaliyeti çok büyük bir rol oynuyor. Son olarak, kitlesel ateizmin gelişiminin doğası, propagandasının içeriği, biçimleri ve yöntemleri, dini örgütlerin siyasi konumu tarafından uygulanmış ve uygulanmakta ve uygulanmaya devam etmektedir. Marksist-Leninist dünya görüşünün oluşumuna ilişkin sorunlar, önemli bir kısmı ateist eğitim olan Partinin ideolojik ve eğitimsel çalışmasının sürekli merkezinde yer almaktadır. Ateizmin gelişmesi sırasında ‘Tanrısızlar’ gazetesinin dostları topluluğunun hücrelerinden doğan Militan Ateistler Birliği’nin faaliyetleriyle ilişkilendirildi. Militan Ateistler Birliği, din karşıtı propagandanın teori ve pratiğinin geliştirilmesine büyük katkı sağladı. Problemin ele alınışı: Makale şu ana soruya odaklanıyor: Komünist Partinin ateist ideolojiyi geliştirmedeki amacı neydi? Orta Asya halklarının ideolojik dünya görüşünü hangi yöntem ve mekanizmalarla bozmak istediler? Özbekistan aydınları ateist ideolojilerin yayılmasında nasıl bir rol oynadı? Amaç: Özbekistan’da ateist ideolojinin yayılmasının sosyo-politik sonuçlarının incelenmesi ve analizi. Ateist ideolojinin Özbekistan halkının bilinci üzerindeki psikolojik etkisinin araştırmak. Özbekistan'daki kitlesel ateizmin sosyal epistemolojik ve psikolojik kökenlerinin araştırılması. Çalışmanın amacı, Ateizm kavramının kendisini belirlemek, bugüne kadar yeterince çalışılmamış olan laik ve dini kültür, bilim, felsefe, dini hoşgörü, özgür düşünce, hümanizm, şüphecilik, materyalizm kavramlarıyla ilişkisini ve karşılıklı etkisini kurmak. Yöntem ve çıktılar. Komünist Parti liderliğinin ataksik dünya görüşünü ve ideolojiyi hangi yöntem ve mekanizmalarla yaydığını analiz etme. Bunu açıklığa kavuşturmak için analiz, sentez, genelleme, tümevarım ve tümdengelim yöntemleri kullanıldı.


  • Aliyev, Ismail Zoda. “Uraza &Ramazan”. Journal the Atheist 9/10 (1932), 45- 46.
  • Aliyev, Shuxrat. “Uraza is a Weapon of the Class Enemy”. Journal the Atheist 3 (1933), 16- 24.
  • Aliyev, Shuxrat. “October and Religion”. Journal the Atheists 9/10, (1932), 45-46.
  • Bagaev, Xurshid. “Religion and the Danger of War”. Journal the Atheist 2 (1932), 12 - 20.
  • Gordleyevsky, Igor. “The Cult of Saints in Islam”. Journal the Atheist 1 (1938), 46-47.
  • Kadyrov, Xamid. “The Sufism (Mysticism) and Bourgeois-Nationalist Counter-Revolution”. Journal the Atheist 8 (1932), 3-7.
  • Klimovich, Ilya. Islam. Moscow: Publishing House, Knowledge, 1962.
  • Lepeshkin, Alexander. “Program of the CPSU and Some Questions of the Theory of The Socialist State”. Journal Soviet state and law 2 (1932), 12-13.
  • Mazitova, Tamara. The Highest Standard of Living. Tashkent: Publishing house, Knowledge, 1962.
  • Mukhammedov, Anvar. “Islamism is a Tool for the Exploitation of Labor Power in the Hands of the Imperialists”. Journal the Atheist 4 (1932), 31 - 33.
  • Volkov, Mixail. On the Ideological Work of the CPSU: Collection, Documents. Moscow: Politizdat. 1977.
  • Quartz, Peter. Questions of the Political Organization of Soviet Society. Moscow: Publishing house, Knowledge, 1962.
  • Petrov, Ivan. “Scientific Atheism”. Questions of history 58/9 (1967), 3-11.
  • Shahranı, M. Nazıf. “Islam and the Political Culture of “Scientific atheism” in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Future Predıcament.” Islamic Studies 33/2-3 (1994), 4.
  • Tannenbaum, Vladimir. “About the Features of the Nationwide State”. Jounal Soviet state and law 2 (1932), 32-33.
  • Tokarev, Sergei Alexandrovich. Religions of Different Peoples in the Past and Present. Moscow: Publishing house, Knowledge, 1961.
  • Tokhtamyshev, Xakim. “October and Religion”. Journal the Atheist 1 (1931), 17-18.
  • Uzbekistan Archive (CCCPU). “Party Archive Under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan”. Communist Party Archive of Uzbekistan, Fund 58, no 629. (1929), 78.
  • Uzbekistan Archive (CCCPU). “Party Archive Under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan”. Communist Party Archive of Uzbekistan, Fund number 58, no 629. (1931), 79.
  • William K. Medlin et al.. Education and Development in Central Asia: A Case Study of Social Change in Uzbekistan. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1971.
  • Yur, Arbat. “Counter-Revolutionary Under the Mask of “Jakhriya”. Newspaper Pravda Vostoka 1 (1935). 32.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Karşılaştırmalı Dini Araştırmalar

Dilmurod Ernazarov 0000-0002-9669-6166

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 22 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ernazarov, D. (2023). Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century). Kader, 21(3), 930-941.
AMA Ernazarov D. Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century). Kader. Aralık 2023;21(3):930-941. doi:10.18317/kaderdergi.1387984
Chicago Ernazarov, Dilmurod. “Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century)”. Kader 21, sy. 3 (Aralık 2023): 930-41.
EndNote Ernazarov D (01 Aralık 2023) Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century). Kader 21 3 930–941.
IEEE D. Ernazarov, “Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century)”, Kader, c. 21, sy. 3, ss. 930–941, 2023, doi: 10.18317/kaderdergi.1387984.
ISNAD Ernazarov, Dilmurod. “Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century)”. Kader 21/3 (Aralık 2023), 930-941.
JAMA Ernazarov D. Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century). Kader. 2023;21:930–941.
MLA Ernazarov, Dilmurod. “Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century)”. Kader, c. 21, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 930-41, doi:10.18317/kaderdergi.1387984.
Vancouver Ernazarov D. Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Scientific Atheism in Uzbekistan (In the 30s of the XXth Century). Kader. 2023;21(3):930-41.